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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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The problem isn't that she's lining up other guys - when you're single/not in a relationship, that's what you do, you play the field, see different people, etc., and that's all good, normal, and expected.

Its the part where she texts the wrong guy that bothers me. I feel like that says a lot about her respect level for him. When I was in my Tinder days, I was talking to multiple women at the same time, going on dates with some, hooking up with some, but I never, mistakenly or not, mixed up the girls or sent a hookup message which I then had to embarrassingly retract because it was intended for another girl. I know dating around is fun and not super serious, but have some respect for people. It takes 0.5 seconds to verify who you're texting before hitting send.

I mean, accidents happen? It just feels overblown, does it really matter? They aren't serious, they are just having fun. Little miscue, we really gon lose our shit over that? If he just rolls with it it will legit only benefit him too. Nothing wins you more points than having a laugh about things like this.

I guess it's just like, has his pride and self worth really been bruised so much this really matters?

I have had a friend accidently text me about some guy she mostly wanted to bang. She immediately freaked out like "oh ma gawd that bad not meant for you!!! Ignore!!". I was just like "lol, he must be pretty cute eh? Its no biggie haha". Unshockingly she appreciated I just had a laugh about it and moved on.
...but she has two children from two failed marriages. Granted, infidelity was the reason for the marriages crumbling (both guys cheated excessively).

I just don't know, GAF. I just don't know... I'm going to see how this plays out and give it a legit try, but these are all things that are running in the back of my mind.

Word of advice. When you start to hear these stories from women about their ex partners bare in mind it might not be the whole truth and they could be trying to get attention from you and white knight them.

Don't question them about it, say what you're expected to say but keep it in mind that there are some women who retcon their past or want you to posthumously agree they did nothing wrong in that relationship.

I've seen this far too many times in real life. Also women with kids, look out for the "Let's have one of our own" line.
Word of advice. When you start to hear these stories from women about their ex partners bare in mind it might not be the whole truth and they could be trying to get attention from you and white knight them.

Don't question them about it, say what you're expected to say but keep it in mind that there are some women who retcon their past or want you to posthumously agree they did nothing wrong in that relationship.

I've seen this far too many times in real life. Also women with kids, look out for the "Let's have one of our own" line.
In response to the underlined, I am definitely putting some caution there. I have to wonder, why did both cheat on her? Why did she place herself in two unhealthy relationships for so long? Relationships are complex, for sure, but those were both commitments to people that were duds. 'Cause I've been conscious enough to get the hell outta dodge when I sniff out some really unhealthy situations. Like, ya know, before it gets to marriage. :p

As for the bold, yeah, this is completely not an issue for me. I don't want children and let's just say I don't ever have to worry about having children, either.

We've had some heavy "I'd wait until date X+5" discussions covering some of these matters. As uncomfortable as it was to front-load some of these questions, they would've been broached eventually.

I'm supposed to meet a new person tomorrow, so I am certainly not putting all my eggs in one basket. And I'm having fun, but it's a bit hard not to continuously asses dating situations as new information comes into play.


I started seeing a woman, who I have been absolutely having a blast with. I've never laughed so hard for so long with someone. And this is every time we are together.

...but she has two children from two failed marriages. Granted, infidelity was the reason for the marriages crumbling (both guys cheated excessively). One child is an adult and married and the other is 6.

Having never considered a real relationship with someone that has kids*, I'm a bit at a crossroads. The children/marriage is a level of baggage that is going to completely change the dynamic of the relationship in ways I'm not in favor of. No sleepovers, no impromptu dates, always being linked to the ex, and forever being second-fiddle.

I just don't know, GAF. I just don't know... I'm going to see how this plays out and give it a legit try, but these are all things that are running in the back of my mind.

* I've fooled around with someone that had a kid, but it was a very intense physical relationship that was never going to proceed beyond that.

Hey man, I can't really give any advice as I'm as lost as you are, but that's almost my situation with the older woman. Good luck.

I'm still waiting for the sex to happen pls help.
Hey man, I can't really give any advice as I'm as lost as you are, but that's almost my situation with the older woman. Good luck.

I'm still waiting for the sex to happen pls help.

Aren't her kids old enough to be fine on their own?

Take her on a weekend trip or something.


Aren't her kids old enough to be fine on their own?

Take her on a weekend trip or something.

