Y2Kev said:If I had to describe it, I would say it is a good game with a lot of heart that makes a lot of silly mistakes.
If you can't take a bad framerate or you hate GoW then just don't play it.
semiconscious said:just finished chapter 7, &, speaking as a god of war hater, i'd disagree - tho i'm kinda tiring of the combat, i'm finding the game, & especially the environments, a lot more interesting than gow...
&, of course, not having to weather kratos' endless temper tantrums's always a huge plus...
jett said:On the other side, we have to weather Patrick Stewart's narrations.
jett said:On the other side, we have to weather Patrick Stewart's narrations.
Fimbulvetr said:I can't believe they made this sentence possible.
It's like making Brian Blessed sound boring.
This is surprisingly not without precedent.jett said:I blame either the original writer of the English translator for most of the awfulness. Most of the time it seems like Zobek is after some Belmont cock.
I don't know if you're joking or not.thetrin said:You make it sound like Japanese companies make decisions based on what sells in America and not...the country they actually live in.
CaptYamato said:Very much disagree. Starting on hard forces you to learn how to play the combat system.
MadOdorMachine said:The Tower of Evermore IIRC. I like CoD. I thought the combat was good and I like stealing itmes/leveling up. I also liked the teleports they put in the game. They improved on LoI a lot, but the level design while better still wasn't as good as it could have been and the story was pretty bad. The only thing it had to offer was the time travel sub-plot.
Saint Francis said:I'm Stuck!
I'm stuck outside the Castle in the Mountain Fortress. (just beat the Ogre, but before the Witch boss, I guess). It says 'maybe you can smash through this door', can't figure out how.
I tried turning on the dark energy and nothing I did worked, is there a special move I need to do? If so I'd appreciate some guidance. PS3 version here for any button specific answers
What, you think all Japanese publishers actually know how to market to the US?MadOdorMachine said:I don't know if you're joking or not.
boutrosinit said:Wow.
Boss design for boss 2. You have GOT to be fucking kidding me.
I may have made a mistake starting this out on hard difficulty, but damn. Stomping the ground + giant rocks I CANNOT SEE because when there's too many your screen is cloaked in smoke, and your view is tilted upward.
I seriously want to punch the designer in the face right now. Very hard. With a rock. Seems like he had a very CINEMATIC > PRACTICAL NEEDS OF PLAYER agenda.
*controller throw*
Edit : Figured it out. Wow. Very shitty trial and error solution to get the battle 'started'. I thought I had to climb it when it leg stomps. Pretty much most of what I've had to solve is trial and error and / or luck. Damn. I hope they learn from this and 'fix' this if they are indeed doing the follow up.
Belfast said:Dude, what? The girl is basically telling you the whole time "Don't get close!"
Saint Francis said:Thanks! I forgot about holding L2
boutrosinit said:That don't mean 'run away until he stomps then script-event throws a rock at you'.
EternalGamer said:When you run back she tells you about grabbing the rock too.
Why would anyone defend this boss? Even far out of its distance it took like 5 minutes to get it to stomp/throw a rock. Such garbage.Belfast said:Dude, what? The girl is basically telling you the whole time "Don't get close!"
lupin23rd said:Damn, just got to the last fight and hit that error (on PS3).
I was able to boot my game back up and it seems to allow me to continue off... if I get to the intro to the stage (the usual Stewart monologue) that means my data still good right?
I've got a backup in the middle of chapter 10 and if I can back this one up to another mem stick that would be cool, but I'd like to know if the latter is safe at this point or if the error comes back later.
Dance In My Blood said:Why would anyone defend this boss? Even far out of its distance it took like 5 minutes to get it to stomp/throw a rock. Such garbage.
Castlevania has typically been more popular in the west which is one of the reasons they went with a western dev for LoS. Obviously they're having problems understanding the markets in the west or they wouldn't have wasted money on a game like Castlevania Judgement and why Iga was removed from the console games.thetrin said:What, you think all Japanese publishers actually know how to market to the US?
Is THAT why Monster Hunter releases on the pap and wii?![]()
That's one thing this game doesn't have in its favor -- pretty much everything in it is derivative (even the music -- sounds like the dude listened to Halo and Shadow of the Colossus and then made a mix tape). Best thing going for it is its graphics (beautiful art everywhere) and animation, and the combat (though combat has a lot of problems too, but Gabriel at least controls well and is versatile). Lots of big, gaping design issues tho, disappointing story (IMO), and failure to ever really capture anything that made Castlevania great hold it back.Just finished Chapter 2. The environment for the Stone Titan is phenomenal. I hope there are more areas like that later on. That fight, while very epic, was too derivative of Wander and the Colossus.
john tv said:I've had a night to sleep on it, and I think in the end my EGM score would've been a 7.5, not an 8.0.![]()
john tv said:That's one thing this game doesn't have in its favor -- pretty much everything in it is derivative (even the music -- sounds like the dude listened to Halo and Shadow of the Colossus and then made a mix tape). Best thing going for it is its graphics (beautiful art everywhere) and animation, and the combat (though combat has a lot of problems too, but Gabriel at least controls well and is versatile). Lots of big, gaping design issues tho, disappointing story (IMO), and failure to ever really capture anything that made Castlevania great hold it back.
