Nobody compresses just a text file. What else do you have in there? Something lewd no doubt.
I've got it in a Truecrypt vault with embedded mp4 of Trump's pee tape
Nobody compresses just a text file. What else do you have in there? Something lewd no doubt.
Nobody compresses just a text file. What else do you have in there? Something lewd no doubt.
Only agree to "just hang out" if you're genuinely okay never having sex with that girl.
Only agree to "just hang out" if you're genuinely okay never having sex with that girl. It could happen, but that shouldn't be your reason. If you're not okay with that, you're better being honest with her.
Could've been a zip bomb. Hackers used to take small files and zip/rezip them in ludicrous ways so that the unzip process would absolutely murder computers. An 18 kb zip file could be terabytes large when unzipped, with the process using all the computers memory and processing speed.
That's what I'm trying to find! And I know it's counterproductive using dating apps, but I'm not comfortable with big meetups and want to just meet people one on one. So...I know it may never happen, but if there ends up being a single guy friend that I find through these apps, it'll have been worth it. 🤷
Just asked a woman out. Waiting for her to text back like
I made a tinder profile for the first time tonight, so much spam. I guess I'll give it a shot for a few weeks.
That's what I'm trying to find! And I know it's counterproductive using dating apps, but I'm not comfortable with big meetups and want to just meet people one on one. So...I know it may never happen, but if there ends up being a single guy friend that I find through these apps, it'll have been worth it. 🤷
Fake profiles yes, and within 10 minutes I had some girl try to hook up immidiately.Do you mean the fake profiles?
Is that a real thing? Because if so that's fucking badass.
Did anything ever come out of that friendship app I mentioned to you a while ago?
Yep, this made me anxious as hell, but definitely don't send a second text. She could have lost her phone, be in the middle of taking a huge shit, busy with work, or a million other reasons.
What did she say?I think I "fucked up" with one woman by expressing surprise at her desire to talk on the phone with me. We've been texting for a little over a week, and her texts have always been pretty short and sporadic, so I was just caught off guard when she suddenly wanted to speak over the phone. After I expressed my surprise, she quickly responded "lol K. Never mind." and hasn't answered any texts since. I'm confused (and frustrated because we were supposed to meet up to have sex today).
She actually ended up responding and agreeing to the date a little while after I posted that. She specifically said "that sounds fun!".
However, shortly after that, I shot her a text trying to set a time and date, but now she hasn't responded to that one. It's been over a day at this point. She's probably a lost cause, but I may send a follow-up text since I can't imagine I have much to lose at this point.
EDIT: Yeah, things are definitely done with the first woman. Just received a text from her. Arrrrrggggh. On to the next one.
What did she say?
I wouldn't send a follow-up msg after "just" one day, but hey thats just me.
I think I "fucked up" with one woman by expressing surprise at her desire to talk on the phone with me. We've been texting for a little over a week, and her texts have always been pretty short and sporadic, so I was just caught off guard when she suddenly wanted to speak over the phone. After I expressed my surprise, she quickly responded "lol K. Never mind." and hasn't answered any texts since. I'm confused (and frustrated because we were supposed to meet up to have sex today).
EDIT: Yeah, things are definitely done with the first woman. Just received a text from her. Arrrrrggggh. On to the next one.
What a strange series of events this is.
You're not comfortable with Meetup but you're okay with meeting a guy alone to be friends when he likely has romantic/sexual intentions (it's still a dating app despite what messages are exchanged).
Hm, doesn't make sense to me tbh.
If you want the 1v1 that bad, do a Meetup and just isolate a conversation (sit next to someone and say hi). Most meet ups usually have several smaller conversations regardless. And the environment and situation us what you're actually looking for.
And safer.
And what's whats wrong with making friends in groups as opposed to 1 on 1 date scenario exactly?
Did anything ever come out of that friendship app I mentioned to you a while ago?
