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Cloverfield Hype & Movie Thread *Spoilers Ahoy!*

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TiVo said:
So the monster knocks the helicopter out of the sky at night.

What transpired between then and them waking up the next day? What was the military doing in the meantime?

Did the monster not travel uptown, downtown or to other buroughs of NYC or other states?

It just happened to reappear in the same area the chopper went down hours earlier to look down and only eat 1 of 3 people yelling and screaming?

This monster was knocking down buildings. Imagine the scale of the World Trade center and one of the office doors. Now imagine a person standing in that door. Now imagine the WTC bending down and seeing then eating something the size smaller than a door.

I am not taking this movie seriously as some people but come on.

it's people like you that I do not want to sit next to while at the movie theater. The whole point of movie is to suspend belief.

I guess you're not fun playing games with either huh?


Dan said:
I succumbed and saw it. My god, this movie pissed me off on so many levels.

Thoughts for a sequel or any imitators:

1) Fucking ditch the douchebag-amatuer-documentarian angle. It's beyond retarded how this guy kept recording during the whole ordeal. I love how he kept stopping and starting the camera in the middle of running from shit. If the goal was to make me utterly despise self-important-YouTube-generation-narcissistic-fuckheads, mission accomplished.

2) If you must keep the silly POV gimmick, can we get someone to shoot and narrate the thing that isn't a mouth-breathing Neanderthal? Had I been out there with Hud I would have murdered him so fucking fast and considered it self-defense. Just grab the damn camera and bash his skull in with it. Anything to stop him from proclaiming whatever dumb thought just popped into his head.

3) For that matter, less douchebags and utter idiots all around. I have a hard time believing some of those folks could have survived New York a normal day, let alone for 7 hours constantly in the monster's direct path of destruction.

4) Please, please, please don't have characters throw out lame exposition-style comments and questions that are so obviously directed to the audience. If you want to do a POV thing, quit being so self-consciously a movie.

If the characters had had some intelligence and non-repulsive personalities and we followed them with a Children Of Men style camera, this would have been an awesome movie. But all that other stuff was horribly offensive to my brain.

i liked the movie but i agree definatley agree w/that
I just saw this. Great movie. My friend ruined the tension when the monster was about
to eat Hud
tho. Idiot shouted "Quick summon the final Aeon!" Jackass.
Posted before? Got them off of Dave's.


To save one, change the "makeplaylist.dll" to "(whatever).mov" before downloading. Also, they contain spoilers as to the creature's appearance, but it's been long enough that everyone probably already knows.


Spike Spiegel said:
Posted before? Got them off of Dave's.


To save one, change the "makeplaylist.dll" to "(whatever).mov" before downloading. Also, they contain spoilers as to the creature's appearance, but it's been long enough that everyone probably already knows.

wow, this one of my favourite scenes! thank you!


Just walked in from seeing the movie (Norwegian premiere).

Absolutely kick ass movie. Delivered on the concept perfectly.


Awesome, awesome movie. I never seen anything like it on that scale before. It felt really epic and did a better job at convincing you an entire city is being messed u then "regular" films like Godzilla and its ilk.

I think I'll mount a Hud Defence Force : I actually liked the guy. He was a dumbass yes but I still felt sorry for him when he was eaten. The comic relief usually doesnt get owned like that so it was a bit jarring (mission accomplished then I suppose).

Please, please, please don't have characters throw out lame exposition-style comments and questions that are so obviously directed to the audience. If you want to do a POV thing, quit being so self-consciously a movie.

I dont know what you're getting at here? Do you mean the characters relationships or the talk about the monster? Personally if a huge monster attacked my town I would sure take a few seconds here and there to wonder what the fuck it was and where it came from.

There were alot of "holy shit" moments and they showed alot more of the monster then I thought they would. Actually I could have lived without the Hud being eaten scene, not because I liked Hud, but because they dwelt too long on the monster and showed me too much of it standing there in broad daylight. What I seen at night in the city was enough

I missed the bit at the end where the object falls from the sky when Beth and Rob are at Coney Island. Damn youtube quality clip shows nothing.
Jeez, you're all crazy about which characters were likable. Hud was hilarious and seemed to genuinely care about the other folks. Rob was a fucking cock who didn't give a shit about putting all his friends lives at risk for some dumb cum-bucket that he got to tap once.
Really enjoyed this film....throughout

However, the scenes at the beginning of the film when the city was under attack were flat out incredible...atmospherically, artisically and sonically...just intense.

