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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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I like it when virginal dudes get with a normal girl with a normal sex life and then claim that their own inexperience is because they were waiting for something special.

No one believes you. Ever.

It's also mild, passive slut-shaming. Solid start for a relationship.

On the other hand, I really hate it when a group of guys decide to try and alpha male and talk about how many sexual partners they've had.

At a party this girl and I surprised everyone we both had a similar number that was higher than the rest. I don't think any of the guys were expecting that.

It really doesn't matter. Only things that should matter as a result of previous sexual partners is knowing your turn ons and fetishes, and if you have any sexually transmitted diseases, even if they're the more harmless kinds.

I mean yeah I enjoy an emotional attachment and that does make sex more amazing but let's be honest, I've had some great hookups and I've never heard from them again.
I like it when virginal dudes get with a normal girl with a normal sex life and then claim that their own inexperience is because they were waiting for something special.

No one believes you. Ever.

It's also mild, passive slut-shaming. Solid start for a relationship.

Nothing in his post implies he's a virgin.

I dunno if I consider what he is saying to be slut shaming. I definitely consider it to be fucking stupid though.

I don't know where the line is drawn from "large amount of partners is a turn off" vs "you're unclean, get moralz gurl" honestly. It's hard to say "have your own standards, gi with what you're comfortabke with" and also so "you're standards are disgusting". Where do you personally draw it?
Cool stuff


Haha, perfect

Welcome to my new home, I guess ... Separated this year and was never, ever a player or a dater or much of anything really. Set up a POF account a month or two ago and have been learning the ropes. It's eye-opening, that's for sure. A totally different social level of head games and mind fuckery that I'd always hoped I could avoid and still be happy. But nope. It's a game, there are rules, get used to losing. I fucking hate losing, it's why I never play!

Maybe I'll give Tinder a shot, try out the lower stakes tables ...
Hmm.. match with a really pretty girl, I'm 23 and she's 19. She lives literally round the corner from me. Like, weirdly close. I've asked for her number and to meet up for a drink, but seems too close for comfort!
I did debate that particular word choice. I'm using it in the loosest sense possible.

I don't really know what the loosest sense of virgin is tbh.

His post does imply that he has little experience and that she has more.

He says she has had multiple times more partners so I mean yeah.

And let's be real, a dude is really a virgin until he can get laid regularly.

I dunno what you're getting at. It seems like you are just saying "haha you suck, get skills"

I don't think having a high number of partners is in any way bad. I think he is being ridiculous. The point you are bringing up is also stupid. You aren't a virgin if you've had sex. There is no "basically", you either are or you aren't. And if someone is, why are you framing it like it is something to be embarassed about?

Did his shitty stance really make you need to dig that low?


I did debate that particular word choice. I'm using it in the loosest sense possible.

His post does imply that he has little experience and that she has more.

And let's be real, a dude is really a virgin until he can get laid regularly.

You are getting at him for "passive slut shaming" while not-so-passively virgin/experience shaming?


Also virgins are people that have never had sex. How is there any other definition of that??


I did debate that particular word choice. I'm using it in the loosest sense possible.

His post does imply that he has little experience and that she has more.

And let's be real, a dude is really a virgin until he can get laid regularly.
Haha. Sex really isn't that difficult, don't know why people keep hampering on experience like it's some kind of hallmark of being good at sex. Having had lots of different partners doesn't mean you're automatically good at it.

And what's so difficult about getting laid regularly? It's not rocket science...


This thread got weirder than usual...

I for one don't care what any of ya'll do with your privates. Sex all the people or none of them, just keep it consensual. No shame in being a slut or a virgin.

Nice! Thanks, thats good to know. Can scratch that off my list to worry about. There a similar one on HPV perchance? :p

Doesn't HPV have a vaccine now? Talk to your doctor.


I don't think having a high number of partners is in any way bad. I think he is being ridiculous. The point you are bringing up is also stupid. You aren't a virgin if you've had sex. There is no "basically", you either are or you aren't. And if someone is, why are you framing it like it is something to be embarassed about?
I'm good with being proven stupid, that would be the best outcome for me, because I won't have to worry anymore. But I still don't get how the bad strains of HPV is not a big deal. When you get into the territory of 50+ partners the chances of picking up a bad strain does become pretty high doesn't it?


