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Civilization V |OT| of Losing My Religion, And I Feel Fine...


MmmSkyscraper said:
Somebody asked that on the 2 hour live stream. IIRC, the developer said the AI will prioritise the direction that heads toward resources/good stuff. You can also get a culture bomb(?) which will give you a tile of your choice. Do you buy those with gold or are there 2 ways to 'buy' a tile? I haven't played yet so not sure.
culture bomb comes from Great Artist.

But you can also buy the current tile in progress with gold. I haven't yet, because it seems like it would be expensive. Didn't check though.


This may sound silly but what's the "enter world builder" option in this game (i.e. how do I cheat?)

I hate having to reload constantly until I get a starting area I like so it's nice to just alter the land around me while keeping everything else random.
So 6 hours later in my first Civ experience and I fucking love this game. Feels like a more refined Anno 1404 with better combat. Game runs fine in DX9 mode even though it doesn't look as pretty. I have 5 questions if anybody could answer I'd greatly appreciate it...

1) How often do you guys go to war with other factions?

2) Basically, what's the most satisfying way to win a game of Civ IYO?

3) Taking over city-states.. should I be annexing or making them puppets?

4) Is it bad that am I not doing anything on a lot of turns i.e. just waiting for my construction or research to finish?

5) is it just me or are horses crazy rare on some maps?


Tabris said:
This may sound silly but what's the "enter world builder" option in this game (i.e. how do I cheat?)

I hate having to reload constantly until I get a starting area I like so it's nice to just alter the land around me while keeping everything else random.

ur doin it wrong


Subconscious Brolonging
DevelopmentArrested said:
So 6 hours later in my first Civ experience and I fucking love this game. Feels like a more refined Anno 1404 with better combat. Game runs fine in DX9 mode even though it doesn't look as pretty. I have 5 questions if anybody could answer I'd greatly appreciate it...

1) How often do you guys go to war with other factions?

2) Basically, what's the most satisfying way to win a game of Civ IYO?

3) Taking over city-states.. should I be annexing or making them puppets?

4) Is it bad that am I not doing anything on a lot of turns i.e. just waiting for my construction or research to finish?

5) is it just me or are horses crazy rare on some maps?

1. So far in Civ 5 I've gone to war on my terms, but it just depends on how I'm feeling. In Civ IV I'd alternate between being a war-mongering asshole and being totally peaceful, in fact I'd try to win games without going to war once.

2. Now that combat is awesome? Probably domination, but I've always enjoyed winning the Space Race (the science victory) as well.

3. I've been annexing but if your happiness level is pretty low, you might make them a puppet temporarily. You can always annex later.

4. It happens. Early game usually the only thing I have going on is a scout or warrior exploring the continent. Between finishing the exploration and your first major conflict though, you could definitely see some empty turns.

5. Yeah, although City States helps with this. Find a city state that has horses (they could be all the way across the map) and become ally with them and they'll let you use them. City states can be a great way of filling in your resource holes.


Another demo game. :lol
Here is what I got from so many begginings (obviously can't do a strategy guide with only 5 early games, but fuck it). I've been playing on Prince, btw.
So, your only real first choices are Tradition or Liberty.
You either want a capital making lots of stuff fast (good for pursuing a cultural victory, since you will be focusing on snatching those wonders) or you want to spam settlers and expand fast, letting luxuries and cities-states with luxuries deal with the happiness burden, which is good for either a military, diplomatic (which is a kind of military/economic hybrid, because you will need an army to protect city states while bribing the hell out of them) or scientific victory. More ciities = more science. Maybe Ghandi is the exception to this since he can grow bigger cities, but lol no Ghandi on the demo. :(

So, chosing honor first just isn't worth it. You can already kill barbarians pretty easy with warriors. Another reason is just the timing of the great general, here I go into total especulation mode, but the games that I went honor first, that great general just stood there a lot doing nothing. Great generals are always useful, so you can delay that. What you can't delay are either the settlers (or you'll run out of land) or the wonders, because there is always someone snatching some wonder, it is really easy to be empty handed if you aren't focusing on that.

