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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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I don't want to date romantically. I'm borderline asexual/maybe demisexual at most, and find most contact really...bleh.

There's no reason for any girlfriend to be jealous of me :(

Ah. That makes sense. Then yeah, it'll be rough to use Tinder for finding people to hang with, unless you're up front about it and then hope they listen / don't mind.

Any reason for dude friends in particular? Also do you hate large groups?


Ah. That makes sense. Then yeah, it'll be rough to use Tinder for finding people to hang with, unless you're up front about it and then hope they listen / don't mind.

Any reason for dude friends in particular? Also do you hate large groups?

That's pretty much what I do! On the off chance that I get a match and we actually talk, I make sure to say "FYI, I am looking strictly for just friends and I want to make that clear, and I understand if you don't want to meet me or anything".

I mean...I have girl friends, it would be nice to have a guy friend. I have some online, but it's different in person. If I never have a guy friend IRL though, I guess I'll live haha.

I can't deal with groups of people I don't know :(


Haha I see, not that I would swipe right at everyone either way. Is there some cool conspiracy theories about Tinders algoritm?
I've found that changing the distance and age parameters sometimes brings matches to the front of the queue, so perhaps give that a go!

Missed your post from before - so does this mean you've recovered from mono? If so, that was very quick!
I had it ten years ago and it took me several months to get back to perfect health! Admittedly, working my ass off at a job I hated didn't help.
I think I'm over it? I'd say I feel back to full health, but as you know it's such a bizarre illness that it's hard to tell.

In all I'd say it lasted around a month for me. I felt a bit iffy the first week of January, and by the time I had the last date with the girl (who I caught it from) on the 10th January I was feeling pretty drained. A few days later it absolutely destroyed me, and from that point I was off work for 2 weeks. The first week being spent bedridden, with the following week feeling incredibly fatigued.

I think it helped knowing I was potentially going to come down with it beforehand, so I was actually pretty prepared in some ways. I made sure not push myself, I made sure to rest as much as possible, and I also made sure to avoid alcohol.

I know the girl didn't mean to give it to me (she doesn't even know I caught it), but the whole thing honestly felt like a massive "fuck you" from her. First with things ending, then coming down with mono and finally not being able to get her out of my damn head...

In some ways I'm a bit apprehensive about dating again, but should I be? My doctor said I shouldn't be contagious when I'm feeling normal again, but it's essentially up to me and I certainly don't want the guilt of giving it to anyone.

Also I'm sorry to hear it lasted several months for you by the way! I honestly can't imagine putting up with it for that long.
Phone anxiety is a real thing. I used to be that way. Talking face to face was 1000x easier to me than calling on a phone.

idk why

Back in the day you had to own that shit before mobile phones. Call a girls house, her Dad would usually answer and you knew if you were at home your family was listening in and probably hers too. At least if you were calling you could prepare and go to a phone box. You damn kids have it on easy mode now and think it's hard. You see in 80's movies the teenage girl would be talking on the phone for ages, that's what it was like. No game, no play.
What is a Girl Scout cookie? (I'm not from US)



Girl Scouts of America is an extracurricular activity group for young women that encourages creativity, learning, and social skills.

A lot of the funding for local group activities comes from selling specially made and marketed cookies, and also helps the girls learn business skills as well.

In the US their widely known for being of good quality and not always available, so it's fun to get them while "in season" and to support the Girl Scouts.




Girl Scouts of America is an extracurricular activity group for young women that encourages creativity, learning, and social skills.

A lot of the funding for local group activities comes from selling specially made and marketed cookies, and also helps the girls learn business skills as well.

In the US their widely known for being of good quality and not always available, so it's fun to get them while "in season" and to support the Girl Scouts.
I just had a fourth date with the girl I'm seeing. She made me lasagna and we watched a movie. We seem to be moving very slowly, but I really like her, so I'm okay with that. Her roommate, my buddy, advised me that she'll initiate anything romantic, which is fantastic because I have no idea what the hell I'm doing.