I've had a night to sleep on it, and I think in the end my EGM score would've been a 7.5, not an 8.0.![]()
Has something been confirmed? IF so I "might" keep my copybrandonh83 said:DLC come on guys let's get to it, I am becoming impatient yesterday.
canova said:The game has high production value, but gosh the gameplay mechanic is so unpolished. almost amateur-ish.
Konami should not be asking this developer to make the sequel. for action game they should stick with Japanese developers
canova said:Konami should not be asking this developer to make the sequel. for action game they should stick with Japanese developers
canova said:The game has high production value, but gosh the gameplay mechanic is so unpolished. almost amateur-ish.
Konami should not be asking this developer to make the sequel. for action game they should stick with Japanese developers
canova said:The game has high production value, but gosh the gameplay mechanic is so unpolished. almost amateur-ish.
Konami should not be asking this developer to make the sequel. for action game they should stick with Japanese developers
Feindflug said:WTF? there is a lot of hate here for this game..I'm in Chapter VI and I really love this game thus far - what are those big problems, unpolished/amateur-ish mechanics people are talking about? All I've seen thus far is a beautiful game with great atmosphere, very good music, variety and a really good battle system for what it is - of course I'm not comparing this to pure action games like DMC, Bayonetta and NG but more to games like Darksiders & GoW.
The only cons are the low frame-rate and the sometimes clunky camera...maybe if this game was a console exclusive it would get so much more praise and suddenly all these problems wouldn't matter.
nelsonroyale said:Platforming and some of the puzzle mechanics are a little hairbrained...and the blocking rolling on the same button makes zero sense...it is definitely rough in places, but to say this makes the game a poor one is pretty inaccurate to my mind. I am actually enjoying the story and atmosphere more than any of the other action games. Spectacle certainly isn't up to GoW and neither are the graphics, but it is still a beautiful and epic game.
SixStringPsycho said:Has something been confirmed? IF so I "might" keep my copy
2 DLC Packs
At Konami's press conference yesterday, Dave revealed that two DLC packs for the game are planned. I asked him to elaborate on this a bit, and while he couldn't say much yet, he did say that they will both feature new areas and new enemies; it sounds as if they'll be more of side-quests for the main game. "I don't want to give people the wrong impression -- the core game absolutely has an ending," he stressed. "The first first DLC pack probably won't be as large as the second one, though, just because we'll be working on that one right away.
Feindflug said:WTF? there is a lot of hate here for this game..I'm in Chapter VI and I really love this game thus far - what are those big problems, unpolished/amateur-ish mechanics people are talking about? All I've seen thus far is a beautiful game with great atmosphere, very good music, variety and a really good battle system for what it is - of course I'm not comparing this to pure action games like DMC, Bayonetta and NG but more to games like Darksiders & GoW.
The only cons are the low frame-rate and the sometimes clunky camera...maybe if this game was a console exclusive it would get so much more praise and suddenly all these problems wouldn't matter.
canova said:for example just take a look at the way Gabriel jumps, there's no impact or momentum feeling when he hits the ground. Keep pressing the jump button and he just moves up and down, no impact feeling whatsoever when he lands. There's should be a recovery frame, when he lands, with both of his knees bended to lessen the impact, just how normal people would jump/land.
This developer can't even nail basic stuff like that
I don't know? I'd have to play it to say for sure. If all they did was fix the numerous gameplay and technical annoyances, then it probably still wouldn't be a Castlevania game to me, but of course Konami gets to decide that whether I like it or not.Solune said:I'm just kind of curious Segata. If they managed to improve everything you dislike about LoS in a sequel, would you call it a good game or would it be a good Castlevania game?
After I made the decision to bail out, I partook of the spoilers. I dunno, seems very silly and Kojima-esque to me.MadOdorMachine said:As far as LoS goes, I don't want to give too much away, but this is a reboot. Forget everything you know about the series and just go with it. I think it's worth it to play until the end to wrap up the story. After completing the game I want to play another one by MS. It's a different take on the series, but I like what they started. It's more adventure oriented and oddly enough, resembles the N64 games closest imo. In a lot of ways, it's what the N64 games should have been as far as gameplay is concerned. Character design and environments are another story, but I did like some of what MS redesigned.
Or...the gameplay in Lords of Shadow doesn't feel like or remind me of any Castlevania I've ever played...not even any of the 3D ones released for N64, PS2 and XBOX.infinityBCRT said:I wonder if everyone is saying "this is not Castlevania" or "this doesn't feel like Castlevania" is because Konami originally announced it without the Castlevania name. It was always supposed to be a Castlevania game.
Feindflug said:WTF? there is a lot of hate here for this game..I'm in Chapter VI and I really love this game thus far - what are those big problems, unpolished/amateur-ish mechanics people are talking about? All I've seen thus far is a beautiful game with great atmosphere, very good music, variety and a really good battle system for what it is - of course I'm not comparing this to pure action games like DMC, Bayonetta and NG but more to games like Darksiders & GoW.
The only cons are the low frame-rate and the sometimes clunky camera...maybe if this game was a console exclusive it would get so much more praise and suddenly all these problems wouldn't matter.
infinityBCRT said:Uncharted 2 (graphics, the gorgeous vistas of the environments),