I'm new to tinder but I only have used it once. No responseGif openers have been the most successful for me. Tinder btw.
So, after messaging someone and they don't respond, what's generally considered a long enough period before messaging again?
Not a lot of people use OkCupid in my area (and it still manages to be the most active dating site I can find) so once I count out empty/inactive profiles and low match % I basically have 3 people to message.
So, after messaging someone and they don't respond, what's generally considered a long enough period before messaging again?
Not a lot of people use OkCupid in my area (and it still manages to be the most active dating site I can find) so once I count out empty/inactive profiles and low match % I basically have 3 people to message.
still on the friend hunt, huh?
you seem to be in a very peculiar situation. Is the reason you're looking for a "single" guy friend because you don't want to deal with getting any girlfriends jealous?
I would think one of the biggest issues you would face by befriending a single guy is that he might end up falling for you. You seem like a reasonable person and from what I recall you're quite attractive as well. Unless you're secretly off your rocker I don't see how you could avoid a potential situation like that.
So, after messaging someone and they don't respond, what's generally considered a long enough period before messaging again?
Not a lot of people use OkCupid in my area (and it still manages to be the most active dating site I can find) so once I count out empty/inactive profiles and low match % I basically have 3 people to message.
still on the friend hunt, huh?
you seem to be in a very peculiar situation. Is the reason you're looking for a "single" guy friend because you don't want to deal with getting any girlfriends jealous?
I would think one of the biggest issues you would face by befriending a single guy is that he might end up falling for you. You seem like a reasonable person and from what I recall you're quite attractive as well. Unless you're secretly off your rocker I don't see how you could avoid a potential situation like that.
Gif openers have been the most successful for me. Tinder btw.
This one. Lol.
I mean, befriending a guy with a girlfriend would be fine! I wouldn't mind that at all because then he's already taken, but I guess I wouldn't want it to be weird for the couple, which it probably would be? So I don't really actively seek that out...
But I guess the problem with making a single guy friend is that I'd want him to go find a nice girl anyway and would probably help him, so it would end up in that same situation eventually haha. But I'd hope that since I was already the "girl friend", it would be less weird. 🤷
This one. Lol.
I mean, befriending a guy with a girlfriend would be fine! I wouldn't mind that at all because then he's already taken, but I guess I wouldn't want it to be weird for the couple, which it probably would be? So I don't really actively seek that out...
But I guess the problem with making a single guy friend is that I'd want him to go find a nice girl anyway and would probably help him, so it would end up in that same situation eventually haha. But I'd hope that since I was already the "girl friend", it would be less weird. 🤷
I'm new to tinder but I only have used it once. No response. Maybe used the wrong gif hah. So far for me asking about something in her pics / info is the best route.
There's a secret gif with a very hey reply rate, for me anyway. I can tell you it but it can't leave this thread.
This one. Lol.
I mean, befriending a guy with a girlfriend would be fine! I wouldn't mind that at all because then he's already taken, but I guess I wouldn't want it to be weird for the couple, which it probably would be? So I don't really actively seek that out...
But I guess the problem with making a single guy friend is that I'd want him to go find a nice girl anyway and would probably help him, so it would end up in that same situation eventually haha. But I'd hope that since I was already the "girl friend", it would be less weird. 🤷
it probably wouldn't
You would then be the "attractive girl friend" that he keeps around and the new squeeze will always be wondering if there is anything going on between you two.
Maybe I'm not giving people enough credit though. I hope that you can find a guy who finds a girlfriend who is very understanding of the situation. That would be the best case scenario for you.
type hey dog in the gif search. It's OP, you might even get laid tonight
The two dogs humping in the snow?
Really sexy.
type hey dog in the gif search. It's OP, you might even get laid tonight
Oh yes, yes it is. Badass, but kiss your computer goodbye if you manage to run into one.