The daughter (14) yeah, but son (11) not really, maybe some hours.
They're going away next weekend to grandparents tho, so we should have a few days then.

Last time got cancelled because the daughter got some teenage angst thing and didn't want to go.


After I got my food I decided to sit near the girl so that I can eavesdrop if he managed to talk to her, and he did. She was studying so he went up to her and said something about the subject she was reading about and if she liked the class, etc. Pretty inspirational stuff.

Kinda weird/wrong to eavesdrop though no?
The problem isn't that she's lining up other guys - when you're single/not in a relationship, that's what you do, you play the field, see different people, etc., and that's all good, normal, and expected.

Its the part where she texts the wrong guy that bothers me. I feel like that says a lot about her respect level for him. When I was in my Tinder days, I was talking to multiple women at the same time, going on dates with some, hooking up with some, but I never, mistakenly or not, mixed up the girls or sent a hookup message which I then had to embarrassingly retract because it was intended for another girl. I know dating around is fun and not super serious, but have some respect for people. It takes 0.5 seconds to verify who you're texting before hitting send.

Accidents happen when your mind is in a DTF fog and al you can think about is getting some.

I do get your point though, but I'd still go on the date and see how it goes. If she's barmy, there's a fun story to tell other dates but if she's not, she might be interesting in casual fun and it's win for Xuny to get some rumpy pumpy...


You're not going to trigger me, you're not going to be trigger me, you're not going to trig.....


If you have a pizza and you roll it up, it's a pizza roll. If you have a pizza and you fold it, it's a calzone. If you have Totino's, it's an abomination against the entire pizza morphology.


Tonight's the night. I actually went to get drinks with her earlier in the week, but that doesn't really count as a date since there were other people around. We did have some nice small intimate moments, but nothing really huge. Her head on my shoulder, her arm wrapped around mine, stuff like that.

Been talking to her a lot online for the rest of week but sadly didn't see her all that much. One of our mutual friends came by yesterday and talked to me about her. summarised: she thinks i'm boyfriend material. She came by for a quick minute yesterday as I didn't have that much time since I was at work just so we could see each other after a couple of days of not seeing each other. When I walked her out I tried wrapping my arm around her shoulder, which she answered by laying her head on my shoulder. Small little moment again, but a nice one.

So tonight I'm gonna head over there and see what the night brings us. It looks good though.

Never got around to tell how it ended. Beware, wall of text coming in.

Eventful 2 days. Including some stuff I'm not that proud of. :')

(first of, keep in mind: we both agreed to drink. It was kind of a joke between us to see who's the faster drunk. Although I already knew I was going to be the winner in that part since I'm not that used to drinking as I always have to drive)

Got to her place. Had a drink, talked for like half an hour, sitting close together on the couch. We then decided to go out for drinks. We enter a bar, and apparently there were some people there from her fraternity/sorority (I don't know which on to use since it's mixed gender). I didn't really mind so we sat with them and had some beers while I also socialized with her friends.

After around 7 beers (and already quite drunk) we decided to head out to a gin bar with just two of her friends also. Walked out hand in hand, so that was nice.

Got into the gin bar. And that's where everything happened. I was sitting on a stool and after just having sipped my gin 2 times I suddenly felt very weird. She looked at me and asked me if I'm okay and if I wanted to catch some air with her. And then, sudden blackness.

Apparently I fell of the bar stool straight on my back and laid on the ground for around a minute. I opened my eyes, and see all these faces over me, but the first I noticed immediately was hers. She was holding my hand and looked sincerely worried about me. She helped me up while somebody gave me some water. There was a couch there so I got into that, but oh boy, it wasn't over.

My mouth filled up with vommit and I knew I had to get out. I ran out, puked, and immediately felt a lot better. She came out, she wrapped her arm around mine and took care of me. We waited outside for about 15 minutes together so we were sure I was fine. She was so cool about it and reassured me that she really didn't care about it. I told her I felt like such a huge ass but she kept saying I really didn't need to. Then called a cab and went to her place.

Got at her place, brushed my teeth for like 10 minutes, and got into bed. Slept for maybe one hour. The rest of the night were some of the most intimate moments I've had in a very long time. Nothing happened really, but stuff like holding hands in bed, laying right next to each other with our noses touching each other, her head hand on my chest while I was stroaking her hair,... It's been a long time since I've felt such feelings. Afterwards I really regret not kissing her, but I still didn't really feel confident about myself after the whole vomit debacle.

