Morrigan Stark
Arrogant Smirk
SophistAre the usanian millennials finally discovering how history has always been tragic?
Junior Member
(Today, 07:02 AM)
How is ignoring and distorting history preserving it?
If these statues were memorials to the native peoples killed by Columbus, if they were statues depicting his tyranny, his cruelty, or hell, even his basic navigational fuckups, that would be one thing.
But they aren't. They are an intentional misrepresentation of a glorious past that never existed. They are idolatry for a false hero deserving of no such reverence.
"Preserving history" does not mean lying to ourselves and our children about the past, it means facing up to the injustices and monsters that created the world as we know it today.
ThisIt really aggravates me when you have people who say we need to keep statues of awful people to "remember history", while they themselves are painfully ignorant of it.
It's almost as if statues don't really teach you shit.
If anything, such statues and monuments do the opposite of teaching history. Statues and monuments are often tributes and memorials, not warnings or education about an evil past, and give people a completely wrong idea.
I could keep going, but I don't have the time to list all of the Egyptian Pharaohs that used slave labor. You can Google it.
The idea that your obfuscating the point on this is baffling. News flash most Kings, Queens, Emperors, Pharaohs, you name it did some horrific shit back in the day. Some just did MORE horrific shit than others.
It has been said already but it ought to be repeated that the Egyptian pyramids are not equivalent. First, they weren't build by chattel slaves. Second, they are thousands of years old, and large, majestic buildings and marvels of ancient engineering, not a shitty 200 year old plaque made by some dude.DerZuhälter;246697078 said:This thread is weird.
I'm unsure if the slave built pyramids are safe from some of you or the next thing that should be torn apart.
So enough with the idiotic comparisons, please.
Nah that was Samuel de Champlain. ^^ You are right that Cabot was the first (outside of Leif Eriksson whose settlement didn't last) European to reach North America, but as far as I know, he didn't really settle/colonize. Jacques Cartier and, later and on a more permanent/colonial basis, Samuel de Champlain were the first permanent settlers in North America.And the first European to rediscover North America who was a contemporary to Columbus was John Cabot. Columbus historical significance is on a large view of the age of discovery and of the history of the Carribean not of North America. It was the John Cabot who put in motion the colonizing of Canada and the US not to mention didn't commit atrocities ,had an awesome beard and wasn't ugly as sin as Columbus is.
And while they weren't exactly perfect either and committed their shares of shit, compared to Colombus they were almost saintly.
That really says it all, doesn't it? That guy was on par with Hitler. If he had 20th century technology at his disposal he might have done even worse than Hitler tbh.Columbus fed babies to dogs
It's funny, as a kid I was reading history books and encyclopedias and I remember reading about Cortés and Pizarro and their atrocities against Aztecs and Incans and being absolutely horrified. And yet none of those books mentioned Columbus in a similar fashion, he was never shown to be as bad... yet all things considered he was arguably even worse. Go figure.Good, fuck him and Hernán Cortés since we're at it.
lmaoThe alt-left at it again...