going on a media blackout very early paid off. almost there.
If i start a character in offline mode is it locked to offline mode forever?
These questions were probably asked many many times but is it better to install Dark Souls 2 to the X360 hard drive or better to play off the disc?
How many of my friends can I co-op through the story mode at once?
I know in dark souls it was two friends but I'm looking at the back of the cover and it says 2-4. That would be even better for me. I can play with all three of my friends.
Still no party chat only private chat again?
OMG theThe thing doesn't last 15 mins! How do I deal with this?piss poor durability on my beloved Falchion!
Does anybody know how high ADP you need to get fast rolling like DS? Things feel way too sluggish for my liking.
Otherwise loving it so far. Only died 3 times in 4 hours, and once was to a boss. My DS training is paying off.
Does anyone else think that the graphics are worse than Dark Souls 1?
I'm still in the first "level" though.
And it's aaaaaaaweeeeesooooomeeeee
The first area is ugly for sure. It gets better.
To parrot other gaffers: of course not. Just make sure you play the game offline from the start or else you will suffers penalties if you cut the connection off midway.
What the fuck at the strength scaling. Did they just completely remove strength weapons from the game or what?
Yu play DkS and still had problems with Demons? That's weird. I practically blasted through Demons Souls after I finished Dark Souls. Even the Maneaters aren't that difficult imo. You just have to be fast and kill the first one before the 2nd appears.i finished Dark Souls, don't know if i can say i 'enjoyed' it (many frustrating moments) but i came back for it
i'm now working through Demon's Souls on PS3 and i feel that one's more difficult than Dark Souls, a particular boss on world 3-2 calledmade me look up a youtube video, still not getting him and then after 10 tries i managed to finally kill himManeater and his identical twin
now, i like a challenge, i really do, but after reading some design decisions in DS2, i doubt about buying this game (especially at full price, maybe at a lower one), i don't think i have the stomach and coolness for it, on the other hand i really want to try it out...![]()
Zomg Spoilersthe rat covenant is my dream come true. Forest Vanguard for Blighttown. ALSO HOLY SHIT THE GUTTER IS DARK DARK DARK DARK DARK
What. Strength is AMAZING in this game. Tons of poise damage, 100% (!) str increase when two handing, better move sets than the first game. Been using the Great Club. It's really good. That 2H R2-> R2 is amazing for bosses.
This is the worst way to post spoilers. No one will know what it is until they click on it, then they read something they wish they hadn't.
Lmao it is DEFINITELY more open starting out then DS1 wasFrom what I'm hearing, the game seems more open than Dark Souls 1 from the beginning?
When I played the first game I had a general idea of how I should proceed due to looking at guides. Think I'm definitely gonna try to figure much of it out without a guide.
What. Strength is AMAZING in this game. Tons of poise damage, 100% (!) str increase when two handing, better move sets than the first game. Been using the Great Club. It's really good. That 2H R2-> R2 is amazing for bosses.
Isn't the point of spoilers is to make sure that people who don't care about spoilers won't know what it is?
Isn't the point of spoilers is to make sure that people who don't care about spoilers won't know what it is?
The issue is that people who do care about spoilers have zero context for the way that post was tagged.
Thank you UPS driver who came at 10am not 5 pm
What kind of penalties? I have pretty spotty internet.
Guys I just watched the IGN review and I am pumped to play this...
Whats up with the death penalties? How does it affect your health?
Am I right in assuming that magic offensive attacks cheapen the boss fights?
Like a kid on Christmas morning.![]()
You lose 10% on death up to a 50% maximum.
Zomg Spoilersthe rat covenant is my dream come true. Forest Vanguard for Blighttown. ALSO HOLY SHIT THE GUTTER IS DARK DARK DARK DARK DARK
Don't click on this silly boys.
Feels more like 5% per death. Swear it takes more than 5 deaths to reach 50%
Am I right in assuming that magic offensive attacks cheapen the boss fights?
You lose 10% on death up to a 50% maximum.
I assume the european servers will go online in a couple of days? I can only start in offline mode (though I did download all the calibrations and stuff)
Well I am fucked then...wlaking around with 50% health will be the norm for me then, brilliant.