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Civilization V |OT| of Losing My Religion, And I Feel Fine...


So i tried this in the international gifting thread to no avail, but hopefully someone can help me out here. Im looking to pay someone to gift me civ V over steam because its $80 US here in aus and i dont want to support that crap. I can paypal or whatever but any help would be super awesome. I'll also chuck in an extra $5 for your trouble. PM if you feel like helping out, ta!


Heres my experience playing a civilization game for the first time ever.

I got done installing the game at 2:30 pm...I check the time and its 11:30 pm (HOLY SHYT). I got class in the morning.


Hail to the KING baby
trinest said:
The demo I played during my lunch break felt so quick as well and that was like an hourish game.
Pretty much. 11:00 I decide to do a game with Gandhi just to "play around with policies" and a small city number. Blink and now it's 3.
I'm trying to move my spaceship parts into my capital (as required) and they won't go in. I just get a red "you-can't-go-there" circle, so my parts are sitting outside my city.

Anyone else?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I've played the demo three times in the past twenty-four hours. I wish I had the dollars to buy this. :( the joys of living alone as a student!!
doktorpeace said:
I'm trying to move my spaceship parts into my capital (as required) and they won't go in. I just get a red "you-can't-go-there" circle, so my parts are sitting outside my city.

Anyone else?

This happened to me in my first game, took forever for me to realize that there was a worker idling in the capital. Had to kick them out for the spaceship parts to be able to move in. Any units that aren't garrisoned will probably block the parts moving in.


Unconfirmed Member
Played an hour before work, no crashes or performance issues so far. Got everything maxed out FTW. Closest player is Ghandi, guess I'd better rename my capital to Megaton.


Rez said:
I've played the demo three times in the past twenty-four hours. I wish I had the dollars to buy this. :( the joys of living alone as a student!!

Well you'd have the fraction of your current money to spend on videogames, if you had someone else living with you :b

Believe me I know :(
SuperLurker said:
This happened to me in my first game, took forever for me to realize that there was a worker idling in the capital. Had to kick them out for the spaceship parts to be able to move in. Any units that aren't garrisoned will probably block the parts moving in.
Thank you sir. Hopefully this works.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
zoukka said:
Well you'd have the fraction of your current money to spend on videogames, if you had someone else living with you :b

Believe me I know :(
Heh, it's hard to find someone who is ok with the amount of time I spend practicing piano. There's no escape from the sound of scales in this little house. :lol


Fucking Steam. Had downloaded the 5.5 gig version but as it decrypted it, it dropped back to 4.6 gigs and now has to download that leftover once again. 2-3 more hours, it hurts. :(


Man, did I almost got any sleep at all this past two days.
But oh, I'm so proud of my american empire. Just got to the industrial age.
Aiming at diplomatic victory, what started as being nice to everyone escalated to world war as America tries to play world cop.
Oh, civ.


Second-rate Anihawk
Conquest victories are way to easy on prince, especially with the Japanese. A cultural victory seems impossible in comparison. :|

Also it's 4:30 in the morning. I sorta hate this game in the 'stop stealin' mah time' kind of way.
I just started a game where my Warrior got 3 weapon upgrades from ruins. At first I was kind of annoyed because I was hoping for tech and culture instead, but...the Warrior went to Immortal, then to Pikeman, then to Rifleman, all before 3000 BC (Epic speed game).

The Rifleman was 25 strength and leveled up quickly, as you might imagine. Plus when they upgrade, they keep all their old bonuses (so I still had the fast healing from the Immortal version). Plus I added Medic and March for even more healing, and some combat bonuses. I also got a Great General via the Honor social policies, and got another great general from fighting, used him to start a golden age, which under Darius made all my troops even more effective.

With Lord Nelson in tow, the Rifleman single-handedly conquered 4 city-states and 4 civilizations (8 capitals are still remaining) before 500BC. He took a few points of damage here and there from bombardment (free exp!) but otherwise, nothing could touch him. And with his upgrades, it's going to be a couple thousand more years before anyone can slow him down.
So I was cruising on the low difficulties so I bumped it up to Prince. The game has REALLY started to shine for me.

I was never good at Civ IV because I would always get crushed militarily. Not so with Civ V.

In my game (playing as America), I was cruising along, acquiring land like nobody's business. I start noticing some Roman troops on my borders. I keep building up my cities, and then bam -- Rome decides to attack.

