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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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Relax guys, I'm not as bitter as you guys are making me appear. I don't have a hate agenda against women :).

I don't even want to date in a serious way right now, but my counselor said it wouldn't be a bad idea to get out there and casually meet people.

I don't think you hate women. I think you have some idea your ex was a god without comparison. And it is riduclous. You'll never find a replacement. Until you accept that she was just another flawed person like the rest of us you'll never be satified.


This one here is probably the one that will bother you the most. Sometimes you may take that L, but at the end of the day that means you got an answer and can therefore assess the situation, think where you went wrong (maybe nothing was wrong, maybe she had a bf) and just go on to the next one. No lingering thoughts.
Yeah, true.

I don't plan seeing her until the next meeting next week, but I'm waiting to hear back from her after texting her a while back. If all leads right,

I'll just ask if she wants to meet up this weekend so we can discuss what she wants me to work on.

Sounds perfect over a coffee. Things should lead to another.


One question is asking about the job, the other is asking about her. It's semantics but that's par for the course when dealing with (some) women. If she is constantly saying she doesn't want to talk about her job, she probably doesn't like it and if you ask that every day, she is getting tired of it.

Usually fights over small things like this are a symptom of something bigger. How is the relationship otherwise?

The relationship has been going well. We've been together for two years and the past few months have been rough. She's called me an asshole several times, stupid idiot, lazy, tells me I don't push myself, she called me a fatty once.

I'm 25, a sophomore at a university taking 14 credit hours, I work 25 hours a week, and help her whenever she needs it at the daycare. Last week I helped her out 3 days in a row because she's been short staff. I try to maintain the house as best as I can and take care of our two dogs.

Little things I do just piss her off all the time. Like I'll leave the toilet seat up, I work from home so I'll space out and leave it up and she'll yell at me for it. Everything sucks because I feel like I don't do enough but I can't physically do more. It bothers her when I tell her that I have to do something and that I won't be able to help her out. I think because she recently took over the financial responsibilities of the house, she feels as if though she can dictate my life. I basically gave up my hobbies because of everything I have to do. Like today it was my friends birthday and she stayed home to do some work so I told her I would bring home some dessert. So I swung by the store and I picked something out that I thought looked yummy and she decides to throw a fit. She complained about the pie I got saying that it wasn't warm or had ice cream and why didn't I get her favorite pie and that I didn't know her at all. Things are much worst and I'm just sad. She tells me that I can just leave if I want but I really do love her because when I first met her she was a different person that I used to make happy and smile. Now it just seems like I piss her off all the time.


The relationship has been going well. We've been together for two years and the past few months have been rough. She's called me an asshole several times, stupid idiot, lazy, tells me I don't push myself, she called me a fatty once.

I'm 25, a sophomore at a university taking 14 credit hours, I work 25 hours a week, and help her whenever she needs it at the daycare. Last week I helped her out 3 days in a row because she's been short staff. I try to maintain the house as best as I can and take care of our two dogs.

Little things I do just piss her off all the time. Like I'll leave the toilet seat up, I work from home so I'll space out and leave it up and she'll yell at me for it. Everything sucks because I feel like I don't do enough but I can't physically do more. It bothers her when I tell her that I have to do something and that I won't be able to help her out. I think because she recently took over the financial responsibilities of the house, she feels as if though she can dictate my life. I basically gave up my hobbies because of everything I have to do. Like today it was my friends birthday and she stayed home to do some work so I told her I would bring home some dessert. So I swung by the store and I picked something out that I thought looked yummy and she decides to throw a fit. She complained about the pie I got saying that it wasn't warm or had ice cream and why didn't I get her favorite pie and that I didn't know her at all. Things are much worst and I'm just sad. She tells me that I can just leave if I want but I really do love her because when I first met her she was a different person that I used to make happy and smile. Now it just seems like I piss her off all the time.

Can you elaborate on how she took over the financial responsibilities of the house? That, plus the "she stayed home to do some work", the "she's been short staff", and the aforementioned complaints over your perceived indifference to how work goes...she sounds stressed as fuck.

That doesn't excuse her actions, just prevents an avenue for truly helping her. If this isn't the problem...couples therapy.


You need to sit down with her and you both need to lay out exactly what you want from the relationship and what is missing.