Another tip is that it is so motherfuckingly important to scout. Killing barbarians camp can easily give you enough money to get you an ally city state and the extra luxury can totally save your life if you are spamming settlers. (by spamming, I mean making a building, a unit then a settler. It's not really spamming, but it is enough to get you ahead of Prince A.I, at least on the conditions of the demo). Goody huts also give lot of culture sometimes and policies are game-changing. One new policy like Republic and suddenly you are building stuff so much faster. Or if you get a goody hut right at the beggining and give you culture, you can either increase production and grab a wonder right away or make a settler fast and get your second city out before everyone else. Every time you meet a new city-state they give you gold, too. 15 gold if they met someone before, 30 you they meet you first, so run around the map meeting them first is really good.

What I usually do is build a warrior first (so I have 2 barbarian killing scouts out there) then a worker, then a settler and from there, I start to go the direction of the victory I want to pursue. This seems to work better than making a worker first (one lonely warrior scout is too little and before you get some techs, you really don't have that much to do with the worker), I actually never built a scout, so who knows? Maybe saving those turns can be good, I don't know, having something that can actually kill barbarian seem better.

Anyway, this could be completely wrong, what do I know? 1 day and 17 hours before I can know what the real game is like and maybe make sense of this motherfucking wall of text I just wrote at 4 am.
DevelopmentArrested said:
So 6 hours later in my first Civ experience and I fucking love this game. Feels like a more refined Anno 1404 with better combat. Game runs fine in DX9 mode even though it doesn't look as pretty. I have 5 questions if anybody could answer I'd greatly appreciate it...

1) How often do you guys go to war with other factions?

2) Basically, what's the most satisfying way to win a game of Civ IYO?

3) Taking over city-states.. should I be annexing or making them puppets?

4) Is it bad that am I not doing anything on a lot of turns i.e. just waiting for my construction or research to finish?

5) is it just me or are horses crazy rare on some maps?

1) I play defensive at first, last game I waited until the Ottomans wanted war with Egypt and helped them with that. After Egypt was wiped out they went for a city-state and I protected the city-state and wiped out the Ottomans. Songhai is next now that I have a good stockpile of iron.

2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PQ6335puOc#t=26s

3) I've been annexing them, but I'm not sure if I'm expanding too fast doing it this way.

4) There are a lot of times where I will go 10 turns waiting for units to move or construction to finish. Sometimes there are turns where you just have nothing to do.

5) Not sure, haven't played enough games to say yet.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I only tried the demo so far, but every time I found a resource, I built the proper "building" for it, and always made roads to connect them to my cities. But, it doesn't look like need to do that anymore?

I can't wait until tomorrow for the full game. I'm completely alone this weekend, I wonder how much will be spent on Civ V. :D


Subconscious Brolonging
StarEye said:
I only tried the demo so far, but every time I found a resource, I built the proper "building" for it, and always made roads to connect them to my cities. But, it doesn't look like need to do that anymore?

I can't wait until tomorrow for the full game. I'm completely alone this weekend, I wonder how much will be spent on Civ V. :D

Yeah, don't need to do that anymore. You only need to build roads to connect your cities so you can establish trade routes and increase movement, in fact roads have an upkeep cost so you want to build as few as possible.
I don't like the look of the UI. Too sleek and round, makes me feel like I'm playing a GalCiv game (bad thing).

Also don't like that I can't save my favorite game starting options (map type/size, timer, etc.).

Really dislike not having the "Regenrate Map" for when I get dropped in the desert/tundra. (combination of this and the above is really aggravating)

Wish that "snaky continents" map options was still there. Trying small continents with low sea level.

Gameplay I like - the barbarian spawners is good, creates a goal w/reward for you instead of just plopping in baddies everywhere. No stacks I think I like. Barbarian ships are dumb. City-states are a good idea, but need to be more fleshed out. No way to see whether a civ likes/dislikes me? Like all the different stuff you can do with gold, and the new golden age trigger design.


Tabris said:
This may sound silly but what's the "enter world builder" option in this game (i.e. how do I cheat?)

