Heres a tip guys for a later area:
Do not ring the bell. For the love of all Solaire do not ring the bell.
Now i gotta do it
Heres a tip guys for a later area:
Do not ring the bell. For the love of all Solaire do not ring the bell.
Heres a tip guys for a later area:
Do not ring the bell. For the love of all Solaire do not ring the bell.
That is the second time you have said that, and people blasted you for doing it then and rightfully so.
Why do you keep saying that?
Have you tried updating Windows Media Player?
Have you tried forcing the scaling to GPU rather than display through drivers?
finally, beat the. After that I finally figured out how to level up and get my estus flasks too haha.dragon rider
I have no intentions of doing such a thing, lol. If I could sneak around and hide in the shadows, I would. I'm scared shitless as to what is around the corner![]()
Have you tried restarting? I had the method in that article not work for me a few times. Make sure the X360CE reads all your inputs before booting the game.
Did I just try to push it too much, it's capping at 30fps when I use GeDoSaTo and basically pushed everything to it's highest values at 3840x2160 downsampled to 2560x1440?
After playing on consoles, 60fps is sooo jarring...I love it![]()
Yes, I've restarted a dozen times.
DS3Wrapper works in all games.(Except DS2)
DS4Tool does not work at all.
You can change the jumping button to a B/O whatever...The port overall seems to be fantastic.
Visually I am more than pleased.
Still unsure why they insist on jumping being set to the LS being pushed down while running (XBox360 controller).
My only complaint is the forced aspect ratio totally borking up multidisplays (5760x1200). Fortunately it seems like it'll be an easy fix that I'll dive into tonight or tomorrow while my little one takes a nap.
What happens when you try and use DS4 Tool?
Nothing. It doesn't work. I've followed every guide, every suggestion.
System.IndexOutofRange: Index was outside...
I kilt that bitch cuz I wanted a pointy hatTip 3: lucatiel is your waifu. Lucatiel is love. Lucatiel is life. Be good to her, and protect her at all costs. Do her questline. People miss out on her quest, but, she's such a fascinating character.
So uh, I just went to start it...and it crashes every time, instantly. Am I the only one?
I kilt that bitch cuz I wanted a pointy hat
Tip number 2:Do not bring a torch to the start area of this area. Kill that idiot with the torch. Otherwise you're gunna end up fighting a ton of guys that are normally friendly. Oh and you miss out on a ton of lore and a merchant and NPC summon.
Heres another tip: If you see one of the hollow guys run towards the bell. Drop w/e you're doing and kill him. Those assholes love to ring the bell. Their whole existence is simply to ring that bell.
I just started the game. After Majula I went to Heide's Run and got to the Dragonraider. The mofo is giving me a beating, but I managed to get him at 1/4 health last time. Is this the right place to go? Or should I've gone to another place? do you jump in this one?
Haven't even started yet. Work sucks.You're a monster. She's lived a hard life, why you gotta do that to her? If I were on PC I'd be invading you non-stop for that. do you jump in this one?
Stop it, let people figure this stuff out on their own. If you insist, then at least spoiler. Your first 'tip' here is even self-evident and unnecessary.
Amazing to see 58,000 players playing on day one. This bodes well for future sales.
If you're using a controller the default is to click the left stick while running.
Makes no sense, I know.
Tip number 2:Do not bring a torch to the start area of this area. Kill that idiot with the torch. Otherwise you're gunna end up fighting a ton of guys that are normally friendly. Oh and you miss out on a ton of lore and a merchant and NPC summon.
Heres another tip:.If you see one of the hollow guys run towards the bell. Drop w/e you're doing and kill him. Those assholes love to ring the bell. Their whole existence is simply to ring that bell
Has anyone asked you? No? Then stop ruining it for those discovering the game for the first time. At least have the decency to spoiler tag this. Come on.
Just downloaded DS4Tool 1.3RC4, at the suggestion of the creator. It crashes.
No man, I'm with you and so are many others:
No, it's not. Part of the fun of the game is to figure out these things for yourself and overcoming the challenges these "pains in the ass" bring. I'm a little baffled that you don't get that.This is why I never bother to help anyone. Even discussing the game gets people so worked up. It's a tip, theres nothing spoilery about it. A simple tip to help people. It's friendly advice to make a pain in the ass area not so pain in the ass.
How am I ruining the game? holy shit you people are so dramatic. Even the slightest thing ruins the game for everyone apparently.