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COMICS - October 2011 |OT| - Goons, Godmothers, and Gunwitches!

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Jedeye Sniv said:
I'm not sure if you guys are being serious... (apart from X-Force being good which I hear it is). Getting into Deadpool is a bit like saying "Hey guys! I just got an iPod so I'm getting into music. First purchase - Black Eyed Peas. Aww yeah!" and then everyone else is like "Yeah dawg, you should get Tonight's Gonna be a Good Night, that's a dope jam"

I just... I don't know.

Carry on!

End the thread.

Just end it here.

It's not going to get any better than this. :D

bengraven said:
I fiendishly want everything in the OP but Spooks.

I know nothing about it except the pictures I see, but in a hypothetical situation where I could afford all the books in the OP, Spooks is the least appealing to me.

Spooks is great because it's written by Larry Hama and is essentially supernatural G.I.Joe. Both the Alpha and Omega teams have a cool cast of characters, and I'm just a mark for Dog Soldiers style action horror stuff.

Plus Bettina Bolo is a chick with great big muscles that fights monsters with knives. So gooood!
Just finished Deathstroke. Kind of a letdown after issue 1. It was entirely badass.... But that's all there is. There were barely any lines that didn't consist of "Dear God, no!" or "Ahhhhh!" or death sounds. I hope they amp up the supervillain angle a bit. As it is right now, he's just a killer.


krypt0nian said:
His radioactive spiderblood almost demands it. I can't wait to the finale fight, I am sure it will go down in my "He ain't cracking jokes, he is just fucking people up " spidey file.

the chris

Just saw this rumor that Gail Simone might have left Firestorm
The hottest rumour burning down the pre-NYCC parties is that Gail Simone, co-writer of DC Relaunch title Fury Of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men with Ethan Van Sciver, has walked off the comic.

The reason being given by the Manhattan tittle tattlers is over editorial conflicts over the book, the kind of thing alluded to here.

This only applies to Firestorm however, this is not the case with the bestselling DC relaunch comic Batgirl, also written by Simone. But for many, Simone is not just a good writer, but seen as fighting the case for female creators and characters at the company. If indeed she has left the series over the reasons suggested, that won’t play well for DC this week. Expect it to be a topic of converation at the DC party, certainly.


Just want to say, that Demon Knights 2 is just as good, if not better than 1.

And I hope the series keeps it up. One of my favorites of the relaunch!


Rafa=FedKilla said:
Did anyone read Grifter and is it better than the first issue? I decided to drop it after the first issue since it didn't make any sense.

I passed on Grifter #2 after the pretty bland first issue. I will admit that the cover looked badass for #2 and almost bought it, may go back for it if the impressions are good.

Only one I've read this week so far is Bat Girl #2 and I thought it was pretty good. She is still trying to get back in the groove, the villain is pretty cool even if his motivations for murder are kind of confusing to me. Good art.


Rafa=FedKilla said:
Did anyone read Grifter and is it better than the first issue? I decided to drop it after the first issue since it didn't make any sense.

I liked the first Grifter so, we're coming from two different areas.
Generally, I loathe doing this, but I'm tired, and already wrote my thoughts so... here
What a fantastic week.

ASM was the highlight, followed closely by the end of the first American Vamp spinoff mini, another ridiculously excellent ish of Superboy
get a load of Caitlin's move!
and a surprise that I was unprepared for: a legit return to Opal City, and the wonderful Shade #1.

Grifter, Suicide Squad, Batman & Robin second issues were better than the firsts, so I'm happy there. Really cannot complain about any of the second issues. Ray Palmer in Frankenstein is making me happy, Deathstroke is sufficiently badass, Batgirl/Batwoman still hold the high ground, and Demon Knights is tickling my Dungeons & Dragons bones.

But Superboy and Shade wowed me. Something special going on there.