Mory Dunz

That's pretty much what I do! On the off chance that I get a match and we actually talk, I make sure to say "FYI, I am looking strictly for just friends and I want to make that clear, and I understand if you don't want to meet me or anything".

I mean...I have girl friends, it would be nice to have a guy friend. I have some online, but it's different in person. If I never have a guy friend IRL though, I guess I'll live haha.

I can't deal with groups of people I don't know :(

do your girl friends have guy friends? Then meet them through your girlfriends.
That's how most friends are made/introduced anyhow.

It'd have a higher success rate than a dating app


I just had a fourth date with the girl I'm seeing. She made me lasagna and we watched a movie. We seem to be moving very slowly, but I really like her, so I'm okay with that. Her roommate, my buddy, advised me that she'll initiate anything romantic, which is fantastic because I have no idea what the hell I'm doing.

Nice, I hope he knows her well. I got the same advice a couple of years go, then she ended up didn't wanna see me anymore cause I didn't take initiative :D


I just had a fourth date with the girl I'm seeing. She made me lasagna and we watched a movie. We seem to be moving very slowly, but I really like her, so I'm okay with that. Her roommate, my buddy, advised me that she'll initiate anything romantic, which is fantastic because I have no idea what the hell I'm doing.

You lack of agency will be your downfall. Does she know she's in the driver's seat?

Having no idea what you're doing is no excuse. Make moves, notice how women react, and adjust. Yes, it will mean fucking things up. Every time you fuck up though, you learn a way not to do something.

Next time you're on a date, try to end it with a kiss. Unless you've already kissed and the lack of romance is code for you haven't had sex.
Watching a movie together might have been her subtle way of initiating something


You lack of agency will be your downfall. Does she know she's in the driver's seat?

Having no idea what you're doing is no excuse. Make moves, notice how women react, and adjust. Yes, it will mean fucking things up. Every time you fuck up though, you learn a way not to do something.

Next time you're on a date, try to end it with a kiss.
Unless you've already kissed and the lack of romance is code for you haven't had sex.
Watching a movie together might have been her subtle way of initiating something

But don't do like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99Ik6v5MgZo

One thing I don't understand about Tinder is: Are all the ones I'm swiping online (using the app) right now? Or can you use the app every 2nd week and still be on the swipey thing.
Ugh, so today is the end of a month-long period of no-contact between my ex and I. I'd originally had all these plans to try to meet with her and dazzle her with this grand, romantic gesture to try to get her back, but now I'm just gonna do nothing. If she wants to reach out to me someday and maybe rekindle things, great, but I can't give her any more of my heart right now. I don't feel great about it, but I just have to chill. :/

Also, Update:

Just sent [the fairy dog gif] to eight matches I wasn't super enthusiastic about as a test. Now we wait.

Expanded the number to 11 matches. I've received responses from 6. So far so good.
I just had a fourth date with the girl I'm seeing. She made me lasagna and we watched a movie. We seem to be moving very slowly, but I really like her, so I'm okay with that. Her roommate, my buddy, advised me that she'll initiate anything romantic, which is fantastic because I have no idea what the hell I'm doing.


Is your buddy a guy or a girl?


Anyone say "I love you" too soon? I got the "I'm falling in love with you" back and she's said it was just a bit sooner than she expected. So I guess we're cool, but it definitely feels a little imbalanced. I'm not gonna let it get me all anxious, but I can't be the first one here to drop the L bomb too quickly, right?
I mean, I'll say it when I mean it. Which means almost never. My relationships never lasted long enough to feel "love", so I avoided dropping it and regretting it after.
So I'm thinking of taking a break from dating and working on myself. I moved to the DMV area last year and was trying the online dating thing. I was dating around 3-5 women at a time.

In November I started talking to this woman. She happened to have the same name as an ex and her middle name was my daughters. I tended to pursue the professional types. But she was different. She gave off an artsy vibe. Her sign was Aquarius, she was very free spirited.

We had one to three hour phone conversations. We met. I thought she was pretty (she was a little big but it looked fine on her frame). I was intriguied to see where things would go.

She was more spontaneous than organized, planning dates out.

