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Daisy Ridley Thought Rey’s Parentage Was Revealed in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

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My two cents:

I think it's obvious Rey is a Skywalker because of how much she is like Anakin. A Mary Sue who can pilot well and fix anything. These are not traits of Han but of Luke/Vader...
Let us not forget the whole "The force is strong in my family" speech from the trailer...

I think she is Luke's daughter, or at least was trained by Luke as a small child before coming to Jakku. First of all, when the force "awakens", it seems like she knows what she's doing. She doesn't look like someone with newfound powers, but someone who is remembering old training.

Most importantly, when one of the officers tells Kylo about how BB8 escaped with a girl, Kylo exploded... almost as if he knows of a force sensitive girl that may be an issue...

My theory is that this girl, Rey, trained with Kylo under Luke before Kylo turned crazy and Luke sent her to Jakku to protect her. Kylo knew she was Luke's daughter, so he was afraid of her potential power, which both explains why Luke hid her from him and why Kylo lost his shit when he first heard about her appearance after all those years...

Not the most crazy theory out there, but this is star wars, not metal gear solid. It seems like the most logical explaination...

(edit) aaaaand zebra beat me to it lmfao...


Force Awakens makes it ridiculously obvious.
  • Rey's been having visions of Luke, for apparently quite some time. This is reaffirmed both by the conversation with Maz and when Kylo Ren tries to probe her mind.
  • The Skywalker family lightsaber calls out to her. Maz says "This lightsaber was Luke's, and his fathers before him" which makes a pretty strong implication of lineage.
  • During her vision after touching the lightsaber we hear the voices of Darth Vader (his breathing), Luke, Yoda, and Obi-Wan. The common theme that ties all of these characters together is Skywalker family - Two of them are Skywalkers and the other two are people who trained the Skywalkers.
  • Luke's reaction to seeing Rey is far too emotional for her to be a stranger.
  • Von Sydow's character, the guy who happens to have the crucial map peace to find Luke, just happens to be on Jakku was well and within reasonable distance of Rey
She's a Skywalker.

My personal theory:

Kylo went nuts and killed off the Jedi trainees at the temple while Luke was away, and couldn't bring himself to kill his cousin (Rey obviously) and so he wiped/blocked her memory and dropped her off on Jakku and left Unkar Plutt enough gold and threats to keep her under wraps for years. That explains Luke thinking she is dead/not looking for her... the "What girl?!!" scene in TFA with Kylo... and Unkar Plutt seemingly knowing Rey and fucking with her when it comes to rations, etc...

Do we have a definite age of both Kylo and Rey?

I've seen Kylo being from 25-30 and Rey 18-23.

Makes it kind of hard to pin down that theory that Rey was a trainee at the temple and Kylo cleaned house there, kidnapped her, and dropped her on Jakku and set into motion everything else.


I said in the other thread that I think she's a Kenobi.

There's no reason for force ghost Obi-Wan to reach out to her in The Force Awakens unless he has some kind of connection with her. Unless you think ghost Obi-Wan just randomly picks anyone with a talent for the force and starts talking to them.

One thing we also know in the movies is that these Force ghosts only reach out to people they know, or related to, or have some kind of connection with. I think there's a reason JJ Abrams brought in Ewan McGregor and melded his voice with Alec Guiness. I don't think he did it just because he thought it would be cool. I think there's a narrative reason for it that hasn't been revealed yet.

Obi-Wan trains the son of Anakin. The son of Anakin trains the (most likely grandchild) of Obi-Wan. Its almost like poetry..it rhymes.

They've also dropped on us in the last few days that Obi-Wan's story in the mainline saga isn't officially over and that's why they don't have the Obi-Wan spin-off movie in the pipeline yet.

My personal theory:

Kylo went nuts and killed off the Jedi trainees at the temple while Luke was away, and couldn't bring himself to kill his cousin (Rey obviously) and so he wiped/blocked her memory and dropped her off on Jakku and left Unkar Plutt enough gold and threats to keep her under wraps for years. That explains Luke thinking she is dead/not looking for her... the "What girl?!!" scene in TFA with Kylo... and Unkar Plutt seemingly knowing Rey and fucking with her when it comes to rations, etc...

Doesn't that fall apart when nothing is said by Kylo the multiple times they meet in the movie?


