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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...

love the detail on the faces






Man the AI in this game can be pure shit at times. You can snipe a guy from a group and they just stand around like nothing happened.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
eshwaaz said:
I thought that only applied if you use mission select? Doesn't starting an all new game start you from scratch?

Can someone confirm this then please before I start a new campaign as I thought that might be the case.
EatChildren said:
Some of the bugs dont really have anything to do with navigation though. Like I said earlier in the thread, I was sniping entire areas of aliens and none of them were responding in any way. Often they'd continue just wandering around, or standing still, despite taking a round to the chest. Nearby aliens wouldn't respond to recently killed ones, nor my gunfire.
Hold on a second... didn't say there aren't AI issues, i´m talking about people making statements about the AI in the first game being better. Check my post again, please.

Haven´t come across those issues you mention yet. The sniping from a far and enemies that can´t adapt to the situation its a problem shooters aficionados are very familiar with and happens in lots of games.

My point still stands, AI wise the 3 Crysis games are in the same plain. Now FarCry was very bad. I don't get why AI in shooters doesnt evolve in general. Fear and Halo still have the better executed enemy behaviour.
eshwaaz said:
I thought that only applied if you use mission select? Doesn't starting an all new game start you from scratch?
I'm 99% sure that it all carries over, all the time, no matter whether you pick a new game or select a single chapter.


Beat the game on Super Soldier today, only took about 9 hours and no part was really that tough outside the very last battle which is just amazingly unbalanced.


I'd be in the dick
DennisK4 said:
You mean the game gets better than where I am now?

I can't wait to see your reaction to my favorite section if you're that pumped about where you are now.


darkpaladinmfc said:
They look good, but I actually think Crysis 1 faces looked better.
They did. Prophet's face was the same as in Crysis 1 so it outstripped every other face in the game. Hargreave's face looked on par with Prophet's. Ironically, these were the only two characters who only appeared in FMV and never in game.
Yeah, they look sharper in those Crysis 1 pics. I dunno if that's due to resolution (mine was 1080p, yours is 1600p), some kind of blur/AA setting I have on, lower-res textures, or a sharpness filter, or a combination of all of that.

Anyway, dat lighting & shadowing:

raphier said:
its shows extra fresh footsteps, previosuly pressed on ground for a good while.
I dint mean the tracking of enemy footsteps, I mean the "Tactical Options Available" thing. Where it the game shows you directly what optional paths you can take to complete an objective...


Anyone else beat the game without using the suit abilities. I forgot how to access them at one point and only got the enemy tracer rounds. I thought it was the select button but that only did the gun.


R2D4 said:
Anyone else beat the game without using the suit abilities. I forgot how to access them at one point and only got the enemy tracer rounds. I thought it was the select button but that only did the gun.
Tap select.


Trucker Sexologist
The Nature Roy said:
I apologize if this story has already been linked: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/03/29/crysis-2-technical-analysis/

You want outrageous hyperbole? How about this: "...the PC version of the game is crippled to the point where it’s literally impossible to look at without feeling physically sick."

Again -- "Literally impossible to look at without feeling physically sick."

Ridiculous. The 'proof' is humorous, as it states, "At first glance the textures in Crysis 2 may look improved, with the appearance of more detail, and a slightly more realistic look. Certainly if you were only to run past them that may be the impression you’re left with...."

Ummm... that's pretty much how you're supposed to look at things in a game.

All I know is, whatever the development shortcuts taken or the artificial constraints placed on the PC version due to the console versions, the game looks incredible to my eyes. Technical 'cheats', less detailed textures, etc. it still looks better than Crysis 1 to me and it performs much, much better on my system.

Honestly, Crysis 2 is probably going to ruin me for other games considering just how good it looks and runs.

Now as for the actual game -- I'm liking it but I honestly found Crysis more enjoyable due to the mission structure and feel, not because of the graphics. At least the first half of Crysis. Crysis 2 thus far is better than the second half of Crysis.

