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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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Managed to talk to one of the girls I was interested in today. We talked for around an hour, but she mentioned a boyfriend during the conversation so I didn't ask her out. I'm glad I talked to her though, and I am always looking to make new friends anyways.

Now I just have to work up the courage to do it again lol, but I suppose every time it gets a little easier


Occasionally I spend several hours browsing OkCupid profiles, strenuously searching for an opening message in the ether. Then I find one. A commonality, a witty comment, something to be said. Then I don't send it and go to sleep.

you're doing it wrong. okc isn't about shopping for people. fire off messages to everyone that even vaguely interests you.


hi Gaf! It's me again......

I know this topic has been touched upon a million times...

We met online not too long ago and I can feel she likes me a lot (I like her too). We have been out only once but we can't stop chatting ever since. We have already planned two dates: tomorrow and on Friday...I know it's just me being insecure as it's way too early....


It truly sucks to see her still online on the dating site....just wanted to rant a little lol

Maybe I should keep talking to other girls haha
hi Gaf! It's me again......

I know this topic has been touched upon a million times...

It truly sucks to see her still online on the dating site....just wanted to rant a little lol

Maybe I should keep talking to other girls haha

You're not exclusive yet, so keep your options open just like she is. It only "sucks"because you're insecure she'll choose someone else.


What do y'all think, should I bother asking again after the break?



What do y'all think, should I bother asking again after the break?

hard to say what her thoughts are...

could be that she is not into you that much to make time, or could be a genuine too busy situation.

Or both:
I've been talking to three girls via texting but only can manage to see one (see my post above), because of my work (Apr. 30 deadline for many things). And I will be traveling to California for a week for work. So I told the other two I can't do anything besides texting until the first week of May.

but i don't think you should ask first. just throw her "let me know when you are free so we can set something up" etc. she will contact you if she's interested.
hi Gaf! It's me again......

I know this topic has been touched upon a million times...

We met online not too long ago and I can feel she likes me a lot (I like her too). We have been out only once but we can't stop chatting ever since. We have already planned two dates: tomorrow and on Friday...I know it's just me being insecure as it's way too early....


It truly sucks to see her still online on the dating site....just wanted to rant a little lol

Maybe I should keep talking to other girls haha

You're too invested. Talk to multiple girls. Stop texting so much, save it for the dates. Don't always be available for her - have your own interesting life.

What do y'all think, should I bother asking again after the break?

If she wanted to go out with you, she'd probably say "let's meet after school starts again," not "maybe let's meet after school starts again." The Count is right.
If you consistently find yourself with women who do stuff like this, then there is a common factor among all these women.... you. Clearly this girl is not meeting your expectations with the way she treats you in public. So, you need to search inside yourself and figure out if you're actually being upfront with women you date about expectations you have from them.

Granted lol. These are not all in a row thankfully. Shes kinda affectionate in public but then sometimes not lol. back and forth.

I know people here tend to be a bit more... aloof about their relationships until its clear and obvious/someone is getting married. More than once I've had a friend just update their status with "oh hey im getting married" or "oh hey im having a baby" to the surprise of everyone.


I finally finished Zelda.

Now I need to decide if I want to jump back into the dating game for the first time in almost 4 years or play this new videogame I just bought called Persona 5.


You're too invested. Talk to multiple girls. Stop texting so much, save it for the dates. Don't always be available for her - have your own interesting life.

Yeah I know. It's amazing given how busy my life is right now, I can still invest this much and be mentally uneasy. But it's always her texting me first....so I kinda blame her for the constant reminder..lol


Oops, I misread! Carry on. Maybe wait before responding ��

I have to agree....it is sad to say it may very well be the best way of doing things these days. human mind works in a very fascinating way lol - Not letting us have things we want would make us want more...


This post is all over. It's just a shit day for me.

I sometimes wonder about my attractiveness. I' started to suppress the fact that anyone's interest, even though I'm not a bad looking guy. Just a wide and built guy with a bit of belly.

