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College Basketball 2009-2010

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This is how some cope with a Duke loss I suppose...


I miss the old late night with conan and his characters...


kkaabboomm said:
Kansas vs. Tennessee and their merry band of 6 scholarship players is on right now.

Don't forget about McBee he is our token white guy!

We can't win this game, we have no rebounding.


Do you ever feel like every team goes crazy from 3 on you? I don't understand it, I'd think teams would be tight early against us considering it should be a big game.


NewLib said:
Tennessee's strategy to winning the game: Making bullshit shots. So far: Working.

Well it is either that or dump it down low to Steven Pearl, I will take bullshit shots.

SyNapSe said:
Do you ever feel like every team goes crazy from 3 on you? I don't understand it, I'd think teams would be tight early against us considering it should be a big game.

Probably the opposite. The "nothing to lose" mentality.

Seth C

SyNapSe said:
Do you ever feel like every team goes crazy from 3 on you? I don't understand it, I'd think teams would be tight early against us considering it should be a big game.

You must be used to playing midwest teams or something. Tennessee plays the winningest basketball program of all time twice a year. :p And while I'm here, let's go Vols!

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
SyNapSe said:
Do you ever feel like every team goes crazy from 3 on you? I don't understand it, I'd think teams would be tight early against us considering it should be a big game.

Not every team :(


NewLib said:
Why is Kansas settling for jumpshots against a team whose one remaining center is on the bench with 2 fouls?

Cause Kenny Hall is a better defender than Chism.

Why is Chism back in?


Collins is getting frustrated and trying to take over. He's taking bad shots though :( 2nd game in a row where we've looked lost on O.

edit: ok collins goes 5 on 1 there and it works out so eh.
jjasper said:
Don't forget about McBee he is our token white guy!

We can't win this game, we have no rebounding.

this merry band of 6 scholarship players is doing pretty damn well considering they have SIX SCHOLARSHIP PLAYERS and their leading senior was just kicked off the team.

Tn was up by 5 with 4 minutes left in the first half, tied at the half on a kansas 3 with 3 seconds left (33-33), impressive

as much as it might pain me to say this, go Tennessee, win this game please so Kansas will lose.


kkaabboomm said:
this merry band of 6 scholarship players is doing pretty damn well considering they have SIX SCHOLARSHIP PLAYERS and their leading senior was just kicked off the team.

Tn was up by 5 with 4 minutes left in the first half, tied at the half on a kansas 3 with 3 seconds left (33-33), impressive

as much as it might pain me to say this, go Tennessee, win this game please so Kansas will lose.

kkaabboomm said:
this merry band of 6 scholarship players is doing pretty damn well considering they have SIX SCHOLARSHIP PLAYERS and their leading senior was just kicked off the team.

Tn was up by 5 with 4 minutes left in the first half, tied at the half on a kansas 3 with 3 seconds left (33-33), impressive

as much as it might pain me to say this, go Tennessee, win this game please so Kansas will lose.

Well Tennessee is undefeated at home. That arena is a pretty rockin place. I think Kansas will settle down in the second half and win by getting the ball inside the paint with morningstar or aldrich


kkaabboomm said:
this merry band of 6 scholarship players is doing pretty damn well considering they have SIX SCHOLARSHIP PLAYERS and their leading senior was just kicked off the team.

Tn was up by 5 with 4 minutes left in the first half, tied at the half on a kansas 3 with 3 seconds left (33-33), impressive

as much as it might pain me to say this, go Tennessee, win this game please so Kansas will lose.

It will be interesting to see what happens late in the game. No depth but hopefully this zone helps conserve energy.


Our offense goes up and down and they've had trouble working through the zone Tenn. is using. Outside of some early bombs, we've been giving the Vols some really uncharacteristic layups all over.

Over the last few years our defense has been pretty consistent. I don't think I've ever seen us allow that many easy inside shots. Vols have some athletic guys and Chism hitting his first 3 really forces us to pull Aldrich out of the lane a lot, I guess.


I dont like tooting my own horn, but...

NewLib said:
I didnt watch the UT game because I was at the movies but I believe this. If UT gets back everyone but Tyler Smith, they will be a better team than they would be with Tyler Smith. He was a cancer on that team.

Beep. Beep.


Sometime Chism will learn that it is better to give up 2 points than get a stupid foul. Maybe someone in Europe will finally get through to him.


I hope the guys are embarrassed by their effort after this game. It's one thing to have a poor shooting night, it's a whole other thing to get beat down the court over and over by a team with no depth.

wow zone out of us
so it's the under 12 minute TV timeout.

chism and prince both have 4 fouls and are sitting, yet still Tn is up 53-46 w/11:01 left in the game. interesting

edit: Tn is shooting 50% from 3 (7-14) whereas kansas is hitting 5-18 for 27.8% at this point. Tn has 4 TO's v. Kansas's 11, and well yeah, TN has no depth whatsoever, yet is still more than in still in this game


SyNapSe said:
I hope the guys are embarrassed by their effort after this game. It's one thing to have a poor shooting night, it's a whole other thing to get beat down the court over and over by a team with no depth.

wow zone out of us

The worst part is UT has three walks on on the court right now and Kansas still cant do anything.
kkaabboomm said:
so it's the under 12 minute TV timeout.

chism and prince both have 4 fouls and are sitting, yet still Tn is up 53-46 w/11:01 left in the game. interesting

Either Tenn is deep, or Kansas should be deeply concerned.


vas_a_morir said:
Either Tenn is deep, or Kansas should be deeply concerned.

We have 2 walkons that aren't exactly walkons. McBee turned down offers cause he wanted to come to UT and Bone left Southern Illinois where he had a scholly and played when they went to the sweet 16 and walked on.
Tn's sub 50% FT shooting (8-17) should be haunting them right now, and might bite them in the ass at the end...they've left lots of points on the floor

edit: TV timeout, 7:56 left, Tn up 57-51
perfectchaos007 said:
Tennessee is lights out from 3 point land. damn

I can't watch the game, but I'm guessing a lot of guys who aren't very athletic or big are on the court, thus must shoot well from outside in order to have walked on.


I thought we had got back into but that series of mistakes may have ended it. Hopefully our guys learn to stop coasting and play hard. At times, it feels like Sherron is the only guy who really cares about winning.


Seth C said:
You must be used to playing midwest teams or something. Tennessee plays the winningest basketball program of all time twice a year. :p And while I'm here, let's go Vols!

Would you say there aren't a lot of teams that can shoot like Tennessee?

Seth C

DJ_Tet said:
Would you say there aren't a lot of teams that can shoot like Tennessee?

They do have quite a few weapons. I think they should stick to the run & gun offense.

It sucks to be stuck in the SEC with no decent teams or solid competition. I wish we could play in a conference that had quality teams that could really compete with the best in the country. Oh well.


we're better off for it but that looked like a clean strip by Collins.

edit: ugh another wide-open missed 3 by Reed.
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