The rollout of Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak's transit plan went off the rails Sunday when his photo-opportunity was broken up by TTC cops.
Mr. Hudak, his entourage and reporters covering the announcement were ejected from the Toronto subway by transit security after the Tories failed to clear the event with the TTC, which bans campaign events in the system and requires permits for filming on transit property.
the Tory campaign team struggled to respond to the debacle. While Mr. Hudak and his spokesman apologized, the party instead blamed unionized TTC workers for deliberately spoiling the day
“CUPE workers stop Tim Hudak photo op on the TTC. They are only interested themselves, not fixing transit for commuters,” the Ontario PC Party’s official account tweeted.
Mr. Hudak eventually managed to stage his announcement on a bridge overlooking the Davisville subway yards, where he promised to build a new Toronto subway line from Dundas West to Pape, passing through the southern end of downtown. He also re-iterated an earlier pledge to put the TTC subway under the province's control and marry it with the GO regional rail network.
Mr. Hudak, for his part, smiled awkwardly as the scene unfolded.