All of a sudden I'm screwed: I have no gold, my people are unhappy because I have too many cities and improvements, and my troops, while at least on the level of Rome's, are far fewer in number. My military advisor is telling me to do whatever it takes to get peace with Rome, because they have an army capable of conquering the world and the war "threatens our very existence."

Luckily we're not at the point where Rome has ships really, so looking at the land mass I see they have to go through a few cities to get to my main American ones (I had just taken advantage of a city-state's war with Songhai and wiped out Songhai only 15 turns beforehand, with very few necessary troops). Adding to my civ's unhappiness was having a bunch of new puppet states out on the perimeter. Luckily these were going to be the ones giving me a buffer.

I switched all my cities to making minutemen, and switched all of the cities to production focus. I went in an annexed one of the cities I had just taken over and razed it to the ground so I didn't have to deal with the unhappiness there. I start to pull all my troops over to the west to face Rome, with the intent of slowing their progress eastward for as long as possible, until I could get some Minutemen to back them up.

As luck would have it, I was keeping a Great Person for a rainy day, and I busted a Golden Age. I was making some good money again and the Minutemen were humming along.

And here's where the game came alive: the combat is SO much better! Using the bombard ability of my cities and a few archer units I was able to weaken the oncoming attackers and funnel them into melee units that could finish them off. Still, wave after wave finally fell. Rome was at the doorstep of Boston.

But then, my legions of minutemen were at hand! Six cities building minutemen nonstop led to a first wave that kept Boston safe, and then the second wave began to push them back. My military advisor said the war was going well, and to keep on the offensive! The tide had turned. I ended up pushing Rome all the way back to its original borders. With Caesar beaten up, it becomes an all out brawl as Arabia decides it wants a piece of the pie, and starts taking over northwestern Roman cities as I push in from the east. I race to grab the one Roman city I had my eye on and settled into an uneasy border truce with Arabia.

10 turns later, Japan shows up out of nowhere and settles in the middle of me and 5 other city-states. Shoot to the present time, when Japan and Arabia simultaenously declare war on me. I quickly take out a nearby city-state to get Belgrade on my side, who luckily is militaristic and starts giving me top-tier (for the time period) units and starts fighting off the just-landed Japanese in the east while I face Arabian troops in the west. The funnel strategy begins again, only now I'm fighting a war on two fronts.

So does anyone know what's going on here?

I think it happened after I dropped all my settings to minimum to try it out, but that image is taken with textures/terrain on high. Updated my drivers and still the same thing. Tactical view looks fine.

*DX9 mode seems to fix it, but what the fuck?


Started standard Earth map with proper civ placements (you can download it at Civ Fanatics) and seems good so far. UI seems a bit weird, almost CivRev like in that everything is so large and simple, like it's aimed for 5 year olds or people with really bad eyesight. I think I saw a smaller font option, have to try that out.


Well, I'm hooked.

I was a Civ newbie before this one. I had played around 20 minutes of Civ IV and had fun with Civ Rev but never really got INTO IT like I hear other people do.

Until Now.

I bought the game on Steam on Wednesday. Played 2 hours and got a feel for it.

then played around EIGHT HOURS yesterday after work. Oh man... /insert tired joke about hooking it into my veins here.

I'm playing on the easier difficulty to get my feet wet. I'm trying to go for a Science Victory (or perhaps Cultural as I'm doing well there) instead of military - which is how I typically deal with strategy games. It's great.

The best UI improvement that I've seen is how clearly the game explains to you how workers will improve resource yield and how civilians will be assigned to work various tiles. that was always something that felt very abstract and confusing to me in Civ IV but it was spelled out pretty neatly in V from the beginning.

I haven't bothered much with war or city state diplomacy - aside from taking out some barbarian encampments. I think I'll dig into that aspect of the game more on subsequent playthroughs. Right now I just want to focus on my cities and my tech.

And now I have to sit at work for the next 8 hours before I can get back home, learn refrigeration and then start tapping those oil pockets that just started springing up along my shore.


I'm increasingly concerned that the AI is very, very dumb, and that in pursuing a conquest victory, I am taking a very easy way out. I don't remember if I'm playing on King or Emperor, but I just rolled over my enemies with a tiny, inferior number of units of equivalent tech. This is my first game, so I'm not bragging about my mad skillz or anything; quite the converse - I think I should be having more trouble.

I'm thinking that Chick guy was right; it's a great combat system, and it would be nice if the AI sort of understood it.


the new crack.

