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COMICS - October 2011 |OT| - Goons, Godmothers, and Gunwitches!

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Batwoman and Survival of the Fittest were both great this week.

Anyone reading The Cape? I picked up the first trade of Locke and Key recently and really dig what Joe Hill is doing there. Same with The Cape. Having a real asshole as the lead is refreshing since I've been surprised with the first two issues and the one-shot.


BenjaminBirdie said:
It's almost as if a comic book artist drew a comic book costume like it was actually made of cloth.
adam hughes always draws her in huge cloth boots and they never look shitty like that


Just finished listening to the Awesomed By Comics podcast and they were talking about this comic All Nighter. Looks interesting. Anyone here read it?

And thanks to ABCP, I found out Didio misspelled part of his announcement regarding the No Crisis Happened bullshit.

The man is a keeper.

Edit:Found All Nighter #1 online, if anyone is interested.
Just read Mister Terrific #2. Pretty meh on it overall, think I'll give it one more week. Also, it looks like this Karen Starr has no powers, and isn't the PG we knew and loved.
What was up with MJ in the first panel of the new issue? I couldn't for the life of me figure out how she was twisting and where her waste and legs were. And I should have known she'd still barely be featured.

The Take Out Bandit said:
Bison Barf

I'm not joking when I say this is one of the best GIFs I've seen this year.
Shin Johnpv said:
Just read Mister Terrific #2. Pretty meh on it overall, think I'll give it one more week. Also, it looks like this Karen Starr has no powers, and isn't the PG we knew and loved.

Power Girl should still be on Earth 2 on the JSA.


VGChampion said:
I'm not joking when I say this is one of the best GIFs I've seen this year.
Have you seen the video it comes from?

It's one of the most horrible things I've ever seen in animation.
favouriteflavour said:
I don't see the problem when he does pages like this.

There's never a problem with Quitely. People are conflating their personal tastes with objective artistic ability.

But no, they must be right, since he's been slumming it on low profile projects for --

What's that? He's never drawn a low profile project in the past twenty years? Well, I mean, it's not like he was hand picked for a Sandman anth--

He was?

Hm. I guess everyone else is wrong. Because look at those boots, right?
BenjaminBirdie said:
There's never a problem with Quitely. People are conflating their personal tastes with objective artistic ability.

But no, they must be right, since he's been slumming it on low profile projects for --

What's that? He's never drawn a low profile project in the past twenty years? Well, I mean, it's not like he was hand picked for a Sandman anth--

He was?

Hm. I guess everyone else is wrong. Because look at those boots, right?

I never said he couldn't draw. But don't pretend people cannot dislike artist choices.

Most if the time he has horrible faces. He is fully capable of not drawing horrible faces, but chooses not to.

I love this thread so much. Deadpool and Frank Quietly hatin'?

Best comics OT ever! :D

I had a pretty nice haul this week:

Hellboy Double Feature of Evil
Frankenstein #2
Mega Man
Jennifer Blood
Draw Magazine



best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
BenjaminBirdie said:
There's never a problem with Quitely. People are conflating their personal tastes with objective artistic ability.

But no, they must be right, since he's been slumming it on low profile projects for --

What's that? He's never drawn a low profile project in the past twenty years? Well, I mean, it's not like he was hand picked for a Sandman anth--

He was?

Hm. I guess everyone else is wrong. Because look at those boots, right?

...really man? werent you giving bandit shit in the wonder woman thread for doing the same thing you are?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
The Take Out Bandit said:

Skeet Fighter (<= NSFW) is one of the best animations to come off of the internet.

you son of a bitch! what the hell did i just watch? and there was no bison!
The Take Out Bandit said:

I love this thread so much. Deadpool and Frank Quietly hatin'?

Best comics OT ever! :D

I had a pretty nice haul this week:

Hellboy Double Feature of Evil
Frankenstein #2
Mega Man
Jennifer Blood
Draw Magazine


Thanks big time for the Orchid heads up. I really loved it. Has that artist done much else?

And what did you think about Frankie #2? The art works for me, and I'm in love with the whole Hellboy Troopers schtick. I've always loved DC's Creature Commandos from way way back.
So, I read some books from this week and some books from the past few weeks today.

American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest 5 of 5 - Was a good ending to the series, it felt like the ending to an action movie, but in a non cheesy way. I think there is another mini with Sean Murphy next year? I hope anyway.

Morning Glories 12 and 13 - Read 12 and enjoyed it to the point I can this book, which means I have a vague sense of what's happening, but still enjoy it. 13 completely lost me, I think it goes back to one of the earlier issues, but time is being with messed with here.

Severed 2 and 3 - This is a good horror series, I pretty much read it like a horror movie going "You are fucking up" every time I know the character shouldn't be doing what they're doing. The art is really great and the story is a slow burn at this point, but very intriguing.

Unwritten 30 - I love this series, seriously. Tommy gets pushed over the edge here and foot will be put to ass in the coming months it appears. It's feeling like this could wrap up after the next arc, but I'm hoping it doesn't.

Red Wing 3 - I almost think I know what is happening here....almost. This last issue has a lot of explaining to do, but I could be right with my assumptions, we'll see.

