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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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So I had this date on Friday. It went alright, had fun at a board games cafe and so did the girl, but came out of it a little unsure of how I felt about her. She was cute and all, however there was this difference in height (I'm short, 5'5, she must have been 5'6-5'65?), that sorta bothered me a bit I guess. That aside we had a good time, we stayed there from 8PM-1AM. However I came out of the date feeling... idk nothing? Like, nothing changed. I didn't hate her, but I also didn't really fall for her or anything like that.

It's Thanksgiving weekend, so I thought about letting my thoughts on the date marinate for a bit, not text her and keep doing my own thing. Took the pupper to the vet, hit the gym, and went out with friends for a Halloween themed park. Now I got home and noticed that she texted me a few minutes, asking me about how my weekend is going so far.

At this point what do you bros say. I can't put my finger on how I feel about her, whether I'd like to pursue onwards with something with her or simply just let it go and not have her keep thinking there will be something more to this.
You had a bad feeling because she is an inch taller than you? And now you're psyching yourself out of talking to her again? You don't need to fall in love with someone after one date to make it worth seeing them again, you know.

Do you date often?
You had a bad feeling because she is an inch taller than you? And now you're psyching yourself out of talking to her again? You don't need to fall in love with someone after one date to make it worth seeing them again, you know.

Do you date often?
Well the height thing did bother me but it wasn't just that. Her looks were a bit better in her pictures than in real life too, so there's that, but that's usually the case with online dating. Filters and all that. Our banter was fine, but she didn't really leave an impression in me, although she did tell me she is a bit shy.

As to the second question, I'd say about 1-2 times a month. Generally by the end of it, it's either a solid 'yes' to seeing the girl again or a 'no'. With this one I don't have the answer. She did tell me before we went out that she is generally shy, so maybe she just didn't open up with me, and didn't leave a bigger and better impression in me.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Matched with a fb friend a few weeks ago on tinder. A local musician I'm a fan of. We had a good laugh coz we recognised each other straight away and texted for ages, then switched to fb and kept talking. Went on a date last week and we really hit it off. Turns out we have a lot more than just music in common.

He met my friends last week at a friend's bday drinks event. She was very drunk and said some embarrassing things to him. Then I met his bandmate and some of his friends on the weekend at a show. Going on our 4th date tonight then I'll be seeing his band open for an international act later in the week.

Things are going well and I'm cautiously optimistic.

The last guy I started dating had a complete 180° on his personality and started getting violent really early. I bolted. This one has been given the seal of approval by a mutual friend whose opinion I think highly of (another musician we've both known for years) so I doubt I'll have to worry about that sort of thing.
Matched with a fb friend a few weeks ago on tinder. A local musician I'm a fan of. We had a good laugh coz we recognised each other straight away and texted for ages, then switched to fb and kept talking. Went on a date last week and we really hit it off. Turns out we have a lot more than just music in common.

He met my friends last week at a friend's bday drinks event. She was very drunk and said some embarrassing things to him. Then I met his bandmate and some of his friends on the weekend at a show. Going on our 4th date tonight then I'll be seeing his band open for an international act later in the week.

Things are going well and I'm cautiously optimistic.

The last guy I started dating had a complete 180° on his personality and started getting violent really early. I bolted. This one has been given the seal of approval by a mutual friend whose opinion I think highly of (another musician we've both known for years) so I doubt I'll have to worry about that sort of thing.

Best of wishes!


For the first time since I started online dating over a year ago, I met a girl last week that I actually liked... and then she faded on me. We only had one date so I know it's silly to get too depressed about it, but it still sucks to finally have that small glimmer of hope and then have it squashed so quickly. I mean it's difficult enough just to get a date on OKC, so when you get a date AND you like the person, it feels like a small miracle.

Took me by surprise because she gave me her number at the end of the date and even checked to verify that I'd entered it correctly. Seemed eager to hang out again.

Up until this point it's always been the girls who were interested after the first date while I wasn't. I guess I had to be on the other side eventually. Definitely a shitty feeling. Anyway, I know this is a common situation that other people have been through a million times. Just wanted to vent.
Well the height thing did bother me but it wasn't just that. Her looks were a bit better in her pictures than in real life too, so there's that, but that's usually the case with online dating. Filters and all that. Our banter was fine, but she didn't really leave an impression in me, although she did tell me she is a bit shy.