I said in the other thread that I think she's a Kenobi.

There's no reason for force ghost Obi-Wan to reach out to her in The Force Awakens unless he has some kind of connection with her. Unless you think ghost Obi-Wan just randomly picks anyone with a talent for the force and starts talking to them.

One thing we also know in the movies is that these Force ghosts only reach out to people they know, or related to, or have some kind of connection with. I think there's a reason JJ Abrams brought in Ewan McGregor and melded his voice with Alec Guiness. I don't think he did it just because he thought it would be cool. I think there's a narrative reason for it that hasn't been revealed yet.

Obi-Wan trains the son of Anakin. The son of Anakin trains the (most likely grandchild) of Obi-Wan. Its almost like poetry..it rhymes.

Simpler idea. Obi-Wan trained Anakin and trained Luke. Maybe he just felt it necessary to help steer a third Skywalker down the correct path as well since Obi-Wan has basically mentored the entire family tree.
Doesn't that fall apart when nothing is said by Kylo the multiple times they meet in the movie?
Considering Vader couldn't be arsed to tell Leia she was her daughter when they were next to each other, or at that moment couldn't sense that was the case, maybe Kylo wasn't sure either.
Considering Vader couldn't be arsed to tell Leia she was her daughter when they were next to each other, or at that moment couldn't sense that was the case, maybe Kylo wasn't sure either.

Vader didn't know Leia existed at that point.

Your feelings for them are strong, especially for... Sister... So you have a twin sister, Obi Wan was wise to hide her from me, now your thoughts betray her too. If you will not turn to the Dark Side then perhaps, she will
Do we have a definite age of both Kylo and Rey?

I've seen Kylo being from 25-30 and Rey 18-23.

Makes it kind of hard to pin down that theory that Rey was a trainee at the temple and Kylo cleaned house there, kidnapped her, and dropped her on Jakku and set into motion everything else.

Kylo is (IIRC) 30-31 and Rey is 18-19 - Kylo was about ~ 16-18 when the massacre occurred, Rey was ~6

Doesn't that fall apart when nothing is said by Kylo the multiple times they meet in the movie?

Not at all. For a couple reasons:

1. He could still be unsure (at the end of the novelization when she pulls the lightsaber past him, he goes "It is you")

2. He wants to hide her identity so he can train her and overthrow Snoke ala Vader and Luke

3. He wants to use what she doesn't know against her and more than likely turn her (again to probably piss off Luke to the ultimate extent, and overthrow Snoke)

4. In the context of character interactions from a semi-realistic perspective, there is not really a time nor fitting place for him to just blurt out "You Luke's kid!" and again it would be wasting his power gained by knowing what she doesn't


The "Rey is a Kenobi" theory doesn't hold up to me because I think it simply needs too much explanation in-movie in order for it to work. Rey's age dictates that she'd have to be the grandchild of Obi-Wan at minimum, so we'd need to devote time to explaining how two generations of Kenobi not only existed after Obi-Wan but also stayed completely under the radar from the Empire and the Rebellion. And why Obi-Wan felt it wasn't important to ever bring them up.


Doesn't that fall apart when nothing is said by Kylo the multiple times they meet in the movie?

It sounds that he has heard Of Her. But does not actually Know her.

The only reason he would both know Of Her, and consider her a real threat, would be if he knew she is his cousin (or suspects it rather, which could be why he hasn't said anything to Snoke until he can actually deliver her to him).

Being Luke's daughter just makes a ton of sense.

My only reservation is whether she even knows it or not.

Luke might have left her with trusted friends (whom she thinks are her parents), who had to flee Jakku in a hurry as they themselves became hunted.

Maybe the reason Von Sydow ended up with the map (it was indicated by someone that he didn't get it from Luke himself) was that he wanted to find Luke while keeping a distant eye on Rey. Both of them being on the same planet "by chance" would just be terrible writing imo.


The "Rey is a Kenobi" theory doesn't hold up to me because I think it simply needs too much explanation in-movie in order for it to work. Rey's age dictates that she'd have to be the grandchild of Obi-Wan at minimum, so we'd need to devote time to explaining how two generations of Kenobi not only existed after Obi-Wan but also stayed completely under the radar from the Empire and the Rebellion. And why Obi-Wan felt it wasn't important to ever bring them up.

