Well, I finally was able to play today, have only played for a couple of hours so far, only saw the first Boss,
in phantom form, I did not play the beta and was avoiding as many spoilers as possible, so my quick first impressions:
*Combat is a lot, lot slower than in was in Dark Souls, feel almost clunky to me [I now some people say the same about DS, but I never found it true then] this time around it is actually annoying me, attacking is slower, moving is slower, drinking estus is slower. I understand ADAPTABILITY helps with this, but still I find it quite annoying
**Game starts very slow, probably not by normal games standards, you have your CG intro cutscene, then another cutscene then some exposition, I know I;m nitpicking but coming from Demon's and Dark DSII intro felt so slow.
***Is it just me or weapons break much faster now?
****Do you have to be full human to see summoning sings? I heard you can still get invaded while hollow so you would think you could also summon some help there
I still haven't gotten used to the controls yet, I kept dying too much because I haven't been able to adapt yet, so I stopped playing for now, will go back later
the last Giant or something
*Combat is a lot, lot slower than in was in Dark Souls, feel almost clunky to me [I now some people say the same about DS, but I never found it true then] this time around it is actually annoying me, attacking is slower, moving is slower, drinking estus is slower. I understand ADAPTABILITY helps with this, but still I find it quite annoying
**Game starts very slow, probably not by normal games standards, you have your CG intro cutscene, then another cutscene then some exposition, I know I;m nitpicking but coming from Demon's and Dark DSII intro felt so slow.
***Is it just me or weapons break much faster now?
****Do you have to be full human to see summoning sings? I heard you can still get invaded while hollow so you would think you could also summon some help there
I still haven't gotten used to the controls yet, I kept dying too much because I haven't been able to adapt yet, so I stopped playing for now, will go back later