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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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Good Christian gals are THE WORST. Kappa.

Ray, best of luck with all of this. Keep us posted.

To those of you not ready to deal with being a dad, get some damn condoms. Skyn, One, or Durex are my personal recommendations.

The 9-years-older-than-me woman lives even further away than I understood, it's like 2,5 hours by train or 3 by car.

But she's pretty smokin and is sending me tight booty gym pics on WhatsApp.
I'm conflicted, what do I do GAF?

At least she said she can meet me halfway if I want to see her.

Dude. If your down and she's down then get after it. 2.5 Hours could be a nice day trip / weekend trip and then you get to see if she's worth making the drive for often.

Also if she wants to meet halfway that means she's obviously down. If her area is more interesting than the halfway point, just make the full drive.


Yeah, try something other than the base model Trojan style stuff. Skyn ones are the only ones I get now, and they're non-latex to boot so everyone wins and all the women i've been with prefer the feel of them anyway.


I said I'd be relentless when I could date again and I meant it.

I have 8 potential dates lined up for the next couple of weeks and I've just been told I can drink again.


Shit feels good.

Weird as hell. I brought a variety of different Asian foods with interesting smells and textures. We ate in complete darkness trying to guess what each dish was. Talked about what it must be like to be blind. Conversation got increasingly personal until we realized we'd been talking for close to four hours - lost all sense of time in the dark! We ended the evening by wondering if it wasn't too weird to see each other's faces at this point. Took a quick peak of each other in dim candle light and said we'd meet again.
Sounds pretty interesting, albeit weird! Fingers crossed things go well.


Dude. If your down and she's down then get after it. 2.5 Hours could be a nice day trip / weekend trip and then you get to see if she's worth making the drive for often.

Also if she wants to meet halfway that means she's obviously down. If her area is more interesting than the halfway point, just make the full drive.

Yeah I think I'll head there either saturday or sunday, I need to see what's up :p

On the other hand I'm talking to this fun 19yo girl, I'm not sure if there's potential for anything serious but she's bombarding me with stupid messages and goofy WhatsApp voice mails and I'm laughing my ass off. She just doesn't give a fuck and I kind of love it.

Anyway I'm meeting her tomorrow for either coffee or drinks later.
Dating psychology is so counterintuitive. Successful date with a girl last Saturday, I texted her the day after to plan something for this coming weekend. She replies that she might have a friend visiting that weekend, so she's not sure she's free, and would confirm for sure within a day. So far so good, right?

So 4 days pass of no answer on her end. I assume the re-schedule is an excuse and I'm being ghosted, but decide to flip the tables and throw a hail mary. I text her not to worry about confirming about her friend's visit, in the end I'm busy anyway that weekend (true, I lined up another date) and it would be better to re-schedule.

What happens? After 4 days no contact, me saying that I was unavailable elicits a response within 30 minutes that she's free after all.

I guess framing things as *me* cancelling on her, rather than the opposite, made me seem like a busy guy with options, thus more attractive. Really though, I would really much prefer to be direct and upfront than play games.


I said I'd be relentless when I could date again and I meant it.

I have 8 potential dates lined up for the next couple of weeks and I've just been told I can drink again.


Shit feels good.

Sounds pretty interesting, albeit weird! Fingers crossed things go well.

Lucky 8?! You stud.


May I have a cookie?
Dating psychology is so counterintuitive. Successful date with a girl last Saturday, I texted her the day after to plan something for this coming weekend. She replies that she might have a friend visiting that weekend, so she's not sure she's free, and would confirm for sure within a day. So far so good, right?

So 4 days pass of no answer on her end. I assume the re-schedule is an excuse and I'm being ghosted, but decide to flip the tables and throw a hail mary. I text her not to worry about confirming about her friend's visit, in the end I'm busy anyway that weekend (true, I lined up another date) and it would be better to re-schedule.

What happens? After 4 days no contact, me saying that I was unavailable elicits a response within 30 minutes that she's free after all.

I guess framing things as *me* cancelling on her, rather than the opposite, made me seem like a busy guy with options, thus more attractive. Really though, I would really much prefer to be direct and upfront than play games.

It doesn't have to be this way, her behavior has more to do with her than dating in general. Many women are more communicative and mature about it.


Dating psychology is so counterintuitive. Successful date with a girl last Saturday, I texted her the day after to plan something for this coming weekend. She replies that she might have a friend visiting that weekend, so she's not sure she's free, and would confirm for sure within a day. So far so good, right?

So 4 days pass of no answer on her end. I assume the re-schedule is an excuse and I'm being ghosted, but decide to flip the tables and throw a hail mary. I text her not to worry about confirming about her friend's visit, in the end I'm busy anyway that weekend (true, I lined up another date) and it would be better to re-schedule.