I don't know. My self esteem has been plummeting ever since I had problems with the woman I've mentioned here. I started eating quite a bit more and I went offline on FB for a week or so. Instead of working out and lifting, I sat around and played video games..

Well, I met up with her. I was nervous talking to her despite feeling better after taking a break from everything. She mentioned how stressed I looked to her, so I told her how bad the past days were for me, made up and we ended up talking about the terrorist attack back in her home town Stockholm.

I started to tear up and I told her that it was the first thing I woke up to and it worried me. I had to hold back my tears pretty bad. I have no problem with crying, but this was something else. She told me about how she is constantly on the street the attack occurred on because her and her sister work on it and she could have easily been killed if she were in town. I felt like I just wanted to hold her and protect her.

I've seen people get murdered and it has changed my mind so much. When she mentioned how she saw bloody images of people, my mind went blank and I started staring at the treeline; all the sounds and sights started to replay in my head and I realized she gave me a worried look and that's​ when I snapped out and said "Just be glad you didn't witness it first hand."

Afterwards, we tried to get away from that topic and we started to talk about her flying back to Sweden for work, and we got on topic about how easy it is for me to fly places. I told her a flight to SE only costs $300 for me and she got really excited. She wants to go to Arizona before she leaves, so, I might make that a trip for us.

Anyways, I am still confused on where this will even go after all is said and done. I just want more and I'm not fond of long distance.

if you want to rate a picture of me,
send me a PM. I'd appreciate it


Based on the following things, how confident should I be in a success when I ask this girl out tonight?


How is it looking? Have I waited too long or given her the wrong message by not making a move right away?

She is doing everything she can to grab your attention. "The other guy" is a play to see are you jealous. Definitely ask her out.

Well, last night the girl I meet from tinder and had a big crush on said she needs some time off because it's tired and not ready for a relationship.

I can't tell how far things with her went, but everything I'm going to write presupposes you had a relationship with her. Dated, had sex, spent time other than chatting and texting.
If none of this has happened and you just chatted all along and kissed a couple of times, she is playing you for validation.

She felt she's too inmature to hold a relationship properly despite being 20 years old, I'm 26. The worst thing is that this is the second time she said this... the first time was 2 months ago because of the very same reason: "being tired and busy as heck with school to the point of being obsessed with it and not having time for anything else"

She is bored and looking for someone to turn around her life and/ or entertain her.

Not having time not even for herself. I respected her decision and all fine, it was honestly a big relief to me because I was anxious all the time trying to chat with her only so she ghosted me... but then she call me back again crying the next day saying she regret her decision and wanted to come back with me. I made the mistake of saying "ok" and apparently all went fine... but only for a week or so. We went out, we kissed lots, all that nice jazz. All went downhill from there, she begin ghosting me again to the point of deleting her facebook profile several times without explanation and when she finally had the amability to answer my messages, she only said "sorry I'm crazy mad with school! I had to delete my fb for some days to not get distracted!"

This is weird. If she was just teasing you by now she would have given up. There is something she wants from you and it isn't love. What she is doing is clear-cut, conscious manipulation.

I was trying to understand but also my patience was running out, getting even more anxious just by thinking about her to the point of not getting stuff done at work and at home.

Last night I saw her online on whatsapp and I send her a message and it's when she said her final words. Saying that there's no reason to continue together if she cannot be with me because she is always mad busy.

"I'm confused as to why you are not begging me on your knees to be with you"

I should add that she was always depressed and despite my maximum effort of supporting her, she kept being all sad and depressed and that honestly was draining my life out of my pores because I also suffer from depression and anxiety so I'm kinda glad it's all over with her. Supposedly, we're still going to stay in touch just like another random contact on your friend list to talk every now and then but ha! We barely talked now, what makes us think we're going to talk later on? I swear I have the worst luck with girls. The worst thing is that I stopped talking to several nice and kind girls I recently meet from Tinder just to stick with this one and now nothing, nobody... all lonely again since I don't even have friends to talk about this. I'm done with Tinder and chatting and meeting girls online.