The relationship has been going well. We've been together for two years and the past few months have been rough. She's called me an asshole several times, stupid idiot, lazy, tells me I don't push myself, she called me a fatty once.

I'm 25, a sophomore at a university taking 14 credit hours, I work 25 hours a week, and help her whenever she needs it at the daycare. Last week I helped her out 3 days in a row because she's been short staff. I try to maintain the house as best as I can and take care of our two dogs.

Little things I do just piss her off all the time. Like I'll leave the toilet seat up, I work from home so I'll space out and leave it up and she'll yell at me for it. Everything sucks because I feel like I don't do enough but I can't physically do more. It bothers her when I tell her that I have to do something and that I won't be able to help her out. I think because she recently took over the financial responsibilities of the house, she feels as if though she can dictate my life. I basically gave up my hobbies because of everything I have to do. Like today it was my friends birthday and she stayed home to do some work so I told her I would bring home some dessert. So I swung by the store and I picked something out that I thought looked yummy and she decides to throw a fit. She complained about the pie I got saying that it wasn't warm or had ice cream and why didn't I get her favorite pie and that I didn't know her at all. Things are much worst and I'm just sad. She tells me that I can just leave if I want but I really do love her because when I first met her she was a different person that I used to make happy and smile. Now it just seems like I piss her off all the time.

I can honestly say that reading that literally made my stomach turn. You have to get out of there, man. You have to. That's hell on Earth.

You're being emotionally abused, and it's time for you to become courageous and say "enough is enough." The version of her that you're in love with no longer exists, and you absolutely cannot let your nostalgia for the good times glue you to this demoralizing new version of her for a second longer. All you want is just a glimpse of the girl you fell for, but all you'll get is the girl that tears you down. It's vile.

Right now, she believes she has absolute power over you, and sees you as too weak of a man to ever walk away. That's why she treats you the way she does -- she knows she can get away with it, and that you will keep taking any kick to the gut she pleases. Whether it's your personality, intelligence, actions, or even your weight (my goodness, dude), she clearly enjoys finding new ways to dismantle your self-worth.

It doesn't matter what your personal situation is. No one has a right to misuse a loving partner like that. Moreover, no amount of stress she's dealing with in her own life justifies the treatment you're enduring. You did not enter this relationship to be anyone's punching bag. Work issues, financial issues, staffing issues -- you name it, and it still doesn't excuse calling you fat, idiotic, or any other name in the book.

When a person cares more about the condition of their toilet seat than your feelings, that person doesn't deserve the gift of your love and support. Let that sink in for a second.

Stick around any longer, and she could very well ruin you from the inside out. This is urgent, man. You need to leave as soon as possible.


Eh, I don't think it's over but it's not in good shape for sure. The mid 20's are when the "oh shit I'm an adult" feelings start to hit most people and I think the GF hates her job and isn't feeling secure financially and may be think that ZBR isn't doing enough since he is "only" working part time and going to college. But yeah, if it continues down this path, it's not going to work out. If people in relationships have to resort to petty insults instead of discussing their problems/feelings, it's not healthy.
I don't think I did anything wrong. I have no problem with making her blush, so I do it on purpose, and I really think she's cute and a fun girl to talk to, so there is no problem with leading her on, I'd never do that.

I'll ask if she has a boyfriend. That part is the one that I don't like. I know it's an essential question to ask if you want to date someone, but at some points, I feel like the question is kind of nosy.

What's a good way of asking or finding out? It's pretty much my least favorite question to ask a girl.

No, it's not. Don't ask that question, because you still have to follow up with asking her out if the answer is no. Just ask her out; if she has a bf, she'll either be straight up about it or turn you down more generally.
Eh, I don't think it's over but it's not in good shape for sure. The mid 20's are when the "oh shit I'm an adult" feelings start to hit most people and I think the GF hates her job and isn't feeling secure financially and may be think that ZBR isn't doing enough since he is "only" working part time and going to college. But yeah, if it continues down this path, it's not going to work out. If people in relationships have to resort to petty insults instead of discussing their problems/feelings, it's not healthy.

Yeah I don't think it's that bad (seems like a bunch of recent stresses have made her surly), but at the same time I think about what if the roles were reversed.