I came to find out she had an "abusive" childhood (this was never conceptualized clearly but that it was unhealthy). She had a bad stint in the Army. She was a single mom and had a failed marriage (her husband cheated on her many times).

I was surprised she was single with her looks and personality (hmmm).

I soon discovered that she was moody, introverted and wouldn't express her feelings in a healthy manner. Had a tinge of anger whenever she spoke about things. She never liked to talk about work (she seemed unfulfilled as a recruiter). And just seemed like she had unresolved issues. She was a black feminist which was a lot to handle.

So I have to admit I can be sarcastic and sometimes say things at the wrong time. Like the annoying way Spider-Man likes to make quips despite being in serious situations.

So we ended up having our first rough patch when she and I were discussing qualities about the other. She tends to get super angry, aggressive so I responded in kind. Anyways, she texted me after the phone convo and was like she learned a lot. Next thing you know, she wouldn't take my phone calls and didn't want to talk to me.

Eventually we talked again and she agreed to meet up. We went to Top Golf. I met her there. Before we met, I got into a fender bender. After resolving the issue with the guy I hit, we went in. I had never played golf before and she started to clown me and was ultra competitive. So we ended up getting into a disagreement again because I was engaged with the pair playing next to us because it's two friends where one is teaching the other how to play golf (which I'm a newbie).

Anyways, she tells me she wants to talk. I was at work and was like I can call you now or later. She says whenever is fine. I try calling her after work and I kept getting a weird busy message. I had never been blocked before, so I was clueless that was happening.

This goes on for like a week. Finally she reaches out. She says she's a hypersensitive person (HSP). I had to look it up. So the extreme manner she's reacting to my comments is a result of it.

We resume dating again. And every few weeks we would go through this situation whereby I might say something in gest at an inappropriate time and she would stop talking for days.

I know definition of insanity to keep pursuing. I try one time by sending her a Valentine Days Card.

We resume talking again.

Her birthday is a few days later. I ask her to the movies. We go see John Wick Chapter 2. I bring her flowers, candy, a card and balloons. I thought we had a good time. She asks me when is the next time we will see each other.

Two days later, we're talking on the phone. She has a cold and is on her way to the pharmacy late at night. We're just talking and I cornily say I'd love to hold her hand. All of a sudden she snaps. And she says I'm too sappy. Too romantically focused. And it's boring her. I'm like wow, where is this coming from? She gets off the phone. We haven't spoken since.

Meanwhile, I was putting my energy and eggs into her basket ignoring the other bonds/relationships I was forming with other females. I felt like I was trying to be a nice guy, pursuing, courting, etc with her whereas with the others it was circular.

I saw this post in the Drake is a simp thread and I felt like it was echoing her words some how.

You're a sad sad man. It's not the alpha male shit that gets you laid, it's being able to effectively convey confidence and the ability to succeed. Guess who are pretty good at it?

Being a "nice guy" is shit. Doesn't work. Wanna know why? You're boring her. Think about how many "nice guys" a girl meets, who just desperately want to be in love, hold doors open, always telling them they're gorgeous and replying to every message within a minute, tips their fedora etc.

The idea of being with someone like that is incredibly boring and off-putting. How about getting with someone who can be independent, works towards what they want and gets it, acts the way they want and seems genuine - oh hey, that's a much more interesting choice.

I didn't start to get dates and go out until I grew a backbone, showed myself some respect and go my own way. Try developing agency, it's key.

Also drake is an actor/singer with millions of dollars and international fame. Your "nice guy" coworker mark isn't. Probably plays elder scrolls for 5 hours every night. Yeah.

I'd appreciate any advice you guys got.
So I'm thinking of taking a break from dating and working on myself. I moved to the DMV area last year and was trying the online dating thing. I was dating around 3-5 women at a time.


Meanwhile, I was putting my energy and eggs into her basket ignoring the other bonds/relationships I was forming with other females. I felt like I was trying to be a nice guy, pursuing, courting, etc with her whereas with the others it was circular.

I saw this post in the Drake is a simp thread and I felt like it was echoing her words some how.

