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Capcom announced Resident Evil 4 for PS2


Meier said:
Poor Nintendo. Not only is Capcom dicking them by porting it, they're announcing it over a year in advance of its release which will hurt sales of the Cube release. Doubly owned.

Seriously, WTF?

Capcom Bighead #1: Hey, I think we've had enough fun fucking with MS and the Xbox.

Capcom Bighead #2: Yea, what can we do to really piss off Nintendo now?

Capcom Bighead #1: I know! RE4 for PS2! Genius!

Capcom Bighead #2: I'll go grab the money hats.
besides the WTF? factor, how exactly IS capcom doing this? didn't nintendo sign an exclusivitiy agreement with them back when re was being redone for gamecube? that all the "main" sequence games, eg the numbered ones, would be exclusive? im guessing the contract or whatever runs out sometime next year, with enough leeway to get it out. very sneaky like that, it seems.


drohne said:
depends on how close it is to completion, i'd think. if it's slated for late next year, there's probably little point in releasing it on gamecube. and nintendo certainly weren't shy about moving late n64 games to the next platform.

I think Nintendo will try making the GC a budget platform from here on out. Release stuff like Jungle Beat, Fire Emblem, and other things that generate revenue at low cost. Focus on DS and Revolution. There's no point in having your biggest exclusive (and this new one is pretty damn big) remain on a dying platform. Judging by the E3 trailer, I don't think it's too late to start retooling it for N5.

Super Mario "128" and Legend of Zelda XII for launch.

The Gamecube is dead.


Troidal said:
Gamecube, now you are alone, where's your third party support? Huh?
Right here:
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life For Girls

For all the images posted in this thread, has there been a single post yet to justify them? Well done, GAF!

Though you just know it'll transform into a retard-fest between dark10x and olimario by Page 4.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Wow. After repeating SO many times that it's never going to show on anything but GC, Capcom now does this.

It will look worse though!!!
Probably, but who knows. People were saying VJ port would turn out to look like crap, but look what happened, and how nicely it was ported.


Resident Evil Outbreak would have sold millions if the GameCube didn't have RE0-4 locked up, too bad Capcom waited this long.


The ONLY Gamecube exclusive third party game worth salt is coming to the PS2. Damn, Nintendo. Damn.

Just DAMN! The next big Gamecube exclusive is LATE 2005 (Zelda). This has killed a lot of momentum. Though I don't think it would have had a major effect on sales (Probably won't reach near 500K in any one territory) it would have served a slight bump in sales as past major GC exclusives had. I'm betting that the aforementioned bump is halved now.


hyperbolically metafictive
anyway, this is typical of capcom. they made a big show of claiming that they'd singlehandedly keep the dreamcast alive...and then supported it with a bunch of half-assed arcade ports. now, granted, i much prefer half-assed arcade ports to capcom's no-assed original console games, and those ports were probably the best thing dc had going. but they were never going to save the system. and obviously capcom are even less committed to saving the gamecube.


Mistaken iRobbery!
RiZ III said:
so.. how they hell are they going to put this on ps2? They had a hard time bring Code Veronica onto ps2.
Let Clover Studios do the port and not some outsourced Korean studio this time around.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Some people won't believe anything until IGN or Gamespot says it's true. I had people calling me a liar about the PSP pricing...until Gamespot posted the article. You could show them the press release from Capcom's website, they'll just sit there and do the best damage control they can. Like "Capcom's website was hacked" or "Halloween prank." :lol

Let those IGN fools believe whatever they want. You can't run from the three truths of life.

#1. Killzone sucks
#2. Resident Evil 4 is coming to the PS2...hard.
#3. Killzone sucks


Marconelly said:
Probably, but who knows. People were saying VJ port would turn out to look like crap, but look what happened, and how nicely it was ported.
Yeah, but they were stupid. VJ is hardly taxing (though the PS2 version still has its shortcomings).


works for Gamestop (lol)
01-16-2003, 12:19 PM
January 16, 2003 - Though Capcom Entertainment previously said that all of the "Capcom Five" games announced last November were in fact exclusive to GameCube, it called the information wrong, citing a miscommunication, at its annual Gamers' Day event in Las Vegas this week.
The five titles announced initially as GCN exclusive were Viewtiful Joe, Dead Phoenix, Killer 7, Product Number 0.3. and Resident Evil 4. Capcom US representatives clarified repeatedly, however, that only Resident Evil 4 is a definite GameCube exclusive, and that the other games may or may not be ported to other consoles at some point in the future.