Yeah I don't think it's that bad (seems like a bunch of recent stresses have made her surly), but at the same time I think about what if the roles were reversed.

I hear ya, but we only have one side of the story. No offense meant to ZBR and no one really deserves to be called an asshole and lazy, but people can say stupid shit in the heat of the moment and we don't know what led up to those insults.

Like why did the GF take over the financial responsibilities - is ZBR bad with money and has been spending on unnecessary things while the GF is working? With the toilet seat thing, the GF has to take care of kids all day and if ZBR can't put the seat back down, she may feel like she is dealing with another kid. And so on. (again, not trying to shift blame to ZBR, just putting out another possible POV)

Obviously there is a lack of real communication in the relationship because both people seem to have a lot brewing under the surface and it very well may be time for them to move on, but they should at least be mature and try to talk things out before throwing in the towel.


Yeah, I agree with gwailo, it's definitely worth trying to talk things out before moving on. The relationship is very obviously on a rough path, and there may be no turning back, but I feel that having a serious discussion about the problems would at least be a good first step.

His gf's situation kind of reminds me of myself with my ex of many years. I took over 'financial responsibility' of the house when my ex lost his job, and I was at a low paying job that I more or less hated. Having to work while having money only for the bills and barely enough leftover to feed us really ground down on me after a while, especially when I would come home and be asked to make food or clean or whatever when my ex was at home all day and was only taking one class. I would randomly snap at some seriously trivial shit ("WHY THE FUCK IS THIS POT STILL IN THE FRIDGE PUT YOUR FUCKING FOOD IN FUCKING TUPPERWARE"), and would lead to pretty serious arguments where my ex got called lots of nasty names.

But what it was deep down, was that I didn't feel like my ex was trying to help us... You know, survive. Our relationship eventually failed, and that was actually one of the bigger reasons why.

Maybe this guy's GF feels the same? Obviously it's not as extreme as my scenario because he does have a job, but a lot of people see "at home" work as not real work for whatever dumb reason. It's definitely worth you two talking it put, at least. If nothing changes, just move on.


Welp. I drank half a fifth of bourbon tonight and then found out that that girl that was all up on my dick a couple weeks ago told the guy that tried to have a threesome with us that she stopped talking to me even though she didn't and then talked shit about all our friends after making up with them because she was a bitch last weekend. So uhhhh fuck it, I'm done. I'm tired of this shit. Why do all the girls I come close to hooking up with/dating end up being crazy? Is it me or are just 90% of them nuts?


Have you guys been catfished before? I started using a new dating app I found and asked this beautiful woman out on a date just that being catfished pops in my head. Only downfall of this is if I get stood up on the date and end up eating by myself. But fuck it. Who knows


Have you guys been catfished before? I started using a new dating app I found and asked this beautiful woman out on a date just that being catfished pops in my head. Only downfall of this is if I get stood up on the date and end up eating by myself. But fuck it. Who knows
On a dating app, if it's too good to be true. It probably is.

'Heaven Sniper

Neo Member
Hey Dating GAF, I'm feeling real frustrated!

So I posted about this girl I messed around with for a few months back in OT5. We hooked up a bunch, but never had sex. I got attached, and things went sour cause she didn't feel the same way. Went no contact for 2 months until she started reaching out to me around my birthday. Made a date for tonight at my place, which she agreed to. She came over, we ate, and watched a movie on Netflix. Girl cuddled right up to me but she was more resistant than usual, letting me touch her a bit before playfully pushing my face or hands away.

When the movie ends, she tells me that she doesn't want me to feel some type of way again. She says she was considering not coming over tonight. She says she cares for me and doesn't want me to get hurt. I tell her that I just want to enjoy the moment with her and that I will not get attached. She doesn't buy it and then goes on this tirade about what my plan is for "love." I tell her that I'm focused on my career and school and that love can come but it's not a priority.

She continues saying that I should start looking or else I'll get old and be alone. I just turned 25 and she's 21 in December.

Finally, she plants a huge kiss on my lips before leaving, saying that she has homework to do and that her closet needs to be cleaned. Typical BS excuse.

Anyway, I'm done ranting. Suffering from some serious blue balls and now I need to take a cold shower. Girls are weird and I'm not contacting this chick again until she starts making dates herself. Don't be me.