We stayed in bed till 11.30am and got up. Sadly, she's been in quite a lot of pain for the past couple of days and wanted to make a doctors appointment. She already apologized in advance because she knew she knew she can be quite testy when she's sick/not well, but she promised she wouldn't take it out on me. Which she didn't. The problem was that she had a rash for the last couple of days and that it was affecting her entire upper body, mostly shoulder, side and chest area. That morning it was obvious that she was in quite a lot of pain and that she couldn't bear a lot of touching.

She made a doctors appointment for that afternoon, and went out for some food and shopping. Had fun, but it was definitely noticeable that she wasn't in her element.Every person pissed her off, but we kinda made it hilarious at the same time by cracking jokes about it. But it was obvious that she didn't feel well. And then the thing she warned me about happened, her roommate.

She warned me that once she would see us or hear us she would be with us for a long time, and so it did. She knew where we were since we had to buy dinner for the evening, so she looked us up at the store, and from that moment on she was there. We went for a drink and while there were definite nice moments between us, the roommate made it awkward for me. We then went home, and she first had to go to the doctor, which she wanted to do alone understandably. So I was sitting in the appartment with her roommate while watching some Friends on Netflix. After half an hour she returned with the news that she had Shingles. I immediately knew that the next couple of days were going to be very hard on her since it's a nasty disease, and as a result knew that this day wasn't going to go anywhere from this point on. She was in pain, her roommate was there, and the plan to watch Frozen in her bed together was also hijacked by the roommate. We then made dinner, talked for a while and I left.

She's now at home for a least a week. I already told her I could come over one day if she feels a little bit better to spoil her some and cook her dinner. She told me that it's very sweet, but it depends on if she feels a little bit better. If she's really in a lot of pain she rather wants to be alone. She reassured me it has nothing to do with me since otherwise she would say yes in an instant.

So yes, haven't seen her in 2 days now sadly, but luckily I already gave her my plans for a second date. We already talked about it before so I was kinda sure she would say yes. So I told her I wanted to take her over to my town where it's still very rural and where there are some nice desolate and calm places. Gonna grab some blankets and just go lay under the stars and enjoy the tranquility and each other's presence. Afterwards she goes home with me to spend the night, and the next morning I'm gonna take her to the forrest for a nice long walk with my dog. She loved the idea and is totally up for it.

Now just have to wait until she feels better...


wall of text...

Got to her place. Had a drink, talked for like half an hour, sitting close together on the couch. .....Walked out hand in hand ........She was holding my hand and looked sincerely worried about me. .... she wrapped her arm around mine and took care of me. ....Then called a cab and went to her place ... got into bed. ... holding hands in bed, laying right next to each other with our noses touching each other, her head hand on my chest while I was stroaking her hair,... ....plan to watch Frozen in her bed together....

I already gave her my plans for a second date.

Woah man, all of that was a first date?? This really doesn't feel like normal pacing, sounds like you're getting pretty invested.

Hope it works out and all that but don't get too invested so soon
Hey man, I can't really give any advice as I'm as lost as you are, but that's almost my situation with the older woman. Good luck.

I'm still waiting for the sex to happen pls help.
Yeah, the spoiler tagged will make our situations much easier to handle. Haha!


Oh my god. That feeling when you're at a university alum event, you start talking to this blonde, she gets super flirty with you, we both like the same music, starts touching you and keeps saying "oh my god I can't believe we didn't meet before". Proceeds to drop the "OH MY BOYFRIEND IS HERE" bomb

I'm hiding in a girl's bathtub. What the fuck am I doing?



I'm hiding in a girl's bathtub. What the fuck am I doing?

Wasn't OT5 based around someone hiding out in the bathroom and asking for advice? Or something like that?

Also, yeah I would also like to know what the fuck you are doing. Are you the other guy hiding out in the tub or something? WTF lol


Sigh it was the Philippine girl's bathtub. The one bacon swore was a cam girl trying to take my money. Was it bacon? Whatever. She had been messaging me for a few days saying she missed me and basically just wanted to have sex again. I kept declining because I don't really want anything with her no matter how good it is, but this time I felt really bad so I responded for the first time. Big mistake. Eventually she turned me on and next thing I knew I was hiding in her bathtub while she made sure her roommates were asleep. Then we stayed in the bathroom. Also there was a dog that would've barked like crazy at me if it had seen me.

