i want Tradd on a SM book so badDouble edit: Ive really enjoyed some of Slotts Spider-Man work but Im not terribly happy with Slott continuing to define Peter Parker after 8 years or however long hes been on the title now. Joe Kelly + Tradd Moore pls
They want to do another scan in two weeks, if no change they just want to do radioactive iodine which is no big deal.
Breathing a huge sigh of relief over here. What a torturous wait that was.
Comicvine has a first look at Captain America: Steve Rogers and I want to know who is to blame for that shit art. It works fine in the flashback but the present day stuff looks fucking awful. I might be skipping this I guess, and I rarely say that over art.
Anyway the reason I was on comicvine in the first place was to see how long Bendis wrote Ultimate Spider-Man. A lot of people find him grating but I don't remember there being any complaints over that long run, I guess the fact that it was an alternate version made it okay. I can understand the complaint about Slott even if I don't mind him but there have definitely been longer runs on Spider-Man.
They want to do another scan in two weeks, if no change they just want to do radioactive iodine which is no big deal.
Breathing a huge sigh of relief over here. What a torturous wait that was.
Anyway the reason I was on comicvine in the first place was to see how long Bendis wrote Ultimate Spider-Man. A lot of people find him grating but I don't remember there being any complaints over that long run, I guess the fact that it was an alternate version made it okay. I can understand the complaint about Slott even if I don't mind him but there have definitely been longer runs on Spider-Man.
i want Tradd on a SM book so bad
nice dude!
ew what the fuck
is it supposed to look like that?
After years of going physical only I'm looking to make somewhat of a transition to digital... at least for old collected editions since I do not have unlimited room for huge omnibuses(?). I don't really want or need a tablet for any other reason so I'm looking for the best purely for reading comics. Anybody have any suggestions? Cheap and comfortable comic reading in various light conditions are most important to me.
Not as important but I'd like to try services like marvel unlimited if that's something I can get on such a tablet.
I would also be interested in this. Less so for myself, but I'm considering getting something like that for my dad along with a Marvel Unlimited subscription so he can read old stuff easily. They do have all the old stuff right?
Comicvine has a first look at Captain America: Steve Rogers and I want to know who is to blame for that shit art. It works fine in the flashback but the present day stuff looks fucking awful. I might be skipping this I guess, and I rarely say that over art.
Also worth bearing in mind that you can't make in-app purchases of comics on the iOS comixology app any more whereas you still can with the android app.
After years of going physical only I'm looking to make somewhat of a transition to digital... at least for old collected editions since I do not have unlimited room for huge omnibuses(?). I don't really want or need a tablet for any other reason so I'm looking for the best purely for reading comics. Anybody have any suggestions? Cheap and comfortable comic reading in various light conditions are most important to me.
Not as important but I'd like to try services like marvel unlimited if that's something I can get on such a tablet.
Stray Bullets keeps getting better and better. Of all the comics I've read, only Wytches made me feel unsettled or invoked a haunting tone...until Stray Bullets #2 and #4. Very well-crafted tightly-wound tension, payoff, and imagery
Once I'm caught up I'm going to read God of Thunder.
Thankfully that series also had a great artist so it won't feel like I'm downgraded the quality of the art.
The coloring by Matt Wilson is also fantastic.
I could gush all day about how good this comic is.
i want Tradd on a SM book so bad
nice dude!
ew what the fuck
is it supposed to look like that?
Good pick ups. Whatever you do. Do not pass up on Gotham Central. Best cop comic book ever createdFuckk just binged and bought 3 more hc on IST.
Daredevil companion omnibus
BRPD 1946-1948
Might leap for Gotham omni next week
Good pick ups. Whatever you do. Do not pass up on Gotham Central. Best cop comic book ever created
A new ComicGAF low.
Jesus Saiz is fantastic.
Comicvine has a first look at Captain America: Steve Rogers and I want to know who is to blame for that shit art. It works fine in the flashback but the present day stuff looks fucking awful. I might be skipping this I guess, and I rarely say that over art.
you don't like it? for 16 bucks it looked good and the reviews are great
Lol wow!It's great. Zombeen just had a bad experience at a con with the artist. But the book is wonderful.
Birdie did you look at the art?? Something is fucked up with it. This is not the intent of the artist.
Lol wow!
Yeah, it's weird flashback coloring. Still dope.
Comicvine has a first look at Captain America: Steve Rogers and I want to know who is to blame for that shit art. It works fine in the flashback but the present day stuff looks fucking awful. I might be skipping this I guess, and I rarely say that over art.
Oh woah, those colors look cool as hell. I love how the reds pop so much.
The only bad thing in that preview is how Kuder drew Carol's face on his variant cover.
Miracleman - Olympus: Well, that went places. I loved the whole Olympus theme and how each individual story segued into another using the title of the chapter and the central character in the ussye (Cronos -> Aphrodite -> Hermes) etc. Winter was was very unsettlling. All the loose threads were fairly well tied together and the three volumes read very well as a completed work. The ending was also interesting with the wholeattempt at building of utopia and essentially the installation of a dictatorship.
But there were definitely a few things that I did not enjoy. Maybe that is just because of me reading this in 2016, after all the follow-up comics (I mean post Miracleman/Watchmen) have driven the 'rape/violence=mature/grown-up' thing into the ground. There were also some sections where the prose started feeling a little like the writer liked the sound of his own voice too much. Thankfully that didn't last too long.
Newsarama has the same preview pages for Cap and the colors look normal, so no one has anything to worry about.
I liked Punisher from what he was in Daredevil, but I'm not sure if this Punisher can hold a whole series. I'll be there to see if it works though. It hurts my idea of it though just because his best moments were later in the season for a whole different reason than just him.
You gotta see it in its historical context. Like, this is Alan Moore doing all the Alan Moore things for the first time, and in that sense it's kinda revelatory. It's not worth that much, but, hey. Comics history.
Next you get to the Gaiman/Buckingam run and: welcome to The Good, This-Is-Why-This-Whole-Reprint-Was-So-Anticipated, Stuff
Stray Bullets keeps getting better and better. Of all the comics I've read, only Wytches made me feel unsettled or invoked a haunting tone...until Stray Bullets #2 and #4. Very well-crafted tightly-wound tension, payoff, and imagery
my favorite thing from DD S2 is the set up for Frank. Fully stocked, Micro on the way, chaingun on his shoulder.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
This should do it:
If anyone wants to dig into the solo run please be my guest. I got tired.
Am I allowed to link you when I do the Black Panther Movie Production Thread?This should do it:
If anyone wants to dig into the solo run please be my guest. I got tired.