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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...


teh_J0kerer said:
I'm about two hours in.

I'm generally not an fps fan, and haven't played almost any of them. Never played a Halo game, or Call of Duty. I played bioshock and was totally bored after a couple levels. Got bored of Half life 2 really fast and stopped.

But Crysis 1, which I just played a couple weeks ago, was really great. I loved the freedom, and the feeling like I could go anywhere and do whatever I wanted. I loved trying to figure out my own ways of accomplishing goals. (sure the game started sucking after the aliens came along). I loved the way the game just started up and let me loose almost right from the beginning. The levels were huge, and the atmosphere in the jungle was top notch.

So far Crysis 2 has none of that. I really hope it's going to improve, but so far it doesn't feel any different from any other shooter. The way the game tells me everything I'm supposed to do, even within the fairly linear levels, is really annoying.

So what do you guys think about turning off the HUD on a first play through? What was that people were mentioning about quick time events? Will I automatically lose when I reach them without an HUD?
QTEs are an annoyance. I'm halfway through and haven't encountered any that result in death. I actually can only think of one so far that I needed to hit space bar a couple times for. So there's not much pressure on timing (guess they aren't really QTEs then, just TEs). This may change later on, I don't know.

I did (am doing) no HUD as my first playthrough, and I recommend it.

I'll also add this (forgot to mention it in my last post): vehicles take a back seat this time around. They're there, you can use them, but you're often boxed into very tiny areas, rendering them all but useless. There's a tank section early on, but it's just a short trip through a tunnel. Very standard. They control fine when you use them and are fun to attack with. And it's not a big problem that we spend less time in them, since the core gameplay is a bit more engaging this time around (some would say streamlined, I say improved). But it's something to keep in mind, since it renders the experience a bit more one-note than the varied Crysis levels. There's nothing like that huge tank section in Crysis 1, with copters and enemy vehicles coming at you from all sides.

Helicopter behavior is also weird. There's less of the hilarious clipping on trees thing in Crysis 1, but gunners seem to be able to see you through walls, through cloak... pretty much wherever you are, they will shoot at you. The helicopters themselves are easy to take down, but funnily enough you'll sometimes see the gunner still manning his post in the charred remained of the vehicle when it crashes to the ground. These guys are resilient.

I've also seen some strange cases of helicopters exploding or disappearing mid-flight, and one instance of a helicopter's remains slowly floating upward to the sky.

Enemies occasionally pop out of thin air. I'm sure this happened in Crysis 1 as well, but was less noticeable because of the scale of levels. Here there are very definite triggers that enemies pour out of, and one particular instance where they will disappear completely
(jumping down the elevator shaft at the alien crash site in level 3).
Again, not a big deal, but something that seems a little rough. Still better than CoD's enemy closets.


Wow, I know I suck at this game, but I had a 0-29 game last night. It's beyond frustrating when none of your hits are being detected.

Also can't stand the energy drain while you run bullshit. I swear, it must be Alan Wake underneath that nanosuit. Super solider my ass.


Refreshment.01 said:
Well the mayority are not QTE´s, they are sort of button prompts. Just play withouth heads up and turn them on in those cinemas, you wont lose much progress if you fail them the first time. Also if you are updated to latest version this supposedly works:

Bind 7 hide_hud=0
Bind 8 hide_hud=1

So pressing 7 or 8 turns off/on the HUD. Or use other keys instead of 7 or 8 that you could be more confortable with.

bind 8 Hud_Hide 1
bind 7 Hud_Hide 0
skyfinch said:
Wow, I know I suck at this game, but I had a 0-29 game last night. It's beyond frustrating when none of your hits are being detected.

Also can't stand the energy drain while you run bullshit. I swear, it must be Alan Wake underneath that nanosuit. Super solider my ass.

Have you disabled mouse acceleration? Multiplayer was nearly unplayable for me early in the beta. Once I turned it off, I had a positive K/D ratio in just about every match I played.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
skyfinch said:
Wow, I know I suck at this game, but I had a 0-29 game last night. It's beyond frustrating when none of your hits are being detected.

Also can't stand the energy drain while you run bullshit. I swear, it must be Alan Wake underneath that nanosuit. Super solider my ass.
There is a very good chance that there were hackers in your game if it was on PC. It's goddamn atrocious.
skyfinch said:
Wow, I know I suck at this game, but I had a 0-29 game last night. It's beyond frustrating when none of your hits are being detected.

Also can't stand the energy drain while you run bullshit. I swear, it must be Alan Wake underneath that nanosuit. Super solider my ass.
Yeah I will agree with this, it's not even like you're running all that fast.


ColonelColon said:
Have you disabled mouse acceleration? Multiplayer was nearly unplayable for me early in the beta. Once I turned it off, I had a positive K/D ratio in just about every match I played.

I'm on Xbox. Was doing well in the demo, but now I'm lucky if I get 3 kills in a game.


Gold Member
LoL Crytek just announced that they are working on a DX11 Patch



nooo too slow

Crunched said:
QTEs are an annoyance. I'm halfway through and haven't encountered any that result in death.
There is one later on that will result in death. It's something people should be aware of ahead of time because the checkpoint is far back.


Crytek: "no dx11 patch is announced, its all a rumour at this point"


Crytek: "dx11 patch is in the works!"



I'd be in the dick
I was kind of hoping they would fix some of the big glitches before announcing DX11 but that's mostly because I'm on PS3. I've been wanting to load up some specific encounters and just do some flat out experimentation but it keeps forgetting my attachments, mostly pistol silencers, so that I can't do what I want to. Still it's a sign of a game's quality that I can play it through 3 times in quick succession and still want to keep playing it, even with some bugs.