Sounds to me like a perfect excuse for an Obi-Wan spin-off film :)


If she considers the answer to have been in that movie, then following that logic, whatever in that movie hints at her parentage is the answer.

-The obvious first thing that comes to mind is the quote: "That lightsaber was Luke's, and his father's before him and now it calls to you!" Immediate, strong implied connection.
-The second obvious thing is that all she wanted throughout the years was to see her family again, and she repeatedly had dreams of Luke's island during this time.
-A third not quite as obvious hint is that Kylo Ren, who trained under Luke, has a peculiarly strong reaction to and interest in Rey even before meeting her and discovering her power. That could indicate a connection from his past.

People have wondered if those are red herrings because they're too obvious, but if Daisy is saying that the movie holds the answer in plain sight, then that means she is related to Luke for sure.

Or, at least she was intended to be when that movie was made. Rian Johnson could have made the decision to go another direction of course. It's fiction and it's still in-progress.

Yeah, I agree here. I think it would be amusing if she was Luke's daughter, and she had memories of him (like we've seen), but didn't know it was him.

Episode VIII thus kicks of with the opening crawl, and then: "Wait a minute motherfucker, you're Luke Skywalker?!?"

My personal theory:

Kylo went nuts and killed off the Jedi trainees at the temple while Luke was away, and couldn't bring himself to kill his cousin (Rey obviously) and so he wiped/blocked her memory and dropped her off on Jakku and left Unkar Plutt enough gold and threats to keep her under wraps for years. That explains Luke thinking she is dead/not looking for her... the "What girl?!!" scene in TFA with Kylo... and Unkar Plutt seemingly knowing Rey and fucking with her when it comes to rations, etc...

Only problem with this is its been confirmed that Rey was left on Jakku prior to the destruction of Luke's Jedi academy.
The "Rey is a Kenobi" theory doesn't hold up to me because I think it simply needs too much explanation in-movie in order for it to work. Rey's age dictates that she'd have to be the grandchild of Obi-Wan at minimum, so we'd need to devote time to explaining how two generations of Kenobi not only existed after Obi-Wan but also stayed completely under the radar from the Empire and the Rebellion. And why Obi-Wan felt it wasn't important to ever bring them up.
I agree, its almost as if they've been planning on Obi-Wan spin-off to address some of this and then held production of the movie back due to something in Episode VIII.

Jokes aside, if she is a Kenobi they'll have a good enough means of explaining it through a movie that will probably be quite popular, even more so if this is true.
Force Awakens makes it ridiculously obvious.
  • Rey's been having visions of Luke, for apparently quite some time. This is reaffirmed both by the conversation with Maz and when Kylo Ren tries to probe her mind.
  • The Skywalker family lightsaber calls out to her. Maz says "This lightsaber was Luke's, and his fathers before him" which makes a pretty strong implication of lineage.
  • During her vision after touching the lightsaber we hear the voices of Darth Vader (his breathing), Luke, Yoda, and Obi-Wan. The common theme that ties all of these characters together is Skywalker family - Two of them are Skywalkers and the other two are people who trained the Skywalkers.
  • Luke's reaction to seeing Rey is far too emotional for her to be a stranger.
  • Von Sydow's character, the guy who happens to have the crucial map peace to find Luke, just happens to be on Jakku was well and within reasonable distance of Rey
She's a Skywalker.

Yep. I buy this. 100%


Force Awakens makes it ridiculously obvious.
  • Rey's been having visions of Luke, for apparently quite some time. This is reaffirmed both by the conversation with Maz and when Kylo Ren tries to probe her mind.
  • The Skywalker family lightsaber calls out to her. Maz says "This lightsaber was Luke's, and his fathers before him" which makes a pretty strong implication of lineage.
  • During her vision after touching the lightsaber we hear the voices of Darth Vader (his breathing), Luke, Yoda, and Obi-Wan. The common theme that ties all of these characters together is Skywalker family - Two of them are Skywalkers and the other two are people who trained the Skywalkers.
  • Luke's reaction to seeing Rey is far too emotional for her to be a stranger.
  • Von Sydow's character, the guy who happens to have the crucial map peace to find Luke, just happens to be on Jakku was well and within reasonable distance of Rey
She's a Skywalker.