Nice! Thanks, thats good to know. Can scratch that off my list to worry about. There a similar one on HPV perchance? :p

No but tbh everything I read about HPV makes it seem really harmless? I mean heck according to the World Health Organization most strains don't show symptoms and like, just go away on their own?

Also I'll admit that I kept thinking HPV was something related to herpes, not (in lay man terms) genetal warts. I still think you're being super paranoid about a thing that's really unlikely to happen.

Also again, having more partners doesn't mean shit for STDs if she took care of herself. Is the likelihood higher? Well duh, that's fucking math for ya. But it's like a likelihood to move from 1/10000 to 1/9900.

1. Person has to have disease in the first place
2. Infected skin has to contact other person, far less likely if a condom is being used
3. Most important part, the other person has to ACTUALLY CONTRACT IT. It's not even a 100% chance if they were going raw. Just like you won't always catch a cold if people have colds around you, especially if you take care of yourself.

If even after all this this is still bothering you, with such a small chance, then either you don't trust this woman for whatever reason or, like Zackie said, sex is simply not for you.


No but tbh everything I read about HPV makes it seem really harmless? I mean heck according to the World Health Organization most strains don't show symptoms and like, just go away on their own?

Also I'll admit that I kept thinking HPV was something related to herpes, not (in lay man terms) genetal warts. I still think you're being super paranoid about a thing that's really unlikely to happen.

It does say that a small portion of HPV cases don't clear up. No idea what small means in this case though. There's a bunch of contradictory information - some say it never clears up and stays dormant forever, i.e., even if it clears up you will always be a carrier, some say it clears up completely.

It does say that a small portion of HPV cases don't clear up. No idea what small means in this case though. There's a bunch of contradictory information - some say it never clears up and stays dormant forever, i.e., even if it clears up you will always be a carrier, some say it clears up completely.

Ask your doctor. Assess the risks and determine what envelope of risk you're willing to incur. There's really no other conversation to be had here.
I don't really know what the loosest sense of virgin is tbh.

Probably "anal only."

Butt seriously, I don't know either, so it's a good thing I didn't use that word.

I suppose I see "virginal" as being similar to "saintly," not in meaning, but in relation to its root word. One does not need to be a literal saint to be saintly. See also: scholar/scholarly, sage/sagacious, etc.

You are getting at him for "passive slut shaming" while not-so-passively virgin/experience shaming?


Also virgins are people that have never had sex. How is there any other definition of that??

No, not really.

I wasn't shaming anyone for lack of experience.

I was pointing out that I have often seen certain misogynist behaviors linked with lack of experience. It's odious to begrudge a woman her sexual past while wanting to have sex with her yourself. Paranoia about disease, while having at its root a modicum of legitimacy, is too correlated with slut-shaming for me to indulge.

But to assuage the concerns of anyone accidentally harmed by misreading my posts: It's ok if you are a virgin. We all gotta start somewhere. (Also, see the above for clarification regarding the word that I did use, virginal, rather than the word I did not use, virgin.

Haha. Sex really isn't that difficult, don't know why people keep hampering on experience like it's some kind of hallmark of being good at sex. Having had lots of different partners doesn't mean you're automatically good at it.

And what's so difficult about getting laid regularly? It's not rocket science...

FYI, I didn't make or imply any of the claims that you reject in your first paragraph.

As for your second paragraph... Have you read this thread? :p
I'm good with being proven stupid, that would be the best outcome for me, because I won't have to worry anymore. But I still don't get how the bad strains of HPV is not a big deal. When you get into the territory of 50+ partners the chances of picking up a bad strain does become pretty high doesn't it?

Yes having more partners increases your chance of a more serious STD. I mean, you already know the answer to this question. Beyond going out and getting tested with your partner what else are you going to do? Never have sex with any woman who has had more than like 3 partners?

