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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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Lmao! Both of you were buzzed so in the moment, you could have been dancing the Macarena to reggae and it wouldn't have mattered. Hopefully it leads to something more.

I'm actually seeing her again tonight. That doesn't give me a lot of time to practice!


She's got a farm (at least farmhouse and animals) too, lol.
The distance is unfortunate but if I stay a whole weekend it doesn't sound too bad. Two hour drive, two days of fun.

This reminds me of the recent Lore podcast I listened to!

It was about a sociopathic lady that would lure prospective suitors to her isolated farmland, then kill them and bury them in the farmhouse after she stole their money/gifts/whatever they brought after a few visits. She also married a few of them and murdered them for their life insurance policies. She managed to fake her own death and allude the authorities, too!

Well have fun on your date!

This reminds me of the recent Lore podcast I listened to!

It was about a sociopathic lady that would lure prospective suitors to her isolated farmland, then kill them and bury them in the farmhouse after she stole their money/gifts/whatever they brought after a few visits. She also married a few of them and murdered them for their life insurance policies. She managed to fake her own death and allude the authorities, too!

Well have fun on your date!


You're seriously the best.


This reminds me of the recent Lore podcast I listened to!

It was about a sociopathic lady that would lure prospective suitors to her isolated farmland, then kill them and bury them in the farmhouse after she stole their money/gifts/whatever they brought after a few visits. She also married a few of them and murdered them for their life insurance policies. She managed to fake her own death and allude the authorities, too!

Well have fun on your date!


Lmao ❤️❤️❤️


This reminds me of the recent Lore podcast I listened to!

It was about a sociopathic lady that would lure prospective suitors to her isolated farmland, then kill them and bury them in the farmhouse after she stole their money/gifts/whatever they brought after a few visits. She also married a few of them and murdered them for their life insurance policies. She managed to fake her own death and allude the authorities, too!

Well have fun on your date!

Her name? Amanda Slaughter.


Matched someone on Tinder yesterday using a superlike and she had already liked me. We're going on a date in less than two hours. That was really fast, but she is in town just until Thursday so I had to hurry a little. Wish me luck!

To give an update on this, we had three great dates and will probably continue seeing each other. I'm really interested in seeing where this goes.
So this Laaaaaady! asked me out on Tinder today, been casually conversing with her for the past maybe?...? four-five days? She passed on her number finally, which is always nice to see.

She's a hard core Graphic Designer, and her Instagram page is full of her cool work. she's into Typography and such. With this one I am taking totally the opposite approach, minimal talk over Tinder/text and straight to a face to face date. The past month I wasted so much time texting up a storm, even few phone conversations, simultaneously with three chicks that went nowhere. Worst part was, trying to juggle the three, one took away time from the other one, that may have worked out... The asshat who ghosted me, not only she wasted my time, she took time away from other (waaay better, and decent ) prospects.

I am digging this new approach, keep conversations minimal via text and arrange an actual date sooner than later.

Having said all this, not diggin this chick physically, from the photos that I've seen, most likely it will be a one date thing and we'll go our separate ways.. I even doubt we'll get along intellectually, nevermind just physically.

Do you, be you.

If she's gonna be hung up on height nothing you can do about it.

Don't stress about things you can't change.

You got this!
Fuck! reading this reminded me that this chick is my height exactly, when a lady mentions their height on Tinder and their height happens to be very close to mine or especially taller than me. I make the special effort to remind them that I am not that tall, basically a huge heads up to them... So we're not wasting each other's time...( I tend to look a lot taller in photos than I really am in real life) I have two days to tell this chick that she's my height or maybe even a half an inch taller.. fuuuuuuuUUU!!!
I've been seeing this girl who is seriously Christian, but for some reason we get along pretty well. Tonight we were at a bar and a friend came up to talk about this punk show he and I have been looking forward to. It's one of my favorite bands from my high school days and it turns out they're being joined by another classic band.

I just got a text from her asking what those bands I was talking about were.

I can't tell her because it is the Murder Junkies and the Mentors.

I'm fucked if she looks them up. Even the song titles are offensive.
I've been seeing this girl who is seriously Christian, but for some reason we get along pretty well. Tonight we were at a bar and a friend came up to talk about this punk show he and I have been looking forward to. It's one of my favorite bands from my high school days and it turns out they're being joined by another classic band.