I usually just try to accept ghosting as part of the game, but this week I got ghosted by someone who complained that her ex of 8 years ghosted her -_-. Between that and the girl who made a phone call in the middle of the date (not for an emergency or anything, mind)I think I need to take a break from this stuff for a while.


Anyway, I'm done ranting. Suffering from some serious blue balls and now I need to take a cold shower. Girls are weird and I'm not contacting this chick again until she starts making dates herself. Don't be me.
Dude, you're 25. Cut all contact with her and move on. She's way more trouble than she's worth. There are so many other women out there who won't pull these games on you. Your opportunities are practically limitless.
The relationship has been going well. We've been together for two years and the past few months have been rough. She's called me an asshole several times, stupid idiot, lazy, tells me I don't push myself, she called me a fatty once.

I'm 25, a sophomore at a university taking 14 credit hours, I work 25 hours a week, and help her whenever she needs it at the daycare. Last week I helped her out 3 days in a row because she's been short staff. I try to maintain the house as best as I can and take care of our two dogs.

Little things I do just piss her off all the time. Like I'll leave the toilet seat up, I work from home so I'll space out and leave it up and she'll yell at me for it. Everything sucks because I feel like I don't do enough but I can't physically do more. It bothers her when I tell her that I have to do something and that I won't be able to help her out. I think because she recently took over the financial responsibilities of the house, she feels as if though she can dictate my life. I basically gave up my hobbies because of everything I have to do. Like today it was my friends birthday and she stayed home to do some work so I told her I would bring home some dessert. So I swung by the store and I picked something out that I thought looked yummy and she decides to throw a fit. She complained about the pie I got saying that it wasn't warm or had ice cream and why didn't I get her favorite pie and that I didn't know her at all. Things are much worst and I'm just sad. She tells me that I can just leave if I want but I really do love her because when I first met her she was a different person that I used to make happy and smile. Now it just seems like I piss her off all the time.
"The relationship has been going well"

Ok...doesn't sound like it at all.


Have you guys been catfished before? I started using a new dating app I found and asked this beautiful woman out on a date just that being catfished pops in my head. Only downfall of this is if I get stood up on the date and end up eating by myself. But fuck it. Who knows

There's a pretty easy solution, just ask for her FB.


Why do all the girls I come close to hooking up with/dating end up being crazy? Is it me or are just 90% of them nuts?

There are plenty of normal girls. What is your sample size, 2-3? Can't generalize an entire gender, as tempting as it is when you're frustrated. This only hurts you if you let it eat you up.
Have you guys been catfished before? I started using a new dating app I found and asked this beautiful woman out on a date just that being catfished pops in my head. Only downfall of this is if I get stood up on the date and end up eating by myself. But fuck it. Who knows
Make sure to reverse Google image search her profile pic too, if you're suspicious.


There are plenty of normal girls. What is your sample size, 2-3? Can't generalize an entire gender, as tempting as it is when you're frustrated. This only hurts you if you let it eat you up.

I agree with him. My sample size is 8 in the last year.

Maybe it's just Tinder girls who are crazy but my perception of women has really been damaged.
I usually just try to accept ghosting as part of the game, but this week I got ghosted by someone who complained that her ex of 8 years ghosted her -_-. Between that and the girl who made a phone call in the middle of the date (not for an emergency or anything, mind)I think I need to take a break from this stuff for a while.

I got ghosted by a guy back in January. He contacted me again in April out of the blue. I was seeing someone else at the time. He contacted me again in June and I was single at the time. We hung out once at his house and he apologized profusely about ghosting me before. He said the holidays really stresses him out. And since then he'd been ghosted by several women and he told me how shitty it feels and he was so sorry.

Well fast forward two weeks later and he ghosted me again. :( Shame on me and lesson learned.

Mory Dunz

Hey Dating GAF, I'm feeling real frustrated!

So I posted about this girl I messed around with for a few months back in OT5. We hooked up a bunch, but never had sex. I got attached, and things went sour cause she didn't feel the same way. Went no contact for 2 months until she started reaching out to me around my birthday. Made a date for tonight at my place, which she agreed to. She came over, we ate, and watched a movie on Netflix. Girl cuddled right up to me but she was more resistant than usual, letting me touch her a bit before playfully pushing my face or hands away.

