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COMICS! |OT| April 2014. Truly, there is no shame in continuing to read awful comics.

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I believe that Batman is the least appealing of all the Bat characters

Well even so, Terry!= Bruce. But the part I am talking about actually takes place in the other half of the book, which is the Justice League Beyond storyline. The current roster seems to be Old Superman, Terry Batman, Big Barda / Mr. Miracle, Warhawk, Aquagirl, Danica Williams (Flash), Shazam / Mary Marvel / Marvel Family, Kai-Ro (Green Lantern), and Atom.

That's the part that has the hints of what I was talking about. And it's real good.
There was a rumor that Batman Beyond Universe was going to reveal that Bruce and Diana had a child together. Don't know if that is still a thing but last issue revealed the return of Wonder Woman (though Clark is claiming it's Justice Lord Wonder Woman).

Hmm. The Batman Beyond Universe #11 solicit...

Messi gonna miss out when the Bruce/Diana love child is revealed.
Digital's been out. That's not where they went with it


Hi Comic-GAF. Thanks to Comixology and a Nexus 7 I've been dipping my toes into this scene a little. I'm hoping to get some suggestions on stuff to read from you fine folks.

Right now I'm looking for some stuff that matches the following:

1) Not part of a long-running series, i.e. standalone stories or short/just getting started series please
2) Generally well-received
3) Available on Comixology
4) More character-focussed than action-focussed

I'm open to all kinds of genres, so feel free to suggest a few different ones. Thanks in advance!


Hi Comic-GAF. Thanks to Comixology and a Nexus 7 I've been dipping my toes into this scene a little. I'm hoping to get some suggestions on stuff to read from you fine folks.

Right now I'm looking for some stuff that matches the following:

1) Not part of a long-running series, i.e. standalone stories or short/just getting started series please
2) Generally well-received
3) Available on Comixology
4) More character-focussed than action-focussed

I'm open to all kinds of genres, so feel free to suggest a few different ones. Thanks in advance!

Power Girl from a few years ago (pre Nu52)
Irredeemable + Incorruptible (not too long, but may be longer than you want)
Invincible 110

Okay, it's rape, but at least it makes sense and doesn't (imho) come off as an attempt to just shock the reader. Considering Viltrumite culture and whatnot, her doing that kinda made sense. Still, that was a total mind fuck, right after he was dumped by Eve.

He's going to get so rekt by Robot.
Hi Comic-GAF. Thanks to Comixology and a Nexus 7 I've been dipping my toes into this scene a little. I'm hoping to get some suggestions on stuff to read from you fine folks.

Right now I'm looking for some stuff that matches the following:

1) Not part of a long-running series, i.e. standalone stories or short/just getting started series please
2) Generally well-received
3) Available on Comixology
4) More character-focussed than action-focussed

I'm open to all kinds of genres, so feel free to suggest a few different ones. Thanks in advance!

Y The Last Man
Locke and Key

Both are heavy character focused and are probably amongst the best indie books ever.
Hi Comic-GAF. Thanks to Comixology and a Nexus 7 I've been dipping my toes into this scene a little. I'm hoping to get some suggestions on stuff to read from you fine folks.

Right now I'm looking for some stuff that matches the following:

1) Not part of a long-running series, i.e. standalone stories or short/just getting started series please
2) Generally well-received
3) Available on Comixology
4) More character-focussed than action-focussed

I'm open to all kinds of genres, so feel free to suggest a few different ones. Thanks in advance!
Try Superior Foes of Spider-Man

Despite the title, you don't need to know anything about Spider-Man. It's about the current Sinister Six (it's more like the Sinister Several, but you get the idea) and their attempts to pull off a huge heist. It's really funny and there's no prior knowledge required to get into it. There's 11 issues out, but 11 is completely skippable (10 too, but it's decent enough). I'd never heard of any of the characters besides Shocker but it's easily one of my favorites now.

Hawkeye and Deadly Class are both good choices as well.
Who the fuck knows... Seriously.

The short version is that SSelina was feuding with the penguin over his mother's stolen gems which led to penguin dropping bombs on the Gotham projects sinking parts of the projects.. One of Selinas gang banging friends gets blown into the hole leading to Selina having to chase him under ground. Somehow she gets into a fight with some underground gangs one of them being Dr phosphorus and his flaming daughter. There's also a syringe that could kill everyone or some shit. This also there are horses on winding staircases wearing gas masks.

They run into Jokers Daughter because why not. She is queen of the Underworld. They fight some eventually Selina trades her a cat for Dr phosphoruses daughter.