I just got a text from her asking what those bands I was talking about were.

I can't tell her because it is the Murder Junkies and the Mentors.

I'm fucked if she looks them up. Even the song titles are offensive.

Oh reelax man!, it'll be a shame and a pity to lose a girl over two stupid local punk bands you want to see, I hope she's an open minded enough Christian to not care about your shitty
joking buddy
musical taste.

Just down play the whole thing... nostalgia factor is always a good excuse "My favorite band from high school , they are coming to town, I have to see them... Oh don't worry about what they're called you wont like them, they are kinda punk, anyway.. Did I tell you about how much I troll Christians on this gaming/nerd forum I frequent? I once got a poor Catholic nerdy bastard perma banned because I kept trolling and making fun of Catholic priests and how they're all pedophiles, he got mad, called me a "cunt" and now he's.. oh it means, like permanently being barred from posting on said forum, ..yeeah well it is kind of a big deal, it's not like you can come back and join... ugh nevermind!!! Gosssh! I am gonna go see this punk band and they are called Murder junkies, they have some crazy songs! deal with it!!"


How old are you?

I'm 27, she's 36.

This reminds me of the recent Lore podcast I listened to!

It was about a sociopathic lady that would lure prospective suitors to her isolated farmland, then kill them and bury them in the farmhouse after she stole their money/gifts/whatever they brought after a few visits. She also married a few of them and murdered them for their life insurance policies. She managed to fake her own death and allude the authorities, too!

Well have fun on your date!


LOL, well if I suddenly disappear you'll know what happened to me :p
Last 2 dates I've been on have ended in the girls hugging me with their face in the next county.

They are so fucking terrified that I will try to kiss them.

Dates went great, had them laughing the whole time. Makes me feel like shit.

Sorry GAF needed to vent.
Stopped reading at "troll."

Damn you Count! you know it's a funny post! and we both know you read the whole thing already!

On a serious note, how "Christian" is this chick that you're so worried about her being "turned off" by these bands? Unless you found her in some farm land, village in Utah/Arizona, maybe she doesn't give a shit about the vulgar lyrics?
She's an interesting person. Christian in the sense that she is very serious about her religion, but not particularly judgmental. Like, she has certain things that she follows devoutly, but has no interest in legislating the behavior of others.

That said, there's no way that these bands would be something that she would be comfortable with.

I'm not really all that worried. Just think it is a funny predicament.
This reminds me of the recent Lore podcast I listened to!

It was about a sociopathic lady that would lure prospective suitors to her isolated farmland, then kill them and bury them in the farmhouse after she stole their money/gifts/whatever they brought after a few visits. She also married a few of them and murdered them for their life insurance policies. She managed to fake her own death and allude the authorities, too!

Well have fun on your date!


Her name? Amanda Slaughter.


So been casually dating this girl for like 3 months.

We seemed to be getting along really well.

First she cancelled a date sayin she was feeling really sick/nauseous

Then she cancels on me for this week when I was wanting to do a road trip or something fun because she needs to go visit her mom.

Ok. Weird.

So all this is flagging things in my brain so i text her.

Me: am i gonna get a chance to see you before you go?

Her: honestly I'm not sure. I have a lot on my mind and I need some time to think.

Me: should I be concerned? I'm concerned.

Her: I'm sorry...

Me: I had a feeling. Hope you get it all figured out. Good luck.

Her: thank you it means a lot.

I ended the conversation telling uer if she feels up to it she can hit me up and I wouldn't pry.

Any insights? Did I mismanage the situation?
Our dates had always gone really well and we enjoyed each others' company.


This girl was staring really hard today at the gym today during my run, she kept staring throughout my workout and I talked to her for a little. She asked me about my run, I talked about my run for a bit, asked her about her workout and introduced myself before going back to workout. I hate small talk in general, and I am very anti-social in the gym, partly because of working out and partly because I get really high before I go to the gym. Any good topics to bring up that is gym appropriate or good topics to approach? I've been getting into good shape lately and have been getting a lot of stares, I see them in the corner of my eye and through mirrors. But approaching at the gym seems weird to me.