You've gone this far. Maybe it's time to drop online and start to meet girls IRL. Even as a friend her attitude is too erratic.
If you can make friends online you can also make friends IRL. People that don't have friends go online to fight, troll and lecturing with self-righteousness, which is the reason why they don't have friends.
Online should be a surplus, not a substitution.

So I'm trying to enjoy a moment of peace when a co-worker/friend comes to me and starts moaning about how this woman he met on Bumble isn't messaging me as much any more and flat out ignores him some days.

He's really downbeat about this, apparently they had a 'real' connection. They used to talk all the time, they liked the same foods and shared the same taste in music and movies...Yes, this is what he considers a real connection. I won't go into that because thinking about it for a second longer than I have to going to make my head explode, but I told him to just go back on there and see if anyone else is interested.

He opens the app and gets three fucking matches in five swipes, so I'm sat there thinking this motherfucker is crying over one woman when he's getting matches out of his arse. The lesson here is, don't get too attached to one person or think just because you share surface level interests things are going to work out.

Some fucking people...


how could you take that post seriously

I thought you were being serious >.>

I finally finished Zelda.

Now I need to decide if I want to jump back into the dating game for the first time in almost 4 years or play this new videogame I just bought called Persona 5.

Why date in real life when you can date high schoolers in a game instead? Play more video games, MORE

Or the classic: whynotboth.gif


Meeting for the fourth time with the girl who re-installed Tinder to find with me again, I thought that this one would not be exactly relationship material but I'm not that sure anymore.

Sex is good, we have fun and a lot of mutual interests. I don't know but let's see what happens.

Ok I totally fell for her when she wanted to play Persona 5 with me, lol


Meeting for the fourth time with the girl who re-installed Tinder to find with me again, I thought that this one would not be exactly relationship material but I'm not that sure anymore.

Sex is good, we have fun and a lot of mutual interests. I don't know but let's see what happens.

Ok I totally fell for her when she wanted to play Persona 5 with me, lol

You could say... you never saw it coming


I'll leave now
Well me and that girl I have been seeing have pretty much settled on being exclusive. She hasn't ever really taken an interest in gaming, but now that she's been more exposed to me and how I use games as entertainment, she also got curious about Persona, since I am playing 5. My fav game in the series is 3, and she wants to play through that as her first venture into the gaming world LOL. A bit of a deep dive I know (and I warned her of that already), but the fact that there's a female protagonist to pick from in P3P, and how there is a social/battle dynamic to the game has her thrilled.


Every be talking about Persona. It's almost like the game about the bonds and relationships you make with people is like...real...life...



If a girl had given me Persona 4, I would have dumped her ass. What a boring game. Is 5 any different?

That's my feeling about the series too but I haven't played any game yet. Bought myself Persona 4 Golden a couple days ago for the Vita for 5 bucks. I guess it's a good value to try.


Date tomorrow with a girl from my gym. In a deviation from the norm, it's almost a blind date. This is by far the least I've known about a girl before a date...even tinder profiles have more info.

If a girl had given me Persona 4, I would have dumped her ass. What a boring game. Is 5 any different?

Gameplay's largely the same, with a new theme and superb presentation. You're still spending 1/3 of your time in dungeons and 2/3 of your time talking to people.


I know you should always propose a specific date or date-range when talking about asking out, but i just asked someone out and did not do so because this weekend is pretty busy (especially here in DC with the Tax March, but it's also Easter and all).

It's like, you can't just keep the conversation going until "the right time" for the nearest available date-slot, since they could assume you're not interested and walk away, but sometimes it's a whole range of "not the right time," since after that is Earth Day and the March for Science.


This post is all over. It's just a shit day for me.....

You're giving off a lot of red flags here man, I'd say that's a bigger issue than your attractiveness or weight.

Success. :)

Thanks for the encouragement.

Nice! Good stuff

I know you should always propose a specific date or date-range when talking about asking out, but i just asked someone out and did not do so because this weekend is pretty busy (especially here in DC with the Tax March, but it's also Easter and all).