I hate having to reload constantly until I get a starting area I like so it's nice to just alter the land around me while keeping everything else random.
I'd also like to know this. I always like to play god with Civ games, not even necessarily to win--it's fun to direct the wars between other Civs. The cheating function is really like it's own entire game.

DevelopmentArrested said:
5) is it just me or are horses crazy rare on some maps?
My map had tons of them but I had to conquer half the continent to find some iron--and by then it was too late for Samurai to be any use. :(


Tried the demo and it runs perfectly fine on my laptop with low/medium settings. Obviously it'll get heavier in the modern era, but should still be fine. Now I just need to wait until Friday to get the full game...


Managed to get a couple hours in before I had to leave for work. Really enjoy the changes to the way combat works, though I haven't seen things beyond the Ancient Era yet. I had two city states near me to start the game off and one of them asked me to kill the other.

I sent an archer and Spearman unit (it's all I had other than the Warriors I started with) and camped the Spearman right outside their city and the Archers one hex behind them. I gave the Spearmen a "fortify until healed" order and they ate up all the incoming attacks from the city while my Archers bombarded them for several rounds until I could get another melee unit built. I moved that unit in and the city was softened up enough that I was barely able to take it out.

I really like that you can use a defensive unit to really defend now and allow your damaging units to wear down your foes. I can't wait until later eras when I get catapults and other siege equipment to park outside enemy cities and let them go to work. The stacking system in previous games, while functional, just never gave me the feeling that I was really controlling an army like this does. In the old games, it didn't feel like you had a city under siege so much as you moved a bunch of tokens there and then rolled dice to see who won.

I also like the inclusion of City-States so far. I always thought they should expand on Barbarians more and give them some limited civ-like abilities. City-States seem to be along this line of thought. They're not competitors, but they aren't simply the barbarian huts from previous civ games, either. I think that extra gradient of non-player factions is something the series has sorely missed in the past - plus it makes the world feel a little more like reality. The "competing" civs are the world's super-powers, while the city-states are the smaller nations out there that are a part of world politics, but aren't really driving forces in the world.

Look forward to really digging into the game once I get home.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Btw, two of my cities demanded Cotton, even though I had yet to find any cotton anywhere on the map. How do they even know it exists?


I like that even though I picked the Greeks, on the Earth map the game appears to have placed me in South America. Brazil to be exact. :lol

Lovin it so far though. Me and Ramses are good buddies atm, but I don't trust these shady Egyptian folk.


Played the demo for a few minutes last night. Pulled out probably the last moment before it would have sucked me in for the rest of the night. I'll try it again tonight.

My Single negative point. Space won't end the turn (in IV both Space and Enter ended the turn).

Sucks hard that we europeans have to wait another two days!


Lach said:
Played the demo for a few minutes last night. Pulled out probably the last moment before it would have sucked me in for the rest of the night. I'll try it again tonight.

My Single negative point. Space won't end the turn (in IV both Space and Enter ended the turn).

Sucks hard that we europeans have to wait another two days!
Space never ended a turn in 4 unless you completed every task (moved every unit that needed to be move).


StarEye said:
Btw, two of my cities demanded Cotton, even though I had yet to find any cotton anywhere on the map. How do they even know it exists?

Travellers spread these kinds of myths. You need to be firmer with these citizens. Remove food production from all of your squares and starve them for a while. The cries of their children will break their morale.

They will then understand who is their, great and glorious, leader. And what they can do with their demands.
The demo being only available on Steam is dumb.

I have no internet connection at home right now so I came to campus thinking I'd be able to download a demo and install at home to pass the time before things pick up. Another barrier to entry for a demo is not a smart one, from a marketing point of view.


Gold Member
Visualante said:
The demo being only available on Steam is dumb.

I have no internet connection at home right now so I came to campus thinking I'd be able to download a demo and install at home to pass the time before things pick up. Another barrier to entry for a demo is not a smart one, from a marketing point of view.

You can download a game anywhere (with steam of course), use the backup feature, then restore it with no internet in theory.

