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Capcom announced Resident Evil 4 for PS2

Buggy Loop

GSG Flash said:
It's all over for the cube now, i'm a fan of Nintendo but I sadly have to say if there was no new Zelda games, an Xbox would be in the place of the cube right now.

Its all over for the cube? Wait, you're telling me that when RE4 will hit this january, you wont buy it? Because its not exclusive? Wtf is that kind of mentality, GC will be getting RE4 a long time before Ps2 and lets not even begin with graphics, if ps2 couldnt handle Viewtiful Joe i cant even begin to imagine what they'll cut down for RE4. This news is good for PS2 only gamers, those who own a gamecube or both ps2 and GC, i dont see what this change.

/slaps GSG for not mentioning Fire emblem GC


Father_Brain said:
Can someone with an Insider subscription tell me what Matt and Fran are saying on the GCNGB? I'm curious.

They are saying anything at the moment. Matt gave the update about Capcom USA confirming the decision, but he hasn't commented further. Fran hasn't posted at all from what I can tell. You realy can't blame them if either doesn't want to post on the boards--the board is being overrun with trolls and overdramatic reactions.
ge-man said:
They are saying anything at the moment. Matt gave the update about Capcom USA confirming the decision, but he hasn't commented further. Fran hasn't posted at all from what I can tell. You realy can't blame them if either doesn't want to post on the boards--the board is being overrun with trolls and overdramatic reactions.

Fran, Matt, and Peer all commented on this check it again.

Buggy Loop

I've read a post from matt, seems like he'll be ranting tonight at IGN :p

Fact: Nintendo loses more console marketshare with each generation.

Fact: Xbox sales are higher than GameCube sales in the US, despite that Microsoft is a newcomer to the videogame arena.

Fact: Nintendo lost money during a quarter last year for the first time in company history.

Fact: Nintendo's handheld business far outperforms its console business.

Fact: Nintendo has remained largely unchallenged in the handheld arena.

Fact: Nintendo stock took a dive when Sony announced it was developing PSP.

Just some facts to consider.

These facts do not mean Nintendo won't make a profit in the next-generation. But I don't think it's going to be able to fall back on the handheld market, which it has monopolized for years, going forward.

And anybody who still blindly claims Nintendo will always be profitable because it knows what it's doing, seriously, you need to wake up.


I don't see how this is a big deal in the end.

Many of the big third-party platform exclusives find new life a few months later on another platform. Metal Gear Solid 2 came to Xbox. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City did, too. Viewtiful Joe went to PS2.

I can see how it bums out GameCube owners that another exclusive slipped away, but I think it should bum you out more that the reverse is pretty much never true.


I happen to agree with both posts, except im a tad more optimistic for DS' success.


ge-man said:
They are saying anything at the moment. Matt gave the update about Capcom USA confirming the decision, but he hasn't commented further. Fran hasn't posted at all from what I can tell. You realy can't blame them if either doesn't want to post on the boards--the board is being overrun with trolls and overdramatic reactions.

One of the topics: "Did you cry when you heard RE4 was going to PS2? Be Honest..."

Buggy Loop

Oh and Mikami should carefully consider his comments in the future

RE-make is already released and Resident Evil 0 is coming soon, after that Resident Evil 4. Isn't it Mr. Mikami?

S: Yes.... but I don't think I can say something about Resident Evil 4 yet, young staffs struggling to make good one, so it is changing everyday. Of course I am checking what is going on, but we really don't know what is going to happen.

The only thing I can tell you now is Resident Evil 4 will definitely release only on GameCube, not on another console, if it happens, I will cut my head off.



Cmon mikami, at least make it a cameo in RE4, a villager with your face skin that gets its head cut off by the chainsaw guy :D

Kon Tiki

Many of the big third-party platform exclusives find new life a few months later on another platform. Metal Gear Solid 2 came to Xbox. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City did, too. Viewtiful Joe went to PS2.

Yes but neither MGS2 nor GTA:DP came to Gamecube. ;)
There, there


Buggy Loop said:
The only thing I can tell you now is Resident Evil 4 will definitely release only on GameCube, not on another console, if it happens, I will cut my head off.

This sounds like a win-win situation to me!


Will start substantiating his hate
ge-man said:
Let's hope that's the case, though I'm having a hard time imagining what they could've traded for.
Next gen support. Perhaps RE5 will come out for Revolution as well as PS3. Cube is as good as dead anyway so realistically RE4 going multiplatform won't hurt them much. All speculation of course.