As to the second question, I'd say about 1-2 times a month. Generally by the end of it, it's either a solid 'yes' to seeing the girl again or a 'no'. With this one I don't have the answer. She did tell me before we went out that she is generally shy, so maybe she just didn't open up with me, and didn't leave a bigger and better impression in me.

Then it sounds like you have the answers. Not sure how anything we say would be helpful. If you want to go out again, go out again. If not, don't. It isn't that complicated.
Oh you guys are gonna love this story.

So I went to meet up with my new lady friend on Friday because her parents would be out of town for a few days. This was also gonna be the first time that she cooked me dinner (she was gonna make lasagna). So I go there, and we start to fool around in her room. No more than half an hour passes by, and suddenly we hear the front door unlocking. Sure enough, it's her folks. Her bedroom door was wide open, but thankfully it was a good ways away from the front door so nobody saw anything. So sadly, after that, no more fun time was allowed, and instead we spent the rest of the night watching that shitty Spy movie starring the fat chick from Ghostbusters.

As if all that wasn't bad enough...
I didn't even get any lasagna :'(

I didn't love your story and spy was awesome. I feel calling her that fat chick from ghostbusters says a lot about you btw.


Hello Dating-GAF, long time no see.

I met a girl a few weeks ago and she's pretty great, we are super compatible, and we get along so well. We went out last Friday and everything was cool. The spark tho, I'm not feeling it. The thing is... And I'm going to sound like an asshole here, she's kinda fat, she has gained 15 kg since breaking up with her SO.

This is the first time in my 27 years that I'm feeling like this. I adore her intellectually, but physically my penis does not want to go in.

What the fuck should I do?


Yeah it looks like I had two dates a couple of days ago lined up for this week but now nothing :( I just don't know guys

I even bought a nice outfit but ... Just feel Disappointed
Hello Dating-GAF, long time no see.

I met a girl a few weeks ago and she's pretty great, we are super compatible, and we get along so well. We went out last Friday and everything was cool. The spark tho, I'm not feeling it. The thing is... And I'm going to sound like an asshole here, she's kinda fat, she has gained 15 kg since breaking up with her SO.

This is the first time in my 27 years that I'm feeling like this. I adore her intellectually, but physically my penis does not want to go in.

What the fuck should I do?

You're not attracted to her. You don't need to justify this. Stop dating her. Let her find someone who's attracted to her. The longer you try to force it, the harder it'll be (or not, I suppose, in your case).

In this case, it sounds like you two might be better off as friends -- something which becomes orders of magnitude harder after you've already hooked up.


You're not attracted to her. You don't need to justify this. Stop dating her. Let her find someone who's attracted to her. The longer you try to force it, the harder it'll be (or not, I suppose, in your case).

In this case, it sounds like you two might be better off as friends -- something which becomes orders of magnitude harder after you've already hooked up.

You are probably right.

But I want to believe :(

What if I help her lose weight? We talked about as we both want to start taking care of ourselves.
You are probably right.

But I want to believe :(

What if I help her lose weight? We talked about as we both want to start taking care of ourselves.

The fact that you're already talking about trying to change her is concerning, especially when it's all of a couple weeks in.

Are you going to monitor her diet? Or make her run laps every morning? Did you float the idea of "taking care of [y]ourselves" because you wanted her to lose weight yet didn't want to address the issue directly?

Even if you don't see the above as an issue (and it is), are you even sure that you'd find her attractive if she shed a few kilos? Besides, and this is the most important aspect: she doesn't deserve this treatment.

It's perfectly okay to not be attracted to fat people. I'm not either, so I don't date them. This girl, based on your description, sounds like a lovely person, and she deserves to be with someone who's excited to be with her.


You are probably right.

But I want to believe :(

What if I help her lose weight? We talked about as we both want to start taking care of ourselves.

I've dated a couple of girls who spoke plenty about taking care of themselves but that's all they did: talk about it. They mentioned going to the gym, taking classes or whatever for a brief spell but it eventually evaporated due to "lack of time" or "being too busy". I lead by example by working out, going on walks and investing in a fitness band to help motivate. I mentioned these activities to them when they asked what I was up to but I never harped on them about it. Eventually, my patience eventually wore out and effectively ended relationships because of that "lack of spark".