This was a cool moment that just happened to me. Laying into the alien, all of a sudden this vehicle barges by and on the floor was a rocket launcher. Hmm!
Foliorum Viridum said:

This was a cool moment that just happened to me. Laying into the alien, all of a sudden this vehicle barges by and on the floor was a rocket launcher. Hmm!

Shame it's all scripted though.


I'd be in the dick
GABDEG said:
If there would be random trucks running your ass over, people would complain about unpredictable deaths.
There are vehicles that do come in and can run you over. I raised an alert once and they sent out a flare. I was cloaked off to the side and got run over by a jeep coming in for reinforcements.
Foliorum Viridum said:
That truck driving in was scripted, sure, but the fact I was standing so close, right by an RPG wasn't. That's what made it so awesome.
Except for the RPGs being all over the place and the fact that you can re-create that exact moment every time you play that level.
Where exactly did I make the claim that this was the most groundbreaking moment of gaming?

It just happened to me and I thought it was a cool moment, that's all.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Foliorum Viridum said:
Where exactly did I make the claim that this was the most groundbreaking moment of gaming?

It just happened to me and I thought it was a cool moment, that's all.
How the fuck can you derive any enjoyment out of this game? GOD.


fuck the AI in this game.

what the hell is the point in CLOAKING if the enemy AI will seek you out regardless. fuck you crytek


I'd be in the dick
a176 said:
fuck the AI in this game.

what the hell is the point in CLOAKING if the enemy AI will seek you out regardless. fuck you crytek
I never had a problem with them detecting me while I was cloaked, in fact it was quite the opposite. I basically walked through the game on Supersoldier and no one would bother me.


Foliorum Viridum said:
Where exactly did I make the claim that this was the most groundbreaking moment of gaming?

It just happened to me and I thought it was a cool moment, that's all.
It was a cool moment. Thanks for sharing.

Don't let the haters get to you.


I'd be in the dick
DennisK4 said:
It was a cool moment. Thanks for sharing.

Don't let the haters get to you.
I agree it, was a nice .gif. I seriously can't believe how much some people try to knock all of the things that are good about this game. I know I enjoy it more than most people but I just don't understand the mentality of constantly shooting a game down. If I don't like a game much, I don't post about.
DennisK4 said:
It was a cool moment. Thanks for sharing.

Don't let the haters get to you.
They're not getting me, I just thought it was a bit odd to pick apart one gif so much.

I've actually got a Youtube video uploading as I type so more will be posted tonight!

I'm digging deeper on my second playthrough and finding more of the Crysis in this. I still don't think it's nearly as good, but when you're in the moment and it's at its best, damn.


a176 said:
fuck the AI in this game.

what the hell is the point in CLOAKING if the enemy AI will seek you out regardless. fuck you crytek

I've been wondering this. If I kill an alien, get seen and the cloak away they always come right fucking for me like they can see through it.


I'd be in the dick
mxgt said:
I've been wondering this. If I kill an alien, get seen and the cloak away they always come right fucking for me like they can see through it.
Ceph can pick you up at close distances better than humans. If you get far enough away quickly they'll lose track of you. Move off to the side a bit once you cloak and they'll usually just focus on the spot you were at.
RoboPlato said:
Ceph can pick you up at close distances better than humans. If you get far enough away quickly they'll lose track of you. Move off to the side a bit once you cloak and they'll usually just focus on the spot you were at.
It's a glitch with the AI, like the helos and the patrol boats in the first, even when you're cloaked they "know" where you are but hold off on firing at you. In this game there's an extra glitch caused by them adding a time value between activating cloak and actually being cloaked where all AI entities human and alien can still see you and fire at you after you should be out of their field of vision.


As much as I like the single player campaign, imo the MP is a mess on PS3. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I was in a game with at least 3 green bars. It's been pretty much two yellow bars the couple of times I've played.

Unloading a full clip into somebody to finally take them down. Or weakening them to a point someone on your team comes in and finishes them off and you're left with nothing but an assist. The framerate's not improved from the demo at all either. Still feels like a constant sub-30fps.

Don't think I'll be playing much more of the MP. What a contrast to the SP, where I've played the campaign three times fully. And played favorite missions over again many times. I've beaten it on normal and veteran. Planning on going through it on super soldier now. Really like playing the SP campaign.
Hey remember how I couldn't finish a level on super soldier difficulty today because of a glitch? Now I've restarted that level and all my weapon unlocks are gone.

Fix your shit, Crytek.


I'd be in the dick
Neuromancer said:
Hey remember how I couldn't finish a level on super soldier difficulty today because of a glitch? Now I've restarted that level and all my weapon unlocks are gone.

Fix your shit, Crytek.
Yeah, the attachment glitch is really pissing me off.
RoboPlato said:
Yeah, the attachment glitch is really pissing me off.
Well thank heaven for small favors, I was finally able to finish that level. The good news is now I'm an expert on beating pingers on super soldier.
A vehicle entering the area is hardly the defintion of a game being overly scripted, either.

I agree it would be cool to have jeeps randomly show up and fuck shit up in the game, but it doesn't annoy me that they appear at certain times.


scitek said:
That bind hud_hide command doesn't work for me. I'm on v 1.2

Conflicting with other command maybe, this is all I use and np for me:

; crysis2

r_DisplayInfo 1
r_PostMSAAEdgeFilterNV = 0
bind 0 t_scale .3
bind 9 t_scale 1
bind 8 Hud_Hide 1
bind 7 Hud_Hide 0
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