Barack Lesnar
Has anyone tried Assault mode in multi-player yet? I'm gonna wait a bit before diving into the MP. Assault is the mode where it's Nanosuits with pistols versus regular soldiers with all weapons.
x3sphere said:Some screens I took from the PC version (2560x1600):
Heavy said:Has anyone tried Assault mode in multi-player yet? I'm gonna wait a bit before diving into the MP. Assault is the mode where it's Nanosuits with pistols versus regular soldiers with all weapons.
arena08 said:It's great. It's got a real Counterstrike feel to it. Some of the most tense and exciting battles in MP.
Revolutionary said:We're all on Steam. According to the Steam forums a lot of us are having CD Key issues.
There's nothing to "let go" Crysis 2 is a beautiful game and does things that most games don't. But, there were a lot of shortcuts made to do those things and even still, it's doesn't using either system effiently. There's a lot less going on in C2 than the heavy hitters on the consoles.mescalineeyes said:I "love" how the kz3 defense force is all over this game.
Let it go, guys.
mescalineeyes said:I "love" how the kz3 defense force is all over this game.
Let it go, guys.
And if you're the one to respond to comments like his, you're probably looked at as part of that faction I bet. And yes, I agree with you.belvedere said:Someone hasn't been paying attention.
Yessssss awesome! Just as I hopedarena08 said:It's great. It's got a real Counterstrike feel to it. Some of the most tense and exciting battles in MP.
A lot less going on? lolpixelbox said:There's a lot less going on in C2 than the heavy hitters on the consoles.
False. HDR is more than just bloom. Using high precision values to make the lighting calculations is an absolute MUST for realistic graphics. Ask any graphics programmer about it.sTaTIx said:A few points:
1) HDR is just one tool that can be used to produce certain effects like bloom or tone-mapping effects, both of which can be approximated to a fair degree with other methods ("faked HDR" if you really want to put it that way) albeit with less precision. Both bloom and tone-mapping are present in KZ3; can't speak as to the relatively quality of the implementations, but it looks pretty decent and artifact-free in KZ3 to me.
No. Most of the environment lighting and shadowing in KZ2/3 is lightmapped, with lightprobes to shade dynamic objects like characters.sTaTIx said:2) I don't understand why you're saying Crysis 2 has 100% realtime lighting and shadowing, as if to say KZ3 doesn't. All of the lighting and shadows of KZ3 are dynamic, with the exception that it uses pre-baked GI (which nearly every game does);
FarCry 2 didn't ship with GI if i recall, it was dropped. As for the MLB game, I remember an image explaining how they shade the objects in realtime, but it doesn't say anything about OBTAINING the lighting information at runtime. I could be wrong, of course.sTaTIx said:Crysis 2 uses a dynamic radiosity as its GI method, but I already mentioned this. Note that the use of dynamic radiosity doesn't necessarily mean it looks "better," but it is an impressive technical innovation, I would admit. Although "innovation" might be a misnomer, considering that games such as Far Cry 2 back in 2008 and MLB '09 in 2009 are examples of older games that implemented dynamic radiosity.
+sTaTIx said:Furthermore, the Killzone engine is purportedly capable of rendering hundreds of lights per scene, with every light casting its own dynamic shadows (including muzzle flashes from your and enemy gunfire). The same can't be said for Crysis 2.
Who cares if it's new or not. Not many games use those effects even today, certainly not KZ2/3.sTaTIx said:5) Translucency and specular reflections are nothing new in games; GRAW 2 back in 2007 featured translucent surfaces; it is neither a new nor particularly impressive graphical feature anymore. As for SSS, has it even been confirmed to be present in the console versions? If it is present, I can guarantee you that it's used almost exclusively in cutscenes (where human faces are present), especially seeing as how none of the enemies you battle in gameplay even show any exposed skin.