Could you link that again? I'm genuinely interested in it (though I doubt many people use it in my area lol)
It was Skout right? I downloaded it for a bit, but it was a lot of older men (60s) and the younger men were basically using it as tinder lol. So I figured if they were the same, may as well go back to the one that has more people.
Met this girl 2 days back and had a really nice chat with her. I had to rush off so I asked her a number and she gave it to me after saying, "I don't normally give out my number." Anyway I texted her and asked her out to get some coffee.
Here's the question, she replies saying that she'd love to hangout but she doesn't do dates.
Not sure how to respond to that, should I specify that I want to go on a date, not hangout? Or should I just go hangout with her and if I think we have a connection ask her on a date then?
Haha report back laterJust sent it to eight matches I wasn't super enthusiastic about as a test. Now we wait.
"Love to hangout but doesn't do dates"
That's pretty goddamned ridiculous tbh. Plus, then you're not sure if she means hang out as only being friends or hang out as only wanting some casual fun.
This one. Lol.
I mean, befriending a guy with a girlfriend would be fine! I wouldn't mind that at all because then he's already taken, but I guess I wouldn't want it to be weird for the couple, which it probably would be? So I don't really actively seek that out...
But I guess the problem with making a single guy friend is that I'd want him to go find a nice girl anyway and would probably help him, so it would end up in that same situation eventually haha. But I'd hope that since I was already the "girl friend", it would be less weird. 🤷
A number of people have already touched upon this but I believe you will find what you're looking for if you are open to a romantic relationship first -- even if you need to feign interest.
Did I tell you all about the (Canadian) girl i met from tinder a few weeks ago. for a coffee "date".
She decided to tell me I was a liar about my Height.
She asked on tinder how tall i was and I told her 5'11. Bear in mind she has also seen on my profile a picture of me in full profile, form ankles (?) up. In shorts!
She decided to say I Lied (that's harsh, son) about my height and that I'm actually 5 foot 8.
Of course when I said that I actually am that tall, she was like, "OK sure, don't make a big deal of it."
"I don't get why guys lie about their height. Like I'm' not gonna find out or something"
No, they aint, you just can't fucking count, love.
Did I tell you all about the (Canadian) girl i met from tinder a few weeks ago. for a coffee "date".
She decided to tell me I was a liar about my Height.
She asked on tinder how tall i was and I told her 5'11. Bear in mind she has also seen on my profile a picture of me in full profile, form ankles (?) up. In shorts!
She decided to say I Lied (that's harsh, son) about my height and that I'm actually 5 foot 8.
Of course when I said that I actually am that tall, she was like, "OK sure, don't make a big deal of it."
"I don't get why guys lie about their height. Like I'm' not gonna find out or something"
No, they aint, you just can't fucking count, love.
Did I tell you all about the (Canadian) girl i met from tinder a few weeks ago. for a coffee "date".
She decided to tell me I was a liar about my Height.
She asked on tinder how tall i was and I told her 5'11. Bear in mind she has also seen on my profile a picture of me in full profile, form ankles (?) up. In shorts!
She decided to say I Lied (that's harsh, son) about my height and that I'm actually 5 foot 8.
Of course when I said that I actually am that tall, she was like, "OK sure, don't make a big deal of it."
"I don't get why guys lie about their height. Like I'm' not gonna find out or something"
No, they aint, you just can't fucking count, love.
Why didn't you just call her? That's what I've done when someone says they want to talk to me on the phone but haven't bothered to yet. Just take the iniative.I think I "fucked up" with one woman by expressing surprise at her desire to talk on the phone with me. We've been texting for a little over a week, and her texts have always been pretty short and sporadic, so I was just caught off guard when she suddenly wanted to speak over the phone. After I expressed my surprise, she quickly responded "lol K. Never mind." and hasn't answered any texts since. I'm confused (and frustrated because we were supposed to meet up to have sex today).
Why didn't you just call her? That's what I've done when someone says they want to talk to me on the phone but haven't bothered to yet. Just take the iniative.