Anybody got an idea how i can force the game to use my monitors native res of 1440x900? I found something in one of the inis but it didn't stick when i changed it. I think there's an issue where the game sees my monitor as a 4:3 one despite it being 16:10. Have this problem with Crysis, too.

Also, anybody thinking about picking this game up at retail, try Blockbuster games. I bought my copy from them for £25, so a heads up for you. Might not be the same where you are, but if it's not much troulbe to go and have a look, you may get a deal :)
lastplayed said:
Have another Civ beat you to completing a Wonder 10 times.

I love that achievement. :lol

And a painful one it is. I always tend to have 2 more turns until I finish the pyramids or some shit, then I hear the jingling of coins. "The pyramids have been completed in a far off land".... FUCK! :lol

Hari Seldon

Ok so what strats do you guys use for land improvements? Since gold is way valuable and population gives you unhappiness, I have been building trading posts on grasslands and plains, and sometimes on hills. I pretty much have trading posts everywhere unless it is a special resource or a forest, where I build lumber mills. But I never build farms unless it is like wheat or something that requires it.

Also, how the hell do you rename your cities? There is a bug in my game where it keeps referring to "Philadelphia", but I never built Philadelphia. It keeps thinking Medina that I conquered from the Arabs is Philadelphia. :lol

Edit: I am liking the game on DX9 much better. I can run on high on DX10 but the scrolling is sluggish. On high on DX9 I don't notice a huge difference except I can't enable the AA for some reason, but the scrolling and zooming is smoother for me. This Christmas I'm getting a DX11 card so it should be much improved.


Yeah, I'm having trouble with fullscreen resolution myself; it sets itself too tall.

This is a 720p HDTV: whatever x 768 means I can't see or click some pretty important things.


JayDubya said:
I'm increasingly concerned that the AI is very, very dumb, and that in pursuing a conquest victory, I am taking a very easy way out. I don't remember if I'm playing on King or Emperor, but I just rolled over my enemies with a tiny, inferior number of units of equivalent tech. This is my first game, so I'm not bragging about my mad skillz or anything; quite the converse - I think I should be having more trouble.

I'm thinking that Chick guy was right; it's a great combat system, and it would be nice if the AI sort of understood it.

Yeah the AI is absolutely horrible so far. Hopefully it won't take too long before the Improved AI mods arrive.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I've been avoiding this thread, because I can't pick it up til later in the evening and the wait's been terrible.

I am DYING to play! I am zooming through work to try and finish early :p
JayDubya said:
Yeah, I'm having trouble with fullscreen resolution myself; it sets itself too tall.

This is a 720p HDTV: whatever x 768 means I can't see or click some pretty important things.

Usually can correct for this with the video card configuration utilities that come with the drivers.


Rad- said:
Started standard Earth map with proper civ placements (you can download it at Civ Fanatics) and seems good so far.

Someone should explain this sort of thing for those of us who have no experience with it.
timetokill said:
...long explanation why the combat is so great...
I completely agree. The new combat system is what drew back after hating CivIII and not caring CivIV, and man has it delivered. I think I've had more total fun playing CivV in the last few days than I have with Civ games over the last decade. I like a lot of the rest as well, city-states, global happiness, no "Cottage Economy", and much enhanced diplomacy but its planning and preparing for, and then maneuvering during wars that I'm having the most fun with.


So I started my first retail game on Prince difficulty and I was generated on a medium sized island all by myself with two city states... And wow, what a boring game that was. Being a pure builder civ in this game is terribly dull. Trading is far less interesting with far fewer available resources and no tech trading to micromanage, no more management of civics and anarchy cycles, no religion blocs forming at other continents to worry about, and of course things take much longer to build, leading to cycles of just waiting for deals to expire to renew them again... there seems to be nothing I could do to make it more interesting other than going to war.

For isolated starts, in Civ4 there was an urgency to explore the world and meet other civs so you don't get left behind in tech, in Civ5 you could just stay on your island and do whatever you want as long there's enough space/resources.