What happens? After 4 days no contact, me saying that I was unavailable elicits a response within 30 minutes that she's free after all.

I guess framing things as *me* cancelling on her, rather than the opposite, made me seem like a busy guy with options, thus more attractive. Really though, I would really much prefer to be direct and upfront than play games.

if I'm into a girl and I need a day to find out whether or not I can see her, you can bet your bottom dollar I'd tell her as soon as I found out.

Brad Pitt rule, ya?
if I'm into a girl and I need a day to find out whether or not I can see her, you can bet your bottom dollar I'd tell her as soon as I found out.

Brad Pitt rule, ya?

Yeah... weird, as the dates went really well. Like 7 hour long convos with no silences, even cancelling on a friend she was supposed to meet later that day to spend more time with me on date #2. I'll see her again, why not? It's still casual at this point, I can deal with a slow progression. I'm dating other women at the same time and not going all in on a girl who's not super responsive.

As I said, I am seeing another girl on Saturday so I'm keeping my options open.
6 dates in 7 days is bit much.... yeah its a lot.

February was rough. 7 first dates, 14 total get togethers/dates.

I think i finally found someone worth dating though. I am seeing her again on friday. excited for it.

Also Everybody should get yourself tested. whenever you can. Keep it clean and keep it wrapped. just got tested again and im all clean. A couple girls were playing fast and loose. I had to pump the breaks a few times and ask to put on a condom. Its takes all the will power but its for the best.
Y'all talking about dates and I'm ordering my tickets for Logan so I don't have to wait with all the nerds at Gamestop to get my Switch at midnight.

I'm the best date I've ever had.

Not true but I ain't got shit lined up this week dating wise.

Also Everybody should get yourself tested. whenever you can. Keep it clean and keep it wrapped. just got tested again and im all clean. A couple girls were playing fast and loose. I had to pump the breaks a few times and ask to put on a condom. Its takes all the will power but its for the best.

Truth. After this and Ray Wonder's anecdote I hope it's clear to y'all to wrap it up.
Damn it Ray Wonder you got a Catholic girl pregnant in just over a month?! Better hope it's a negative when she actually does a pregnancy test. Do Catholics allow abortions? Either way, she's not the best of Christians XD
Met a super cool girl, about a month into talking to her she brought up god and asked what I believe in.

Since I don't believe in god, it's over.

It's already over. She said she can't.

Yeah, I didn't meet her on Tinder, and she seem to make it a big deal. She doesn't even go to church, but she was doing Ash Wednesday today and mentioned it. She said she couldn't marry someone who didn't believe in God, and she could never have a kid with a father that wouldn't raise their kid Catholic.

idk. sucks

It was because of Ash Wednesday, and she just assumed I did because I celebrated Christmas, and my family whom she met, believe in God.

She might be pregnant with my kid

She just dropped this bomb on me

Yeah, Idk what is going on. I feel like the worlds spinning a bit which probably disproves god or something

Yeah man. It was more like 1 3/4 months, but yeah.

I did for a while, she said she was on birth control.

Thanks haha

fuck me

Hey, I mean. She's pretty awesome, so far. Besides ending it with me and then telling me she missed her period. Not sure how to feel.

Tbh I have a decent career, and I'm super mature, so ultimately it's up to her. It's not really my choice as to what she wants to do with her body.

If she chooses to, I don't have any issues with it.

We'll see. Maybe this will end up being a good thing. lol

Hahaha damn it, I think she's catholic.

Hahahaa damn it

I should've, but I mean, at what point do you stop? Condoms are expensive if you're banging pretty much daily. lol


As, I dunno, controversial as it sounds, I'm of the mind of if you don't have money for condoms because they're "too expensive", then you just shouldn't be having sex. Because believe me, you'll either find money for those goddamn things or your mom's not giving you a big enough allowance.

Seriously, condoms are not expensive, and they're a necessity for any boning that's not with a long time SO (then you can decide about birth control, if you want a kid, etc). Getting someone pregnant or catching an STD SHOULD BE enough of a deterrent, but alas it's not.


Damn it Ray Wonder you got a Catholic girl pregnant in just over a month?! Better hope it's a negative when she actually does a pregnancy test. Do Catholics allow abortions? Either way, she's not the best of Christians XD

Hahahaha nope! I was in a Catholic church about two weekends ago for a baptism - there were two anti-Planned Parenthood signs in the foyer.

If this girl told her parents, and she's actually pregnant, Ray's opinion on what to do will be like 5th in importance.
As, I dunno, controversial as it sounds, I'm of the mind of if you don't have money for condoms because they're "too expensive", then you just shouldn't be having sex. Because believe me, you'll either find money for those goddamn things or your mom's not giving you a big enough allowance.