Why would luke start training on Ben/Kylo Ren while his daughter is fighting for scraps on some sand planet.

Sounds like a dick move to me.


Nothing in Force Awakens implies this.

I can't speak for TFA, but the Bloodline novel takes place just a few years before TFA. Kylo had not turned yet. Rey was obviously dropped off more like 10+ years earlier based on the flashback/vision.

The novel also had a foreword explaining that Rian Johnson advised on some points so aside from repeated assurances that all new side material is considered canon, we know that the novel was written with the story of VIII fully informing its details.
Luke might have left her with trusted friends (whom she thinks are her parents), who had to flee Jakku in a hurry as they themselves became hunted.

Maybe the reason Von Sydow ended up with the map (it was indicated by someone that he didn't get it from Luke himself) was that he wanted to find Luke while keeping a distant eye on Rey. Both of them being on the same planet "by chance" would just he terrible writing imo.

This, but especially the Von Sydow part.

Very rarely are there big coincidences in movies... and a guy who is a close friend of the Skywalker and Solo families who ALSO has a map to Luke happens to be down the street from where Rey is living / grew up?

Yea, not a coincidence. He was there/is there to protect her and probably hand over the map piece when the time comes. Kylo showing up threw a wrench in all that.

Nothing in Force Awakens implies this. If you simply line up the ages of Rey and Ren, while also factoring in how long Luke was in hiding, they actually are decently close together

I think that comes from people taking what Pablo Hidalgo says as gospel.... but people don't realize Pablo would be grilled alive for revealing spoilers... he is almost certainly misdirecting people or playing with words.

We know 2 things:

1. Kylo is ~30 in TFA, and Rey is ~18

2. Kylo and the massacre at the temple occurred when he was a teen around ~15, which puts Rey's age at the time of this around ~5, which is how old she looks in the Jakku flashback.

The time syncs up
This, but especially the Von Sydow part.

Very rarely are there big coincidences in movies... and a guy who is a close friend of the Skywalker and Solo families who ALSO has a map to Luke happens to be down the street from where Rey is living / grew up?

Yea, not a coincidence. He was there/is there to protect her and probably hand over the map piece when the time comes. Kylo showing up threw a wrench in all that.

Huh? There are big coincidences in every movie. That's how fiction works. You put all these interesting people together at once out of plot contrivances.
Lol sorry - but we differ on whether it was Luke or Kylo who dropped her off. A lot of people think Luke would be a "bad dad" for leaving her on Jakku... but if he was being hunted it makes complete sense he'd want to hide her as far away as possible from him, with no knowledge of him in case she is even captured / interrogated.

BUT I think Kylo's "What girl?!" scene is a giveaway that it was Kylo who knew she was there, probably not Luke.

I disagree. I think it shows that Kylo was completely caught off guard that she was there. Kylo knows she's a threat, he would not have sent his men to catch this robot that he really, really needs if he knew a skywalker was down there ready to fuck up his plans...

It's more likely Luke sent her there and when Kylo realized his plans were being foiled by a girl, it clicked for him who that girl might be...


Yep. I buy this. 100%

I can buy maybe 90% of it but Luke's reaction to seeing Rey could be a couple of reasons.

He could be shocked like, "I can't believe ya'll mother fuckers found me way out here".

He realizes that if he was actually found then that means some seriously bad shit is going down.

He could be freaking out because she's pointing his old lightsaber at him and if that wouldn't give him mind fuck I don't know what would.

Could be a lot of plausible reasons for Luke's reaction to Rey.

Or yes..maybe its because Luke knows exactly who she is and she is his daughter/niece.

I still think she's a Kenobi.


I can't speak for TFA, but the Bloodline novel takes place just a few years before TFA. Kylo had not turned yet. Rey was obviously dropped off more like 10+ years earlier based on the flashback/vision.

The novel also had a foreword explaining that Rian Johnson advised on some points so aside from repeated assurances that all new side material is considered canon, we know that the novel was written with the story of VIII fully informing its details.

Hmm. Doesn't the actual movie contradict this though since the movie states (or maybe implies) that Luke was missing for quite a longer time than just a few years?

