Kinda wish I believed in God tbh. I hope this doesn't happen again.
Eh, I wouldn't think of it that way.
I'm a Christian but if you read my posts in other threads you'd find out I'm probably not the best example of a Christian especially in regards to all the pre-marital hanky panky I've been into.
But at the same time, a lot of Christians will have their own kind of "rules" they set up for each other. Dated a girl who wasn't down for any physical stuff but like never went to church. Like, at all. Always had her reasons for not going.
We had an argument once and she brought up that she knew I wasn't a virgin and I told her that at least I go to church and volunteer at times.
We broke up after that for obvious reasons.
What you need to do is find someone who has similar views on religion as you do. If you're interested in religion it's not bad to look into it, but don't change yourself just to get the chance to date someone. Do it for you first and foremost.