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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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Kinda wish I believed in God tbh. I hope this doesn't happen again.

Eh, I wouldn't think of it that way.

I'm a Christian but if you read my posts in other threads you'd find out I'm probably not the best example of a Christian especially in regards to all the pre-marital hanky panky I've been into.

But at the same time, a lot of Christians will have their own kind of "rules" they set up for each other. Dated a girl who wasn't down for any physical stuff but like never went to church. Like, at all. Always had her reasons for not going.

We had an argument once and she brought up that she knew I wasn't a virgin and I told her that at least I go to church and volunteer at times.

We broke up after that for obvious reasons.

What you need to do is find someone who has similar views on religion as you do. If you're interested in religion it's not bad to look into it, but don't change yourself just to get the chance to date someone. Do it for you first and foremost.


Stop seeing her. You don't like her enough if you're prioritizing gas, money, and gym over her. I only say this because she may expect a relationship of some sort the deeper you go and the longer you keep seeing her. Then you'll have to deal with more complications.

Shit you might be right. I think a bigger issue is that I don't know much about her because she won't really tell me. Like when I ask her where she works she's kinda vague about it. She just says she teaches and does some online work like design or something. I guess that's not the big a deal but she also won't tell me how old she is. Like, at all. She just won't tell me. All I know is that she's at least my age...lol. I still wanna hang out with her more but it was just draining going out two really long nights in a row. I wanna give it another date before I decide.


Shit you might be right. I think a bigger issue is that I don't know much about her because she won't really tell me. Like when I ask her where she works she's kinda vague about it. She just says she teaches and does some online work like design or something. I guess that's not the big a deal but she also won't tell me how old she is. Like, at all. She just won't tell me. All I know is that she's at least my age...lol. I still wanna hang out with her more but it was just draining going out two really long nights in a row. I wanna give it another date before I decide.

How many dates have you been on?


How many dates have you been on?

Two. Last night and Monday night. Monday night wasn't too bad because we hung out around her place. Last night though we did a lot of driving. Her place, the beach, back to somewhere around my place, then back to her place to drop her off, then back home. Altogether it was probably like 55 miles and it was just exhausting. I get really anxious when I wake up late on a day where there's stuff I gotta do. We definitely have to plan an afternoon date.


Two. Last night and Monday night. Monday night wasn't too bad because we hung out around her place. Last night though we did a lot of driving. Her place, the beach, back to somewhere around my place, then back to her place to drop her off, then back home. Altogether it was probably like 55 miles and it was just exhausting. I get really anxious when I wake up late on a day where there's stuff I gotta do. We definitely have to plan an afternoon date.

Okey, weird she don't wanna tell her age etc.


May I have a cookie?
Yeah, I didn't meet her on Tinder, and she seem to make it a big deal. She doesn't even go to church, but she was doing Ash Wednesday today and mentioned it. She said she couldn't marry someone who didn't believe in God, and she could never have a kid with a father that wouldn't raise their kid Catholic.

idk. sucks

It was because of Ash Wednesday, and she just assumed I did because I celebrated Christmas, and my family whom she met, believe in God.

Shit, I'm sorry bro. Not cool of her to wait this long before bringing up something so crucial to her.

What you need to do is find someone who has similar views on religion as you do. If you're interested in religion it's not bad to look into it, but don't change yourself just to get the chance to date someone. Do it for you first and foremost.
Seconding this.


So co-workers are a no-no? I asked one out and she denied all my requests. She left quite a while ago. I've gained interest in another co-worker more recently. Last week she asked someone if I was seeing someone not realising I was in the room (though I'm not reading into anything here). I'm not particularly attached to my position there and relationships aren't particularly frowned upon at the establishment. I was much more direct last time which leaves me slightly less motivated to try again.
So co-workers are a no-no? I asked one out and she denied all my requests. She left quite a while ago. I've gained interest in another co-worker more recently. Last week she asked someone if I was seeing someone not realising I was in the room (though I'm not reading into anything here). I'm not particularly attached to my position there and relationships aren't particularly frowned upon at the establishment. I was much more direct last time which leaves me slightly less motivated to try again.

It depends.

People will give you the "never date co-workers" adage, and that's mostly true. Are you talking about a professional gig? Then no, unless you work in entirely different departments and report to different supervisors and aren't, you know, office mates.

Are you planning on leaving soon? Do you not care about the job? Like, is it a non-career track position like retail or seasonal work? Then, it doesn't matter: go right ahead.