Also, Rey's vision seems to be showing events in a chronological order.
  • The vision of Bespin
  • Kylo Ren's massacre
  • Rey being left on Jakku
  • The vision of the future on Starkiller Base
Considering the first and last parts of the vision work in a chronological fashion and the movies implication that Ren turned a while back, it would be weird if the middle parts were out of order for no reason.
I disagree. I think it shows that Kylo was completely caught off guard that she was there. Kylo knows she's a threat, he would not have sent his men to catch this robot that he really, really needs if he knew a skywalker was down there ready to fuck up his plans...

It's more likely Luke sent her there and when Kylo realized his plans were being foiled by a girl, it clicked for him who that girl might be...

Again, he has multiple 1 on 1 interactions with Rey and says nothing. That part doesn't add up.


It's the utterly safe choice which Disney goes for time and time again. We shouldn't expect more than that from them.

Yup. Too safe. Like I said, I'd be disappointed if she's a Skywalker.

Plus, her being Luke's daughter will make him look like an absolute deadbeat father. How are you going to leave a very young kid to fend for herself?
Yup. Too safe. Like I said, I'd be disappointed if she's a Skywalker.

Plus, her being Luke's daughter will make him look like an absolute deadbeat father. How are you going to leave a very young kid to fend for herself?

The only thing I can think of is he left the mother and Rey to start the academy, the mother died and then her surrogates dropped her off on Jakku because they knew she was important. It's all pretty lame. I'd rather she was just an orphan with force powers.
I disagree. I think it shows that Kylo was completely caught off guard that she was there. Kylo knows she's a threat, he would not have sent his men to catch this robot that he really, really needs if he knew a skywalker was down there ready to fuck up his plans...

It's more likely Luke sent her there and when Kylo realized his plans were being foiled by a girl, it clicked for him who that girl might be...

Kylo sent them down to get the droid without knowing Rey was involved. It's pretty simple to read that he didn't think she'd end up involved at all. He had no reason to think she'd ever be close to or get tied up in that (obviously the Force guided BB-8 to her).

Force Awakens makes it ridiculously obvious.
  • Rey's been having visions of Luke, for apparently quite some time. This is reaffirmed both by the conversation with Maz and when Kylo Ren tries to probe her mind.
  • The Skywalker family lightsaber calls out to her. Maz says "This lightsaber was Luke's, and his fathers before him" which makes a pretty strong implication of lineage.
  • During her vision after touching the lightsaber we hear the voices of Darth Vader (his breathing), Luke, Yoda, and Obi-Wan. The common theme that ties all of these characters together is Skywalker family - Two of them are Skywalkers and the other two are people who trained the Skywalkers.
  • Luke's reaction to seeing Rey is far too emotional for her to be a stranger.
  • Von Sydow's character, the guy who happens to have the crucial map peace to find Luke, just happens to be on Jakku was well and within reasonable distance of Rey
She's a Skywalker.

Pretty much this. There's red herrings, and then there is throwing it in your face.

Daisy Ridley thought everyone knew after TFA because unless you're looking for an alternative, the movie makes it pretty damn apparent that Luke is her dad.

I missed this tidbit. Where is this from?

Most likely from Pablo Hidalgo (story guy for LucasArts) - but people seem to forget A) he isn't directly involved with the films and B) he has no reason to tell people anything true/spoilerish, and has every reason to misdirect them.
Well then the "what girl?" line doesn't add up either... so...

Sure, it does. Kylo is a snot nosed brat who throws a temper tantrum. "What girl!" could easily mean, "you let a little girl mess up our plans? you fucking idiots"

Just like this scene

Yup. Too safe. Like I said, I'd be disappointed if she's a Skywalker.

Plus, her being Luke's daughter will make him look like an absolute deadbeat father. How are you going to leave a very young kid to fend for herself?

Cause bitches gotta man up... it worked for Gohan...


Count me in as someone who thought it was obvious that Luke is her father, why else would his lightsaber be so significant for her? There are any number of reasons she could have ended up on her own.

Maybe this was retconned when Disney purged the EU stuff but isn't Mara Jade Lukes old lady?
Sure, it does. Kylo is a snot nosed brat who throws a temper tantrum. "What girl!" could easily mean, "you let a little girl mess up our plans? you fucking idiots"

Just like this scene


No dude - no.