Do you want to be in that position of trying to force change upon someone who doesn't really want to? I don't mind helping people out but they have to help themselves first.


I need to try asking girls out in person instead, I think.

Maybe if they met me they would gladly go out with me, I can't get any luck with getting an actual date to happen through online dating
You are probably right.

But I want to believe :(

What if I help her lose weight? We talked about as we both want to start taking care of ourselves.

You don't have to "help" in the blatant way I would suggest if it really is something you would be interested in doing with her. Instead of going to the typical restaurant and or drinks, suggest you guys go for like a walking date or something. Just meet up at a park or large shopping area ect and just walk around/hang out. Get to know her and get to get some exercise in. It's not really a common thing the west but here in Japan its pretty common to see couples or people interested in each other go like jogging at a park ect.

Anyway on to my problems!

Had a long weekend here filled with drinking til 8am and having fun with new friends. Sunday night was going to be my relax night, got invited to a "Halloween Before Night" party (Engrish) with my friends and on the way there the lady from previous posts calls me from the club clearly fairly drunk asking where I am and what I'm doing ect. Tells me where she is and if I have time I should go meet her and her friends there... The night continues and we end up going to the club after the costume party died down. Soon as we get there the lady friend is like standing at the entrance (she just happened to be there) Literally as soon as she sees me and grabs me and wont let go the whole night lol.

I was fairly ok with the situation as random as it was. Oddly affectionate when shes drunk haha. Like wont let me get away to even go to the bathroom, basically demanding to sit on my lap, and a weirdly energetic need to dance rofl. It was all super cute but like I said super random. And then the questions she was asking @.@ She even asked if I've ever had sex before which was hilarious but clearly in that "what are we doing after you take me home" way lol. Anyway seeing how ripped out of her mind she was I decided to just tucker her out with dancing until I could get her home where she could sleep. Which basically turned into her climbing all over me and grabbing "everything" she could lol. Once again hilarious at the time and in retrospect simply because I had never seen her like this. After mostly pushing her away for like 30 minutes she finally just falls asleep and I feel super relived.

Not that I wouldn't/din't want to but she was seriously out of it and clearly amazingly horny haha. I mean it's nice to know that stuff is in her head somewhere but need to try and bring it out without being amazingly drunk on a random Sunday club night lol. Anyway she remembers basically none of it and I rightfully expected that hence the not going for it.

Now I'm wondering how to address this night with her lol. Not that anything bad happened but was definitely a lot different than the previous times we've gone out haha.


You are probably right.

But I want to believe :(

What if I help her lose weight? We talked about as we both want to start taking care of ourselves.

If someone I was only dating for a few weeks offered to "help me" lose weight, I would go the fuck off on them.

It's *incredibly* rude for someone you don't know that well to make negative comments on one's physique. Even with long-time SOs it's a potential landmine.

I need to try asking girls out in person instead, I think.

Maybe if they met me they would gladly go out with me, I can't get any luck with getting an actual date to happen through online dating

I just think you need to chill. Like you've been in here constantly. Online dating is hit or miss at times. It happens. It's been a bad week? Just chill. Getting an SO doesn't happen over night, or even over a week.
Sorry to break it to you but it sounds like you are "the backup girl" for guys playing the numbers game. They got interest from another girl and you are filling in the blanks if they strike out.

Sure I also play the numbers game but I don't see the point of not making plans after you start texting.

I'm also a minority which probably doesn't help.


I'm also a minority which probably doesn't help.
Hey, you and I both.

It doesn't help, but I've been finding that more and more people who are not minority or mixed with white are alright with interracial dating. Main problem is that it's usually family that holds people back from doing so because of family pressure and it going against the "norm".

This is what I don't look forward to later on. If I do end up with someone that is not of my color, I just hope that the family is accepting. If they are not, it's better for me to jump ship.

Moreover, I hope my family is accepting, which I am fairly sure that they would be considering my family's openess, but that doubt lingers.

Just have to keep going.


How many Tinder matches do you all tend to get? I'm averaging around just 1 a week or so and I usually don't get responses. Seems kind of low.

Not doing too well on OKC either... been around 6 months since I actually had a date. Maybe my messages are off-putting somehow, although they seem alright to me.

Mory Dunz

Sure I also play the numbers game but I don't see the point of not making plans after you start texting.