I enjoyed the format, since it made the film more immersive and I took the characters for what they were. They were believeable enough, so Im not sure why people are creating charactures of them. The ending scene was also quite amusing/sad.

In general I find horror movies tedious and boring...but this wasnt strictly a horror movie. Reminds me of the Host to some degree, but this film was definitely superior. I felt spent when walking out of the theatre.

edit: heh, surprised seeing those scores for this and the Host. Host was agood solid movie, well shot, well acted, Solid in general. Not really great though in any respect. Especially compared to many other Korean films Ive checked. People should watch Save the Green Planet.... CRAAAZY film

check this trailer of it:



Buttonbasher said:
Saw this a 5th time. No one left until the scrolling credits started. Everyone was dead silent. I'm still surprised by that.

i love this moment!

I wonder how the DVD/ HD release is going to look like. Do you really think Paramount is going to release it on HD-DVD?






That toy seems all wrong. The movie monster seemed 'thicker' than that, the color doesn't seem right, the red breathing sack thing on the sides of the head don't even seem to be there....hmm.


Fry Daddy
Vyer said:
That toy seems all wrong. The movie monster seemed 'thicker' than that, the color doesn't seem right, the red breathing sack thing on the sides of the head don't even seem to be there....hmm.




Vyer said:
That toy seems all wrong. The movie monster seemed 'thicker' than that, the color doesn't seem right, the red breathing sack thing on the sides of the head don't even seem to be there....hmm.

No red sacks is the only thing I can fault it on. Oh and costing $100. That's fucking ridiculous.


How could a flimsy flesh monster like that destroy whole buildings and get attacked non stop by aircrafts and all and still be fine?

That is so dumb.


How could this thing be from deep in the sea and be amphibious too?

It's gotten really stupid.
Wow, judgmental much? Photos in stark white with bright light and no other objects to give a sense of scale are meant to show off what the figure looks like in detail, not to look cool or menacing. Even the most nightmarish, unholy of creatures ever committed to film would look silly under such conditions.

Way to overreact.


So now we have to endure criticism from people who haven't actually seen the movie, but feel fit to judge it based on a poorly designed action figure? Awesome.


I saw the movie.

The idea it came from under the sea, yet is amphibious, and that it can destroy WTC-like buildings with its limbs and endure numerous attacks from aircrafts and the military, makes this stupid.


border said:
So now we have to endure criticism from people who haven't actually seen the movie, but feel fit to judge it based on a poorly designed action figure? Awesome.

Agreed. Funny to see them try to take a last few shots just because of the toy this late in the thread.

Still don't like the figure though; and 100 bucks? Yikes.


Ether_Snake said:
The idea it came from under the sea, yet is amphibious, and that it can destroy WTC-like buildings with its limbs and endure numerous attacks from aircrafts and the military, makes this stupid.

Isn't that the premise of every single giant monster movie? Shit, isn't that exactly the same premise as Godzilla? Why even watch if you aren't willing to suspend disbelief?


Ether_Snake said:
I saw the movie.

The idea it came from under the sea, yet is amphibious, and that it can destroy WTC-like buildings with its limbs and endure numerous attacks from aircrafts and the military, makes this stupid.

Seriously, man, does it really matter?


armubaba said:
Seriously, man, does it really matter?

Err, yes, because they could have taken the extra 10 minutes worth of effort to think of something more believable. Everything could have remained the same, but the monster itself makes no sense when you consider the kind of destruction it waged and the attacks it resisted.
Ether_Snake said:
Err, yes, because they could have taken the extra 10 minutes worth of effort to think of something more believable. Everything could have remained the same, but the monster itself makes no sense when you consider the kind of destruction it waged and the attacks it resisted.
So it wasn't as realistic as all those real monsters in the real world who really really are real?
For realz?
Ether_Snake said:
I saw the movie.

The idea it came from under the sea, yet is amphibious, and that it can destroy WTC-like buildings with its limbs and endure numerous attacks from aircrafts and the military, makes this stupid.

Why? Underwater fish/animals/creatures are under alot of pressure and have thick hides/shells/etc. I didn't see "wtc-like" building get knocked down, but I did see 20 and 30 story buildings going down.
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