Based upon what you said -- you're not attached and there's no culture against fraternization -- I'd say go for it, unless you work with her every day and it'd be weird if things fall apart (or go nowhere).


It depends.

People will give you the "never date co-workers" adage, and that's mostly true. Are you talking about a professional gig? Then no, unless you work in entirely different departments and report to different supervisors and aren't, you know, office mates.

Are you planning on leaving soon? Do you not care about the job? Like, is it a non-career track position like retail or seasonal work? Then, it doesn't matter: go right ahead.

Based upon what you said -- you're not attached and there's no culture against fraternization -- I'd say go for it, unless you work with her every day and it'd be weird if things fall apart (or go nowhere).

Different departments and we refer to different supervisors. We're a small group under one roof, but with two separate departments. I'm never in a situation where I have to work closely with people from the other department either. I plan on leaving, but only after the goals I'm working towards. Actually I want to attain the position she has, but I plan to seek that position at another company. Unfortunately, I do work with her everyday, but again we don't require each others assistance to fulfill our responsibilities. Also, yes it's retail.
So co-workers are a no-no? I asked one out and she denied all my requests. She left quite a while ago. I've gained interest in another co-worker more recently. Last week she asked someone if I was seeing someone not realising I was in the room (though I'm not reading into anything here). I'm not particularly attached to my position there and relationships aren't particularly frowned upon at the establishment. I was much more direct last time which leaves me slightly less motivated to try again.

Two things you must ask yourself:

1. Could you handle seeing her every day after things go sour?
2. Do you have literally ANY other options?

From personal experience, don't. Even if you're both mature enough to end things amicably, it's going to get awkward (at best) real fast and offices basically run on gossip. Also, if you manage to turn things around into an actual months-long relationship; it's only going to make seeing her every day the shittiest thing ever.

Took me two tries to learn my lesson. It really isn't worth it.


Different departments and we refer to different supervisors. We're a small group under one roof, but with two separate departments. I'm never in a situation where I have to work closely with people from the other department either. I plan on leaving, but only after the goals I'm working towards. Actually I want to attain the position she has, but I plan to seek that position at another company. Unfortunately, I do work with her everyday, but again we don't require each others assistance to fulfill our responsibilities. Also, yes it's retail.


She seemed quite shy/insecure in the chat conversation we had so I was kinda baffled she asked if we could meet the same day we matched so I guess we'll see how it will go.

I've been using Tinder for a week now and the following "opening-phrases" has been the best so far:
Asking about something in their picture / info: 6/7
Doggie Gif: 6/10
Random gif: 0/1

Never tried just "hi", "what's up" yet.

HeyDog.gif should ONLY be used if the girl's profile pictures or description are completely devoid of anything interesting to comment on.

We're not animals.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Proof that there is no God

Good luck bro

Yeah, Idk what is going on. I feel like the worlds spinning a bit which probably disproves god or something

You dates for a month and she might be pregnant with your child. What in the actual duck.

Yeah man. It was more like 1 3/4 months, but yeah.

Wow. You only saw her for a month? And you didn't use protection?

I did for a while, she said she was on birth control.

Don't worry, you're probably not invited to the baptism.

Good luck.

Thanks haha

fuck me
Ray you went from creating cheesy raps to... Creating life?! Goodness.

To the kids out there reading this thread, let this be a reminder to always be protected. No matter what.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children

Awwe lol

Ray you went from creating cheesy raps to... Creating life?! Goodness.

To the kids out there reading this thread, let this be a reminder to always be protected. No matter what.

My raps are on point and this baby is gonna be too. lol

Yeah, wear a condom.

On the bright side, Ray now has living proof that she wasn't a devout Christian.

She even mentioned abortion and i was like whhhaaat, don't you disagree with abortion?? And she was like idk, im just putting it on the table to discuss..

I was a teeeeeeeensy bit rude when I said it, but she ended everything over it before she thought we were having a kid.


Sorry to hear, Ray, but if it has happened, do right by the situation.

Absolutely. I want my baby to know the abcs by 3 months. I'm in.

It's not 100% confirmed yet lol

Since she's Christian I think it's safe to assume he's also already wed.

Nahhhhhhhh fuck that lol

I'm like 16% sure she trapped me because I'm so awesome.

Since this thread helped you get laid, we get to name the kid.

I been getting laid since 09 bruh haha


Congratulations!! (Or sorry) Ray depending on how you view it.

Did she call it off with you today and also tell you the news? That's really rough if so


Ray, I know it's not a common thing, but putting a child up for adoption is an option if you don't feel ready. There are lots of parents who would love a child and can't have one of their own. Just food for thought.