Anyway, I just had to post a link because of the laughable, irresponsible manner in which the author presented his arguments, which gets in the way of what are likely some good points.
It's a satire. To quote the Brits, "He is taking the piss."
WrikaWrek said:
I seriously don't understand how someone can spend 9 1/2 hours straight in one game, alone. And you didn't even think it was that great or anything.

I did said it had a great story and that it was graphically impressive... just sucked that I would dominate the game once I found the M60.

And when I didn't have it i could stealth my way through just about every encounter without fighting, doesn't mean i didn't like it, the game was linear but not linear enough where I had to kill every enemy I came across every single time.
Hey I made a cool video but it's 3.73 gb uncompressed. It's 2 minutes long. What's the best way to compress it and retain as much quality as I can and upload to Youtube? Thanks.


Junior Member
Always-honest said:
it's great, but the a.i. is really turning me off sometimes. It feels last gen sometimes (the a.i...)


Love the game, but the AI needs work.

Can't the enemy AI be patched or something? I know I installed an AI mod for the original Crysis.

Slappers Only

Junior Member
Some of the checkpointing in this game doesn't make much sense at all. I have to run miles across the same foggy bridge just to get to the same stupid part that's killed me a million times.
NIN90 said:
Wow, the multiplayer maps that were not in the beta are amazing.
One of the worst demos in terms of negative PR hit ever.

GUESS WHAT! My video clip is uploading. It's 1gb (was 3.7gb uncompressed). The gamma white got brighter for some reason in the compressed version but I hope it's still good quality. It's me versus a Heavy in Times Square lol. Will post link later :D :D :D


Unlimited Capacity
For all the complaining people do about tje textures in C2, that C1 shot sure has some low res nanosuit action lol
So I just finished the game. Aside from the first few hours, the campaign turns out to be pretty damn amazing. I don't even need to mention the graphics, but they in part help the game nail the urban combat feel of fighting in New York, and the atmosphere of the invasion. This is the invasion of Earth that I had in mind for Halo 2. Absolutely amazing.

One serious question though...Can anyone explain what the fuck is going on? Like the story, in detail? Are the events of the original Crysis relevant to Crysis 2? I never played the original.
ToyMachine228 said:
One serious question though...Can anyone explain what the fuck is going on? Like the story, in detail? Are the events of the original Crysis relevant to Crysis 2? I never played the original.
Can't help you. I just let the story wash over me, while Gould and Hargreave's dulcet tones gently urged me forward.
NIN90 said:
Wow, the multiplayer maps that were not in the beta are amazing.
I've warmed up completely to Skyline, but I HATE Pier 17. Also, Impact is gorgeous, but terrible as a map. The standouts for me are Statue, City Hall, Parking Deck, Lighthouse.

I wish they spent a bit more time designing the maps, it feels like some of them are just ripped wholesale from the campaign. Forgive my reference to COD, like the game or not, they put great emphasis on unique map design.

MP is great though (360).
stuminus3 said:
Nice video, planting C4 on those guys is pretty much my favorite thing ever.

What's great is that I was watching the video thinking "man, I can't wait until I'm able to play games that look like that", and then I remembered, I can, and I do. Spectacular.
THANKS! :D Yeah I love doing that


ToyMachine228 said:
So I just finished the game. Aside from the first few hours, the campaign turns out to be pretty damn amazing. I don't even need to mention the graphics, but they in part help the game nail the urban combat feel of fighting in New York, and the atmosphere of the invasion. This is the invasion of Earth that I had in mind for Halo 2. Absolutely amazing.

One serious question though...Can anyone explain what the fuck is going on? Like the story, in detail? Are the events of the original Crysis relevant to Crysis 2? I never played the original.
Barely has any ties to Crysis 1.
Tanya Strickland is the daughter of a completely forgettable character from Crysis 1, the Lingshan islands are briefly mentioned, there is almost no explanation as to what the hell Prophet spent 3 years doing in between games, the fates of Nomad and Psycho are unexplained, etc.