Definitely need to turn the difficulty up several notches.
Never played a Civ game before, then I read this post on reddit:http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/dh7zy/reddit_i_beg_you_for_societys_sake_do_not_buy/
I thought like, "Shit, that sounds awesome." I love history and I just preordered on Steam. Now I started playing two day ago, did the Tutorial first but it's actually not that complicated at all. I then started a quick game where I started off as Montezuma (Aztecs) and it's really fun. Unfortunately I didn't watch the happiness for a few turns and now everyone is unhappy because I built too many cities or something. Also, I wanted to kill Monaco but the Persians were like "lol no" and so I had to back off. (they are my direct neighbors to the south and I want to trade stuff with them) I also just built my first ship that can actually go to the other continents (tried desperately to do that with a Scout and Embark but failed) and I discovered a lot of other players. How can I fix the unhappiness?


Rad- said:
It's a fansite where you can find all the mods for Civilization games. Here's a direct link to the mod forum:


Most notable sub-forum there is "Modpacks" (basically all big mods will be found here).

Obviously not much there yet but in few months it will be packed with mods and maps.
Isn't the "Earth starting locations" mod listed in the in-game mod menu directly? Or is that a different one?

Archie said:
Conquest victories are way to easy on prince, especially with the Japanese. A cultural victory seems impossible in comparison. :|

Also it's 4:30 in the morning. I sorta hate this game in the 'stop stealin' mah time' kind of way.
For everyone having difficulty getting cultural victories, how big are your empires? Too many cities makes it harder to go for cultural it seems this time around.


xbhaskarx said:
Thanks but where is the one you mentioned and how do I install it?
Have you checked the in-game mod browser first? I could've sworn I saw something there.

And was this posted yet? Patch details:

1. Game now runs if user path includes special characters.
2. AI will now make gold per turn deals in amounts other than 5 GPT.
3. Open borders is canceled immediately if war is declared and troops in enemy lands displaced.
4. AI valuation of cities in trades and peace deals improved.

5. Unit maintenance now scales appropriately in Time Limit games.
6. Various crash fixes.
I'd probably expect more AI fixes coming.


close to the edge said:
Never played a Civ game before, then I read this post on reddit:http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/dh7zy/reddit_i_beg_you_for_societys_sake_do_not_buy/
I thought like, "Shit, that sounds awesome." I love history and I just preordered on Steam. Now I started playing two day ago, did the Tutorial first but it's actually not that complicated at all. I then started a quick game where I started off as Montezuma (Aztecs) and it's really fun. Unfortunately I didn't watch the happiness for a few turns and now everyone is unhappy because I built too many cities or something. Also, I wanted to kill Monaco but the Persians were like "lol no" and so I had to back off. (they are my direct neighbors to the south and I want to trade stuff with them) I also just built my first ship that can actually go to the other continents (tried desperately to do that with a Scout and Embark but failed) and I discovered a lot of other players. How can I fix the unhappiness?

I'm a noob at Civ too. I've been building structures in each of my cities that boost happiness like the circus and Colisseum.

you can also trade with other cities for luxury resources that your citizens want. when you click on a city, it'll tell you below the name if the citizens want Wine or silks or whatever.

giving them that will boost happiness. you can either produce it by working on a resource tile within your borders or trade with another city for it.

Chris R

Hope the city trading is easier now. Playing a tiny map and Bismark captured one of my cities. I went on a rampage and captured/destroyed 95% of his so he was down to my captured city and 1 other. My trade demands every time were peace and my city back. He said no, he no longer exists.

Guess I'm going to have to try a military win because I have so many cities now compared to the other two countries.


XiaNaphryz said:
Have you checked the in-game mod browser first? I could've sworn I saw something there.

Oh nice, I didn't even realize all mods seem to be put there. Yeah the in-game browser is the fastest and easiest way to install the map in that case. It's the one called "True start location Earth maps".

And to make it clear for everyone, from the main menu: Mods -> Browse mods -> Online.

Hari Seldon

close to the edge said:
How can I fix the unhappiness?

Besides building the buildings that directly give +happiness, the easiest way is to acquire luxury resources. The key point is this: If you have 5 silks, only 1 is counted towards happiness. So those 4 extra are doing nothing. You have to trade them away to get a benefit out of them.


I haven't really played a Civ game since the original on my 386, but I am loving it so far. I ended up staying up til 4 in the morning the other day and then til 2 a.m. this morning playing.

I feel stupid for asking this, but I was trying to take over a city state, and I would keep attacking, but it wouldn't let me take it over. Then I noticed a little red/yellow dot saying that it was barricaded by an enemy unit. I already took out the two units by it, so what am I doing wrong? Or is it being glitchy? I was also extremely tired and maybe looking at again tonight will reveal what the hell I was doing wrong.