Seriously, condoms are not expensive, and they're a necessity for any boning that's not with a long time SO (then you can decide about birth control, if you want a kid, etc). Getting someone pregnant or catching an STD SHOULD BE enough of a deterrent, but alas it's not.

Dudes like to make excuses to not wear condoms, but TBH I've never not worn them when I'm going in.

If it gets to the point where buying them from the gas station or W/E is too expensive, then buy in bulk. It's not super difficult.

Saying you can't spend $20 on condoms a month seems like chump change compared to a child you'll be raising or an abortion or plan B or an STD, not to mention the added emotional and time investments if any of the above should happen.


How do you guys deal with someone who lives a significant distance away? The girl I'm seeing is telling me how she wants to see me and make out and it suuucks. I don't have the time all this week.


How do you guys deal with someone who lives a significant distance away? The girl I'm seeing is telling me how she wants to see me and make out and it suuucks. I don't have the time all this week.

How far away is she really? You make it sound like she's only an hour or two away, because it sounds like if you had the time you could drive over there.


How far away is she really? You make it sound like she's only an hour or two away, because it sounds like if you had the time you could drive over there.

In traffic it's an hour, yeah. It's 25 miles. No traffic it's 40 minutes tops. We've only been able to go out at night so by the time I'm hope it's really late. I guess if I had an afternoon free it wouldn't be a big deal.
In traffic it's an hour, yeah. It's 25 miles. No traffic it's 40 minutes tops. We've only been able to go out at night so by the time I'm hope it's really late. I guess if I had an afternoon free it wouldn't be a big deal.

It's not awful, but I wouldn't put up with it for long if I was the only one making the effort to travel. And I would go no more 1 or twice a week, anymore would impact your schedule too much I would say. Are you at least spending the night?


It's not awful, but I wouldn't put up with it for long if I was the only one making the effort to travel. And I would go no more 1 or twice a week, anymore would impact your schedule too much I would say. Are you at least spending the night?

Nope I have to drive my ass back home which is why I get there late. She doesn't have a car. This is the third girl I talk to (and only one I have dated) that has transportation issues.


I tried to set up the date for tomorrow night with the 19yo serial voice mailer and apparently nothing was good except, uh, her coming to my place. To look at cats.

I tried to set up the date for tomorrow night with the 19yo serial voice mailer and apparently nothing was good except, uh, her coming to my place. To look at cats.


I sound like a broken record, but.


If I haven't said that enough today.

Well, this is my first time writing a long post so I will try to explain this feeling... I am 19, met this girl in my high school , since the first moment I found her so pretty, we had eye contact for 3 weeks maybe until I decided to talk to her. Everything went cool, we met many times, third time we kissed for the first time, it was cool, she was who started to kissing me I was very shy. 2 months passed and I bought a couple of tickets to travel to Berlin. she wasnt my girlfriend yet but i started to feel something for her. She accepted, she were going to fly with me to Berlin. ( I have to say she had to think it about 1 month to say yes) Since she say yes, we started to have sex and spend nights together, everything was going beautiful but i realize that i felt in love with this girl. But here comes my problem. Since we were two friends having sex and all that stuff I think im not the only one who is having sex with her. I mean, I think im just a friend for her, she fuck with other guys. and that is killing me inside. Of course i dont ask her if its true because its a weird question to do but i dont know what to do.
One night after we spent 2 nights in a hotel I sent her a message telling that I started to feel something for her. She replied with an "Im not looking for a relationship".
That killed me completely , but then she became more "text active" .
we chat for hours everyday until one day it stopped-
Now we talk barely.
I have to say in high school we dont talk, that makes me feel weird too, because I feel like she tries to hide that we have something.. idk... im fucking losing my mind.

she is 25 and i am 19 i dont know if i'm just a stupid kid that fall in love


May I have a cookie?
Well, this is my first time writing a long post so I will try to explain this feeling... I am 19, met this girl in my high school , since the first moment I found her so pretty, we had eye contact for 3 weeks maybe until I decided to talk to her. Everything went cool, we met many times, third time we kissed for the first time, it was cool, she was who started to kissing me I was very shy. 2 months passed and I bought a couple of tickets to travel to Berlin. she wasnt my girlfriend yet but i started to feel something for her. She accepted, she were going to fly with me to Berlin. ( I have to say she had to think it about 1 month to say yes) Since she say yes, we started to have sex and spend nights together, everything was going beautiful but i realize that i felt in love with this girl. But here comes my problem. Since we were two friends having sex and all that stuff I think im not the only one who is having sex with her. I mean, I think im just a friend for her, she fuck with other guys. and that is killing me inside. Of course i dont ask her if its true because its a weird question to do but i dont know what to do.
One night after we spent 2 nights in a hotel I sent her a message telling that I started to feel something for her. She replied with an "Im not looking for a relationship".
That killed me completely , but then she became more "text active" .
we chat for hours everyday until one day it stopped-
Now we talk barely.
I have to say in high school we dont talk, that makes me feel weird too, because I feel like she tries to hide that we have something.. idk... im fucking losing my mind.

she is 25 and i am 19 i dont know if i'm just a stupid kid that fall in love

It doesn't sound like you fucked up at all. Don't blame yourself for her not being interested in a relationship. But now that you know, look out for yourself or you'll get hurt even more badly.