When the movie ends, she tells me that she doesn't want me to feel some type of way again. She says she was considering not coming over tonight. She says she cares for me and doesn't want me to get hurt. I tell her that I just want to enjoy the moment with her and that I will not get attached. She doesn't buy it and then goes on this tirade about what my plan is for "love." I tell her that I'm focused on my career and school and that love can come but it's not a priority.

She continues saying that I should start looking or else I'll get old and be alone. I just turned 25 and she's 21 in December.

Finally, she plants a huge kiss on my lips before leaving, saying that she has homework to do and that her closet needs to be cleaned. Typical BS excuse.

Anyway, I'm done ranting. Suffering from some serious blue balls and now I need to take a cold shower. Girls are weird and I'm not contacting this chick again until she starts making dates herself. Don't be me.

Seems like she wanted an ego boost and got it. Don't talk to her again imo.

'Heaven Sniper

Neo Member
Dude, you're 25. Cut all contact with her and move on. She's way more trouble than she's worth. There are so many other women out there who won't pull these games on you. Your opportunities are practically limitless.

I know. I guess the reason I'm hung up is because she's so physically attractive. Tried some online dating, but the women I matched up with weren't doing it for me and always had baggage.
Almost fucked it up with my dream girl, I managed to clutch it from the jaws of defeat. Jesus this is intense.

I made an inappropriate joke about an ex of hers, after she herself joked about it. I was a moron, and I woke up to a text saying that we shouldn't see each other again, although she really wanted to, and she thought about me while she was away, because there were too many red flags if we couldn't joke around without hurting ourselves, and that she wanted to take care of herself.

I asked her if I could tell her a few things before we said goodbye, and told her that I was sorry about the stupid joke, I misunderstood her willingness to talk about it, and that for me it was more about staircase wit than the joke itself. She also had told me that she liked mean humour, but that obviously didn't translate well in text form. I then told her that I liked her a whole lot, didn't want to hurt her and, unsettlingly, I had spent the last few days thinking about ways to make her happy. I told her that there are plenty of red flags about me, but I'm getting better and I'm willing to do so, and finally that if she didn't want to consider me as a potential romantic interest, I would have liked to be a friend of hers.

After a moment of panic, she really liked this response and we talked about self sabotage, puppies etc. We're seeing each other tomorrow and spending the day together.
Have any of you had the ex of your SO try to get in between the two of you? This guy's trying to be super edgy and it's kinda funny but kinda sad. When I first started dating her, her ex sent me a link on facebook to a tutorial on tying a noose, but he was too scared of what my reply would be so he blocked me right after. I could see the message and that it was from him, but I couldn't reply. I told her about this and she blocked him. She told me a bit about him and how he broke up with her, and he was super neglectful.

Things were quiet for a couple weeks until a few days ago he messaged her saying that he wants to be friends again. She said okay and then he unblocked me and sent me another message saying "gg ez". Like how the hell does anyone think they're being cool with this? Obviously he's bragging because he thinks he's gonna steal her away from me, but she's been pretty clear that he was a shitty boyfriend.

Is there any easy way to get this to stop? I don't feel like blocking him would help me because he'd still be messaging her and I'd lose out on some laughs here and there. I don't wanna tell her to stop talking to him because I'm not the type of person to just tell her "I won't let you talk to this person", but I don't think she gets what he's trying to do.


Almost fucked it up with my dream girl, I managed to clutch it from the jaws of defeat. Jesus this is intense.

I made an inappropriate joke about an ex of hers, after she herself joked about it. I was a moron, and I woke up to a text saying that we shouldn't see each other again, although she really wanted to, and she thought about me while she was away, because there were too many red flags if we couldn't joke around without hurting ourselves, and that she wanted to take care of herself.

I asked her if I could tell her a few things before we said goodbye, and told her that I was sorry about the stupid joke, I misunderstood her willingness to talk about it, and that for me it was more about staircase wit than the joke itself. She also had told me that she liked mean humour, but that obviously didn't translate well in text form. I then told her that I liked her a whole lot, didn't want to hurt her and, unsettlingly, I had spent the last few days thinking about ways to make her happy. I told her that there are plenty of red flags about me, but I'm getting better and I'm willing to do so, and finally that if she didn't want to consider me as a potential romantic interest, I would have liked to be a friend of hers.