Mory Dunz

oh wow, things got interesting here. She sure seems like a catch...

and again gaf turning weird when it comes to religion, mainly christianity.


The 9-years-older-than-me woman lives even further away than I understood, it's like 2,5 hours by train or 3 by car.

But she's pretty smokin and is sending me tight booty gym pics on WhatsApp.
I'm conflicted, what do I do GAF?

At least she said she can meet me halfway if I want to see her.

She might be pregnant with my kid

She just dropped this bomb on me

Oh shit, that's some luck if it's really yours.


My condolences Ray.

Note to self, always wrap it up.

Spontaneous date with a new girl tonight. She wanted to go to one of those restaurants where you eat in total darkness and the waiters are blind but they were full. Instead she suggested we recreate the experience at her place. Food's on me.

It'll be interesting for sure!

as insurance I will poison one of the dishes and keep the antidote hidden
How did it go?

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Congratulations!! (Or sorry) Ray depending on how you view it.

Did she call it off with you today and also tell you the news? That's really rough if so

Hey, I mean. She's pretty awesome, so far. Besides ending it with me and then telling me she missed her period. Not sure how to feel.

Ray, I know it's not a common thing, but putting a child up for adoption is an option if you don't feel ready. There are lots of parents who would love a child and can't have one of their own. Just food for thought.

Tbh I have a decent career, and I'm super mature, so ultimately it's up to her. It's not really my choice as to what she wants to do with her body.

Jackie Chan WTF.gif

I'd consider the abortion since she already brought it up.

If she chooses to, I don't have any issues with it.

Oh shit, that's some luck if it's really yours.

We'll see. Maybe this will end up being a good thing. lol

Worst christian ive ever heard of 😂
2 Corinthians 6:14
"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers."

Hahaha damn it, I think she's catholic.

this is how we got baby jesus

Holy shit!

Hahahaa damn it

My condolences Ray.

Note to self, always wrap it up.

I should've, but I mean, at what point do you stop? Condoms are expensive if you're banging pretty much daily. lol


I should've, but I mean, at what point do you stop? Condoms are expensive if you're banging pretty much daily. lol
Condoms are like a quarter each on Amazon. Far cheaper than a baby. You could bang 4 times a day for 18 years for less than the price of the delivery.

Did she take a pregnancy test, or did she just miss a period?
I should've, but I mean, at what point do you stop? Condoms are expensive if you're banging pretty much daily. lol

18 years (realistically will be longer₩ of child care way more expensive than condoms. That said. Holy fuck I have my fingers croased for ya man (unless you are ready, then congrats)

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Step up your pull out game bro.

My pull out game is over 9000 idk what happened

Condoms are like a quarter each on Amazon. Far cheaper than a baby. You could bang 4 times a day for 18 years for less than the price of the delivery.

Did she take a pregnancy test, or did she just miss a period?

She just missed her period I think. She has a doc appointment in a couple weeks.

And it don't feel as good.

18 years (realistically will be longer₩ of child care way more expensive than condoms. That said. Holy fuck I have my fingers croased for ya man (unless you are ready, then congrats)

I think I'm ready, I just gotta quit drinking lol
I think I'm ready, I just gotta quit drinking lol

Oh she hasnt even taken a pregnancy test yet? Really :/ Jesus, this could be solved in like a few hours in terms of if she is pregnant or not

And it's good if you don't feel completely unprepared. That will make it easier on ya.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Oh she hasnt even taken a pregnancy test yet? Really :/ Jesus, this could be solved in like a few hours in terms of if she is pregnant or not

I haven't seen her since she told me that, and she hasn't told me anymore really since. I'm kinda in the dark atm.


May I have a cookie?
How did it go?

Weird as hell. I brought a variety of different Asian foods with interesting smells and textures. We ate in complete darkness trying to guess what each dish was. Talked about what it must be like to be blind. Conversation got increasingly personal until we realized we'd been talking for close to four hours - lost all sense of time in the dark! We ended the evening by wondering if it wasn't too weird to see each other's faces at this point. Took a quick peak of each other in dim candle light and said we'd meet again.


The 9-years-older-than-me woman lives even further away than I understood, it's like 2,5 hours by train or 3 by car.

But she's pretty smokin and is sending me tight booty gym pics on WhatsApp.
I'm conflicted, what do I do GAF?

At least she said she can meet me halfway if I want to see her.

I nominate One Hit Wonder for the kid's name or Kale Breckin Wonder.
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