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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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May I have a cookie?
How did the 'dark' date go?

Quoting myself from the previous page:
Weird as hell. I brought a variety of different Asian foods with interesting smells and textures. We ate in complete darkness trying to guess what each dish was. Talked about what it must be like to be blind. Conversation got increasingly personal until we realized we'd been talking for close to four hours - lost all sense of time in the dark! We ended the evening by wondering if it wasn't too weird to see each other's faces at this point. Took a quick peak of each other in dim candle light and said we'd meet again.


May I have a cookie?
the problem is i like this girl so much, and i feel trapped because she ignores me when there's people around.
I tried to date other girls but its just impossible because immediately i think about her.
The trap is in your head unfortunately. From the information you provided it seems she doesn't feel the same way about you, which sucks big time but not much you can do about it. The difficult part is cutting off contact, focusing on yourself, meeting friends and family etc. until you're ready to move on.
We've all been there and at times it can feel like the most difficult thing in the world but once you're able to get out of this state of mind you learn how not to fall into it again.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Yeaaah, she's pregnant. She's still not sure about keeping it though. I told her that it's up to her, but if she does keep it I'll be there for her. Hopefully this could just work out? Does that happen? Everything up to the past 3 days was amazing. Couldn't get enough of seeing each other. Maybe that'll continue? She got over the fact that I'm an atheist I guesss. With this news and everything.


Yeaaah, she's pregnant. She's still not sure about keeping it though. I told her that it's up to her, but if she does keep it I'll be there for her. Hopefully this could just work out? Does that happen? Everything up to the past 3 days was amazing. Couldn't get enough of seeing each other. Maybe that'll continue? She got over the fact that I'm an atheist I guesss. With this news and everything.

Flee the country.


Be careful though, sometimes dating too many girls at once can backfire in the sense that you'll be too preoccupied to actually get to know some of them.
I honestly didn't plan on dating this many girls at once, it just sort of happened... :p

That said I'm only going to see 3 (or at most 4) of them next week, with more the following week.

I'm not looking to settle down just yet, but I'll see what happens. I know one of the girls will likely only want something casual (she's only here for 2 months), so it'll be interesting to see how that goes.

Flee the country.
Weird as hell. I brought a variety of different Asian foods with interesting smells and textures. We ate in complete darkness trying to guess what each dish was. Talked about what it must be like to be blind. Conversation got increasingly personal until we realized we'd been talking for close to four hours - lost all sense of time in the dark! We ended the evening by wondering if it wasn't too weird to see each other's faces at this point. Took a quick peak of each other in dim candle light and said we'd meet again.
There is a reality TV show called Dating In The Dark lol
Yeaaah, she's pregnant. She's still not sure about keeping it though. I told her that it's up to her, but if she does keep it I'll be there for her. Hopefully this could just work out? Does that happen? Everything up to the past 3 days was amazing. Couldn't get enough of seeing each other. Maybe that'll continue? She got over the fact that I'm an atheist I guesss. With this news and everything.
Wait really? You are ok with becoming a daddy? Don't know how her Catholic family will take an atheist...

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
What the hell Ray?
Yes it could possibly work but it'll be very complicated i.e. not how it is in the movies.

I know that. I would be ready for that.

Ain't got no time for no Zelda! You're a parent now!

Fuck that, I got like 8 months even if she's keeping it before I'm a parent. haha

Wait really? You are ok with becoming a daddy? Don't know how her Catholic family will take an atheist...

What choice would I have, ultimately it's up to her. And yeah I know, I would just pretend to be religious around her family I guess. And not get too drunk and start talking about that shit at family parties.


May I have a cookie?
I know that. I would be ready for that.

Fuck that, I got like 8 months even if she's keeping it before I'm a parent. haha

What choice would I have, ultimately it's up to her. And yeah I know, I would just pretend to be religious around her family I guess. And not get too drunk and start talking about that shit at family parties.

I don't mean to come off as patronizing, it feels like you're rather at ease with this decision and that could either be a good or a bad sign. Just making sure it's the former, for your own good.
I know that. I would be ready for that.