Foliorum Viridum said:
My game kept freezing and I thought it was due to my overclocking, but my 6950 was at 100c!

Fucking hell.

Dude, thats sort of high temps even for a GPU running Crysis 2. Crank up the fan settings.
Even my 480 only goes up to about 80C.

I didnt watch the video, spoilers yo! :p
I just got to the Hargreaves building atm.
Kyaw said:
Dude, thats sort of high temps even for a GPU running Crysis 2. Crank up the fan settings.
Even my 480 only goes up to about 80C.
Yeah no shit, I just pumped up my card/case fans and took the side off, haha.

First game I've played with this card so I mayyy have identified a problem it has with my airflow!

Still, though, I found it quite funny - Crysis 2 is crippling my PC, just like the original! >_>
Played the PS3 campaign at my brothers house and I thought it was one of the best shooters I've played. I was actually pretty anti-crysis before playing this. I think the reason (stupid) for that was I played Crysis 1 on my Macbook Pro 8600 through bootcamp a few years ago. lol. It ran at about 10 fps on low settings I think. It was a garbage experience. I think I was just bitter so I unjustly hated on it when my PC buddies would bring it up in conversations.

Having said that though...I finished the campaign on that measly 8600 and just did not think it was all that special. I would like to go back and give it a more fair chance one day in optimal conditions, ie. better PC hardware. I also prefer the New York landscape a lot more than the jungle.

Ran in to one glitch. Don't remember what it was but I do remember having to intentionally die to reload the checkpoint. I played on Normal and found it to be easy. The upgrades kind of suck. I bought them all except 1 or 2.

Didn't touch multiplayer yet but I don't really have any urge to do so.

One more thing: Crytek did good on the PS3. Game looks godly. My eyes don't catch frame rate drops unless they are pretty major but I did not notice anything worth complaining about in that department while playing this game. It deserves to be mentioned in the same sentence as Killzone and Uncharted in terms of graphics. :)


Foliorum Viridum said:
Yeah no shit, I just pumped up my card/case fans and took the side off, haha.

First game I've played with this card so I mayyy have identified a problem it has with my airflow!

Still, though, I found it quite funny - Crysis 2 is crippling my PC, just like the original! >_>

The original was just badly optimised, it actually ran cooler than Crysis 2 for me... >.>
Got around 75-77C with C1 and got around 80C with C2.
Add me to the list of people who say the game gets better as you go along. In retrospect, I'm beginning to think that the first 60-90 minutes kinda sucked. Still, I'd rather have a longer game that slow-burns into a GOTY candidate than a shorter game that's all wham-bam-thank-you-Pam.

I like the pacing, I just wish they could have started off on a slightly stronger foot.


Heavy said:
Hey I made a cool video but it's 3.73 gb uncompressed. It's 2 minutes long. What's the best way to compress it and retain as much quality as I can and upload to Youtube? Thanks.

Other than setting fire to my new GPU, I'm about 45 mins in now.






Pretty game. That opening bit at night looked STUNNING - I can't wait to get to the night sections. As good as it looks in the day it pales in comparison to swimming up to the top of the Hudson River at night and seeing that fire cast along the water. Phwoar.

So far it's been a slow start. I know that I will like this game, but really nothing amazing has happened. It's just a training area basically and the fact I can't mod my weapons from the start annoys me.

Also, I fucking hate that waypoint. So intrustive and not needed with the map - as far as I can tell you can't turn it off either?

Like I said, though, it does feel a lot like Crysis at the core, so once the game properly starts I'll enjoy it more, I'm sure.


So what's the big difference between Edge AA and the Edge Lapace AA? Is Lapace a lot better than Edge and does it affect performance drastically? I can't find any comparison pictures and can't tell myself. :p
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