So I'm going to meet this Tinder-girl tonight but I'm out of ideas of what we can do because...
1) She wanted to be at my place
2) No sexy-time on first date she said

So any ideas of what we can do except watching a movie? Having a chat over a glass of wine?
So I'm going to meet this Tinder-girl tonight but I'm out of ideas of what we can do because...
1) She wanted to be at my place
2) No sexy-time on first date she said

So any ideas of what we can do except watching a movie? Having a chat over a glass of wine?

Chat for a bit over a glass of wine, then suggest a movie with cuddle time. Transition into sexy time because you're just so damn charming.
So I'm going to meet this Tinder-girl tonight but I'm out of ideas of what we can do because...
1) She wanted to be at my place
2) No sexy-time on first date she said

So any ideas of what we can do except watching a movie? Having a chat over a glass of wine?
That's pretty forward that she wants to go to your place instead of a public place for a first date. Maybe cook a dinner for her, and then ask if she'd want to watch a movie/TV show and which one. If she's into horror or romance, it might get physical ;) Take it from there.
So I'm going to meet this Tinder-girl tonight but I'm out of ideas of what we can do because...
1) She wanted to be at my place
2) No sexy-time on first date she said

So any ideas of what we can do except watching a movie? Having a chat over a glass of wine?

If she specifically said no sex on the first date, it's likely she wants sex on the first date. There has never been a time where a date was at my place that didnt end up in some kind of action. She requested to come to your place, right ?

Of course, don't push hard for anything on the off chance she actually meant what she said.


She seemed quite shy/insecure in the chat conversation we had so I was kinda baffled she asked if we could meet the same day we matched so I guess we'll see how it will go.

I've been using Tinder for a week now and the following "opening-phrases" has been the best so far:
Asking about something in their picture / info: 6/7
Doggie Gif: 6/10
Random gif: 0/1

Never tried just "hi", "what's up" yet.
If she specifically said no sex on the first date, it's likely she wants sex on the first date. There has never been a time where a date was at my place that didnt end up in some kind of action. She requested to come to your place, right ?

Of course, don't push hard for anything on the off chance she actually meant what she said.

Pretty much this. You're getting sexed.

The girl I'm seeing was out with some people and texted to call over. We met walked etc. she said specifically no sex, and she likely wouldn't stay the night.

Eventually we get back, fool around for hours, but good as her word no sex.
She stayed, we slept together. In the non-biblical sense.

Next morning we get coffee at my local cafe/gellateria, we walk back to towards her place, I accidentally (genuinely!) walk back all the way to hers. (i had intended to walk just half way), We get there, she invites me in. Showers, shaves and we have sex.
It was always on the cards.


May I have a cookie?
Spontaneous date with a new girl tonight. She wanted to go to one of those restaurants where you eat in total darkness and the waiters are blind but they were full. Instead she suggested we recreate the experience at her place. Food's on me.

It'll be interesting for sure!

as insurance I will poison one of the dishes and keep the antidote hidden


Spontaneous date with a new girl tonight. She wanted to go to one of those restaurants where you eat in total darkness and the waiters are blind but they were full. Instead she suggested we recreate the experience at her place. Food's on me.

It'll be interesting for sure!

as insurance I will poison one of the dishes and keep the antidote hidden

Haha seems cool, good luck!


Spontaneous date with a new girl tonight. She wanted to go to one of those restaurants where you eat in total darkness and the waiters are blind but they were full. Instead she suggested we recreate the experience at her place. Food's on me.

It'll be interesting for sure!

as insurance I will poison one of the dishes and keep the antidote hidden

...why do the waiters need to be blind? Or does it just help to raise awareness of blind people?

If I'm using blindfolds at someone's home, it won't be for eating food


...why do the waiters need to be blind? Or does it just help to raise awareness of blind people?

If I'm using blindfolds at someone's home, it won't be for eating food

I think they're "blind" because its total darkness? Or are they actually blind?
Now she said that she is sick but wanna meet up on the weekend instead. So I'm not off the hook, yet.

When someone reschedules instead of just leaving it out in the open that's usually a good sign.

