Alright time for Moon Talk
I really liked Moon Knight's characterization in Secret Avengers when Ellis was writing it, so I kind of had an idea of what type of crazy his Marc Spector would be. Declan Shalvey does some incredible work, I really like the white outline of Moon Knight in his Suit and Mask against the dark urban background, it gives the panels a lot of focus. Also, I loved Shalvey attention to detail of a man in a suit. Almost every other panel is of Moon Knight adjusting his suit during his deduction scene. When we finally get a glimpse about what's up with Spector at the end has me hooked for more.
Also I want to give out my Digital Code too
Quote to reveal and please let me know what you think of it
Edit: Gone
I really liked Moon Knight's characterization in Secret Avengers when Ellis was writing it, so I kind of had an idea of what type of crazy his Marc Spector would be. Declan Shalvey does some incredible work, I really like the white outline of Moon Knight in his Suit and Mask against the dark urban background, it gives the panels a lot of focus. Also, I loved Shalvey attention to detail of a man in a suit. Almost every other panel is of Moon Knight adjusting his suit during his deduction scene. When we finally get a glimpse about what's up with Spector at the end has me hooked for more.
Also I want to give out my Digital Code too
Quote to reveal and please let me know what you think of it
Edit: Gone