Jedeye Sniv

notworksafe said:
To me, Deadpool is just a fun character. He's able get away with stuff most supertitles aren't because of the ridiculousness inherent in him. I don't think all super books should be like his, but a lighthearted, 4th wall breaking, goofy dude is sometimes just fun to read about.

To me, the Black Eyed Peas are just a fun band. They're able get away with stuff most bands aren't because of the ridiculousness inherent in them. I don't think all bands should be like this, but a lighthearted, dope jam making, goofy band is sometimes just fun to listen to.

:p nah man I'm just funnin', people reading anything is a good thing.

I think.

EDIT: on a non-trolling note, I'm really excited for the Shade series but I'm reticent to buy it in singles since I have Starman in hardcover and would like to get Shade in hardcover similarly. But then again I don't know if I can wait another year and a half for it to come out. The preview art they showed of Jill Thompson's issue was stunning and the line up sounds stellar for it. Waaaaaaaant.

Also, considering dropping a whole lot of the new 52. I kinda realised that I have no real need for straight superhero stories any more, they're just so boring. To get me interested in a basic superhero story I need either spectacular art (like Batwoman), a great writer (like Snyder) or a unique hook. The best books of the relaunch so far have been Swamp Thing and Animal Man which were stunning. Batman was pretty good too.

But Batgirl, Superboy, Detective and others are just not cutting it for me any more. I think I'm becoming a grown up... (at age 28).
Jedeye Sniv said:
Also, considering dropping a whole lot of the new 52. I kinda realised that I have no real need for straight superhero stories any more, they're just so boring. To get me interested in a basic superhero story I need either spectacular art (like Batwoman), a great writer (like Snyder) or a unique hook. The best books of the relaunch so far have been Swamp Thing and Animal Man which were stunning. Batman was pretty good too.

But Batgirl, Superboy, Detective and others are just not cutting it for me any more. I think I'm becoming a grown up... (at age 28).

I would say that you're becoming a pretentious old woman, except I also agree that a book needs good art or good writing to keep me hooked.

Anything ending in Girl/Boy just doesn't fly for me. Never has.

Not even as a child. Which I realize the adult creators and marketers all thought - "Hey! It's a kid, kids can better relate to them!"

No. Lets cut to the chase, only a loser wants to be the sh*tty sidekick. Winners want to be the god damn Batman. :p

I'll still call you a pretentious old woman though for sticking with ex-Vertigo titles as your two new-52 picks. HAR! Come on man, All Star Western is just that good. That's probably the only title I'll stick with as I can see DC losing Azzarello off Wonder Woman shortly, Savage Hawkman is just trash, OMAC is one issue away from being dropped for lack of compelling writing, and Frankenstein may be kicked to the curb just because it's not really engaging me on any level (writing/art).

Jedeye Sniv

The Take Out Bandit said:
I would say that you're becoming a pretentious old woman, except I also agree that a book needs good art or good writing to keep me hooked.

Anything ending in Girl/Boy just doesn't fly for me. Never has.

Not even as a child. Which I realize the adult creators and marketers all thought - "Hey! It's a kid, kids can better relate to them!"

No. Lets cut to the chase, only a loser wants to be the sh*tty sidekick. Winners want to be the god damn Batman. :p

I'll still call you a pretentious old woman though for sticking with ex-Vertigo titles as your two new-52 picks. HAR! Come on man, All Star Western is just that good. That's probably the only title I'll stick with as I can see DC losing Azzarello off Wonder Woman shortly, Savage Hawkman is just trash, OMAC is one issue away from being dropped for lack of compelling writing, and Frankenstein may be kicked to the curb just because it's not really engaging me on any level (writing/art).

