So it looks like someone at Labour HQ is briefing that they've approached Caroline Lucas (Green) to join shadow cabinet. Her office insisting no approach made.
He hasn't lost an election yetHe cannot win an election!.
Sounds like the PLP was a shitfest. Lots of rumors of papers running stories tomorrow saying Corbyn voted Leave. Wow if true.
i could understand the appeal of trying to make corbyn work in a situation where the tories will be in power till 2020. for people who have been frustrated by the lack of a leader who skews strongly to the left economically and is very critical of western foreign policy, it seems like a unique opportunity to try and move the political sphere of gravity much further to the left. i've felt that this is misguided, i don't think corbyn persuades people and undermines causes i believe in, but i can see that he has a personal charm for many in his lack of regard for the trappings of modern politics and appreciate that others fear him losing power will simply end a once in a lifetime opportunity here.
with an election THIS AUTUMN however it is just pure self-indulgence. anyone who thinks the labour party should be entering a debate about how the country should move forward, one deeply divided on brexit, facing a dramatic change on like seven fronts with zero plan of what to do next, and with the withdrawal of investment due to the fear and uncertainity heading us towards recession...
....with a leader that's considered weak by most of the country, can't even gain the confidence of his own party let alone the country and can't craft a clear message on the eu, is delusional to the extreme.
it's also a gigantic opportunity. brexit means the next prime minister can radically re-shape this country with so much of our legislation having to be re-written and so many of our global relationships having to be re-defined. who do you want to do this. the brexit wing of the conservative party, who will take every opportunity to forget about key workers protections or existing eu investment and actively work to make britain smaller in the world, or take the best opportunity to try and get labour to oversee this properly. corbyn people are very sceptical about the last labour government for being too in hock with the right's economic agenda, but corbyn's immediate replacements are either tom watson or angela eagle both from the LEFT of the party, hardly mandelson. they really aren't tory-lite, let alone the brexit takeover of the tories-lite, this is a huge gulf in our politics at a crucial time and we have to go into it as prepared as we can.
that means corbyn has to go
You guys watching BBC News now...?
Yep Corbyn addressing the "protest" right now. He sounds like an unconvincing broken record.
If he's leader of Labour in the next election (later this year no doubt), the party will be eviscerated.
Yeah, talking about respect, equality, human rights.He's giving the same speech he's been doing his whole career like nothing has changed smh.
Yeah, talking about respect, equality, human rights.
What a cunt, he should totally change the record.
Yeah, talking about respect, equality, human rights.
What a cunt, he should totally change the record.
Yeah, talking about respect, equality, human rights.
What a cunt, he should totally change the record.
I know... but then, whats the better option? I'm desperately trying to figure out a way to fix this total fucking mess. I can see no good (now or upcoming) Labour or Cons. leaders to fill the gaps that will appear, be they in leadership or cabinet/shadow cabinet places.
This country is really fucked :/
Thankfully he'll soon be replaced by someone who's racist enough to win middle England
Someone will step up, there must be people in the party who are pragmatic, charismatic and willing to put the party's message out there.
His party can get fucked until they find someone the membership want to replace him.Yeah that's totally it. You live in a 24/7 media cycle where your image is just as important as your message. IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER if he is the perfect little socialist. It doesn't fucking matter at all because he can NEVER be elected.
If you live in reality you would accept that. We are in a situation where the country is FUCKED. The Labour party need to be in a position to win the next election to stop the country face planting itself. He is a fucking arrogant cunt if he continues on like this. He has no support from his own party.
Yeah that's totally it. You live in a 24/7 media cycle where your image is just as important as your message. IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER if he is the perfect little socialist. It doesn't fucking matter at all because he can NEVER be elected.
If you live in reality you would accept that. We are in a situation where the country is FUCKED. The Labour party need to be in a position to win the next election to stop the country face planting itself. He is a fucking arrogant cunt if he continues on like this. He has no support from his own party.
I don't have any great affinity for Corbyn or even the Labour party beyond the fact that he has been one of the only major politicians to outright refuse to pander to xenophobia, and some of his detractors have used that refusal as evidence against him.
Given the current mood in the country, and given that any more stoking up of that sentiment will lead to the good old days of my family getting dogshit through the letter box or worse, I'm not going to get excited about any possible replacement unless they are similarly committed to anti-racism
I don't have any great affinity for Corbyn or even the Labour party beyond the fact that he has been one of the only major politicians to outright refuse to pander to xenophobia, and some of his detractors have used that refusal as evidence against him.