Still have Batwoman, Demon Knights, Punisher and The Shade to read through, and I grabbed the first hardcover of Locke and Key after hearing good things, so I hope it doesn't disappoint.
I just read X-Men Schism and...WTF, it was good? All the years of shitty Chuck Austen and Scott Lobdell and Matt Fraction writing on that franchise have conditioned me to expect awfulness, but Aaron was freaking great, I really thought he nailed all the voices, all the relationships. It actually made me want to check out the relaunch.

Jedeye Sniv

Tawney Bomb said:
I'm really enjoying it, I know something nuts is going to happen, I'm just not sure when and that makes it so much better.

Yeah seriously. That stuff with the trap in the last issue was just toe curdling. All the time I was just waiting for the snap, it was horrible. And then last last page turn gave me the proper heebiejeebies. I think this might be the scariest comic I've ever read, it's wonderful.
Parallax said:
you son of a bitch! what the hell did i just watch? and there was no bison!

What?! You must have watched some edited version. The ending is Bison psycho puking. :D

krypt0nian said:
Thanks big time for the Orchid heads up. I really loved it. Has that artist done much else?

Cool, glad you dig it.

First I've heard of him, but he looks like he's been around.

And what did you think about Frankie #2? The art works for me, and I'm in love with the whole Hellboy Troopers schtick. I've always loved DC's Creature Commandos from way way back.

It's not bad. It's not great. It's just kind of there. The artist does a really good "Herp Derp" style for a lot of the characters which I don't much care for. I also dislike the Bride's new hair style.

Heh - I'm visually oriented.

Satchwar said:
It was terrifying.

The same artist did a Transformers flash animation which is equally hilarious!



krypt0nian said:
I never said he couldn't draw. But don't pretend people cannot dislike artist choices.

Most if the time he has horrible faces. He is fully capable of not drawing horrible faces, but chooses not to.

They're not horrible. You just don't like them. They are beautiful and expressive to some.

Parallax said:
...really man? werent you giving bandit shit in the wonder woman thread for doing the same thing you are?

o h s h i t
BenjaminBirdie said:
They're not horrible. You just don't like them. They are beautiful and expressive to some.

Then no comic is great or bad or anything. People just like or dislike them. Birdie, people get to use the words that they choose. That's how opinions are expressed. Obviously, I don't like them. So I said they are horrible. You like them so you say they are beautiful or expressive.

No, I and many others find his faces horrible. He makes terrible choices when he obviously doesn't need to. The man can draw. Wonderfully. He also makes really really bad artistic choices that alienate many.

I'm not certain why you think he's above criticism.
Well, I made the mistake of picking up Batman & Robin. I told myself I wasn't going to but I did. Spoilers ahead. The dialogue was weird in places, especially when Batman spoke to the thugs. Bruce telling Alfred he's afraid what will happen to Damian if he "dies" was just weird because we know what happened. He became more humane and friendly. And I have no idea what was going on with the end because I don't think I know who this Morgan is.

Satchwar said:
Have you seen the video it comes from?

It's one of the most horrible things I've ever seen in animation.

Nah, and I don't think I want to as that's not really my thing. :p


VGChampion said:
Well, I made the mistake of picking up Batman & Robin. I told myself I wasn't going to but I did. Spoilers ahead. The dialogue was weird in places, especially when Batman spoke to the thugs. Bruce telling Alfred he's afraid what will happen to Damian if he "dies" was just weird because we know what happened. He became more humane and friendly. And I have no idea what was going on with the end because I don't think I know who this Morgan is.
It seems to be undoing/ignoring all of the development Damian got with Dick-Bats, and it sucks.
krypt0nian said:
Then no comic is great or bad or anything. People just like or dislike them. Birdie, people get to use the words that they choose. That's how opinions are expressed. Obviously, I don't like them. So I said they are horrible. You like them so you say they are beautiful or expressive.

No, I and many others find his faces horrible. He makes terrible choices when he obviously doesn't need to. The man can draw. Wonderfully. He also makes really really bad artistic choices that alienate many.

I'm not certain why you think he's above criticism.

I agree people are entitled to their own opinion, but that changes into something else when you say he makes terrible choices. Most artists are beyond criticism. And then there's Frank Quitely. It's impossible for an artist to have a style unique and expressive enough where he actually is beyond criticism but if he has total control of his process and schedule, then yeah, I consider his work flawless.

Had to happen to someone.
Whoops. Meant to say most artists "aren't" beyond criticism.

I really think any bad Quitely art I've ever seen was when it was poorly inked or rushed (and I can't even think of any of the latter).


Aaannnd I'm done with Astonishing X-Men. Holy fuck that was a fantastic read. So in which series does
Kitty Pryde
come back in? X-Men Legacy? Uncanny X-Men?

My bank account is going to disown me after all these purchases lol.

Jedeye Sniv

Cheska said:
Aaannnd I'm done with Astonishing X-Men. Holy fuck that was a fantastic read. So in which series does
Kitty Pryde
come back in? X-Men Legacy? Uncanny X-Men?

My bank account is going to disown me after all these purchases lol.

I think it's during Gillen's run on uncanny. Which is really pretty good and I don't give two shits about x-men.


Speaking of X-Men I've put Wolverine & Uncanny X-Men on my subs list. I guess other than X-Force there aren't any other X-men comics worth picking up?
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