I thought I'd be really angry afterwards but I actually feel ok. But now she's gonna want more and I just can't stand making the drive. Idk what to do. I should've just blocked her the moment we stopped talking. If I block her now I'm the biggest piece of shit ever. If I don't and tell her I don't really wanna make this a thing, I'm still the biggest piece of shit ever.



Woah man, all of that was a first date?? This really doesn't feel like normal pacing, sounds like you're getting pretty invested.

Hope it works out and all that but don't get too invested so soon
Well we do know each other for quite Some time now and Its been obvious that there was something between us for a while. Plus we did get drinks earlier that week also. So it wasnt the first time we went out.
Sigh it was the Philippine girl's bathtub. The one bacon swore was a cam girl trying to take my money. Was it bacon? Whatever. She had been messaging me for a few days saying she missed me and basically just wanted to have sex again. I kept declining because I don't really want anything with her no matter how good it is, but this time I felt really bad so I responded for the first time. Big mistake. Eventually she turned me on and next thing I knew I was hiding in her bathtub while she made sure her roommates were asleep. Then we stayed in the bathroom. Also there was a dog that would've barked like crazy at me if it had seen me.

I thought I'd be really angry afterwards but I actually feel ok. But now she's gonna want more and I just can't stand making the drive. Idk what to do. I should've just blocked her the moment we stopped talking. If I block her now I'm the biggest piece of shit ever. If I don't and tell her I don't really wanna make this a thing, I'm still the biggest piece of shit ever.


Not quite, I believe she's a prostitute AND also does caming. Block, delete and move on (also get yourself checked for STDs). This is why people ghost, to avoid making it a "thing" don't feel bad, just do it. She's lied and manipulated you anyway. Also stop thinking with your dick.


Oh my god. That feeling when you're at a university alum event, you start talking to this blonde, she gets super flirty with you, we both like the same music, starts touching you and keeps saying "oh my god I can't believe we didn't meet before". Proceeds to drop the "OH MY BOYFRIEND IS HERE" bomb


I think I laughed harder than I should of but I've had a similar experience(s) like this before and fuck me does it suck.


Sigh it was the Philippine girl's bathtub. The one bacon swore was a cam girl trying to take my money. Was it bacon? Whatever. She had been messaging me for a few days saying she missed me and basically just wanted to have sex again. I kept declining because I don't really want anything with her no matter how good it is, but this time I felt really bad so I responded for the first time. Big mistake. Eventually she turned me on and next thing I knew I was hiding in her bathtub while she made sure her roommates were asleep. Then we stayed in the bathroom. Also there was a dog that would've barked like crazy at me if it had seen me.

I thought I'd be really angry afterwards but I actually feel ok. But now she's gonna want more and I just can't stand making the drive. Idk what to do. I should've just blocked her the moment we stopped talking. If I block her now I'm the biggest piece of shit ever. If I don't and tell her I don't really wanna make this a thing, I'm still the biggest piece of shit ever.

How did you end up in the bathtub without the roommates noticing?

Asking the important questions here lol.


I think I laughed harder than I should of but I've had a similar experience(s) like this before and fuck me does it suck.

Yep. One of the worst times was when I was still at college, at the end of my last year I met this one girl who was an absolute bombshell. I asked her out to coffee, got her number and all that, and went on a coffee date with her. It was days before I was graduating and she was leaving too but she kept saying to me "omg we gotta hang out when you're in my city". She said it to me in person, several times, texted it to me after the date, etc. So I was like holy shit I gotta get with this girl.

Anyway, about a month passes and she's in Germany, we're talking and I ask her why she over there visiting. Says her boyfriend lives there. Great. So I forget about it and all, and I find out a month after that that I'm actually going to be in her city. Since last speaking to her I'd noticed on her Instagram she'd deleted any photos of her with her bf. She'd also deleted/unfollowed him on any social media. I was like ok, let's go I'm in, they had to have broken up. I get all hyped up because we arrange an evening out together of drinks and dinner in her city.............. only to find out halfway through the date they never broke up.



How did you end up in the bathtub without the roommates noticing?

Asking the important questions here lol.

It's an older woman not a girl, and the important question is why is she hiding him from the roomates?