I'd appreciate any advice you guys got.

Work on yourself. Where are you located? I can suggest places and activities. Anyway, answer me this: why do you even WANT to be with this woman? If you can't clearly and plainly articulate that, move on. Hell, you should move on anyway. She's treating you like garbage.


Tightening up the screws a bit. Took me a month to figure out that I had never uploaded more than one photo to my new OKCupid account, and then moved some photos onto my phone to build up my Bumble set to be more than just my former Facebook profile pics.

Tried to de-nerd my OKC account just slightly, mostly by changing "Looking forward to Nintendo Switch" to "looking forward to Episode VIII," a touch more mainstream.

It's a hard line to walk, because it's a huge part of me and even if i don't end up with a nerdy girl, she's going to have to at least tolerate anime, video games, and superhero movies, but i'm also more than just that and want to make sure it comes off that way.

A big weakness of mine is that i'm not into music at all (i listen to classic rock, but only when driving. Never had an ipod or spotify or anything like that. Have only ever been to one concert), and music is the biggest factor in making a connection as far as interests go, according to studies.
Tightening up the screws a bit. Took me a month to figure out that I had never uploaded more than one photo to my new OKCupid account, and then moved some photos onto my phone to build up my Bumble set to be more than just my former Facebook profile pics.

Tried to de-nerd my OKC account just slightly, mostly by changing "Looking forward to Nintendo Switch" to "looking forward to Episode VIII," a touch more mainstream.

It's a hard line to walk, because it's a huge part of me and even if i don't end up with a nerdy girl, she's going to have to at least tolerate anime, video games, and superhero movies, but i'm also more than just that and want to make sure it comes off that way.

A big weakness of mine is that i'm not into music at all (i listen to classic rock, but only when driving. Never had an ipod or spotify or anything like that. Have only ever been to one concert), and music is the biggest factor in making a connection as far as interests go, according to studies.

See, there you're wrong. You don't need a woman who tolerates those activities; you need one who tolerates you having your own activities. Then again, one of the girls I'm seeing lets me main Toad in Mario Kart 8, so whatever, I'm at times a hypocrite -- but I've dated plenty of girls who had no interest in games. And that's perfectly okay.

So, let me be blunt: you don't need a nerdy girl. Please, I know this is GAF, but stop chasing that unicorn. All you need is someone who respects boundaries.

That said, I haven't found a single person (barring the Brazilian model) who thought having my Wii U out was weird. That shit's mainstream now, especially among girls 30 or younger.


Tightening up the screws a bit. Took me a month to figure out that I had never uploaded more than one photo to my new OKCupid account, and then moved some photos onto my phone to build up my Bumble set to be more than just my former Facebook profile pics.

Tried to de-nerd my OKC account just slightly, mostly by changing "Looking forward to Nintendo Switch" to "looking forward to Episode VIII," a touch more mainstream.

It's a hard line to walk, because it's a huge part of me and even if i don't end up with a nerdy girl, she's going to have to at least tolerate anime, video games, and superhero movies, but i'm also more than just that and want to make sure it comes off that way.

A big weakness of mine is that i'm not into music at all (i listen to classic rock, but only when driving. Never had an ipod or spotify or anything like that. Have only ever been to one concert), and music is the biggest factor in making a connection as far as interests go, according to studies.

What I do is that I diversify on purpose. I watch documentaries on 17th century artists, I watch horse events on TV, I sometimes pop on the latest radio hits, I listen to other music that isn't necessarily my taste, I read the economy news, etc etc. Not because I care all that much, but being a diverse person also, in my mind, makes you a more interesting person.

And yeah to iterate on AD's advice, don't aim for a nerd girl - aim for a girl that wants to be with you. My GF loves horses and spends 2-3 afternoons a week on them which I find boring as shit, and I get to watch footy and play video games. Even though we would hardly ever participate in eachothers hobbies, we don't judge eachother for them. That's the most important part.


Definitely. I'm not aiming for a nerdy girl (mostly because they're a small portion of the good matches I find), it's just nice to have someone who can share in most of your stuff.

