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Capcom announced Resident Evil 4 for PS2


Holy Shit!
Well, the port will suck because the PS2 is assy!!
Haha! Well, at least it's comming out a year later!
Mikami hates the PS2 and this port is being done by a different team--garunteed to suck!
OMG bitches! I'm playing RE4 a YEAR before you!
What? A new playable character in the PS2 version?
Pfft. Old news. Beat the game months ago!
Really? Whatever, new game modes and characters mean nothing to an old game!
*cries in corner*

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Jonnyram said:
I agree. It's almost as if Nintendo has done something to piss them off and they're getting revenge. I wonder if something went sour with Minnish Cap.

Well Capcom did ask Nintendo to invest in them to bail them out of some financial trouble they were having but Nintendo flatly refused the offer. Capcom is, and always has been, one of the most prolific companies out there. I was really surprised when Nintendo turned them down. Maybe it goes back to that. Nintendo should have invested in them or bought them outright because they could really use them.


hyperbolically metafictive
i doubt there's any reason capcom couldn't port re4 to the ps2 accurately. it seems to rely on sheer polygonal detail, and i don't think gamecube is any stronger than the ps2 there. re4's textures are already ps2-esque, so they shouldn't suffer too much. where's olimario with his demento comparison shots?

...of course, that's not to say that they will port it accurately.

Deku Tree

Jonnyram said:
I agree. It's almost as if Nintendo has done something to piss them off and they're getting revenge. I wonder if something went sour with Minnish Cap.

You know capcom better than I do, but would they really "get revenge" on Nintendo by hurting the sales of their own game (and therefore hurting their own bottom line)?

Hypothetically speaking, what if the converse of this arguement is true?

Capcom: We want to release RE4 on the PS2.
Sony: Sure, but you must announce it before xmas so that PS2 owners will know about it before the GC version is released.
Capcom: Ok.

Ranger X

AniHawk said:
Wyzdom, the majority of the bitching/wtfing comes from people wondering why Capcom wouldn't wait to maximize GC sales first, and then announce the port. Like how Namco did with ToS (Japan).


Capcom = dumber than us

Well, i was more answering the to exitement of the first page. People seemed surprised about this move. It was written in the sky imo.
But yeah, from a marketing stand point it obviously don't really make sense. But i doubt GC/PS2 owners will wait for the PS2 release. They will buy the GC version anyway.


(more a nerd than a geek)
You know, if I remember correctly, the only Capcom folks who ever claimed this was GC exclusive were the development team... and Capcom management really doesn't care what they think, do they?

Still doesn't explain the insanely stupid TIMING of the announcement... unless they are planning to pull all GameCube development, but want an excuse. Poor sales of RE4 might do that.
Nash said:
RE4 coming to PS2 about a year later is a bit of a non-issue as far as the GC is concerned. It's still gonna sell, and it's still a very impressive game. And I think GC is long past the point where any game was going to really move systems (New Zelda being the only possible exception).

What is concerning is how Nintendo is going to go about getting all the 3rd parties back on board for Revolution. It looked like they were going to be a better position this time round than they were after the N64, but everything with GC has unravelled so quickly :-S

I completely agree with this post. The audience that buys a GC just for Nintendo's own franchises is shrinking with each generation, and the loyalists just don't buy multiplatform games. I have little doubt that if Nintendo had tried harder to attract older gamers from day one with games that weren't aimed at its own fans, RE4 would have remained an exclusive.


hyperbolically metafictive
maybe they're doing the announcement in stages to soften the blow -- next they'll cancel the gamecube version altogether. :lol


I kind of expected this. The Capcom 5 may have been a failure, but I'm actually glad it happened. I don't own a PS2 and the GameCube got some games it otherwise probably wouldn't have gotten since Capcom supports PS2 so strongly.

Brilliant! <kisses> <hugz>


Nintendo needs all the momentum it can get, and now with Capcom press release, we all know that the media will jump over this. Only a matter of time till EGM, OPM, PSM, Game Pro, and GI spread the news like AIDS.

What pisses me off is that PSM was right. Someone go check the PSM issue after E3, they said they got "inside sources" about RE4 being planned for PS2. I thought they were just bsing.

It really does go from bad to worse for Nintendo. But it's not like they do much to counter it. It's really starting to get to Sega levels of management ineptitude. And poor old Reggie, maybe when he made his E3 speech he should have been touching wood.

I was dead set against Nintendo ditiching the GC early but now I'm not so sure. Maybe they really should move Zelda to Revolution.


If they're going to go through the trouble of announcing it now, they should just delay the GC version until the PS2 release is ready. Staggered releases never work.


Bishman said:
Nintendo needs all the momentum it can get, and now with Capcom press release, we all know that the media will jump over this. Only a matter of time till EGM, OPM, PSM, Game Pro, and GI spread the news like AIDS.

What pisses me off is that PSM was right. Someone go check the PSM issue after E3, they said they got "inside sources" about RE4 being planned for PS2. I thought they were just bsing.


The upcoming quote from EGM:

"SORRY GAMECUBE OWNERS, but Resident Evil 4 is no longer exclusive to your console."


When was VJ and K7 announced for the PS2?

Hearing about Nintendo for investment reminds me of Bandai. I wonder if all of this happened AFTER Nintendi invested in Bandai. Anybody have dates for the Bandai investment and VJ/K7 announcements?