You either accept the risk given the level of risk tolerance you have or you break up and move on. Everything you are going on and on and on about is in fact fucking ridiculous given your paranoia stems from her amount of partners. No amount of pamphlet reading, convincing is going to matter if you've already decided her number makes you this paranoid. So I largely suggest you knock this shit off or you move on from her. We're here to give you dating advice, not soothe issues A through Z about STDs a girl your dating does not show through sciences best efforts to detect.

You recognize how fucking silly this is right? If I was this girl and I knew you were this down the rabbit hole over this I'd just dump your ass man. It's ridiculous.


I was pointing out that I have often seen certain misogynist behaviors linked with lack of experience. It's odious to begrudge a woman her sexual past while wanting to have sex with her yourself. Paranoia about disease, while having at its root a modicum of legitimacy, is too correlated with slut-shaming for me to indulge.
I get that! I have been worried that my own concerns might be linked to a prudish or judgmental attitude about sex - and if that's the case I'd like to change that. I used to have some slight issues with feelings of jealousy, or feelings of fear when confronted with the past of girlfriends. I've matured a bit in the meanwhile, but I know it's not gone completely.

I don't think its related to misogyny in my case though. It's more to do with a restrictive view on dating / relationships - I have never viewed a women different from how I would a man in that regard.

So the less of a logical excuse I have, the better I can see how much of this is a remainder of my previous... what to call it... uptightness? So I welcome my concerns being invalidated.

FYI, I didn't make or imply any of the claims that you reject in your first paragraph.
Ah, assumed wrongly then - I interpreted your use of virgin as the inexperienced, not good at sex etc. type.

You recognize how fucking silly this is right? If I was this girl and I knew you were this down the rabbit hole over this I'd just dump your ass man. It's ridiculous.
Eh, I don't see what's so wrong about wanting to get to know the actual risks instead of eyeballing it. I realized how little I actually knew about STDs and their risks, so I went off on this tangent. I see it more as being prudent, than ridiculous.
Eh, I don't see what's so wrong about wanting to get to know the actual risks instead of eyeballing it. I realized how little I actually knew about STDs and their risks, so I went off on this tangent. I see it more as being prudent, than ridiculous.

It's fine to want to know more but your premise for learning was, "she had a lot of partners and testing isn't good enough for me". It wasn't "guys I wanna get informed about STDs and learn proper protection". What information can we possibly shed that is going to combat a starting point that is "many partners makes me irrational"?

If you get tested and they say you're fine, what else is there to do? You don't realize it but you haven't been asking about sexual safety, you have been prodding us to say many partners is inherently riskier. It is, so what are you going to do about it?


MSV why do you even know how many partners she has had? Did you ask? In the future maybe don't do that, it doesn't matter at all. Just get tested before you start having sex with her again, or your next partner, and ask your future partner to do the same.

Speaking of STD testing, today I had a scare. I went to the clinic as I do every few months (should be more often all things considered), and they did a 20 minute HIV/AIDS test. After the swab and getting the blood drawn and all that I had to wait for the allotted time out in the waiting room for the HIV results.

The lady called me back in after the 20 minutes and then realized all the patient rooms were full, she looked at me and said "Wait a minute, we need to get a private room to go over the results."

I immediately shit some bricks and I said "That doesn't sound like good news..."

She said "Oh no! I'm sorry, it's just we aren't allowed to give results unless we are in a private room! Don't worry!"

We got a room about 30 seconds later and she said "You are negative for HIV/AIDS, call back in a week for the rest of your results."

Thanks a lot lady...


If you get tested and they say you're fine, what else is there to do? You don't realize it but you haven't been asking about sexual safety, you have been prodding us to say many partners is inherently riskier. It is, so what are you going to do about it?
Good point. What's making it annoying here is that there's some irrationality mixed in my reasoning. I think I can be pretty sure of that now, going by the responses. I get that I'm being silly, most of my rational concerns have been laid to rest to be honest. And I'm starting to see that HPV, while it could be bad, might not be as big of a concern as I thought it was. I guess it's time for me to try and zone in on what's really holding me back here.

As an aside, a tonne of the articles on these STDs are seriously paranoia inducing. Figures like 60%+ have HPV, 85%+ of sexually active people over some age have it, etc. And when you want to get to the bottom of it all, it's a mess of data that's not really clear. A study I read resulted in a 2% rate of contracting HPV per sex act. But this figure made no difference between using a condom or not. It's a huge ordeal to get some real answers, instead of some interpreted articles with vague words like 'small' or 'high' risk.