Hari Seldon

Rad- said:
Oh nice, I didn't even realize all mods seem to be put there. Yeah the in-game browser is the fastest and easiest way to install the map in that case. It's the one called "True start location Earth maps".

And to make it clear for everyone, from the main menu: Mods -> Browse mods -> Online.

So you can actually browse mods on some "official server" with that? Or is that a browser if you download them from somewhere else first?


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Ponn01 said:
I didn't see it in the op but can you run a retail disc copy of this without disc required?

I don't know too much about steam or steamworks so I just popped my retail disk out and tried to launch. It launched into the game just fine.

So answer is yes.


Hail to the KING baby
close to the edge said:
Never played a Civ game before, then I read this post on reddit:http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/dh7zy/reddit_i_beg_you_for_societys_sake_do_not_buy/
I thought like, "Shit, that sounds awesome." I love history and I just preordered on Steam. Now I started playing two day ago, did the Tutorial first but it's actually not that complicated at all. I then started a quick game where I started off as Montezuma (Aztecs) and it's really fun. Unfortunately I didn't watch the happiness for a few turns and now everyone is unhappy because I built too many cities or something. Also, I wanted to kill Monaco but the Persians were like "lol no" and so I had to back off. (they are my direct neighbors to the south and I want to trade stuff with them) I also just built my first ship that can actually go to the other continents (tried desperately to do that with a Scout and Embark but failed) and I discovered a lot of other players. How can I fix the unhappiness?
per manual:
Happiness is a measure of your citizens’ contentment. As a rule, the larger your total population, the unhappier everybody gets. An unhappy population doesn’t grow very rapidly, and a very unhappy population will affect the fighting quality of your armies as well. Your civ’s happiness is displayed on the Status Bar of the Main Screen (in the upper left-hand corner of the game). Watch it carefully. If it reaches zero, your population is getting restless. If it starts to dip into negative numbers, you’re in trouble. (Incidentally, you can get an excellent snapshot of your population’s happiness by hovering your cursor over this number.)
Starting Happiness
The amount of happiness that your civilization begins with is determined by the game’s difficulty setting. The moment you construct your first city, that number will begin to decline.
What Causes Unhappiness
The following cause unhappiness:
• Raw Population: As your civ grows, the people get increasingly unhappy and demand more stuff to keep them amused.
• Number of Cities: As the number of cities in your civ grows, so does your unhappiness. In other words, a civ with 2 cities each of population 1 is unhappier than a civ with 1 city of population 2, even though they both contain the same total population.
• Annexed Cities: If you capture and annex foreign cities, your population doesn’t much like it.
What Causes Happiness
The following increase your population’s happiness:
• Natural Wonders: Each natural wonder you discover permanently increases your civilization’s happiness.
• Luxury Resources: Improve resources within your territory or trade for them with other civs. Each kind of resource improves your population’s happiness (but you don’t get extra happiness for having multiple copies of a single luxury).
• Buildings: Certain buildings increase your population’s happiness. These include the Coliseum, the Circus, the Theatre, and others. Each building constructed anywhere in your civ increases your overall happiness (so two Coliseums produce twice as much happiness as one, unlike Luxuries).
• Wonders: Certain wonders like Notre Dame and the Hanging Gardens can give you a big boost in happiness.
• Social Policies: Policies from the Piety branch provide a lot of happiness, as do a few policies in other branches.
• Technologies: Technologies in themselves don’t provide happiness, but they do unlock the buildings, wonders, resources and social policies which do.


tagrat said:
I haven't really played a Civ game since the original on my 386, but I am loving it so far. I ended up staying up til 4 in the morning the other day and then til 2 a.m. this morning playing.

I feel stupid for asking this, but I was trying to take over a city state, and I would keep attacking, but it wouldn't let me take it over. Then I noticed a little red/yellow dot saying that it was barricaded by an enemy unit. I already took out the two units by it, so what am I doing wrong? Or is it being glitchy? I was also extremely tired and maybe looking at again tonight will reveal what the hell I was doing wrong.
There is a little bar on the city states label that will slowly deplete as you attack it. When it is completely gone, you can take the city.

Also for the above... dont extra amounts of luxary resources still add +1 happiness?


ZZMitch said:
There is a little bar on the city states label that will slowly deplete as you attack it. When it is completely gone, you can take the city.

The bar just wouldn't seem to go down after getting it completely to the bottom no matter how many times I hit it with my bombers and destroyers = (
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