19....25....high school...?

If it's an alternative type of school I apologize
Since he mentioned Berlin, he may be German and attend a Hohe Schule, which literally translates to "high school", but in actuality is similar to what Americans call college.
Was supposed to finally have a date tomorrow with that girl who's really attractive but also a really boring texter, but then I had to get sick. Date's delayed for another week and a half.


Though FWIW, she has gotten a *bit* better at texting. Conversation's been less insipid in the past few days.
Date went all fine, and we had tons of fun. We went to this ramen place to eat, we were having a blast. Then she got an allergic reaction to something she ate.

So yeah. I felt terrible about it, but at that point as she got all red I couldn't think of anything but getting her home before anything horrible happened.

So yeah I guess that happened.
I still haven't told this chick I am going on a date tomorrow that she may be about half an inch to an inch taller than me.. I usually like to give heads up on this type of things, I feel a bit insecure!
fuck it?

Was supposed to finally have a date tomorrow with that girl who's really attractive but also a really boring texter, but then I had to get sick. Date's delayed for another week and a half.


Though FWIW, she has gotten a *bit* better at texting. Conversation's been less insipid in the past few days.

The fact that you're still on her radar and you guys still keeping in touch after a few weeks is pretty impressive, keep at it.. make that date happen sooner than later!
The fact that you're still on her radar and you guys still keeping in touch after a few weeks is pretty impressive, keep at it.. make that date happen sooner than later!

Yeah, it's weird. Honestly I think the only reason we're still talking is because she's super picky about who she messes with on Tinder. She told me that in her two years of on-and-off use of the app, she's only been on TWO dates, both of which were with the same guy.

I kinda get the impression that I'm the only person she's talking to right now. *shrug*
Dudes like to make excuses to not wear condoms, but TBH I've never not worn them when I'm going in.

If it gets to the point where buying them from the gas station or W/E is too expensive, then buy in bulk. It's not super difficult.

Saying you can't spend $20 on condoms a month seems like chump change compared to a child you'll be raising or an abortion or plan B or an STD, not to mention the added emotional and time investments if any of the above should happen.

If you've got money for dating, you've got money for Condoms, they are super cheap in bulk. Babies and medical bills for STDs are way more expensive.


Getting ghosted, and it sucks.

Had two dates with a girl off Coffee Meets Bagel, and they were great. Took her home after the second date and had a fun time together at my place. Got brunch together in the morning and made plans for a third date. Really cool girl. She's super flirty and seems into me the whole time. We agree to see a show together this weekend. I go home and buy tickets.

Radio silence for six days now, and the show's tomorrow. Texted her twice over the past few days to confirm the date, but no response.

Sucks. In a really bad mood.


Getting ghosted, and it sucks.

Had two dates with a girl off Coffee Meets Bagel, and they were great. Took her home after the second date and had a fun time together at my place. Got brunch together in the morning and made plans for a third date. Really cool girl. She's super flirty and seems into me the whole time. We agree to see a show together this weekend. I go home and buy tickets.

Radio silence for six days now, and the show's on Saturday.

Sucks. In a really bad mood the past two days now.

I used to get so torn up about this stuff, and it still sucks. But ghosting says a lot more about her than you man. At least she pulls this at only date 2 and not further in.

Personally, I've given up on dating apps myself and plan on making more of an effort to meet people IRL. I've never gotten ghostings, etc, when meeting people offline and girls are usually courteous enough to give at least a polite excuse. May not be an option depending on where you live though.
What a shame, the girl I was dating told me that she was no longer interested in me romantically, but we're going to remain friends. We're still going to the movies this weekend, but just as friends. I'm a bit sad that it didn't lead to a romantic relationship, but I'm not devastated. I gained a lot of confidence from this first dating experience, so now I know I can actually be successful and find what I'm looking for. She even gave me some dating tips for other girls, and let me know what mistakes I made to make her lose interest.
Date went all fine, and we had tons of fun. We went to this ramen place to eat, we were having a blast. Then she got an allergic reaction to something she ate.

So yeah. I felt terrible about it, but at that point as she got all red I couldn't think of anything but getting her home before anything horrible happened.

So yeah I guess that happened.
You got her home, and...?!


So the condom broke with this girl I hooked up with. Dropped her off at pharmacy soon after to get a Plan B pill. It's still on my mind and then I open the last page of this thread...
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