No such thing as a free lunch I guess.Dat Yoel of Londor.
No such thing as a free lunch I guess.Dat Yoel of Londor.
Holy CRAP!!!!
You can farm TITANITE SLABS!!!!
I'm sure other people knew this, but I just discovered where to get these things just now
The fat golden angels on the roof.
Edit: Damnit, just read that they drop one for beating them!!!!!!!!
is the crucifixion woods this game's darkroot garden? got invaded by a blue and red phantom there.
is the crucifixion woods this game's darkroot garden? got invaded by a blue and red phantom there.
I have had the bloody wolf ring on and off since getting it and I'm now 60 hours in and at level 66 and still have never been summoned for Farron. Why the fuck does From insist on having these types of covenants? Is it working for anyone else?
Only in Dark souls 1 can you farm them in it takes like an hour just to grind 1.
Yes, in the PVP sense and in the sense that it looks like dirt.
It was even easier to farm them in 2...
everything was easier to farm in ds2 it was fun also... FeelsBadMan
Not when enemies stopped spawning and trying to farm the Monastery Scimitar.
Not when enemies stopped spawning and trying to farm the Monastery Scimitar.
Anyone try a run through the game as dual wield only or no shield? Viable/fun?
My first character was my usual greatsword character but I've never done a no-shield run in these games.
Is it weird I'm already considering my 2nd character when I still haven't beat the game on my first? I'm close though, I think.At Lothric Castle, and finished Untended Graves.
I went Katana wielded in two hands and no armor. Fun as hell. Definitely viable.
I also switch to the claws and that shit is some of the most fun I've had in a souls game
What armor are people rocking?
Currently using Artorias' armor. Got Ornstein's today but it's too heavy for me to use efficiently.
Some really beautiful sets on this game
I was thinking about trying the claws for fun because I'm a dex build.
I really hate the invaders who play hide and seek. Stop wasting my time please.
NKamelesscan go fuck himself. First phase is a piece of cake, can barely get him down to half health in the
On NG++ this entire fight is the worst. His health pool is actually absurd. I was going for the platinum but this boss might be the end of that.
Some of the shortcuts in this are totally pointless. As if they threw in superfluous bonfires and shit to make the game easier. I'm definitely loving it, but every 3-4 shortcuts are completely useless because of how frequent you come upon a bonfire
Do you really need to beat him on NG++ for the plat?
Fuck that.
Hey GAF!
I finished Dark Souls like 3 weeks ago and tonight I just finished Dark Souls 2. My body is ready for more Souls so, should I play Dark Souls III or try Demon's Souls?
I don't want to make a LTTP thread, please help me!
Help me fast. Is Grand ArchivesLots of things tell me so.end game?
They put a ring behind it. It's bullshit.
Hey GAF!
I finished Dark Souls like 3 weeks ago and tonight I just finished Dark Souls 2. My body is ready for more Souls so, should I play Dark Souls III or try Demon's Souls?
I don't want to make a LTTP thread, please help me!
I always say play the early games first in a series, so you don't play the more refined versions first, although that's too late, I'd still say try Demon's first though, going back after 3 will just make the ''problems'' stand out more.
Demon's first. It will be tough to go back after DS3.
That entire ring achievement is bullshit, I don't think you've ever need the + variants in past games.
It sucks, but the platinum would have been piss easy otherwise.
I think I'm going to cry.
My Soul of an Old Demon King is missing. I need it for the fire spell. I killed him and I unlocked his transpositions but it says I don't have one!!! WTF where did it go ;_;
Is there anyway someone could give me theirs? Noooooo! I'm a pyromancer ;_;
Didn't DS1&2 make you play through NG++ to get the platinum as well? Why is it a problem now?
Didn't DS1&2 make you play through NG++ to get the platinum as well? Why is it a problem now?
You can't drop boss souls for other players, you are on your own, I'm afraid.
You probably used it for the great hammer or consumed it by mistake.
I didn't get the hammer. I must have consumed it somehowbut I'm usually careful about that
What really pisses me off about these games is not the difficulty, it's the finicky nature of items and quests. My Sirri quest failed but then she apparently reappeared and then failed again? Meanwhile I can't find Anri anywhere even though I did her shit right.
What about the playtime/length of Demon's Souls compared to Dark Souls / Dark Souls 2? (Thinking in one playthrough, no NG+) I'm thinking of playing it first since I have it for free thanks to PS+ and wait for a Steam sale for Dark Souls III.