Ha! No, I'm keeping a few more titles on than that, they are just examples of what I'm really impressed by so far. All-Star Western is still on my pull list, that was great. Frankenstein was also fairly awesome from the first issue so I'll be keeping that around, I really dig that hyper-sketchy art and the concepts Lemire threw out there were really stoking my SF boner. Same as Action comics, Stormwatch and a few others. Even OMAC was pretty fun, but it's right there on the line, maybe one more issue to see if it goes anywhere good,

I can't see what's so good about some of the books people are raving about though. Batgirl and Superboy were just so bland I really couldn't give two shits about what happens next. Birds of Prey had good art but that's about it, Green Lantern was more Geoff Johns bollocks, the Flash was gorgeous but pointless...

I just look at these stories and I ask 'what's the point?' and I can't for the life of me find the answer. They're not saying anything, stuff just happens then there are drawings of people punching each other and that's it. There's no drama, no characters I care about, no mind blowing high-concepts.

That said, I'm still buying a lot of comics, but I'm slowly coming to the realisation that I don't need to buy ALL the comics.

But I tell you what, if these books were .99c I would probably be buying a hell of a lot more.


This is pretty random but I feel like this may be the best place to ask. Would anyone by chance happen to have a high-res version of this Adam Hughes Superman illustration? It's one of my favorites of the character and have been unable to find anything larger than this:



DC Comics Sells Over 5 Million Issues in Six Weeks

DC Comics - the home of Superman, Batman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman - is experiencing its best comic books sales in more than 20 years, following a historic renumbering of all DC Comics titles with 52 all-new first issues. With sales of more than 5 million copies in only six weeks, the first issues of DC COMICS – THE NEW 52 are generating international headlines and bringing fans back into comic book stores across the country.



Still loving Spider Island. I finally figured out what is bugging me about Ramos's art. It's the eye colors. They just seem to be from a different color palette than the rest of the stuff in the book. Also, MJ has the physical proportions of Olive Oyl from Popeye, but with megabewbs.

Rucka's Punisher is still bloody good. I was on the fence after the first issue, but it really hit its stride in the second issue. It's kind of a slow burn and will probably read better in trade-form, but I'm sticking with the floppies for at least the first arc.

Daredevil is the best comic coming out of Marvel and it is a travesty that it's so far down on the sales list. Waid has really mastered single-issue content. This book is action-packed with really clever dialogue and art. The artists on this book tell a story better with their pencils than most writers out there do. A very satisfying 20 page read and it is only $2.99, but I would pay the extra buck if they were charging it. SO. GOOD.

Uncanny X-Force is the 2nd best book from Marvel. So much love for it in the comic threads that I need not say more. I've also been reading Remender's Venom. I feel like he owed someone a favor and got saddled with writing Spider Island tie-ins. First arc was much better, but I'm really looking forward to where the story goes after SI is over. Flash going
AWOL with the Symbiote sounds pretty cool.


The Take Out Bandit said:
I'm more terrified at the prospect he'll reunite with Frank Quietly on this.

Doughiest Wonder Woman ever. D:
a. Quitely
b. No chance if it's actually coming next year. Quitely's busy on his Multiversity issue, and god knows he takes forever on his stuff.
speedline said:
DC Comics Sells Over 5 Million Issues in Six Weeks

DC Comics - the home of Superman, Batman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman - is experiencing its best comic books sales in more than 20 years, following a historic renumbering of all DC Comics titles with 52 all-new first issues. With sales of more than 5 million copies in only six weeks, the first issues of DC COMICS – THE NEW 52 are generating international headlines and bringing fans back into comic book stores across the country.


Really good news for DC, but what a PR Stunt that was. Must have cost way more than they'll recoup in the next year.
speedline said:
DC Comics Sells Over 5 Million Issues in Six Weeks

DC Comics - the home of Superman, Batman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman - is experiencing its best comic books sales in more than 20 years, following a historic renumbering of all DC Comics titles with 52 all-new first issues. With sales of more than 5 million copies in only six weeks, the first issues of DC COMICS – THE NEW 52 are generating international headlines and bringing fans back into comic book stores across the country.

Whoa! Hope they can sustain it.
The Take Out Bandit said:
I'm more terrified at the prospect he'll reunite with Frank Quietly on this.