Actually, most objects in the world have physics active, mostly affected by gravity only unless another force acts on them. It's specially noticeable with the taxis and other cars you encounter that even have working suspensions.sTaTIx said:6) True, the number of physics objects per scene might be higher in Crysis 2, but honestly, how many of those objects are actually active (in a state of motion) at any given moment? A potential physics object isn't active or having physics calculations performed upon it until you either shoot at it, push it, or pick it up. In any case, one could make the argument the fewer physics objects is offset by the fact that Killzone 3 has a seemingly superior physics-driven bullet-impact and ragdoll system for enemies that you shoot... I couldn't say one way or another.
Funnily enough, KZ3 actually does use bitmaps for a lot of its backgrounds, lol.sTaTIx said:7) "Much more open levels" is really questionable, imo. Most areas I've seen in Crysis 2 feature predetermined "zones" for combat, with the size of these zones being no bigger than some of the larger, more open areas of Killzone 2 or 3. Crysis 2, for its part, creates the feel of larger playable areas than it really has, by having large draw distances showing off nice-looking backdrops and vistas that you technically cannot go to (a step or two better than using "painted" bitmaps for backgrounds).
I forgot full res particle buffers too.sTaTIx said:Thank you for reminding me that SSAO is used in Crysis 2, I did neglect/forget to mention that one..
Actually, a full deferred renderer allows for less advanced shaders. Get your facts right.pixelbox said:Ehhh, yeah lets balance this out a bit.
Things that Killzone 3 does better than Crysis 2:
1)Full deferred rendering engine which allows cheaper, more complex shaders.
Was stated before, no need to repeat it.pixelbox said:2)POM(Paralax maps) which Crysis lacks.
KZ3 is a combination of full res and quarter res buffers, C2 does them all at the same res.pixelbox said:3)Higher resolution. Both Screen based and textures.
No it doesn't. Plenty of surfaces use it, like concrete. Also, no need for tech euphemisms, detail mapping is simply another texture layer repeated over and over on the same surface.pixelbox said:4)High freqency detail mapping, which Crysis also lacks.
The same applies to C2.pixelbox said:5)More accurate Physics. Objects behave with accurate weight due to processing on the Cell.
Not really, a lot of particles in KZ2/3 go through objects.pixelbox said:6)Particles which interacts with the environment. Every particle can collide with geometry. Instead of vanishing before ever having a chance to.
That's good, but during gameplay the difference is trivial.pixelbox said:7) More advanced Per-pixel motion blur which eliminates the need for two types of blur, object and screen space.
Yeah, this is much better realized in KZ2/3.pixelbox said:8)Patented "Hit response" allows for better bullet to body interaction.
Haven't seen this but I believe you.pixelbox said:9)Volumetric water effects where objects affects the poly mesh that makes up the water.
It's called "linear game" xDpixelbox said:10)Better L.O.D. engine
Which sucks for subpixel geometry, of which KZ2/3 has plenty.pixelbox said:11)MLAA well...
C2's AI doesn't cheat. And what do you mean by more advanced? If anything the alien AI in C2 with its ability to freely traverse all kinds of surfaces both horizontal and vertical is pretty advanced.pixelbox said:12)Much more advanced a.i. that doesn't cheat.
Characters in the screens posted appear to use SSS. Translucency IS a shader effect, look at the aliens upclose.pixelbox said:The SSS is not proven to be on console/low end versions. The translucency referred to here is design not some special effect.
Specular highlights that look like lines instead of circles. There are recent papers about it, look them up.pixelbox said:Killzone 2/3 has a MRT specifically for specular reflectivity. WTF is proper specular reflectivity?
That method is still not properly specified. The same thing you complained about previously about CE3's GI method.pixelbox said:It also possesses IBL. The props i would give to Crytek is the addition of Bokeh DOF and GI which acturally runs at 5 fps based off the pdf i read that other day and Crytek isn't even the first to bring G.I. to consoles. A baseball game brought it first and it updated 60 times in a second.
LMAO, now you're trying too hard. Nothing but a bitter fanboy.pixelbox said:Another thing you forgot to mention is how bad those textures are in C2, and i mean every type of texture from shadows to environments.