More as it becomes available.

source | IGN



ImNotLikeThem said:
besides the WTF? factor, how exactly IS capcom doing this? didn't nintendo sign an exclusivitiy agreement with them back when re was being redone for gamecube? that all the "main" sequence games, eg the numbered ones, would be exclusive? im guessing the contract or whatever runs out sometime next year, with enough leeway to get it out. very sneaky like that, it seems.

I don't think I've ever seen any confirmation that Capcom signed any contract with Nintendo. I always thought that it was just that Mikami didn't like the PS2, sales of the RE series were declining, and Capcom thought making RE4 exclusive to the GC might bring a new audience to the game.


(more a nerd than a geek)
There is definately something odd about all this. I fully understand a PS2 port, but announcing it before the GC version is released? Announcing this just before the Christmas buying season?

When does the fiscal year end? What are the odds this was does to appease shareholders?

I don't think this will mean a massive decrease in GC sales of the game, though. Folks who want RE4 will still buy it this January... but it won't lead to an increase in GC sales over Christmas.


AniHawk said:
It might as well not come to the GC at all.

Agreed. If any game had even the remotest chance of selling systems, it was RE4. Now, most people will just wait for the PS2 version, which will, in typical Capcom fashion, have more material and updated everything.


The graphics are mind-blowing and I'm glad anytime there is a "mature" GC exclusive, but I wasn't really looking forward to RE4. I don't think it's going to sell very well on either console anyway. The mainstream audience quit caring about the RE franchise about 3 games ago.


I remember when THE ENTIRE RE SERIES was going to be remade, all exclusive to the Cube.

Then it was just one remake.

And straight ports.

And basically another remake RE:0.

Then RE sidestories on the PS2.

And then direct port of RE:4.

Well done Nintendo. You have no one to blame but yourself and your buisness management.


Culex said:
Agreed. If any game had even the remotest chance of selling systems, it was RE4. Now, most people will just wait for the PS2 version, which will, in typical Capcom fashion, have more material and updated everything.

Except graphics, which have never survived a port to the PS2.


The Amiga Brotherhood
RE4 coming to PS2 about a year later is a bit of a non-issue as far as the GC is concerned. It's still gonna sell, and it's still a very impressive game. And I think GC is long past the point where any game was going to really move systems (New Zelda being the only possible exception).

What is concerning is how Nintendo is going to go about getting all the 3rd parties back on board for Revolution. It looked like they were going to be a better position this time round than they were after the N64, but everything with GC has unravelled so quickly :-S


DavidDayton said:
There is definately something odd about all this. I fully understand a PS2 port, but announcing it before the GC version is released? Announcing this just before the Christmas buying season?
I agree. It's almost as if Nintendo has done something to piss them off and they're getting revenge. I wonder if something went sour with Minnish Cap.

When does the fiscal year end? What are the odds this was does to appease shareholders?
End of March next year, so I don't think it has anything to do with shareholders.

I don't think this will mean a massive decrease in GC sales of the game, though. Folks who want RE4 will still buy it this January... but it won't lead to an increase in GC sales over Christmas.
This is true... most RE fans already bought a GC because the game was announced as exclusive for that. RE fans are the worst treated in all of this. Still, no RE0 for PS2, I guess.


Nash said:
RE4 coming to PS2 about a year later is a bit of a non-issue as far as the GC is concerned. It's still gonna sell, and it's still a very impressive game.

What is concerning is how Nintendo is going to go about getting all the 3rd parties back on board for Revolution. It looked like they were going to be a better position this time round than they were after the N64, but everything with GC has unravelled so quickly :-S

Yeah, Nintendo needs to open the fucking war chest for once and stay aggressive next gen. No more being pussies in the industry if they even want to stay with the fanbase they have.


Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Culex said:
Viewtiful Joe was a near carbon copy of the GC version graphically.

Viewtiful Joe was never that impressive technically. I doubt it pushed even 1/4 of the polys that RE4 pushes.


Why couldn't Capcom wait till it was released for the GC!!!!!!

I mean god dammit, are you trying to hurt the chances of RE4 selling on the GC?
Wario64 said:
01-16-2003, 12:19 PM
January 16, 2003 - Though Capcom Entertainment previously said that all of the "Capcom Five" games announced last November were in fact exclusive to GameCube, it called the information wrong, citing a miscommunication, at its annual Gamers' Day event in Las Vegas this week.
The five titles announced initially as GCN exclusive were Viewtiful Joe, Dead Phoenix, Killer 7, Product Number 0.3. and Resident Evil 4. Capcom US representatives clarified repeatedly, however, that only Resident Evil 4 is a definite GameCube exclusive, and that the other games may or may not be ported to other consoles at some point in the future.

More as it becomes available.

source | IGN


lol... Here's another one

03-01-2004, 08:57 PM

Dorimaga interviewed the developers of Resident Evil 4 (Biohazard 4) in this week issue. The developers stated that RE4 is a totally new game and so frightening that they peed in their pants.
Lastly, the developers of Resident Evil 4 stated, there is no chance of this game being ported to any other consoles this generation or next.



I agree. It's almost as if Nintendo has done something to piss them off and they're getting revenge. I wonder if something went sour with Minnish Cap.

Nintendo pissing people off? What else is new considering their philosophy on the gaming industry.

Ranger X

First of all, an exclusive title on a less selling console is almost always "for some time" and that's all.
Capcom grabbed some money signing an exclusive with Nintendo, probably for one year or something, and then they are going to release it on PS2 and make a shitload of money (thanks to the userbase).
Capcom = smarter than you guys

>Maybe people tend to forget that the goal is to make money. Capcom ain't a savior of i don't know shit or there to preserve whatever for the beloved Nintendo or something; they are there to make money and money is made on the PS2.



(more a nerd than a geek)
Bishman said:
are you trying to hurt the chances of RE4 selling on the GC?

That's the only logical conclusion to make at this point, isn't it? There is no reason to announce it a late 2005 PS2 port a mere 2 months before the GC release, and right before the Christmas season. An announcement in March, or at e3, would have made sense... but now?

What does Capcom possibly stand to gain from this, other than potentially lower sales of the GC version? Are they somehow better off if a PS2 version sells, rather than a GC version?


Stages of Nintendo Damage control:

1) Denial

'OMG that is fake, lolol. Capcom said they wouldnt ... omg i bet some 1 hacked their site'

2) Rationalization

'Oh well the cube version will be out earlier and bettr .. omg!!!11'

3) Zelda

'We still go matchur Zelda!!111!!!'



Arcticfox said:
+1 WTF?!

I fully expected RE4 to be released on the PS2 in late 2005, but why in the world announce it now?

Someone please explain. How does this make sense from a marketing point of view? I can't think of anything reasonable.

Why couldn't they just send email to stockholders or like a private site?


I mean god dammit, are you trying to hurt the chances of RE4 selling on the GC?

I agree. The timing was the only thing silly about this smart decision by Capcom. You don't see Rockstar annoncing San Andreas for Xbox yet, and we all know that's bound to happen. My guess is they were trying to placate angry investers.


Wyzdom said:
First of all, an exclusive title on a less selling console is almost always "for some time" and that's all.
Capcom grabbed some money signing an exclusive with Nintendo, probably for one year or something, and then they are going to release it on PS2 and make a shitload of money (thanks to the userbase).
Capcom = smarter than you guys

Wyzdom, the majority of the bitching/wtfing comes from people wondering why Capcom wouldn't wait to maximize GC sales first, and then announce the port. Like how Namco did with ToS (Japan).


Capcom = dumber than us


I think people are missing the bigger picture here. This may bode well for those hoping for ports of REmake and RE:0 on the PS2.
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