Eventually she blows up the underground and the gangs.

Then there were the Gothopia issues which were boring drug fueled nonsense. And most recently
Catwoman went to a high society party to steal a vial/drug for someone. Shenanigans happens and she fights a big monster that gets injected with the drug. Eventually it turns out the client she was stealing the stuff for was Batman and he used her as a distraction to get something else.
that wasn't written by Nocenti and it was coherent and somewhat enjoyable.

Sorry this is all so scatter brain I was trying to replicate the storytelling style of Anne Nocenti.

lmao this started off almost decent then just fell apart

Winick wasn't the greatest and a bit crass a times but man I want him back
There was a rumor that Batman Beyond Universe was going to reveal that Bruce and Diana had a child together.
Has to be female or what was the point of Terry if this is remotely true?

Catwoman is my OTP except in the DCAU where I actually liked Diana, Zatanna and even Barbara more, so that could be interesting.
Sean Ryan writing Uncanny X-Men special 3 parter (also *ing Nova & Iron-Man):

Nrama: What brings these three Marvel forces together?
Ryan: Again, I don’t want to give away too much, but it’s who kidnaps Cyclops. That guy is the central figure in the story and spurs everything. He’s a bit of a tragic figure, I think. He’s a character that was bigger in the past and now has fallen on some hard times. He’s desperate, and that desperation spells trouble for the heroes in our story.
Has to be female or what was the point of Terry if this is remotely true?

Catwoman is my OTP except in the DCAU where I actually liked Diana, Zatanna and even Barbara more, so that could be interesting.

I imagine it'd be female though Diana with a son would be rather interesting in its own right, to be quite honest, the contrast of an Amazon rearing a warrior son and all. - Keep in mind, though, that the circumstances of Terry's birth are considerably different than that of something between Bruce and Diana.

Still, who knows, Barda sort of fills the "Amazon Warrior" role, on the JLU, so I don't know how a new Amazon would fit into the dynamic, I just know that the rumor sounded pretty interesting and it'd be a pretty fascinating and logical extension of what had been built upon in the DCAU.
Keep in mind, though, that the circumstances of Terry's birth are considerably different than that of something between Bruce and Diana.
Im just saying if that did happen the Wall would have most likely have known about it, making her action in Epilogue unrequired.

I'd actually like to see this now, if it happens and its not very good it doesn't ruin the original for me.

I'd like to see them take a shot a redeeming DCAU Talia eventually, Beyond royally screwed her over.


Good on DC sucking ass, my lists are getting hecka smaller:

Amercian Vampire: Second Cycle #2
Batman #30
Batman And Wonder Woman #30
Batman Eternal #2
Justice League #29
Sinestro #1
Wonder Woman #30

Ms. Marvel #3
Nova #16
Thor God of Thunder #21
Uncanny X-Men #20
Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #3
X-Force #3
Im just saying if that did happen the Wall would have most likely have known about it, making her action in Epilogue unrequired.

I'd actually like to see this now, if it happens and its not very good it doesn't ruin the original for me.

I'd like to see them take a shot a redeeming DCAU Talia eventually, Beyond royally screwed her over.

Well, if the implications in Justice League Beyond #17 are true, then it would have happened
during their return to the Justice Lord Earth
, something that Amanda Waller wouldn't know about, unless her sources are THAT GOOD. ;)
On the topic of DCAU Talia; Eh, it seemed an appropriate end to her really. It was a take on the concept of blind loyalty going too far.
On the topic of DCAU Talia; Eh, it seemed an appropriate end to her really. It was a take on the concept of blind loyalty going too far.
It works, though in most comics(besides INC) she is a good mix. DCAU she just never got much either way so I disliked the ending. Had she appeared in an episode or 2 of JL more on the good side it could have worked better for me.
I believe that Batman is the least appealing of all the Bat characters

The Beyond series has been really interesting. A little while ago Terry mostly separated ways from Bruce, and he's been mostly working with Grayson. Justice League Beyond has just been doing interesting stuff all over the place, and both are really solid continuations of the main tv series. IE Batman TAS, Superman TAS, and Justice League. If you enjoyed those at all they're worth checking out.
Define flimsy? Because... It's pretty clear what the implication is. It looks like Gordon
fired his gun at an unarmed man that damaged electronics that caused a crash that potentially hurt/killed hundreds.
Flimsy as in the commissioner shot a power box that had nothing to do with the train tracks or brakes. That part, I get, as far as setting up the story goes. The flimsy part comes in when a lower level officer who obviously and openly shows his disdain towards the commissioner says, "You crashed the train? Arrest this man!" And then they do.
It doesn't flippin' work that way. There should have been an investigation. And why, if the box didn't control the tracks, was Gordon so readily willing to let himself be arrested? The police don't just arrest other police at the scene if the crime. Doubly so when it's the freaking Commissioner.
It would have been less flimsy if someone had said to Gordon, "you might wanna lawyer up" and then in a few more issues he gets arrested.