Kon Tiki

Bishman said:
What pisses me off is that PSM was right. Someone go check the PSM issue after E3, they said they got "inside sources" about RE4 being planned for PS2. I thought they were just bsing.


Wa that the same issue with Outrun 2 coming out for ps2?


Capcom have gone through 3 years of losses, right? The higher ups seem to be pissed. the dev teams probably planned to release a good number of games exclusively to the Gamecube, but the investors and higher ups probably saw it as a couple of the larger titles that are only reaching a small fraction of the market. They've raised year end net loss estimates twice this year. It's crucial as a profit-making company that they take as little risks as possible now, most likely. Businesswise, there's no true fault with this move.


Deku Tree said:
You know capcom better than I do, but would they really "get revenge" on Nintendo by hurting the sales of their own game (and therefore hurting their own bottom line)?

Hypothetically speaking, what if the converse of this arguement is true?

Capcom: We want to release RE4 on the PS2.
Sony: Sure, but you must announce it before xmas so that PS2 owners will know about it before the GC version is released.
Capcom: Ok.
Why would Capcom have to bend to a demand like that? What if Capcom had said "No"?

Sony: Then you can't release your videogame on our system!
Capcom: But..but...
Sony: Go to your room!


Haha, Nintendo must have really pissed off Capcom, cuz Capcom is usually pretty loyal to the underdog (see their support for the Saturn and DC right down to the end.)


Man, talk about things just plain not going Nintendo's way. They might as well be the George W. Bush of the videogame industry with all the bad news thats been thrown their way this year.

And this is gauranteed to have huge sales on the PS2. Take Tales of Symphonia for an example. It was released about a year later on the PS2 after the GameCube and it was a shoddy port by all accounts. Yet, it went to sell through more than the GC version in only about two weeks. (and it sold over what it did in the USA in one week)



Maybe it's just me...but did anyone expect Resident Evil 4 never to come out on any other platform *eventually*? This is CAPCOM...this is RESIDENT EVIL...they make one game, and port it 10 times. It's part of their business plan.

Anyways, being that there's basically a year in between the GCN version and the PS2 version, I really don't think this is a big deal. People who love resident evil, or are hardcore gamers will buy the GCN version. PS2 will be "dying" be end of 2005.

Hell, Xbox2 is supposed to be out by then. :p (btw, I'm sure it'll get ported to there in some form or other eventually..heh)


MoxManiac said:
Haha, Nintendo must have really pissed off Capcom, cuz Capcom is usually pretty loyal to the underdog (see their support for the Saturn and DC right down to the end.)
Was Capcom losing a lot of money during those years, though?


hyperbolically metafictive
in the past mikami has expressed concern for fans who buy consoles just for his games -- specifically he said that he regretted capcom announcing code veronica as a dc exclusive, when they intended to port it to ps2 all along. perhaps similar sentiment is at work here. mikami doesn't want his fans needlessly buying gamecubes just to play re4, so they're announcing the ps2 version early. but does mikami really have that much pull? and it does seem like self-sabotage.

i don't expect the gamecube version to be cancelled, but further delays to bring it closer to the ps2 version wouldn't surprise me.

Ranger X

Deku Tree said:
Capcom: We want to release RE4 on the PS2.
Sony: Sure, but you must announce it before xmas so that PS2 owners will know about it before the GC version is released.
Capcom: Ok.

I woudn't be surprised at all

Sho Nuff

By the way, does a PS2 release make it okay to bitch about the shitty tank controls? The demo's controls are SObad.


drohne said:
in the past mikami has expressed concern for fans who buy consoles just for his games -- specifically he said that he regretted capcom announcing code veronica as a dc exclusive, when they intended to port it to ps2 all along. perhaps similar sentiment is at work here. he doesn't want his fans needlessly buying gamecubes just to play re4. but does mikami really have that much pull? and it does seem like self-sabotage.

i don't expect the gamecube version to be cancelled, but further delays to bring it closer to the ps2 version wouldn't surprise me.

True. I'm thinking the game will be delayed until Summer.


Vagabond said:
Capcom have gone through 3 years of losses, right? The higher ups seem to be pissed. the dev teams probably planned to release a good number of games exclusively to the Gamecube, but the investors and higher ups probably saw it as a couple of the larger titles that are only reaching a small fraction of the market. They've raised year end net loss estimates twice this year. It's crucial as a profit-making company that they take as little risks as possible now, most likely. Businesswise, there's no true fault with this move.

It seems like everyone always announces support for the GC, and hwile it might be good support, there's always a doubt about the performance. If a company would support GC with everything, go out of its way, they could make their stuff successful, but even when it's a big release, like Resident Evil or something, even the marketing seems half-hearted. It's like they think it's not going to do well from the start. There's no feeling to it, and I'm sure Nintendo is more than partially to blame for it.
You're really getting mileage outta that pic Sho.

As for the whole supporting the underdog thing. Well maybe in terms of volume they put out a lot of SAT/DC games but I doubt that they were exactly putting a lot of resources behind them. Ports of 2D fighters is hardly comparable to something with the production of RE4.


Sho Nuff said:
By the way, does a PS2 release make it okay to bitch about the shitty tank controls? The demo's controls are SObad.

yes. I highly recommend you make a seperate thread RIGHT NOW about how much you dislike the game :)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Am I the only one hoping Dante is a playable character in the PS2 version? That would be awesome. Make it happen, Mikami.
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