Will start substantiating his hate
wipeout364 said:
Frankly RE should be on the PS2. I think it was a slap in the face to the community who made those games a success on the PS1 that CAPCOM put tjem on the cube.
So I guess you're pretty pissed that franchises like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest were moved to PlayStation?
Miburou said:
N64 >> GC

What colour is the sky in your world? Nah, fair enough if thats your view... after all...


Mario 64 > Mario Sunshine
Ocarina of Time > Wind Waker

but I don't necessarily agree there. Yes it had Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Conker and a few other gems.

But by the end of this gen:

RPGs: N64 had Quest 64. Gamecube has Lost Kingdoms / Rune I & II, Phantasy Star Online I, II & III, Skies of Arcadia, Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos and the lost ocean etc.

Racing games: N64 had sanfrancisco rush, ridge racer and F Zero. Gamecube has Need for Speed Underground I & II, Street Racing Syndicate, R:Racing, V Rally 3 (PAL), F Zero GX, Mario Kart Double Dash!! and more.

Fighting games: Gamecube had Bloody Roar, Dragonball Z Budokai I & II, Naruto I, II & III, Soul Calibur II featuring Link.

Action adventure games: Not just Zelda and Goemon. Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Beyond Good & Evil, Zelda: The Wind Waker, Metal Arms: Glitch in the System... cross genre games

like FPS/FPA: Metroid Prime, Timesplitters 2, Timesplitters 3 Future Perfect, XIII, Serious Sam: Next Encounter, Die Hard Vendetta, other lesser FPS.

stealth games: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Second Sight, Splinter Cell, Pandora Tomorrow etc.

survival horror: 3 years of non-spin-off Resident Evil series exclusivity - resident evil, resident evil 0, ports of 2/3/CV, Resident Evil 4 almost a year before any other version, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.

Party games: Monkey Ball I & II, several Mario Party games, Wario Ware Mega Party Games, Worms World Party, Mario Kart: Double Dash!!,

Other... games like The Sims, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, Giftpia, Animal Crossing, Ikaruga, Chaos Field, Odama, Geist, PN03, Killer 7

There may not be as many damn-near-perfect games, but there are much more great ones. The N64 is, in my view, total SHIT compared to Nintendo Gamecube. In any context.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
radioheadrule83 said:
There may not be as many damn-near-perfect games, but there are much more great ones. The N64 is, in my view, total SHIT compared to Nintendo Gamecube. In any context.

I mostly agree with you except for the FPS part, the 64 IMO completely owns the cube in the FPS department.


Will start substantiating his hate
N64 had more memorable games and was THE platform to own for platformers and (console) FPS. GameCube doesn't excel in any genre but it does have more of everything. It's more mainstream than N64 but unfortunately not quite as mainstream as PS2 and Xbox which has hurt it. N64 OTOH managed to create a niche for itself.


cybamerc said:
N64 had more memorable games and was THE platform to own for platformers and (console) FPS. GameCube doesn't excel in any genre but it does have more of everything. It's more mainstream than N64 but unfortunately not quite as mainstream as PS2 and Xbox which has hurt it. N64 OTOH managed to create a niche for itself.

Good point. I think another one of their failings was giving in to the pressure to release games in a timely fashion. It's clear that they teams work best on a loose schedule. Unfortunately, this lesson is being learned to late in the game.


Society said:
Metal gear? Since when does Nintendo claim that? MSX made Metal Gear what it is, not NES.

Oh yeah I am sure MSX made Metal Gear popular? If anything it was the NES that boosted the great start of that franchise. And where does it say that Nintendo claimed it?


RE4 on PS2 is a great move by Capcom.

But I will join the forces and buy it for the GC this January (or whenever it's released in Europe).

Kon Tiki

SantaCruZer said:
Oh yeah I am sure MSX made Metal Gear popular? If anything it was the NES that boosted the great start of that franchise. And where does it say that Nintendo claimed it?
You implied that Metal Gear was loyal to NES. When it was not even an NES franchise to begin with.


Society said:
You implied that Metal Gear was loyal to NES. When it was not even an NES franchise to begin with.

No what I implied was that metal gear went from a nintendo console to a sony console. Which was what I discussed when someone brought up that Resident Evil belongs to sony.

Kon Tiki

SantaCruZer said:
No what I implied was that metal gear went from a nintendo console to a sony console. Which was what I discussed when someone brought up that Resident Evil belongs to sony.