But, it could also mean she's just not brave enough to say no. So if she keeps rescheduling it's probably that. But until then, seems like you've got an in.

Spontaneous date with a new girl tonight. She wanted to go to one of those restaurants where you eat in total darkness and the waiters are blind but they were full. Instead she suggested we recreate the experience at her place. Food's on me.

It'll be interesting for sure!

as insurance I will poison one of the dishes and keep the antidote hidden

She wants to see how good you are with your hands in the dark...

I won't kinkshame
...why do the waiters need to be blind? Or does it just help to raise awareness of blind people?

If I'm using blindfolds at someone's home, it won't be for eating food

They have one in Toronto. From what I understand because it's total darkness its impossible to see but the waiters have heightened perception that helps them navigate easier.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Met a super cool girl, about a month into talking to her she brought up god and asked what I believe in.

Since I don't believe in god, it's over.


After getting home at 7:30 AM last night I need some time to consider whether or not I wanna keep seeing the girl I'm seeing. We went out for the first time last night and then again tonight a both times I'm home late as fuck because she lives a little over 25 miles away from me. It's a bitch on my gas and now I can't go to the gym today which is upsetting, even though it's my fault. She's cute and fun to be around though. It's fun trying to teach her Spanish. This distance is just fucking exhausting though. There's no way I'm seeing her again this week just for the fact that I don't wanna spend more gas. I spent a lot of money last night too. Maybe I'm just tired and anxious about money. Maybe I just need to slow things down. It would definitely help if she moved, which she's trying to do, or if she had a damn car.


not me
Met a super cool girl, about a month into talking to her she brought up god and asked what I believe in.

Since I don't believe in god, it's over.

Not always the case unless you want it to be. If you've been talking to her for a month and she's only just bringing it up it's entirely possible she's cool with dating people with different beliefs.


When someone reschedules instead of just leaving it out in the open that's usually a good sign.

But, it could also mean she's just not brave enough to say no. So if she keeps rescheduling it's probably that. But until then, seems like you've got an in.

I didn't suggest the first time, it was she that asked if I wanna meet her. But yeah one more rescheduling is the end.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Not always the case unless you want it to be. If you've been talking to her for a month and she's only just bringing it up it's entirely possible she's cool with dating people with different beliefs.

It's already over. She said she can't.


After getting home at 7:30 AM last night I need some time to consider whether or not I wanna keep seeing the girl I'm seeing. We went out for the first time last night and then again tonight a both times I'm home late as fuck because she lives a little over 25 miles away from me. It's a bitch on my gas and now I can't go to the gym today which is upsetting, even though it's my fault. She's cute and fun to be around though. It's fun trying to teach her Spanish. This distance is just fucking exhausting though. There's no way I'm seeing her again this week just for the fact that I don't wanna spend more gas. I spent a lot of money last night too. Maybe I'm just tired and anxious about money. Maybe I just need to slow things down. It would definitely help if she moved, which she's trying to do, or if she had a damn car.
Stop seeing her. You don't like her enough if you're prioritizing gas, money, and gym over her. I only say this because she may expect a relationship of some sort the deeper you go and the longer you keep seeing her. Then you'll have to deal with more complications.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Ah ok. Sorry mang. i appreciate religious girls who care enough to put that in their Tinder/OKC bio so I don't get surprised a month in and can just skip.

Yeah, I didn't meet her on Tinder, and she seem to make it a big deal. She doesn't even go to church, but she was doing Ash Wednesday today and mentioned it. She said she couldn't marry someone who didn't believe in God, and she could never have a kid with a father that wouldn't raise their kid Catholic.

idk. sucks

Sorry bro. Did you get pissed off since she brought it up after a month?

It was because of Ash Wednesday, and she just assumed I did because I celebrated Christmas, and my family whom she met, believe in God.


Yeah, I didn't meet her on Tinder, and she seem to make it a big deal. She doesn't even go to church, but she was doing Ash Wednesday today and mentioned it. She said she couldn't marry someone who didn't believe in God, and she could never have a kid with a father that wouldn't raise their kid Catholic.

idk. sucks

It was because of Ash Wednesday, and she just assumed I did because I celebrated Christmas, and my family whom she met, believe in God.

I see. :(
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