GI and "realtime" lighting took it's toll on the engine If it fucks everything up why use it? Yeah, C2 is a great looking game, but remember using real life refrences for textures will always make a game look better than it is(The getaway,PS2)
first half was incredibly boring, second half was great. Buuuut, this thread is about Crysis 2.NIN90 said:Killzone 3 was pretty fucking boring. Just sayin!
DeadRockstar said:The only thing I don't like about Crysis 2, is that it's almost too good.
Take away the two most talked about features and what are you left with?Heavy said:Yessssss awesome! Just as I hoped
A lot less going on? lol
jackdoe said:Sigh. I'll probably end up buying the game this week. And I only wanted to buy one game this month (which ended up being DA2, one of the most disappointing games I've had the misfortune of purchasing).
dLMN8R said:Are any of the multiplayer maps significantly larger than those found in the beta/demo?
I lol'd. He deserves to be promoted to Member status ASAP for that one.DeadRockstar said:The only thing I don't like about Crysis 2, is that it's almost too good.
NIN90 said:Killzone 3 was pretty fucking boring. Just sayin!
Yes, I'm playing it on my tv as well and at 1080p it is gorgeous. This game will take me 20 hours to beat at this rate. I'm looking at everything and exploring all of the play zones.Klocker said:game is stunning on my 50" TV...
Wow, completely destroyed all arguments in that post. Someone should probably add this to the OP to stop silly console fanboy back and forth arguments in their tracks.Metroid-Squadron said:DESTRUCTION
You must hate realistic lighting. I enjoyed Bulletstorm and UE3 has made great strides in the lighting department, but to say that has superior lighting is insane.Aklamarth said:The IGN reviewer is wrong. This is far from a graphical masterpiece (playing the 360 version).Don't know why but the lightning seems "off" to me. Granted i haven't played too much yet but so far is not even on par with Bulletstorm.
except for PC crysis 2Mr_Brit said:C2 and KZ3 both look great and do somethings better than the other, there is no definitive winner.
Shame I can't re-sell a PC version of Dragon Age 2. But oh well, live and learn.bkfount said:yeah, I try to do the same but recently got Homefront. At least I was able to flip it on ebay for a little over $40 a few days ago though.
dark10x said:I'm not sure I see the problem with the "slight blurriness". It gives the game a very clean and smooth appearance. The image quality is light years beyond the original Crysis.
I completely agree with you guys. Fucking light years man. The only issue is the ghosting with motion blur.x3sphere said:Yeah I don't actually have a problem with it. Looks incredible in motion.
After the PS3 demo I was set on not picking it up. But after reading some of the impressions so far I'm thisclose to pulling the trigger on it. I'm hoping my trade-in credit gets deposited to my Amazon account soon. They just got it today and it's 2 business days till they deposit the trade-in value.jackdoe said:Sigh. I'll probably end up buying the game this week. And I only wanted to buy one game this month (which ended up being DA2, one of the most disappointing games I've had the misfortune of purchasing).
C2 on PC in motion fucking decimates anything I have seen in games in the past couple years. The feeling I had during the entire first 2 levels was lol this is the UE3.9999 GDC tech demo only better and well animated.Mr_Brit said:C2 and KZ3 both look great and do some things better than the other, there is no definitive winner.
I meant that motorstorm was going to be my reasoning for buying the glasses. But now that's delayed for who knows how long. Crysis 2 is my new reason to buy them.abracadaver said:wtf ?
what kind of glasses you need depends on the TV and not the game
Ghosting comes from TAA. I'm loving the game too much at the momen to mess around with configs. Next playthrough!Stallion Free said:I completely agree with you guys. Fucking light years man. The only issue is the ghosting with motion blur.
And sweet jesus these levels have a lot of play space. I'm exploring all over finding tons of new routes to stealth through. I've probably played about an hour a level so far.
What performance/card/settings are you using? I seem to recall you got rid of the 5850 but I can't remember.Stallion Free said:C2 on PC in motion fucking decimates anything I have seen in games in the past couple years. The feeling I had during the entire first 2 levels was lol this is the UE3.9999 GDC tech demo only better and well animated.
Stallion Free said:Sweet mother of god this looks good on PC. Fucking obliterates Crysis 1 IMO.