My use of tolerate was literal. I have to be upfront about my enjoyment of this stuff because you might as well get it out of the way for anyone it's a dealbreaker for, instead of getting a few dates in and she balks at the bottom of my TV having an N64, Wii U, and Gamecube.

Diversifying on purpose is just a good idea in general. The boost to your romantic profile is just a happy bonus to that.
Anyone say "I love you" too soon? I got the "I'm falling in love with you" back and she's said it was just a bit sooner than she expected. So I guess we're cool, but it definitely feels a little imbalanced. I'm not gonna let it get me all anxious, but I can't be the first one here to drop the L bomb too quickly, right?

Girl dropped this on me the other day, after we met 4 times and had sex 3. I didn't have a great answer, she had some tears, and it seemed like she hardened herself a bit. But it's all good. Still gonna be seeing each other, but hopefully she doesn't have any illusions about me committing to anything. I'm in town until December, then I think I'm moving to Eastern Europe for a while. Ain't no one got time for love.
It's flattering when girls hit me up asking for a psych consultation on issues they're dealing with in life, sometimes that's the first thing they want to talk about lol. I guess that's the same if you are a doctor or some other person-facing career. They just need someone to talk to, and sometimes family or friends can be too judgmental.

That's what happened with one girl I'm chatting to, she asked about how to deal with her passive-aggressive co-worker who always has to disagree with her on everything. It was like GAF thread worthy haha. Past that little drama, she's into gaming, rock music (seen Muse five times), liberal, tech geek, very well educated, and loves travelling. We had a good chat on the phone, she's pretty funny, there seems to be good chemistry. How many girls do you get to chat to about Jung and Myers Briggs? She even talked about an anime movie she saw recently, surprise surprise it was Your Name. She's into film festivals, especially foreign films, so that's perfect for me. So far, interests are spot-on so have to see how it shakes out when we meet in terms of personality and life outlook.


Girl dropped this on me the other day, after we met 4 times and had sex 3. I didn't have a great answer, she had some tears, and it seemed like she hardened herself a bit. But it's all good. Still gonna be seeing each other, but hopefully she doesn't have any illusions about me committing to anything. I'm in town until December, then I think I'm moving to Eastern Europe for a while. Ain't no one got time for love.

Damn, that's fast :D
Work on yourself. Where are you located? I can suggest places and activities. Anyway, answer me this: why do you even WANT to be with this woman? If you can't clearly and plainly articulate that, move on. Hell, you should move on anyway. She's treating you like garbage.

I appreciate your response. I'm in Maryland. I really can't answer your question besides I enjoy her conversation when she's "on" and I'm attracted to her physically. I admit that I don't think she's ready for a relationship and has some serious underlying issues she needs to address.


Last night I played text wingman for this girl I kind of like and helped her found love on Tinder. Wtf am I doing? Lol. I do feel kinda simpy but don't feel that bad about it because watching her use Tinder, I realized she's not into guys like me at all. So I kinda just gave up on her on the spot and said fuck it. It was pretty fun actually and I ended up convincing her to text him first and giving out her number first and suggesting a date first and all that good stuff. It kind of got me into thinking of trying Tinder again. I only tried it once and had only one success but I think it's because my pictures were all awful. I really don't like taking pictures at all and that is such a huge fucking deal in online dating obviously, so I'm conflicted.


Last night I played text wingman for this girl I kind of like and helped her found love on Tinder. Wtf am I doing? Lol. I do feel kinda simpy but don't feel that bad about it because watching her use Tinder, I realized she's not into guys like me at all. So I kinda just gave up on her on the spot and said fuck it. It was pretty fun actually and I ended up convincing her to text him first and giving out her number first and suggesting a date first and all that good stuff. It kind of got me into thinking of trying Tinder again. I only tried it once and had only one success but I think it's because my pictures were all awful. I really don't like taking pictures at all and that is such a huge fucking deal in online dating obviously, so I'm conflicted.