Doughiest Wonder Woman ever. D:
A preview to curdle the blood:

CaptYamato said:
Whoa! Hope they can sustain it.
They're certainly going to give it the old college try.


DC made most of their DC relaunch books returnable for a small fee, for the first four months of the relaunch, allowing retailers the ability to stock high on books with less risk if they didn’t sell. And they sold.

Well now, at the New York Comic Con Retailer’s Breakfast, courtesy of Diamond Comic Distributors, DC committed to continuing this program in January, February, March and April. They are increasing the amount of non-eligible titles, by giving more books 1:25 variant covers for those months, but still the majority of the books can be returned, and ordered at high levels in confidence, safe in the knowledge that they can be sent back, if the bottom of the market suddenly falls out…

This program will be available to retailers who order those books at the same levels they ordered the DC relaunch #3 issues.
So now retailers can continue to order sky-high quantities of DC's books for the first eight months, in hopes that they'll sell through to customers, and ship them back for a refund when they don't, albeit at a ridiculously low penalty fee. And DC will hopefully get to keep generating publicity about how big their numbers are in the meantime.

the chris

The Take Out Bandit said:
It's a perfect fit, she's made of clay.

Quietly's people all look lumpy and gross.
I'm not sure about gross, I always get a craving for mashed potatoes when I see his people.


Garryk said:
Daredevil is the best comic coming out of Marvel and it is a travesty that it's so far down on the sales list. Waid has really mastered single-issue content. This book is action-packed with really clever dialogue and art. The artists on this book tell a story better with their pencils than most writers out there do. A very satisfying 20 page read and it is only $2.99, but I would pay the extra buck if they were charging it. SO. GOOD.

I picked up the 1st issue of Daredevil a couple weeks ago and it was fantastic. I've been meaning to catch up, but neither one of my LCS had the 2nd issue in stock at the time. Shit, I need to get on this!


Zekes! said:
I picked up the 1st issue of Daredevil a couple weeks ago and it was fantastic. I've been meaning to catch up, but neither one of my LCS had the 2nd issue in stock at the time. Shit, I need to get on this!

2nd printing of #2 hits the shelves next week.
anybody try any of the comics on the iTunes newsstand yet? they've got Image (Walking Dead, Invincible) and Boom! (Irredeemable) titles for $1.99 subs

does anyone know if those prices are gonna stay at that price?

EDIT: Prices back at 2.99, but still excited to buy comics on Newsstand, hope all comics move there


Spider Island, why you so good? Shit went crazy this last issue.
And my boy got Spider Sense back. :D

Black Panther had great art as usual, but the actual story wasn't doing it for me. Though that's to be expected when it's just a set up issue for the next arc.

Batwoman wasn't as good as the first issue, but not terrible. Really interested to see where Kate's relationship with detective what's-her-face is going. I wish Williams would stop using different art styles for characters who are in the same scene.

Ultimate X-Men was good. Loved Johnny and Bobby's banter.

Ultimate Spider-Man is still pretty slow, but at least we're finally getting somewhere. I'll give it a few more issues.

Batman and Robin was much better than the first issue.

Edit: What's with that gross looking Wonder Woman?
Daredevil is amazing. The story is so tight and deep on a per issue basis, with the art giving it a really good feel. Best so far I've read top to bottom.


lol @ the boots. Quitely's peeps can wear form fitting stuff... not even shoes. Or maybe she stuffed some spaghetti for later.
BenjaminBirdie said:
It's almost as if a comic book artist drew a comic book costume like it was actually made of cloth.
Who's got time to iron when you're slaying mythological beasts and moaning about your absentee father, right?

Alfred would never let her leave the house looking like that, if he were HER butler. If only there was some way...


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
BenjaminBirdie said:
It's almost as if a comic book artist drew a comic book costume like it was actually made of cloth.
I've never seen a fabric made for shoes that ruffles like that.
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