Flimsy as in the commissioner shot a power box that had nothing to do with the train tracks or brakes. That part, I get, as far as setting up the story goes. The flimsy part comes in when a lower level officer who obviously and openly shows his disdain towards the commissioner says, "You crashed the train? Arrest this man!" And then they do.
It doesn't flippin' work that way. There should have been an investigation. And why, if the box didn't control the tracks, was Gordon so readily willing to let himself be arrested? The police don't just arrest other police at the scene if the crime. Doubly so when it's the freaking Commissioner.
It would have been less flimsy if someone had said to Gordon, "you might wanna lawyer up" and then in a few more issues he gets arrested.

Arrest this poster!


Underwhelmed by Batman Eternal. It just seemed like more of the same. I'm past the point of wanting to pay for a book on the promise that it'll be great somewhere down the line. Either wow with me the first issue or I'm out. We're clearly in another expansionist phase with the character, and a weekly is just way too much Batman.

Gave Batman Beyond Universe a try with #8. That intrigued me a lot more, even though I'm walking in during the middle of a story.
and a weekly is just way too much Batman.
This I disagree with.(well honestly im not picking up anything else since a few issues into the New 52)

Im just kinda over monthly at the moment, its like you get 5 minutes of enjoyment then you are stuck waiting an entire month for another. and God forbid if after that wait it is a disappointing issue.
Weekly wouldn't work for most comics but for 1 run of Batman it has a lot of potential.
They can afford to do slow issues and such because they can pump out another the very next week.

New 52 somehow did this to me because this never bothered me until about 5 issues in.

For me it comes down to how well its planned out, I don't want everything that was thrown at a wall and stuck.
Invincible 110

Okay, it's rape, but at least it makes sense and doesn't (imho) come off as an attempt to just shock the reader. Considering Viltrumite culture and whatnot, her doing that kinda made sense. Still, that was a total mind fuck, right after he was dumped by Eve.

He's going to get so rekt by Robot.

See, to me, the fact that
Eve dumped Mark after finding out he was still alive just seemed totally out-of-character for Eve. It seemed like Kirkman used it more as a vehicle to lead to the rape scene. I'm not saying the rape scene itself wasn't well-written and powerful, but it felt to me like having Eve dump him was just a means to get a sad, mopey Mark out there for Anissa to rape.
I definitely thought it was a great issue, there was just that one bit that didn't really seem to add up.


Im just kinda over monthly at the moment, its like you get 5 minutes of enjoyment then you are stuck waiting an entire month for another. and God forbid if after that wait it is a disappointing issue.
Weekly wouldn't work for most comics but for 1 run of Batman it has a lot of potential.
They can afford to do slow issues and such because they can pump out another the very next week.

To each his own, but if you're reading a comic for five minutes at a $3.99 or $2.99 price point then I think you're getting ripped off. Waiting for trades for most monthlies makes the most economical sense, but most of us are just now wired to pick up those damned floppies each week because we always have.

To read a weekly like Eternal DC is asking you to pick up another four books a month. To my mind, that means they have to deliver four books that are worth your money. The problem I've found with weeklies is that the quality takes a nosedive pretty damn quick because creators can't maintain the pace, even on staggered schedules. But DC counts on the loyalty we readers have for the character, and on us not seeing it as four extra books a month, but as just one extra a week. It's an important psychological distinction, and a bit of a shell game to remove more money from our pockets.

I agree there is ton of potential to do a Batman weekly, but on the strength of the first issue of Batman Eternal, I'm not seeing it with this storyline. I'm just seeing another DC money grab.
I'm gonna keep up with Ultimates. Art was iffy in some panels (there's one where Bombshell is clutching her face in a conversation that comes to mind) but it worked for me for the most part. Wish Fiffe or Marquez were drawing it though.