A short stop over on the NES. ;)

Kon Tiki

SantaCruZer said:
2 NES games and 1 gameboy color game right? :)

btw gotta love habs even though they are not myf av team.

1 NES game Snake's Revenge was umm meant as a joke. The GBC game, correct me if I am wrong, was called Metal Gear Solid and came after the move to Playstation.


Society said:
1 NES game Snake's Revenge was umm meant as a joke. The GBC game, correct me if I am wrong, was called Metal Gear Solid and came after the move to Playstation.

You are right, but how was snakes revenge a joke? I don't remember. But I loved the original one on NES.




UltimateMarioMan said:
What will Capcom do if this angers Mikami enough that he quits?

Then Mikami quits.

It'd be funny if Mikami has a huge idea for a great game if he joined another company like Nintendo, and it ended up like the next GTA. :D

Kon Tiki

SantaCruZer said:
You are right, but how was snakes revenge a joke? I don't remember. But I loved the original one on NES.


Find a fan subbed Metal gear 2: Solid Snake and a MSX emulator. You will be shocked how much it resembles MGS.


Then Mikami quits.

It'd be funny if Mikami has a huge idea for a great game if he joined another company like Nintendo, and it ended up like the next GTA. :D

OMG then Nintendo would win and we could finally rejoice!! ROOFLES
Bob White said:
"Mario 128 at E3 2004" - Shigeru Miyamoto

Fuck Nintendo, fuck DS, fuck everything about gamecube! All I fucking WANTED was a new PROPER Mario game. What do they show? Another fucking zelda game that, though it looks GREAT, will most likely be ANOTHER FUCKING CAKE WALK!

Fuck you, Nintendo! I hope you all fucking BURN for lying about Mario 128!

Good move Capcom. Those old japanese men from Nintendo are STILL out of touch and I hope more and more bad hit happen to them.

"Mario 128 at E3 2004" - Shigeru Miyamoto

Lying motherfucker.
lol! How do you really feel?


UltimateMarioMan said:
The forum would EXPLODE! :D

Yeah, and the game would contain a "Fuck you Capcom" monicker somewhere in it.

I'd just spend the rest of my life laughing if that happened. :D

Deku Tree

Mikami should quit. If he loves Nintendo as much as he claims, then instead of cutting his head off he should just quit and join forces with Nintendo.


radioheadrule83 said:
What colour is the sky in your world? Nah, fair enough if thats your view... after all...


Mario 64 > Mario Sunshine
Ocarina of Time > Wind Waker

but I don't necessarily agree there. Yes it had Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Conker and a few other gems.

But by the end of this gen:

RPGs: N64 had Quest 64. Gamecube has Lost Kingdoms / Rune I & II, Phantasy Star Online I, II & III, Skies of Arcadia, Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos and the lost ocean etc.

Racing games: N64 had sanfrancisco rush, ridge racer and F Zero. Gamecube has Need for Speed Underground I & II, Street Racing Syndicate, R:Racing, V Rally 3 (PAL), F Zero GX, Mario Kart Double Dash!! and more.

Fighting games: Gamecube had Bloody Roar, Dragonball Z Budokai I & II, Naruto I, II & III, Soul Calibur II featuring Link.

Action adventure games: Not just Zelda and Goemon. Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Beyond Good & Evil, Zelda: The Wind Waker, Metal Arms: Glitch in the System... cross genre games

like FPS/FPA: Metroid Prime, Timesplitters 2, Timesplitters 3 Future Perfect, XIII, Serious Sam: Next Encounter, Die Hard Vendetta, other lesser FPS.

stealth games: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Second Sight, Splinter Cell, Pandora Tomorrow etc.

survival horror: 3 years of non-spin-off Resident Evil series exclusivity - resident evil, resident evil 0, ports of 2/3/CV, Resident Evil 4 almost a year before any other version, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.

Party games: Monkey Ball I & II, several Mario Party games, Wario Ware Mega Party Games, Worms World Party, Mario Kart: Double Dash!!,

Other... games like The Sims, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, Giftpia, Animal Crossing, Ikaruga, Chaos Field, Odama, Geist, PN03, Killer 7

There may not be as many damn-near-perfect games, but there are much more great ones. The N64 is, in my view, total SHIT compared to Nintendo Gamecube. In any context.
God bless you, List Wars. Desperate times, when a console is pitted against its predecessor.

Kon Tiki

Deku Tree said:
Mikami should quit. If he loves Nintendo as much as he claims, then instead of cutting his head off he should just quit and join forces with Nintendo.
And bring Yuji Naka with him. :)
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