If not, you can just 7zip the dir/files inside the steam apps folder, and bring that back. The other way should be easier though, so you don't miss any files. The demo may still want the internet to authenticate itself however...

Edit: If that doesn't work you can just download the Arcania 4 demo instead this friday! :)


Unconfirmed Member
Tabris said:
This may sound silly but what's the "enter world builder" option in this game (i.e. how do I cheat?)

Forever said:
I'd also like to know this. I always like to play god with Civ games, not even necessarily to win--it's fun to direct the wars between other Civs. The cheating function is really like it's own entire game.

From what I've read, World Builder is for importing maps from older versions of Civ.

As for cheating, this was also mentioned on the 2hr live stream. You have to make a change to the INI file, enabling the Tuner app which gives you control over loads of stuff. That hasn't been released yet, it'll be in the SDK according to CivFanatics.
Minsc said:
You can download a game anywhere (with steam of course), use the backup feature, then restore it with no internet in theory.
That's the thing though, I don't have access to Steam on these machines. So essentially I'm screwed.
Minsc said:
The demo may still want the internet to authenticate itself however...
And probably that too because I'm going to pirate this demo.

Much as I love Steam, I don't want it tied to my demos.


Anyone know a program that will hide the borders in windowed mode? I always prefer to play windowed but want windowed fullscreen.

luiggi_oasis said:
I was thinking of preordering it on game.co.uk or gamestation.co.uk, is there any way to get an offer code? any discount would be much appreciated!

Sorry to insist, but I'll buy it today and I wouldn't mind saving a little :D


zoku88 said:
Why would it cost less?
No shipping and packaging costs. Everything digital should be $5-10 less than a physical version. There should be q tangible benefit to getting less to counterbalance the equation. I don't know how you Steam guys can consistently buy new games on there without feeling cheated.

Oh well, day or two and I'll be getting my Civ on again. :D
Meier said:
No shipping and packaging costs. Everything digital should be $5-10 less than a physical version. There should be q tangible benefit to getting less to counterbalance the equation. I don't know how you Steam guys can consistently buy new games on there without feeling cheated.

Oh well, day or two and I'll be getting my Civ on again. :D
so true...
when the cost of a digital game almost overlap the price of a retail game, it's retail game all the way for me :)
plus there are plenty of sites offering discount//free shipping//whatsoever, so lately steam price-line is getting less and less interesting :X

Hari Seldon

I am not sure how to handle the Great People. With the Great Scientist I can discover a tech and start a golden age. In Civ IV you could build a science academy or add him to the city as a super specialist. But I can't find the options to do either of those things.

Similarly, with the Great Engineer you can hurry production or start a golden age... but when I hurried the production of a wonder once, with my next Great Engineer it wouldn't let me hurry a different wonder. I don't know what is going on.

With the Great Artist you can culture bomb or start a golden age... seems pretty limited use.

It seems like the Great People are severely nerfed this game unless I haven't figured something out yet.


Meier said:
No shipping and packaging costs. Everything digital should be $5-10 less than a physical version. There should be q tangible benefit to getting less to counterbalance the equation.
There is: I don't have to carry around the stupid manuals, discs and packaging. I'm so over physical media.

You're right, of course. But I realize that publishers hate everything and they're scared of retail pulling support if they lower the price (also: greedy).

I decided that I'd rather be slightly ripped off for a product that's a better fit for me instead of having to worry about CD cracks and additional storage space for the useless packaging.


I really wish I didn't have work to do today. :(

I played for a while last night, and I didn't get the best of starts, however I have been pretty impressed with the AI so far. I was playing with Japan and wanted to test the new combat mechanics. So I built up a force of 2 archers and 2 spearmen and marched towards Washington. When I closed in on America's borders, the AI moved several warriors and archers nearby as a cautionary force. I thought this was an intelligent move on the AI's part because it recognized that I was probably about to attack it. This was, of course, correct.

I attacked by using both archer units to bombard Washington. Unfortunately, it hardly scratched the city, and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold against the return fire from the city combined with the counter-attacks from the other nearby units, so I pulled back and tried to use the surrounding forests to my advantage.