I'm also a minority which probably doesn't help.

i dunno about that whole backup thing that was being said....but in regards to the bolded, maybe something was said or communicated that changed their mind, made you two seem incompatible. It happens. And if so, it's better than either of you wasting the other's time in the longrun.

but overall, who knows. No one's psychic so we go off actions.
Yeah it looks like I had two dates a couple of days ago lined up for this week but now nothing :( I just don't know guys

I even bought a nice outfit but ... Just feel Disappointed

Slow your roll, buddy. Your new to this. Just keep working the apps and fill your life with interesting things in the meantime. You buying a new outfit for a date shows that you're investing yourself too much in that date, unless you literally had no appropriate clothes (I've with t-shirts and hoodies on dates - it's not a big deal when the date is a casual coffee meetup).

What are you doing to make your life more interesting and rewarding now, besides dating? How many women are you chatting with on these dating apps?
Matched with a fb friend a few weeks ago on tinder. A local musician I'm a fan of. We had a good laugh coz we recognised each other straight away and texted for ages, then switched to fb and kept talking. Went on a date last week and we really hit it off. Turns out we have a lot more than just music in common.

He met my friends last week at a friend's bday drinks event. She was very drunk and said some embarrassing things to him. Then I met his bandmate and some of his friends on the weekend at a show. Going on our 4th date tonight then I'll be seeing his band open for an international act later in the week.

Things are going well and I'm cautiously optimistic.

The last guy I started dating had a complete 180° on his personality and started getting violent really early. I bolted. This one has been given the seal of approval by a mutual friend whose opinion I think highly of (another musician we've both known for years) so I doubt I'll have to worry about that sort of thing.

That's awesome! It sounds like things are going well.


Guys I decided I'm going to change my life, I need to change. I want to be happy. I'm going to start volunteering and helping people somewhere by giving back. I'm going to find a job that I actually like and quit the awful job that I have.

I'm going to try hard with my education. When it comes to dating, I'm not going to chase after girls. If they don't seem to like me, ok whatever your not worth my time.However I will be my best when I'm with those that want to spend time with me. No longer will I feel like I'm not good enough for them.

Time for change. Finally...


So I had this date on Friday. It went alright, had fun at a board games cafe and so did the girl, but came out of it a little unsure of how I felt about her. She was cute and all, however there was this difference in height (I'm short, 5'5, she must have been 5'6-5'65?), that sorta bothered me a bit I guess. That aside we had a good time, we stayed there from 8PM-1AM. However I came out of the date feeling... idk nothing? Like, nothing changed. I didn't hate her, but I also didn't really fall for her or anything like that.
You were out together, for 5 hours. That means you either had more than a little fun, or you forced yourself to stay, because you were too weak to decide when to leave.

When dates aren't working, they rarely go past a couple of hours.

It's Thanksgiving weekend, so I thought about letting my thoughts on the date marinate for a bit, not text her and keep doing my own thing. Took the pupper to the vet, hit the gym, and went out with friends for a Halloween themed park. Now I got home and noticed that she texted me a few minutes, asking me about how my weekend is going so far.

At this point what do you bros say. I can't put my finger on how I feel about her, whether I'd like to pursue onwards with something with her or simply just let it go and not have her keep thinking there will be something more to this.
I would see her again, unless you were thinking the whole time, about when to leave.

For the first time since I started online dating over a year ago, I met a girl last week that I actually liked... and then she faded on me. We only had one date so I know it's silly to get too depressed about it, but it still sucks to finally have that small glimmer of hope and then have it squashed so quickly. I mean it's difficult enough just to get a date on OKC, so when you get a date AND you like the person, it feels like a small miracle.

Took me by surprise because she gave me her number at the end of the date and even checked to verify that I'd entered it correctly. Seemed eager to hang out again.

Up until this point it's always been the girls who were interested after the first date while I wasn't. I guess I had to be on the other side eventually. Definitely a shitty feeling. Anyway, I know this is a common situation that other people have been through a million times. Just wanted to vent.
So, you didn't' actually say.....she refused a second date? How exactly did she "fade" on you?

But yeah, don't take it too hard. You probably weren't her only date last week.


I've got a date with a girl from Tinder tonight.

She seems a little strange in text, but perhaps in person she'll be better?