After a moment of panic, she really liked this response and we talked about self sabotage, puppies etc. We're seeing each other tomorrow and spending the day together.

This is pretty much why I despise text at a certain point of a relationship. If they don't know you well enough, some things may come across wrong or they may completely misunderstand you.
Have any of you had the ex of your SO try to get in between the two of you? This guy's trying to be super edgy and it's kinda funny but kinda sad. When I first started dating her, her ex sent me a link on facebook to a tutorial on tying a noose, but he was too scared of what my reply would be so he blocked me right after. I could see the message and that it was from him, but I couldn't reply. I told her about this and she blocked him. She told me a bit about him and how he broke up with her, and he was super neglectful.

Things were quiet for a couple weeks until a few days ago he messaged her saying that he wants to be friends again. She said okay and then he unblocked me and sent me another message saying "gg ez". Like how the hell does anyone think they're being cool with this? Obviously he's bragging because he thinks he's gonna steal her away from me, but she's been pretty clear that he was a shitty boyfriend.

Is there any easy way to get this to stop? I don't feel like blocking him would help me because he'd still be messaging her and I'd lose out on some laughs here and there. I don't wanna tell her to stop talking to him because I'm not the type of person to just tell her "I won't let you talk to this person", but I don't think she gets what he's trying to do.

gg ez? This guy should be banned from life. Did you even know him before?


Have any of you had the ex of your SO try to get in between the two of you? This guy's trying to be super edgy and it's kinda funny but kinda sad. When I first started dating her, her ex sent me a link on facebook to a tutorial on tying a noose, but he was too scared of what my reply would be so he blocked me right after. I could see the message and that it was from him, but I couldn't reply. I told her about this and she blocked him. She told me a bit about him and how he broke up with her, and he was super neglectful.

Things were quiet for a couple weeks until a few days ago he messaged her saying that he wants to be friends again. She said okay and then he unblocked me and sent me another message saying "gg ez". Like how the hell does anyone think they're being cool with this? Obviously he's bragging because he thinks he's gonna steal her away from me, but she's been pretty clear that he was a shitty boyfriend.

Is there any easy way to get this to stop? I don't feel like blocking him would help me because he'd still be messaging her and I'd lose out on some laughs here and there. I don't wanna tell her to stop talking to him because I'm not the type of person to just tell her "I won't let you talk to this person", but I don't think she gets what he's trying to do.

Yikes, no thanks.

If she is still talking to him, she needs to tell him to leave you the fuck alone. You don't know him, he doesn't know you. If she is where your paths cross then I think she should address it

If I had an ex heckling a girl that I'm dating, I'd tell her to stop being a dipshit the moment I got a chance.
I had a similar thing when I was 18-19, this piece of shit hanger-on kept trying to guilt trip her into giving him attention. They were promised souls because he made her start cutting, you see? After a few months I managed to convince her that she didn't this ridiculous asshole in her life.

I think that learning how to cut cords is something that most girls do when they're a bit older.
Yikes, no thanks.

If she is still talking to him, she needs to tell him to leave you the fuck alone. You don't know him, he doesn't know you. If she is where your paths cross then I think she should address it

If I had an ex heckling a girl that I'm dating, I'd tell her to stop being a dipshit the moment I got a chance.

Thanks, I'll try to tell her this later today. I haven't said a single thing to the guy because I don't want to encourage this childish shit, and I'm hoping after I lay it out clearly to her that he was an ass when they dated and he's being an ass now, maybe she'll keep him blocked for good. Her reasoning for trying to talk and give him another chance was because he was an important part of her life before, and honestly that was a bit of a red flag for me.

I want this to work with her because she's great and I've never gotten along with someone as well as her, but if her ex is gonna keep poking his head in and digging up shit that's over 6 months gone and she's not gonna stop it, that's gonna be a problem.



So after venting on here about giving up on dating women, I tried that.

Is it really that easy? That was only like 10 messages in as well.