By maneuvering through the forests, I could take pot-shots with my archers against my oncoming enemy, then clean them up with my spearmen. I really really like the ranged attacks, and archers are especially useful early game. When all was said and done, I had wiped out a larger force (although probably weaker due to their warriors vs. my spearmen), and had 3 of my units still standing. They were very weak, but I had won.

The best part about this was America was simply out of troops. George Washington came to have a chat, and even though he was pissed, he also knew he was well beaten. He offered me 10 gold per turn for 10 turns and two luxury resources (one of which my citizens demanded) in exchange for a 10 turn peace agreement. I cackled, then accepted. See you in 10 turns buddy!


Yeah so to whoever that recommended using DX9, the performance difference is indeed quite drastic.

Playing the demo, I feel like they removed a lot of the OCD parts of Civ IV, feels like I have a lot less things to do each turn and everything seems to happen slower. But of course that could be a totally inaccurate assessment.

I also feel that the Civilopedia is much less helpful this time around, giving just historical/technical descriptions without telling me what it does in game. Like the improvements tab for example... and when I tried to find out whether river still act as roads for connecting cities and was only met with a basic description of a river... kinda drives me mad.

So do rivers still help in connecting cities in Civ V?

It's still a civilization game though, gonna get some computer upgrades and can't wait to play the full version.


Hari Seldon said:
I am not sure how to handle the Great People. With the Great Scientist I can discover a tech and start a golden age. In Civ IV you could build a science academy or add him to the city as a super specialist. But I can't find the options to do either of those things.

Similarly, with the Great Engineer you can hurry production or start a golden age... but when I hurried the production of a wonder once, with my next Great Engineer it wouldn't let me hurry a different wonder. I don't know what is going on.

With the Great Artist you can culture bomb or start a golden age... seems pretty limited use.

It seems like the Great People are severely nerfed this game unless I haven't figured something out yet.

I haven't got access to the game yet (stupid EU delay) however from the manual I've been led to believe that some of the great people can still great buildings, however you create them outside of Cities on the terrain and then they function similarly to standard worker created tile improvements. Again, this is only from reading the manual, so hopefully someone who's played the game can confirm.

Hari Seldon

Totakeke said:
I also feel that the Civilopedia is much less helpful this time around, giving just historical/technical descriptions without telling me what it does in game. Like the improvements tab for example... and when I tried to find out whether river still act as roads for connecting cities and was only met with a basic description of a river... kinda drives me mad.

So do rivers still help in connecting cities in Civ V?

Yeah the Civilopedia must not be complete or something. It is like terrible compared to IVs. The adviser help menu seems to have vastly better info than the Civilopedia... shouldn't they be connected somehow?

As for rivers, I'm not sure.


In two days I will be playing a Civilization title for the first time, I hope I like the series. Anyways, I don't see myself playing this kind of game for more than an hour straight as many of you do. Wish me luck with it, I'll come back to this thread by then asking for some advice!


Never really played Civ games before but tried the demo a moment ago.

It felt like I played only 15-20 minutes but an hour passed and I didn't even get to do really anything. The game is pretty good. :D

Still don't know if I'll buy it since Im short on cash but I'd want to.


Worships the porcelain goddess
What have I done?! I work today! I started at 12 midnight my time. Figuring I'd play the tutorial. 300 turns later and I won with Persia. What happened to me?!


They need to tweak diplomacy and fix trading. I wasn't anywhere near her borders and she offers all this stuff. I wasn't even fighting her I was fighting Hiawatha.



Hail to the KING baby
Cday said:
They need to tweak diplomacy and fix trading. I wasn't anywhere near her borders and she offers all this stuff. I wasn't even fighting her I was fighting Hiawatha.

what difficulty is that?



Played from 6pm-12pm last night in a multiplayer match with a friend. We were both on the same team. Was alot of fun. One thing we messed up on was the teams though. It was 2 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1. So no one would attack us because we had double the score of them all. We won by domination. Plus we only played on chieftan so there wasn't much resistance. Going to try it again tonight with even teams, and on Prince.

Love this game. :D
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