Only one way to find out I guess...


I've got a date with a girl from Tinder tonight.

She seems a little strange in text, but perhaps in person she'll be better?

Only one way to find out I guess...

Just see how the date goes, some people are weird in text but awesome in person. It can be the reverse at times too


Unconfirmed Member
Was about to give this girl my number but then this other guy walks up to her, couldn't tell whether he was her brother or her boyfriend. Life is hard.
I went on 2 dates this past weekend. One on Saturday and one on Sunday. I had more fun with my Saturday date than i did my Sunday date. However I feel that I have more in common with my Sunday date than my Saturday one. Doesn't matter what happens with them because now I feel more confident about myself. I used to think that I was ugly, hence why I never got any dates. But both girls told me I was handsome. And now I feel like any girl is in my league. ^_^
I caved and went back on tinder. Went on 2 dates this weekend. One on friday the girl was heavier then i expected and it threw me off and i wasnt into it.

Saturday though was amazing. She invited me to her highschool reunion and for the adventure i was like fuck it i am so down. We got drink just before hand and chatted and hit it off pretty well talking about our dogs and other things.

Once we got to the reunion i had to small talk my way through her reuniting with a ton of people and it wasnt bad, i was a little lit at that point. She was super gracious for me being a good sport and we killed it. We pretended to have been dating for a while to everyone we met. Had to make up a couple stories of things i did that she was along and vice versus.

MY house was closer then hers so we were going to take a cab there but we ended up stopping for some pizza by the slice at this awesome place we both knew and destroyed some food. The whole night was really fun.

our second date is rock climbing at this gym we both like and have been to before. I cant wait.
Quick question, For eHarmony is it better to do the guided communication or Email? I've been using the Email up to this point and I got one of my dates out of it. But I've barely talked to anybody beside her.

Also, I am taking Gaf's advice about going out to a bar and try and meet women. Except somebody suggested that I take a wingman and unfortunately all of my friends are nerds. The only one who could probably be a good wingman is me. So my question is it weird to go to a bar by yourself and try and meet someone by yourself? BTW I have planned going to a bar on thursday.


Man Armadilo... Congrats on bettering yourself, you do it and you will feel awesome... But... Are you going through a midlife crisis or something? I feel like your extreme reactions to dating has to be caused by something :p


Quick question, For eHarmony is it better to do the guided communication or Email? I've been using the Email up to this point and I got one of my dates out of it. But I've barely talked to anybody beside her.

Also, I am taking Gaf's advice about going out to a bar and try and meet women. Except somebody suggested that I take a wingman and unfortunately all of my friends are nerds. The only one who could probably be a good wingman is me. So my question is it weird to go to a bar by yourself and try and meet someone by yourself? BTW I have planned going to a bar on thursday.

I don't think I've seen eHarmony mentioned on here or the last thread. IIRC there was an article where they admitted that it takes a year to find the "perfect" person for you and there are a lot of bad reviews for the site out there.

It's ok to go to a bar by yourself. Just watch what you drink and what you say. But you could also maybe try going to more "nerdy" places like barcades, taprooms, etc. And you can always just talk to women you meet/see; it doesn't need to be in a bar. In fact, it can often be tough to honestly talk to women in bars because most of them will be in groups and their defenses will go up when guys come over.
Was about to give this girl my number but then this other guy walks up to her, couldn't tell whether he was her brother or her boyfriend. Life is hard.

Next time give it to her amyway. The wkrst that can happen is she turns it down and you gracefully say okay and continue having fun.

I'm amazed in how fast people are able to get dates, i must seriously be doing something wrong.

Things to evaluate include pictures and description. Also, matbe you live in an area with less people in general. Lots if people in this thread live in huge population dense areas. That will be a factor.
I've got a question more suited for a relationship, but there's no Relationship-Age so this will have to do.

How do you get to the point where you're seriously thinking about your future with someone? If the dating and compatibility is good, is it time to start thinking about more serious things? Like how do you bring up long-term health, past conditions, family history, etc.? Could those be dealbreakers? Should they?
I've dated a couple of girls who spoke plenty about taking care of themselves but that's all they did: talk about it. They mentioned going to the gym, taking classes or whatever for a brief spell but it eventually evaporated due to "lack of time" or "being too busy". I lead by example by working out, going on walks and investing in a fitness band to help motivate. I mentioned these activities to them when they asked what I was up to but I never harped on them about it. Eventually, my patience eventually wore out and effectively ended relationships because of that "lack of spark".

