so i went to Long Beach Comic-Con these past two days and surprisingly spent way more on books than i did sketches (even though i got 5 of those - oddly not that expensive at this show?). Like jesus guys, i bought sooooooo many books from people
I didn't really have a game plan this year, and just winged it. I tend to hit up artist alley first thing so i can get on lists and such, but i didn't get there on Saturday until like 1. So i had assumed that most artists' commission lists were full, but that wasn't ever really the case, except with Kris Anka on Sunday (who i didn't hit up then because he suggested getting there early, which didn't end up happening). That's the cool thing about a show like this. I ended up seeing Chuck BB's table, where he didn't look particularly busy, so he was first up. I had him draw Blackheart (though he offered Shuma, but i already had one of those - i'd love to see his take on that though), 'cause that's kinda metal, yeah? I also bought a copy of his book Black Metal.
Next, I hit up Dennis Culver and bought a copy of an OGN he drew, Odd Schnozz and the Odd Squad and got on his list for a sketch, where he picked Thanos to draw.
I also met Justin Greenwood, bought a Fuse TP, got on his list and talked to him for a bit (rad dude). I was really curious as to how he has like 3 comics coming out all at once, since he's doing The Fuse and Stumptown at the same time, but the latter isn't regular, and The Stringers was mostly done for a while. I didn't have a reference for him though so I just brought that (and a character list, super handy) and the book to him first thing on Sunday. I like how he draws people with guns, so Jill was the natural next choice since Cable is taken.
On saturday i also:
-met Janelle Asselin and the people of Rosy Press - all great ppl
-bought like almost every book Danny Djelsolvic was selling because it all looked like my kinda shit (millenials!). I read Panic Kids (super dope) that night and then went back to buy the remaining book on Sunday.
-chatted up Josh Fialkov a bit, fun dude and bought an issue of his weird-ass Punks comic, and he threw in a free copy of his new book King, with Bernard Chang, as well.
-bought two issues of a Zenescope Robyn Hood comic from Tony Brescini because the uncolored pages looked cool ¯\_(ツ

The Devastator, a funnybook digest mag of sorts (fine folks as well), held basically a small press area section for cartoonists and such. It was cool because I bought a book from probably 80% of the people there. I talked to a dude (Michael Aushenker) about 80s LA punk and comic conventions for like a half an hour, very cool dude. I also saw Jasey Crowl, an artist who i met at Wondercon earlier in the year and we caught up and talked cons. Rad dude, bought his sketchbook.
I hit up Garry Brown right after I got the sketchbook back from Justin Greenwood - they were literally back to back - since JG told me that Garry was gonna be drawing a viking-type book, which is cool to me. I asked GB about it, he said it was coming out next year due to Image's "3-issue" policy. It's going to be written by Brian Wood (ayyy lmao) but fuck, I think Garry sold me on it by saying it was gonna be a 70s-Punisher vibe and also a Viking murder mystery. Despite there only being two hours left, he had time for a sketch, to my surprise. He and his wife were real awesome
So this artist, Evan Spears, wasn't someone i'd heard of before but we talked for a bit after he told me he was from Riverside (where i've lived literally forever).
I like all of them, but i'm gonna have to start forcing Capcom characters on people because it's starting to get hella uneven in here
tl;dr everyone at LBCC was nice and i had one of the best all-in-all con experiences this time