Her roommate was sleeping. I'm guessing her roommates don't want other people in the house or something. And yeah I should probably get checked soon. We've been safe but NOW I'M FEELING PARANOID THANKS TO BACON.

And the dog only barks when it sees you? Not when it can smell your presence?

That's what I was wondering actually. There's no way the dog didn't already know someone was there.
Her roommate was sleeping. I'm guessing her roommates don't want other people in the house or something. And yeah I should probably get checked soon. We've been safe but NOW I'M FEELING PARANOID THANKS TO BACON

I'm waiting for the day when you stop making excuses for her behavior and actions and start adding it all together. You're guessing, something?? You didn't ask or think "hey this isn't normal, I'm hiding in the bathtub of some older woman's home" All the blood that should have been in your brain was somewhere else.

Newsflash: Your "girlfriend" (who lives miles away from you) does not want her roommate to see how many men she's bringing home.


I've been trying to get over my ex with whom I broke up with back in December but last night I had a very vivid dream (it felt very real) involving her. Basically it was about her apologizing for everything she'd done to me and how badly she treated me. Seemed so sincere. There was cuddling involved.

Then I woke up and reality hit me again. This sucks, it doesn't help.


I've been trying to get over my ex with whom I broke up with back in December but last night I had a very vivid dream (it felt very real) involving her. Basically it was about her apologizing for everything she'd done to me and how badly she treated me. Seemed so sincere. There was cuddling involved.

Then I woke up and reality hit me again. This sucks, it doesn't help.

cliched I know - but you've got to give it some time man. You'll move on naturally but it still sounds pretty raw. how long were you guys seeing each other?

I've been through this myself and it does indeed suck.


cliched I know - but you've got to give it some time man. You'll move on naturally but it still sounds pretty raw. how long were you guys seeing each other?

I've been through this myself and it does indeed suck.

We'd been dating for about 4 and a half months - not long I know but it was also my first real relationship.


I'm waiting for the day when you stop making excuses for her behavior and actions and start adding it all together. You're guessing, something?? You didn't ask or think "hey this isn't normal, I'm hiding in the bathtub of some older woman's home" All the blood that should have been in your brain was somewhere else.

Newsflash: Your "girlfriend" (who lives miles away from you) does not want her roommate to see how many men she's bringing home.

She's not my girlfriend. I just asked. She lives with 4 other people. She shares a room with one of them. She doesn't care if they meet me, it's just gonna not gonna be possible to fuck. Or just really awkward. I might just ask her if she's a prostitute. If she is one though, what are her intentions? She just likes me? She doesn't ask for money and has every opportunity to rob me.
I might just ask her if she's a prostitute. If she is one though, what are her intentions? She just likes me? She doesn't ask for money and has every opportunity to rob me.

You don't know how prostitution works obviously, so that's a moot point. I'm betting she's after a green card.

Anyway, you do you. I hope you keep posting so we can see this obvious car crash come to its inevitable conclusion.


You don't know how prostitution works obviously, so that's a moot point. I'm betting she's after a green card.

Anyway, you do you. I hope you keep posting so we can see this obvious car crash come to its inevitable conclusion.

I already asked her about the green card a while ago lol. I haven't seen it but if she wanted one I think she'd at least want a relationship. She just wants a FWB which I actually don't want. I am curious about the prostitute thing so I definitely wanna know if she is one.
She's not my girlfriend. I just asked. She lives with 4 other people. She shares a room with one of them. She doesn't care if they meet me, it's just gonna not gonna be possible to fuck. Or just really awkward. I might just ask her if she's a prostitute. If she is one though, what are her intentions? She just likes me? She doesn't ask for money and has every opportunity to rob me.
Right, 'cause that's going to go over real well.
Lol of course it won't but I have absolutely nothing to lose anyway. I honestly just wanna know if bacon is right. I need receipts. It'll bother me otherwise.

Astral. Are you a prostitute?
Singaporean woman. No.
Astral. Great, thanks for being honest.

Hey Bacon, you're so wrong she said she wasn't and I believe her.

Is that how you figure that conversation will play out?
Lol of course it won't but I have absolutely nothing to lose anyway. I honestly just wanna know if bacon is right. I need receipts. It'll bother me otherwise.

Are you paying for the sex? Is she trying to trap you by forming a babby ? Do you fuck while the roommate is in the room, since you say they share it ? Many unanswered questions my man.
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