I think you should give it go. Just don't take a "no" or so too harsh. I've just used it a week and I think it's fun Also this:



do your girl friends have guy friends? Then meet them through your girlfriends.
That's how most friends are made/introduced anyhow.

It'd have a higher success rate than a dating app

Not really! All my girlfriends are in long term relationships so at this point, they have couples-friends mostly.
Do y'all wait for stars to align to go for the first kiss? Second date with a girl. No physical contact on the 1st date, I was determined to kiss her this time. It iust felt like that was no proper moment. Sitting across from each other with a table in the way, nothing really happened. As we left, it was raining hard so a quick hug and we each bolted outta there. I feel so clueless about breaking the touch barrier. Am I supposed to get up, come to her side of the table and interrupt mid-sentence?

With other girls before, they were more comfortable standing close to me, touching hands over the table etc. so kissing came naturally. This girl seems a little more reserved, so I feel like need to take the lead bigly to make anything happen. Any 1st kiss tips / stories to share?
"I want to kiss you."

Pretty much always works for me.

I guess it'll have to do. In the past, things always seemed to naturally build up to a romantic holloywood-type moment. But I can't go 3 dates without kissing her, I don't want her to think we're friends. I'll just go for it next time no matter what.


Do y'all wait for stars to align to go for the first kiss? Second date with a girl. No physical contact on the 1st date, I was determined to kiss her this time. It iust felt like that was no proper moment. Sitting across from each other with a table in the way, nothing really happened. As we left, it was raining hard so a quick hug and we each bolted outta there. I feel so clueless about breaking the touch barrier. Am I supposed to get up, come to her side of the table and interrupt mid-sentence?

With other girls before, they were more comfortable standing close to me, touching hands over the table etc. so kissing came naturally. This girl seems a little more reserved, so I feel like need to take the lead bigly to make anything happen. Any 1st kiss tips / stories to share?
Unless we're out for dinner I always make a point to sit next to them.

It makes things much easier to initiate, and it's honestly never not worked.
Tightening up the screws a bit. Took me a month to figure out that I had never uploaded more than one photo to my new OKCupid account, and then moved some photos onto my phone to build up my Bumble set to be more than just my former Facebook profile pics.

Tried to de-nerd my OKC account just slightly, mostly by changing "Looking forward to Nintendo Switch" to "looking forward to Episode VIII," a touch more mainstream.

So you replaced Nintendo Switch with one of the brightest stars in the nerd universe! star Wars/Trek are the most known nerd properties and have the biggest negative preconceptions of fans with the general public. How about just simply "looking forward to Summer" it's safe and gives her the option to ask why.

So, let me be blunt: you don't need a nerdy girl. Please, I know this is GAF, but stop chasing that unicorn. All you need is someone who respects boundaries.

Seems the guys shield themselves in games/anime/movies to avoid personal development and are not looking for a girlfriend (although that is situation vacant) but a new friend with a vagina. Someone who won't be a meany and let them keep playing with thier toys and not trouble them with all that boring stuff girls like to do. That poster child nerdy girl does not exist and the ones I've seen in real life are, honestly, umm not great.

Even if they did get that great nerdy girl at some point in her mid-late 20's is going to have Johnny McSwingdick pull up outside her home in his new car saying "Hey Babe, wanna go with me to the beach/top club/bar/Restaurant/concert?" And she'll be gone leaving a sad nerd standing in his doorway saying "But I've just downloaded all this weeks new anime episiodes for us to watch and what about these PAX tickets? You promised you would cosplay this year!".

But she'll be gone, and nerd guy will be almost 30 and failed to personally improve himself so even harder to find someone, probably turn into that guy that "finds it hard to get into a new relationship becuse some girl broke his heart and he now has trust issues". Nope it's becuse you let yourself be defined by nerd stuff.


While I find the above... Uh, a little harsh and immediately going into "worst possible scenario" mode, I do agree that ancedotially, all of the girls that "proudly define themselves as nerds" have all, without exception, been absolutely insane.

It's not all bad though, they inspired me to be a more diverse human being lol.

EDIT: well shit, top of the page, now my sentence doesn't make sense
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