Imp the Dimp
Thank you guys. Will pick up the PC version then.
I will give you an example of things that are just there to make life harder on you...I paid 1,000 souls for the key to open the Blacksmiths shop and it cost me 700 souls to repair my Scimitar + 1...about 3 kills later,probably because I also banged it on a wall a few times killing something,it's fucking damaged again...also what can I put in the top center rectangle...? I am guessing magic but since I am a swordsman for now,I dont have any about the bombs...? as far as I can see I need to throw them through my open inventory...? or can I put it in said top slot(playing on 360)...
If I travel back to level up,will the ennemies be all back...also somekind of map would be useful,they could of added that...etc etc...
im just gonna keep posting questions lol
in the forest of the giantswhen that big griffin thing flies overhead, i'm assuming it dropped a big silver knight and i didn't notice because i was looking around and suddenly got smashed in the back with a sword. i jumped down off the roof real quick to escape from him and when i climbed back up to take him on he was gone. and hasn't returned. did i miss something important?
im just gonna keep posting questions lol
in the forest of the giantswhen that big griffin thing flies overhead, i'm assuming it dropped a big silver knight and i didn't notice because i was looking around and suddenly got smashed in the back with a sword. i jumped down off the roof real quick to escape from him and when i climbed back up to take him on he was gone. and hasn't returned. did i miss something important?
also, the sleeping knight guy next to that tree...i shouldn't have killed him should i? when it wasn't letting me talk to him i tried hitting him, figuring if he was an npc he wouldn't aggro from only 1 hit, but he did. so i killed him
im just gonna keep posting questions lol
in the forest of the giantswhen that big griffin thing flies overhead, i'm assuming it dropped a big silver knight and i didn't notice because i was looking around and suddenly got smashed in the back with a sword. i jumped down off the roof real quick to escape from him and when i climbed back up to take him on he was gone. and hasn't returned. did i miss something important?
also, the sleeping knight guy next to that tree...i shouldn't have killed him should i? when it wasn't letting me talk to him i tried hitting him, figuring if he was an npc he wouldn't aggro from only 1 hit, but he did. so i killed him
Noticed the same thing.We didn't even beat the boss and I still returned to human. But then I tried it again instead of using an effigy and I came back still hollow... Someone answer please!
the first time you go up therethe bird drops a boss off, and he'll most likely proceed to murder you, and he doesn't come back again if you die you have to go to him
I've been wondering about this as well.
Game has exceeded my expectations so far.
also, can someone explain the torches to me? i feel like i'm missing something because there's pillars you can light all over the place but...what's the point?
is this stuff that was supposed to be dark and you had to light them in order to see but now that from yanked out the lighting tech there's leftover gameplay elements that are useless?
it sure feels that way
He's immediately targetable with R3 even before aggroing him (which means he is considered an enemy by the game) so I think it's safe to attack him.
Asking again, because maybe you guys didnt see the question
Any item/ring that prevents/helps armor breaking?
If you liked Demon's Souls and Dark Souls there is ABSOLUTELY no reason not to play this game. Don't let the whiners get you down, they are just the ones who are not actually playing it now. It's more of the same in the best way possible.
Not that ive seen so far... and I like my rings. Your gear automatically repairs when u sit at a bonfire. So I try to hit a bonfire when my weapon is less than 50%
Asking again, because maybe you guys didnt see the question
Any item/ring that prevents/helps armor breaking?
If you liked Demon's Souls and Dark Souls there is ABSOLUTELY no reason not to play this game. Don't let the whiners get you down, they are just the ones who are not actually playing it now. It's more of the same in the best way possible.
Yeah, as someone who's having a blast with the game I got to say it performs like crap. Haven't run into anything Blighttown-tier yet but when the whole game so far has been close to that it's hard to make the distinction. Also a lot of input lag in the menus. I can push the start button and the menu won't pop up for a good 5 seconds. Hope some of this can be patched out.Anyways, while its a Souls game and I love it, it looks like crap. And it seems to be running like crap too. I don't know any of the technical details of what the game is running at for FPS but I swear its struggling to keep at 30 in open areas...
I saw something in a load screen about a ring that reduces equipment degradation by a percent. So there is something out there I just can't remember the name.
Ha ha, the game handed me my ass on a plate and then I worked my way back up. And now, my opinion is changed. If it stays at this rate, I think this might possibly be the most challenging Souls game yet. I've been thinking about why that is, and it has a lot to do with how vulnerable you are with your animations. You are definitely more vulnerable in this game than you were in the previous Souls games and if you let down your guard for a second, even the scrubs will take you down.
Weapons just degrade too fast. Keeping backup weapons upgraded is a huge pain unless you plan it out, due to limited titanite shards early on.
It sounds like you might just be too casual.
So true. Even the new Hollow Soldiers have been ramped up and are far more deadly. There are also some enemies that bum rush and take advantage of you being locked-on and stamina management feels more strict as well. At least in the early going.Overall, I'm finding the early part of the game far more challenging than Undead Burg and The Depths were in the first one.
They only respawn a limited amount of times to prevent grinding/farming. A new challenge for Souls players.
Weapons just degrade too fast. Keeping backup weapons upgraded is a huge pain unless you plan it out, due to limited titanite shards early on.
Weapons just degrade too fast. Keeping backup weapons upgraded is a huge pain unless you plan it out, due to limited titanite shards early on.
Anyone knows if you can play with EU players if you own a US copy?
Tried to look for the info but wasn't successful finding something... ^^;
Wish the PC version was online compatible with consoles version, would solve my hesitation /sigh they very beginning of the forest level there is aBad idea?dude sitting down by a tree. I like his armor and am plotting murder.
Damn. Oh well, hopefully I'll see that loading screen at one point![]() they very beginning of the forest level there is aBad idea?dude sitting down by a tree. I like his armor and am plotting murder.
Get a weapon better than your starter weapon before fighting him. He's not hard, but has poise unlike all the hollow soldiers
Thanks soul's bros.If you kill him you get a cool sword. He wasn't too hard. they very beginning of the forest level there is aBad idea?dude sitting down by a tree. I like his armor and am plotting murder.
Yeah, but cross region play has to be on in game options. It's on by default.
So I met the map guy in the forest of giants and got a key to the mansion in Majula. Inside the mansion, but I can't find it in my inventory at all. Am I missing something here?I found an item called Pharrod's Charm