Do you want to be in that position of trying to force change upon someone who doesn't really want to? I don't mind helping people out but they have to help themselves first.

Yup! 100% this. So many girls talk about how active and healthy they are and then I meet them and I'm like WTF? I'm like you, super into fitness and taking care of myself and can't understand why some people just let themselves go. Very sad.
I don't think I've seen eHarmony mentioned on here or the last thread. IIRC there was an article where they admitted that it takes a year to find the "perfect" person for you and there are a lot of bad reviews for the site out there.

It's ok to go to a bar by yourself. Just watch what you drink and what you say. But you could also maybe try going to more "nerdy" places like barcades, taprooms, etc. And you can always just talk to women you meet/see; it doesn't need to be in a bar. In fact, it can often be tough to honestly talk to women in bars because most of them will be in groups and their defenses will go up when guys come over.

The reason I tried eharmony is because for some reason I've only gotten dates from there. So I decided to give eharmony another chance. I had one date from eharmony but it didn't work out. And i never got a date again lol.
I don't think I've seen eHarmony mentioned on here or the last thread. IIRC there was an article where they admitted that it takes a year to find the "perfect" person for you and there are a lot of bad reviews for the site out there.

It's ok to go to a bar by yourself. Just watch what you drink and what you say. But you could also maybe try going to more "nerdy" places like barcades, taprooms, etc. And you can always just talk to women you meet/see; it doesn't need to be in a bar. In fact, it can often be tough to honestly talk to women in bars because most of them will be in groups and their defenses will go up when guys come over.

I have dated about 5 CRAZY girls from eharmony. TREAD CAREFULLY!!


I've got a question more suited for a relationship, but there's no Relationship-Age so this will have to do.

How do you get to the point where you're seriously thinking about your future with someone? If the dating and compatibility is good, is it time to start thinking about more serious things? Like how do you bring up long-term health, past conditions, family history, etc.? Could those be dealbreakers? Should they?

I dunno, a lot of these just came up at times with my bf. Neither of us had any health issues really but a lot of family baggage lol, that just gets unpacked a little at a time.

I mean recently I sat him down and told him that I was going to start planning to move back to DC next year (not actually move that year, but start looking for jobs there), and what that meant for us, depending on when I would get the new job. We've been together for a year and a half now?

Anyway, like a lot of these things are unique to the couple, so... When it feels right.

Yup! 100% this. So many girls talk about how active and healthy they are and then I meet them and I'm like WTF? I'm like you, super into fitness and taking care of myself and can't understand why some people just let themselves go. Very sad.

They could be in the middle of weight loss. Or overweight but still play sports.

Losing weight is easy *in theory* bad breaking bad habits are not.
Yup! 100% this. So many girls talk about how active and healthy they are and then I meet them and I'm like WTF? I'm like you, super into fitness and taking care of myself and can't understand why some people just let themselves go. Very sad.

There are a bunch of reasons why people gain weight. It's not just "yo I wanna put on 50lbs just cause". That said this is not a thread about weight gain or exercising and definitely not about judging people so this line of discussion should end here.


I've got a date with a girl from Tinder tonight.

She seems a little strange in text, but perhaps in person she'll be better?

Only one way to find out I guess...

Just see how the date goes, some people are weird in text but awesome in person. It can be the reverse at times too

At least half of you fuckers are weird in text, going by this thread 😄😄😄

Including me
Weirdest outcome to a date I've ever had, but at the same time I can't say I'm at all surprised. She almost wanted me to be taken back by it, but I wasn't at all shocked to be honest.

She has a long time (girl) partner, and essentially wants a guy/casual boyfriend to go to one of their "parties" which she said I'm more than welcome to go to at anytime. I had a feeling it was something along those lines based on how she was chatting in text, but I still wasn't sure.

I want something casual so I'm intrigued to say the least, but at the same time I'm not entirely sure what to do.

Anyone else been in a similar situation?


What do you mean by parties? Like swinger parties?

If they're looking to add you into some sort of poly relationship, those generally don't work well because people will catch feels and one of the partners can end up being left out in the cold.
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