Fuck that, I got like 8 months even if she's keeping it before I'm a parent. haha

What choice would I have, ultimately it's up to her. And yeah I know, I would just pretend to be religious around her family I guess. And not get too drunk and start talking about that shit at family parties.
What happens one day if you accidentally blurt out "Religion is a disease. Hail Richard Dawkins!" ?
the problem is i like this girl so much, and i feel trapped because she ignores me when there's people around.
I tried to date other girls but its just impossible because immediately i think about her.

Your infatuated and overinvested in this girl. Sooner you stop making her into "the one" the sooner you'll see that there are many other girls just as good that will actually like you back. Cut contact with this girl, she'll never date you and following her around like a lovesick puppy waiting for an attention treat from her is not healthy.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
I don't mean to come off as patronizing, it feels like you're rather at ease with this decision and that could either be a good or a bad sign. Just making sure it's the former, for your own good.

Despite how goofy and immature I may seem on here, I'm a responsible guy. Sans not using a condom with this girl. That was bad on me.

What happens one day if you accidentally blurt out "Religion is a disease. Hail Richard Dawkins!" ?

They'll probably all hold me down and sprinkle holy water on my forehead like my aunt did on my 21st birthday.

She whipped out a holy flask, sprinkled some on her thumb and rafiki'd me


May I have a cookie?
Despite how goofy and immature I may seem on here, I'm a responsible guy. Sans not using a condom with this girl. That was bad on me.

They'll probably all hold me down and sprinkle holy water on my forehead like my aunt did on my 21st birthday.

She whipped out a holy flask, sprinkled some on her thumb and rafiki'd me

In that case you have my deepest respect man, this is no easy decision and I'd probably be freaking out in the same position.
How old are you Ray? I can't imagine being forced to be a dad, especially after the relationship with the girl has already ended. I'm guessing because if her views, she will carry it to term no matter what.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
In that case you have my deepest respect man, this is no easy decision and I'd probably be freaking out in the same position.

Hey man, thank you. I am freaking out by the way. lol

How old are you Ray? I can't imagine being forced to be a dad, especially after the relationship with the girl has already ended. I'm guessing because if her views, she will carry it to term no matter what.

I'm 27, which I think is a good age for it.
The relationship isn't over as of now. We've been just like before tbh.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
You're a braver man than I, if you carry through with this baby daddy business. Best of wishes.

Yeeah. I'm sure it'll hit me harder than it has now, but I was just on Pinterest looking up Steelers baby onsies because it's therapeutic.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeaaah, she's pregnant. She's still not sure about keeping it though. I told her that it's up to her, but if she does keep it I'll be there for her. Hopefully this could just work out? Does that happen? Everything up to the past 3 days was amazing. Couldn't get enough of seeing each other. Maybe that'll continue? She got over the fact that I'm an atheist I guesss. With this news and everything.

lol No she didn't. She just doesn't want to stress herself out more than she probably already is by reminding herself that you're a filthy atheist. In due time, depending on how religious she is, that will rear its head more and more.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
lol No she didn't. She just doesn't want to stress herself out more than she probably already is by reminding herself that you're a filthy atheist. In due time, depending on how religious she is, that will rear its head more and more.

Tbh I think it mostly has to do with her family and her being judged by them. She hasn't said that, but what kind of Catholic doesn't go to church at all and seriously considers abortion? I met her parents and they're awesome btw. They both think I'm great.


lol No she didn't. She just doesn't want to stress herself out more than she probably already is by reminding herself that you're a filthy atheist. In due time, depending on how religious she is, that will rear its head more and more.

She may have gotten over it. Maybe she isn't so religious herself. I'm not sure about the Catholic stance on premarital sex. She could just be religious by label or only cares cause of her family. Or maybe she decided it's good he isn't at least agnostic. Idk. Who knows really. I gotta agree that it could be something that comes back probably cause of her family or deciding how to raise the baby or etc.

And congrats, Ray. You're handling this pretty well it seems

Edit: ah Ray touched on the points like two posts up


May I have a cookie?
lol No she didn't. She just doesn't want to stress herself out more than she probably already is by reminding herself that you're a filthy atheist. In due time, depending on how religious she is, that will rear its head more and more.
I agree with this unfortunately. The atheism issue is just on the back burner for now.

