Thor #2 Preview! This is so exciting
Ahaha, love it! Though this also implies that
Been a little absent for the past few days

My mom went to Italy for a few weeks, so I've been trying to go over to my parent's house more often to help my dad and brothers. However, I was still able to read my Wednesday comics
Tooth & Claw was indeed amazing. Love the world they're building, and I'm already a sucker for anthromorphic animals. Bull Terrier looking protagonist? SURE! Excellent writing and artwork, couldn't have been more pleased with a first issue. Even got a giggle out of the little snippet about Busiek and co. talking about collaborating on this project.
Velvet continues to impress. Just can't get over how much of a badass she is, and how drawn in I am her story.
Line in the sand, Phillips and Epting?
Epting for me!
Count me in for more
Gotham Academy as well! I just want to know what the hell happened to Olive!!