Hey GAF, there's this girl I stumbled upon at a friend's wedding. Didn't really know if she came with somebody, but we gazed at each other some times.
Found her on my friend's professionnal profile page, and started a conversation. She seemed really nice and suggested several times that we should talk in person. She lives and works like 5 hours in car away, but hey, as my cousin just settled in her town, it was the perfect occasion for me to go there. She told me that she would be busy with work until the end of september, but I tried my luck going there anyway, after she told me the day before my arrival that we could indeed try to catch up. The next day she finally tell me that she can't make it and is deeply sorry about that.
Now I know that her work is over, should I wait for a sign or try to get some news on how she managed to end her work and so on ? I'm afraid she could think that cancelling our meeting would have turned me off, and doesn't know how to get back on the track.
Or I just, as always, think too much about it.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
How soon is too soon for a label?

I've been seeing this girl for like a week and a half, I've seen her everyday. We're already calling eachother stuff like babe, and hun n shit.

A buddy of mine was in the same situation like last month and they made it official after 10 days lol. I thought it was weird, until his girl introduced me to the girl I'm seeing. The weirdest part is she seems even more into me than I am into her, and I'm more into her than I have been with anyone. Like to the point that she got drunk, and in front of her friends that I just met she kept saying she loved me 😭 I was like girl you can't be saying that, you barely know me.

I guess that's what happens when you get banned from gaf for a month. I went and did things with my life. 😂😂


Welp. I drank half a fifth of bourbon tonight and then found out that that girl that was all up on my dick a couple weeks ago told the guy that tried to have a threesome with us that she stopped talking to me even though she didn't and then talked shit about all our friends after making up with them because she was a bitch last weekend. So uhhhh fuck it, I'm done. I'm tired of this shit. Why do all the girls I come close to hooking up with/dating end up being crazy? Is it me or are just 90% of them nuts?

I agree with him. My sample size is 8 in the last year.

Maybe it's just Tinder girls who are crazy but my perception of women has really been damaged.

I love that >10 women = the entire gender is crazy.

Might just be the type of women y'all are picking out? Just like the women that say "all men are terrible", maybe they just have the wrong tastes :p


I love that >10 women = the entire gender is crazy.

Might just be the type of women y'all are picking out? Just like the women that say "all men are terrible", maybe they just have the wrong tastes :p
I didn't mean to make it sound like I thought the whole gender was crazy. Sorry, I think I was just kind of upset last night when I said that, I usually don't make sweeping generalities like that. I know plenty of awesome women, it just seems like the ones I get involved with always have issues like this. Maybe you're right and that is more of a reflection on me than anything...


Here's a question : How do you tell if someone is interested in being friends?

This seemed like the best place to ask.

I'm mostly introverted and get a lot of the social interaction I need serving tables; That said I crave friendship, someone to just share games, dinners, theme park days etc. with and recently of my three best friends they've all gone crazy.
One has kids, one fell for me and I didnt her, and the last is my roommate who refuses to grow up : Great guy, shit roommate.

I'm 29 and there's a newly hired host at my work I've enjoyed some good conversations with and I'd love to get to know more, the main caveats being she's just turning 19 and I'm not sure what she'd imply : I've dated older and younger enough to know we all have pros and cons so I wouldn't turn down the idea, but mainly I just want some friends to do things.

She's made jokes about me replacing her when another new host joined the crew but she otherwise never seeks me out : That seems to be her shy and work-focused attitude but it's also hard to read how she'd take my offer.

Any advice is appreciated.

How soon is too soon for a label?

I've been seeing this girl for like a week and a half, I've seen her everyday. We're already calling eachother stuff like babe, and hun n shit.

A buddy of mine was in the same situation like last month and they made it official after 10 days lol. I thought it was weird, until his girl introduced me to the girl I'm seeing. The weirdest part is she seems even more into me than I am into her, and I'm more into her than I have been with anyone. Like to the point that she got drunk, and in front of her friends that I just met she kept saying she loved me �� I was like girl you can't be saying that, you barely know me.

I guess that's what happens when you get banned from gaf for a month. I went and did things with my life. ����

The fun thing is there is no real answer : You know each other best to decide.

One of my exes started planning months out after only two weeks; I was too young and stupid to appreciate her crazy love.

How old are you? Typically I'd say give at least a few months for "love" and defining - Enjoy yourself together without worrying about labels - but everyone is different. Personally at 19-25 that freaked me out, but at 29 I'd find it flattering since I've learned how hard it is to find a decent woman.
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