I'm going for a knight with some bow usage, no magic probably for my first DS3 playthrough. I should be paying attention to Vigor which i have it at 14 now, Endurance - 12, Strength - 16, Vitality - 16 and Dexterity - 15 right?
Oh and that dragon in High wall of Lothric, he seems damn strong. I could buy a ton of arrows and eventually kill him from a far, but is that worth it at all?
Anyone else think the Flamberge is any good? Started a new build with it but I'm torn between using it or the Exile Greatsword.
Do it, you get some good loot.
True but I do wish Lightning Spear weren't so utterly useless.
I guess. It reminds me more of DS2's infusions, but I guess the Sharp/Heavy gems are reminiscent of DeS, it just uses the far superior infusion mechanic.
Good ones. I noticed the shield resemblance too, but forgot to mention it. I think Blighttown is closer to Valley of Defilement myself, though. The first part being all rickety wooden structures and pitfalls, the second part being the mobility-limiting poison swamp with slugs and club-wielding assholes and reduced visibility.
Really? I recognized the place instantly. And I knew something was going to happen because I saw all those bloodstains so I just used a homeward bone to refill my estus, cash my souls and returned there ready and sure enough the boss showed up.
Another Demon's Souls throwback I haven't seen mentioned:being able to transpose the swords of both princes into a single one, like the Northern Regalia.
Just beat. What should I do before wrapping up NG? I've finished all optional areas, but I'm wondering what collectables/quests I should go after before moving on to NG+.Prince Lothric
When you move onto NG+, do the tallies of how many covenant items you've turned in get reset? I'm wondering if I should go farming for some stuff now.
Just finished the game, and this was my first real experience with the stream controller (bought it with the bundle on sale). Incredible. Such a steep learning curve coming off using a dual stick controller for the last 15+ years, but so worth it. The mapping, which allows you to have roll on the left flap and item on the right flap, you never take your thumb off the steering. Its absolutely incredible to be able to flick and look a boss right in the face, instead of pushing a direction on a stick. If there was ever a game that sold me on the steam controller, it was this one.
That's a fine weapon with totally fair hit boxes and great stun-locking ability!Fuck the Black Knight Glaive. Cheapest PvP weapon in the game.
Haven't even watched the video and I agree completely.![]()
Oh damn, they put a cap on the maximum arrows you can carry now? I can only carry 99 wood arrows now, so much for offing mister dragon early.![]()
You could still get 99 of multiple types of arrowsOh damn, they put a cap on the maximum arrows you can carry now? I can only carry 99 wood arrows now, so much for offing mister dragon early.![]()
Just finished the game, and this was my first real experience with the stream controller (bought it with the bundle on sale). Incredible. Such a steep learning curve coming off using a dual stick controller for the last 15+ years, but so worth it. The mapping, which allows you to have roll on the left flap and item on the right flap, you never take your thumb off the steering. Its absolutely incredible to be able to flick and look a boss right in the face, instead of pushing a direction on a stick. If there was ever a game that sold me on the steam controller, it was this one.
Yah I had no idea the buffs stacked that much. Crazy. I hope they don't patch it, though :/ It's fun to have weird crazy set ups or even,"OP" stuff. It's why I wish they didn't neuter poise. It was a different build opportunity that was made available.
Also the video reminded me again that I wish they didn't fuck over hyper mode as hard as they have. Demon's Morion Blade I will always remember you.
Just get gerait freed and buy 99 standard arrows and run up to the door under the dragon and let him kill everything. Then shoot him in the talon thats clinging to the side of the building.
You could still get 99 of multiple types of arrows
Finally beat the game, not sure how I feel about it. It was good, but I guess I kinda felt like it was gonna be better? Final boss was pretty cool, really enjoyed it actually.
They had that in DS2. DS2 was made better when they nerfed the shit out of it.
Oh awesome. My steam controller import arrived whilst I was finishing the game and deliberately held off plugging it in because I looked at it and thought "no way this works better than the xbone controller for dark souls"
Will have to try it with Dark Souls now
I couldn't give two shits about PvP balance.
That's a really good idea!True. What they could do to Lightning Spear is add kind of paralyzing effect or something like that. Make it unique rather than just another nuke to do damage.
Oh I don't completely agree with the bolded bit. The Blessed and Crescent equivalent are complete crap. Well okay, I haven't used Simple infusions yet, but Blessed just... sucks this time around. The damage is complete crap and the HP regen is too low to be worth the trade-off.The mechanic itself is DS2 with the simplified process, which isn't a bad thing but with the far superior builds. Heavy/Sharp/Quality/Blessed/Crescent. All these awesome upgrade paths from Demon's Souls are back. I think some of them still need some readjustment but the idea is there and the scaling OMG works a lot better than it did in DS2.
Yeah I didn't either. Huh...Seriously? Holy shit. I didn't know that!
Wow that is crazy good! Really makes me want to try it. Especially since I want to make a dual scimitars build for... reasons (it's why I got theMan, the hollow bleed build is easily the most effective of my 5 playthroughs. Some of the bosses went down so easy.
Final boss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdLnTElQYpA
Wow that is crazy good! Really makes me want to try it. Especially since I want to make a dual scimitars build for... reasons (it's why I got theearly but holy crap her swords seem really crappydancerit's perfect for my cosplay idea though...), so I might re-spec and switch to that. How high was your luck, str/dex?
The mechanic itself is DS2 with the simplified process, which isn't a bad thing but with the far superior builds. Heavy/Sharp/Quality/Blessed/Crescent. All these awesome upgrade paths from Demon's Souls are back. I think some of them still need some readjustment but the idea is there and the scaling OMG works a lot better than it did in DS2.
You know what. I wonder if the reason I have been doing so awfully bad against most bosses in the game is because I haven't been letting myself fast roll. I always heard the way defense was calculated means you get significant gains even if you have the weakest armor in each slot, but that makes it really hard to fast roll.
Fashion souls is all that matters.I have zero idea on how the armor works in this game. I need help too.
I just beat the pontif and im still wearing the original knight armour....:S
So I read this:
If all the mimics in the game have been killed, the Symbol of Avarice should be present at the location of the last mimic killed.
Any truth to it? It never dropped for me and I figured I'd go make sure I killed them all if it's true..
Fashion souls is all that matters.