I love Pokken!
Is it true adaptability caps at 20?
soft cap at 20, hard cap at 38
Is it true adaptability caps at 20?
So have they gotten rid of Riposte in this game? When I Parry the guy just falls down and I dish out normal attacks.
And I'm not quite sure how to guard break. Or what it even looks like. Well I guess that isn't bad if they made balances to soul & spending.
Any reason to get above 20 endurance? I'm at like 29 now, and i'm not feeling it as much as i did in DS1
Before you got the Uchigatana what were you using? I'm having a lot of trouble going full Dex... just don't feel like I'm getting any good weapons. Did you dual wield or are you going shield for the boss fights?
I keep touching bloodstains in the hopes that they'll provide some insight on what's coming up next or what kind of trap to expect, but 98% of the time it's some idiot rolling or walking off an edge.
Who sells homeward bones? :O
Any reason to get above 20 endurance? I'm at like 29 now, and i'm not feeling it as much as i did in DS1
Might respec when i get home to use theif i like them. Bought them but need to try them out.ultra greatsword or maybe the dual blades
endurance gives two points per level until 20 then 1 point per level up until 99
Bloodstains never tell you what you want to know, silly. Theyre for entertainment!
Who sells homeward bones? :O
Hmm. What stat would you bump instead of the Str then? Is Shotel better than Uchi?
Personally, I'd probably pump them into Endurance for an extra action.
The Shotel is not better than the Uchi unless it's opposite day. I just have a shotel to put pressure on turtles in PVP, then switch back to Uchi. Can't just be a one trick pony against real people.![]()
WOW, so it doesn't just stop at 40 like in DS1? Wonder how large it actually is by lvl 99.
I mean, for endurance, all i really care about is: do i have enough to do my combo and then roll away? I think i'm at that point at 30, but it probably varies from weapon to weapon.
One final question. Where is the Falchion?
Lost 60,000 souls last night. I was to deep in the iron castle and I swear their is only one bonfire right in the beginning. If their is another it's very well hidden. 60,000 souls though. Geez.
The smith in the starting town sells it.
Holy shit I just found an entire new area. This game is huge.
is there a way to get back intothe gate where Pate tells you to go in, i died and the gate is down
I see lol. Anyway, thanks for all the info.
One final question. Where is the Falchion?
Is anyone else here dual wielding and having a tough time? lol
Oh yeah?Hidden or what?
Can anyone point me towards the Bastille Key? I'm so confused.
Can anyone point me towards the Bastille Key? I'm so confused.
I have the guide even, but its fucking terrible. The map doesn't seem to show what the room containing the key is connected to, and the walkthrough usually just tells you there is an item, not what it is. I've bought some terrible guides before, but this may be the first one I actually ask for a refund. There is simply no quick way of looking up any information in the guide aside from boss tactics. I can't believe they printed this garbage. What a waste of time.
Was summoned to a world to fight a boss and the motherfucker who summoned me wouldnt stop singing in what I believe was mandarin...
I jumped off a cliff before I remembered that you can turn off voice chat
Is there seriously no good dex weapon until the end of the game? If so,, that's terrible.
Guess I'll get used to using the Falchion...
Wait.... there's voice chat?
Yes, there is. He's on the second floor of a building up at the top of the area.Question about wharf
Wiki says there's a poison merchant there... I haven't seen the guy... going to look again though. Anyone confirm?
Bloodstains never tell you what you want to know, silly. Theyre for entertainment!
But I don't dual wield my falchions the whole time. When I really need something fast, I switch to two handing the Scimitar +3 and I keep a shield slotted into the left just in case.
Tempted to try dual wielding axes. Wonder how that feels.
The Bastille Key is the reward for clearing a specific boss. I'll spoil tag the details underneath in case you want them:
The entrance to Belfry Luna is in the room underneath the bonfire after the three Sentinels boss fight. You need a Pharros' Lockstone to open the door to it. Beat the boss to get the key.
Wait.... there's voice chat?
I wouldn't call it hidden but I had no idea how to access it....until now.