Given the current mood in the country, and given that any more stoking up of that sentiment will lead to the good old days of my family getting dogshit through the letter box or worse, I'm not going to get excited about any possible replacement unless they are similarly committed to anti-racism
Dan Jarvis is a xenophobe? you what?
The Labour party needs a leader and a politician.
If Jeremy Corbyn remains, UKIP are going to be the major party in the north and your life will not be worth living in England.
I have no idea what Dan Jarvis is besides an ex-squaddie, which seems to get certain people excited. As best as I can see his talk on immigration thus far has been of the Very Real Concerns variety which isn't exactly encouraging.
So it's soft racism now to avert hard racism later? What a choice. It's possible to stand up to racism while simultaneously recognising the horrendous state many areas have been left in by previous governments, and developing actual solutions beyond blaming immigrants (probably involving increased public spending which isn't popular on the Labout right). If there's a prospective Labour leader waiting in the wings with that strategy I am all ears
Jeremy Corbyn is not the only non-racist MP in the Labour party. If you think he is, the Labour party isn't for you.
Richard Burgon now openly mocking @angelaeagle for "touring TV studios, crying into her hanky"
I have no idea what Dan Jarvis is besides an ex-squaddie, which seems to get certain people excited. As best as I can see his talk on immigration thus far has been of the Very Real Concerns variety which isn't exactly encouraging.
So it's soft racism now to avert hard racism later? What a choice. It's possible to stand up to racism while simultaneously recognising the horrendous state many areas have been left in by previous governments, and developing actual solutions beyond blaming immigrants (probably involving increased public spending which isn't popular on the Labout right). If there's a prospective Labour leader waiting in the wings with that strategy I am all ears
Jeremy Corbyn is not the only non-racist MP in the Labour party. If you think he is, the Labour party isn't for you.
During the Blair years we had Home Secretary after Home Secretary blowing dogwhistle after dogwhistle. You'll forgive me if I'm reluctant to believe that things have changed that much since then
here at the @PeoplesMomentum rally hearing the bitterness towards the PLP makes me wonder if labour can continue in its current form
Chanting for deselections, booing mps like Hilary benn and Alan Johnson. Calling them traitors and bullies.
Union people like talking about motions and Tony Blair a lot I've noticed
Like, they mention Blair and Blairites A LOT. Definitely some repressed sexual tension there I reckon
Now the crowd are chanting 'deselect'. I remember @schneiderhome telling me specifically that's not what momentum would do
'People against Jeremy, we are coming for you now back the fuck off' says one of @PeoplesMomentum founders
So what happens here
PLP going to do a leadership challenge, that seems obvious, do they beg him not to stand.. do they beg the unions not to back him
if he stands and he sweeps the board again, what happens then?
So what happens here
PLP going to do a leadership challenge, that seems obvious, do they beg him not to stand.. do they beg the unions not to back him
if he stands and he sweeps the board again, what happens then?
Unless Corbyn resigns then we're probably heading towards another split in the Labour Party. Probably the worst thing that could happen to the left ahead of negotiations on the UK's future settlement with the EU.
The ironic thing is that Labour said that this was all about Tory Party unity. Yet the Tories will unite behind their new leader, that seems a very long way off for Labour.
I wouldn't count on it. I can see a hung parliament with UKIP taking a chunk of Labour seats and forming a coalition.
It's not in the Tory's interest to hold another General Election, I don't see them doing that. I do agree that UKIP are liable to pick up some Northern Labour seats at the next GE. There's a real danger to Labour that what happened to them in Scotland could happen to them in their Northern heartlands. Even more so if Corbyn stays in charge.
More than 12 of the Tory MPs want an end to free movement of people.
Possibly it'd be to gain seats against a fucked Labour - also motivations could be to have a new manifesto from BoJo to set his own agenda rather than Cameron's. But quite right they have a square peg and a round hole with the sovereignty/immigration concerns that is the big problem...Of course, but holding a GE won't change that. There's no reason for them to hold another (unless they think that they can gain more seats). Personally I think that there will be some kind of compromise on this specific issue. Maybe some kind of "semi-freedom of movement". Afterall, for many Tories (including Boris) the issue is more about sovereignty than immigration, yet for most voters it was the opposite. They need to reconcile those two differing viewpoints.