Edit: missed your post Ray. I really do want it to all work out for you two as easily as possible, just a bit of a pessimist in these situations.
Fleeing the country is too much work. Do the right thing, fake your death.
And when the time is right...
What a shame, the girl I was dating told me that she was no longer interested in me romantically, but we're going to remain friends. We're still going to the movies this weekend, but just as friends. I'm a bit sad that it didn't lead to a romantic relationship, but I'm not devastated. I gained a lot of confidence from this first dating experience, so now I know I can actually be successful and find what I'm looking for. She even gave me some dating tips for other girls, and let me know what mistakes I made to make her lose interest.

There's no way for any of us to know exactly why she lost interest, but my future advice to you, based on your previous posts, would be to make a move next time you're on a date.

Even if their friend tells you "they like making the first move". Forget that. Show her you're into her romantically without waiting around. If you aren't used to doing this, it's going to be a bit nerve wracking. But it shows your confidence and interest in her romantically/sexually, and that's attractive.

If you don't know exactly how to go about it, start with small stuff. Grab her hand while you're walking next to her. Put your arm around her while watching a movie. Go for a kiss during or after a date when you're feeling it. Worst case scenario: she says she isn't ready, or you learn that she isn't interested.

Glad you feel like you gained some dating experience. Carry that newly found confidence into the next date!
I used to get so torn up about this stuff, and it still sucks. But ghosting says a lot more about her than you man. At least she pulls this at only date 2 and not further in.

Personally, I've given up on dating apps myself and plan on making more of an effort to meet people IRL. I've never gotten ghostings, etc, when meeting people offline and girls are usually courteous enough to give at least a polite excuse. May not be an option depending on where you live though.

I had as much luck in Tokyo just chatting up girls at Hub locations as I did on any apps. Neither were great for me, tbh - that's just not my country.

the problem is i like this girl so much, and i feel trapped because she ignores me when there's people around.
I tried to date other girls but its just impossible because immediately i think about her.

Why are you so hung up on a girl that treats you like shit? Have some self respect, my friend.


Guys, how do you approach a girl in the library?

I was looking for precedents in the library when I noticed a really cute girl.
But every angle I thought just made me seem like an annoying dick who's bothering her while she's working.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
You're in shock, man. Prepare for the on-coming panic attacks and existential dread.

I'm the master of my brain haha, I can stop a panic attack with a headshake and a deep breath. I used to have them all the time.

Fleeing the country is too much work. Do the right thing, fake your death.

Start releasing albums during that time and come back from the dead.

Run away ray...

Naah, it's my fault. I'll take care of my responsibility.

Not gonna lie, this post was hilarious.

awe thanks

This is gonna play out where you want the kid and she doesn't, isn't it...

It might, I have too big of a heart and I'm already kinda excited.

Ray, also get a paternity test.

Will do, but she's basically been with me everyday-everyotherday, and she texts me basically all the time otherwise. I doubt it's not mine.


Well Ray, good luck. Be a good dad!

Not gonna lie, that's at least part of the reason I will never be intimate with someone lol. Even the idea ratchets my anxiety to 100.


Will do, but she's basically been with me everyday-everyotherday, and she texts me basically all the time otherwise. I doubt it's not mine.
And that's good. But knowing someone for only a month is not enough to trust their word that will affect you for the next 18+ years.

Not gonna lie, that's at least part of the reason I will never be intimate with someone lol. Even the idea ratchets my anxiety to 100.
This shouldn't be a factor at all. There is contraception, and if you are particularly paranoid, there is double contraception.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Well Ray, good luck. Be a good dad!
Not gonna lie, that's at least part of the reason I will never be intimate with someone lol. Even the idea ratchets my anxiety to 100.

Thanks, I'll do my best!

And ya, it was always in the back of my head.

And that's good. But knowing someone for only a month is not enough to trust their word that will affect you for the next 18+ years.

That's true, that's why I agreed and didn't say that I knew for sure. Definitely will get one.
And that's good. But knowing someone for only a month is not enough to trust their word that will affect you for the next 18+ years.

This shouldn't be a factor at all. There is contraception, and if you are particularly paranoid, there is double contraception.

Yeah... this makes me really leery of what I did last month. Fortunately, no issues there, even though we were exclusive.

But he's right: always use two condoms!


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