The longer you leave it the smaller your chances are imo. People can find time if they're truly interested
I know you should always propose a specific date or date-range when talking about asking out, but i just asked someone out and did not do so because this weekend is pretty busy (especially here in DC with the Tax March, but it's also Easter and all).

It's like, you can't just keep the conversation going until "the right time" for the nearest available date-slot, since they could assume you're not interested and walk away, but sometimes it's a whole range of "not the right time," since after that is Earth Day and the March for Science.

I'm confused, you're going to all these marches or you don't want to meet because the marches will make it difficult to move around?


I'm confused, you're going to all these marches or you don't want to meet because the marches will make it difficult to move around?

Hadn't thought of that, but that is also true.

More that people could be busy all weekend (more for Easter than the march), but yeah, meeting in DC on a march day would also be hellish.

Because you don't want to lead with a Friday night because it makes it look like you're trying too hard (and i am, in fact, busy this Friday anyway), Saturday's the march, then Sunday's Easter, which could be bad or not.
Hadn't thought of that, but that is also true.

More that people could be busy all weekend (more for Easter than the march), but yeah, meeting in DC on a march day would also be hellish.

Because you don't want to lead with a Friday night because it makes it look like you're trying too hard (and i am, in fact, busy this Friday anyway), Saturday's the march, then Sunday's Easter, which could be bad or not.

Looks like the march is happening in the morning/early afternoon. Arrange an evening date?


Looks like the march is happening in the morning/early afternoon. Arrange an evening date?

Or he could just try to arrange a weekday date. "I know of a bar with an excellent happy hour. Want to get a drink after work on Thursday?"

It's valid to think someone might be busy on Easter, but the assorted marches and Earth Day? Now I think they're just excuses.


If a girl had given me Persona 4, I would have dumped her ass. What a boring game. Is 5 any different?

Probably not different enough for you to change your mind about the series, it's just darker with mostly the same gameplay and mechanics.

It's really not for everyone, despite what some crazies might say.

Looks like the march is happening in the morning/early afternoon. Arrange an evening date?

I imagine that'd be hard, considering Easter. This just doesn't seem like a good weekend for dating :p

Not that I'm making excuses for either of them, because not asking someone out because of Earth Day or becuase it's Friday (?????) is a REALLY big stretch, but this particular weekend might be difficult.
Or he could just try to arrange a weekday date. "I know of a bar with an excellent happy hour. Want to get a drink after work on Thursday?"

It's valid to think someone might be busy on Easter, but the assorted marches and Earth Day? Now I think they're just excuses.

Not a bad idea, the whole Friday thing threw me and I started to focus on the march day.

I imagine that'd be hard, considering Easter. This just doesn't seem like a good weekend for dating :p

Not that I'm making excuses for either of them, because not asking someone out because of Earth Day or becuase it's Friday (?????) is a REALLY big stretch, but this particular weekend might be difficult.

I would have thought it would only be an issue for someone who is religious? Easter Sunday, etc. Otherwise you're free to do whatever. It's not even a public holiday like it is here in the UK.


Not a bad idea, the whole Friday thing threw me and I started to focus on the march day.

I would have thought it would only be an issue for someone who is religious? Easter Sunday, etc. Otherwise you're free to do whatever. It's not even a public holiday like it is here in the UK.

A lot of people here celebrate Easter while not being religious, but it really just depends on your family. Plenty of people just do it for the kids (bunnies, chocolate, etc) or just an excuse to bring the family together and eat.

I personally don't celebrate it, but there's a lot of places closed in my area on that day. Then again, that in particular is probably less of an issue in DC.
I've been told no Fridays for a first date. Is that not true anymore?
First time I ever heard of this. "Days" shouldn't matter at all. Just find a day in which you two are available, ASAP from the time you are asking. Could be at 6AM on a Monday, could be at 6PM on a Friday. Ultimately you just wanna meet this person.
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