His reaction was not a "you fucked up!" reaction - the guy he was talking to wasn't even involved, he was just a messenger.

"What girl?!" with that growl was blatantly, so blatantly meant to imply he knows of a dangerous girl that is on that planet.

Again, he has multiple 1 on 1 interactions with Rey and says nothing. That part doesn't add up.

Saying something to her would be A) pointless B) give up his knowledge, which is power.

I already posted it - but Kylo telling Rey would not help him at all - it would hurt his case. He wants to turn her and use her to fight Snoke and Luke both. Her knowing Luke is her dad would fuck that up completely.

Count me in as someone who thought it was obvious that Luke is her father, why else would his lightsaber be so significant for her? There are any number of reasons she could have ended up on her own.

Maybe this was retconned when Disney purged the EU stuff but isn't Mara Jade Lukes old lady?

My fanfic theory is that Luke's wife is a force user in the ST and she turned to the dark side, took Rey and hid her, and is behind the scenes of all of this, including Snoke.
Sure, it does. Kylo is a snot nosed brat who throws a temper tantrum. "What girl!" could easily mean, "you let a little girl mess up our plans? you fucking idiots"

Just like this scene


It just seemed to have alot more significance than that honestly... Either way someone dropped the ball. Either Kylo shouldn't have had that line, or Kylo should have maybe had a line saying he knew her. A bit of a mistake on JJ's part imo...


Fuck them for that. Honestly -,-

Just wondering, not trying to argue anything, but why?

Force Awakens makes it ridiculously obvious.

[*]Rey's been having visions of Luke, for apparently quite some time. This is reaffirmed both by the conversation with Maz and when Kylo Ren tries to probe her mind.

Just to add to this: one point I haven't seen many people comment on (although I haven't followed online discussions at all so who knows), but what I immediately saw as a big hint early on: Rey has rebel pilot helmet (although that could have been scavenged) on Jakku, and more importantly, she has a little home made rebel pilot doll in her Jakku home. Either something she has from when she was abandoned on Jakku, or something she made since then, like a sort of hidden memory or half interpreted vision of Luke.

Like many people I think it's fairly obvious she's either a daughter of Han or Luke, and that definitely pushes it to Luke for me. He was, after all, the rebel pilot of the original group, and grew up with dreams of being that. It wasn't just something he did because the situation called for it, it was a big part of his (early) character.

It just seemed to have alot more significance than that honestly... Either way someone dropped the ball. Either Kylo shouldn't have had that line, or Kylo should have maybe had a line saying he knew her. A bit of a mistake on JJ's part imo...

Maybe. Look I'm not convinced that what I said is true but its certainly a reasonable enough conclusion to draw.


My fanfic theory is that Luke's wife is a force user in the ST and she turned to the dark side, took Rey and hid her, and is behind the scenes of all of this, including Snoke.

So something like Mara Jade is the real Sith Lord, Snoke is her apprentice, and Kylo is Snokes secret apprentice similar to the Starkiller stuff?

I think people would get mad if The Lord of Sith turned out to be Rey's Mother because it's basically the same story of Luke (gender flipped obviously)

I hope its not Luke, because if he is her father not only is he a shitty dad hes a shitty Jedi on top of that.

I mean, it's not like Luke had the benefit of the Jedi council to guide him. He was taught a few things from Obi, a few things from Yoda and then let loose to figure shit out on his own. It wouldn't be surprising that he made mistakes.
Count me in as someone who thought it was obvious that Luke is her father, why else would his lightsaber be so significant for her? There are any number of reasons she could have ended up on her own.

Maybe this was retconned when Disney purged the EU stuff but isn't Mara Jade Lukes old lady?

Yeah, Mara was purged with the rest of the pre April 2014 EU. That doesn't mean she won't be re-invented like Thrawn and others have been, but so far she doesn't exist.
I hope its not Luke, because if he is her father not only is he a shitty dad hes a shitty Jedi on top of that.

A) You don't know that Luke dropped her off there, and IF he did, you don't know why - he could have had a death squad chasing him and didn't want his only descendant to die with him.

B) I have no idea how that makes him a shitty Jedi at all... if you mean not sensing her or w/e... Vader had no idea Leia could use the Force or was his daughter until he read Luke's mind... and Vader was the "Chosen One".
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