Nightcrawler 1 - never read Claremont X-Men but writing definitely felt old school with the over-narration and such. It was okay-ish but I don't know if Nauck can carry the book

Speaking of artists carrying books, Ghost Rider #2 had more awesome Tradd Moore art, so it's still a worthwhile purchase


You guys should read more bad dc books to appreciate the good ones more. Finding a good issue in the middle of the Catwoman run is like finding an precious gem.

speaking of awesome art
Batman #30
Batman and Wonder Woman #30
Batman Eternal #2
Batman/Superman #9
Batwoman #30
Birds of Prey #30
Green Lanterns: New Guardians #30
Harley Quinn #5
Justice League #30
Red Hood and the Outlaws #30
Sinestro #1
Supergirl #30
Wonder Woman #30

Guess it's time to pay for having a smaller pull last week.
See, to me, the fact that
Eve dumped Mark after finding out he was still alive just seemed totally out-of-character for Eve. It seemed like Kirkman used it more as a vehicle to lead to the rape scene. I'm not saying the rape scene itself wasn't well-written and powerful, but it felt to me like having Eve dump him was just a means to get a sad, mopey Mark out there for Anissa to rape.
I definitely thought it was a great issue, there was just that one bit that didn't really seem to add up.

You could also look at Eve's change from another perspective. When Eve was
fat, she stuck with Mark through thick and thin but as soon as she's lost weight she flat out dumps him even though they've been through worse than this.
I know this sounds silly but I've seen it happen in real life.
To read a weekly like Eternal DC is asking you to pick up abut on the strength of the first issue of Batman Eternal, I'm not seeing it with this storyline.I'm just seeing another DC money grab.
Kingpin Selina
are enough to lock me in for a bit.
(And the foolish never ending hope that Cass shows back up somehow)


Batman #30
Batman and Wonder Woman #30
Batman Eternal #2
Batman/Superman #9
Batwoman #30
Birds of Prey #30
Green Lanterns: New Guardians #30
Harley Quinn #5
Justice League #30
Red Hood and the Outlaws #30
Sinestro #1
Supergirl #30
Wonder Woman #30

Guess it's time to pay for having a smaller pull last week.

Wait, is this coming out this week? Not seeing it solicited anywhere.
GrandHarrier said:
Batman/Superman #9
Wait, is this coming out this week? Not seeing it solicited anywhere.

It was delayed. This is the release date post-delay. It's part 3/4 of the crossover storyline.

Uh. Well I thought it was. My pull list said so. Huh.

I'm just seeing another DC money grab.


I'm puzzled why this is even a thing. I mean, people make comics to make money, that's just business. When you consider how many titles Marvel has double shipped versus DC, the fact that DC now has a weekly title hardly seems a true cynical cash grab in comparison. Heck, unless I'm mistaken, DC still has more books at $2.99 than Marvel does.

If I had to judge the reasoning for it I think it'd be DC reacting to what it sees selling. It has tried a number of random, out there titles, both during the New 52 launch, and in subsequent waves, but few of them gained any support. The same people buying a Doop book ignored the wonderful and gorgeous Sword of Sorcery.
I'm puzzled why this is even a thing. I mean, people make comics to make money, that's just business. When you consider how many titles Marvel has double shipped versus DC, the fact that DC now has a weekly title hardly seems a true cynical cash grab in comparison. Heck, unless I'm mistaken, DC still has more books at $2.99 than Marvel does.

If I had to judge the reasoning for it I think it'd be DC reacting to what it sees selling. It has tried a number of random, out there titles, both during the New 52 launch, and in subsequent waves, but few of them gained any support. The same people buying a Doop book ignored the wonderful and gorgeous Sword of Sorcery.

Because its yet another Batman book that so far doesn't seem that different from what you can get elsewhere unlike a Gates of Gotham type of book.

But hey it works because it brought me back for this one series at least after the New 52 turned me away in just about every book I picked up(JL,WF,Batmans,TT,Catwoman, etc)
But hey it works because it brought me back for this one series at least after the New 52 turned me away in just about every book I picked up(JL,WF,Batmans,TT,Catwoman, etc)

You should try Animal Man. It has been consistently great since the start right upto the end. Just avoid the Rotworld issues.


Hi Comic-GAF. Thanks to Comixology and a Nexus 7 I've been dipping my toes into this scene a little. I'm hoping to get some suggestions on stuff to read from you fine folks.

Right now I'm looking for some stuff that matches the following:

1) Not part of a long-running series, i.e. standalone stories or short/just getting started series please
2) Generally well-received
3) Available on Comixology
4) More character-focussed than action-focussed

I'm open to all kinds of genres, so feel free to suggest a few different ones. Thanks in advance!

Another vote for Superior Foes of Spidey, also if no one has mentioned Zero yet then that, think the first issue is free too so you can try it out :)

EDIT: also another Hawkeye vote.
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