MSV, just remember that Trump is now our president and not to fall into the same fear mongering fake news tactics that helped to win the election for him with STDs. Because STDs are often used as a fear mongering tactic to scare teens into abstinence. I mean think back to the video I posted and that "fake" herpes is scary as fuck video they were parodying? That shit was lauded as real in plenty of schools for sex ed. About how scary any STD can be and that you have like 100000% chance to get pregnant if you see a penis or some shit. Sex ed is sorta a joke in the US.
I like it when virginal dudes get with a normal girl with a normal sex life and then claim that their own inexperience is because they were waiting for something special.

No one believes you. Ever.

It's also mild, passive slut-shaming. Solid start for a relationship.

But think of the possible diseases!


Neo Member
I'm not sure if this the correct to post it on...
Alright so I've been starting to use some dating apps and so far they are pretty fun to use.
One of them is called Dine, which basicallly you get some matches and choices of where you can go eat or get a drink with them. But the switch is you need spacebucks to message your matches.
Anyway long story short if someone uses the referral code I get some extra spacebucks. If you could help a man out that'd be cool.



MSV, just remember that Trump is now our president and not to fall into the same fear mongering fake news tactics that helped to win the election for him with STDs. Because STDs are often used as a fear mongering tactic to scare teens into abstinence. I mean think back to the video I posted and that "fake" herpes is scary as fuck video they were parodying? That shit was lauded as real in plenty of schools for sex ed. About how scary any STD can be and that you have like 100000% chance to get pregnant if you see a penis or some shit. Sex ed is sorta a joke in the US.
I always do my best in approaching articles critically. The percentages I mentioned are real percentages from actual studies by the way, so I'm not talking about fake news stories. Connecting the data to real world implications is where I glitched.

You know, I think I agree here. In the end, it's just a disease, if they're not (life) threatening or über nasty, then what are you even worried about? My uptightness, conservative attitude, or whatever the appropriate term is, when it comes to sex, still lingers. I need to work on letting that go. No one deserves to be looked at with scrutiny just because they enjoyed safe, casual sex.


Pretty eye opening how you might act towards a person you're not really interested in.

Kind of puts you in the shoes of dates who have lost interest in you in the past.

Forgetting to text back, one sided convos and messages, having no urgency to initiate a convo, not caring about whether or not you see them again, and just sort of going on about your way. if someone ever does you like this, just leave them be and move on.

Yep, truer words were never spoken. You're thinking "how could (s)he just drop me like this??" and then you realise, oh yeah that's exactly what I did
Going out with the 19 year old on Thursday... this should be interesting. She lives weirdly close to me, but she's gorgeous. Hopefully not too immature for me or anything, though I'm hardly the apex of maturity myself.


Girl promised to make pizza and chocolate cake the next time I go over. I think I either hit the jackpot or this is a dream, lol.
Going out with the 19 year old on Thursday... this should be interesting. She lives weirdly close to me, but she's gorgeous. Hopefully not too immature for me or anything, though I'm hardly the apex of maturity myself.

I dated someone who was 19 once, when I was 23.

It was like I traveled to Mars. We were so incompatible.

Good luck!

Girl promised to make pizza and chocolate cake the next time I go over. I think I either hit the jackpot or this is a dream, lol.

Fuck you.*

*Yeah I'm jealous.


I dated someone who was 19 once, when I was 23.

It was like I traveled to Mars. We were so incompatible.

Good luck!

I dated a 24 year old when I was 39 for about a year and a half.

Such a bad idea. I feel I'm supposed to be all wahey about it, but the bad far, far outweighed the good.
Oh wonderful haha well we seem to get on so far, got to try everything once :p

Everyone's different, don't let our stories discourage you lol.

As always, just be honest and be you.

Sometimes you have to play the game of love to get the next date or get laid or whatever, but most of the time if I can't be honest with someone I don't want any of the above anyways.

Yo, you guys think bringing a Poinsettia as a gift for when I got invited as a +1 to a gal's office Christmas party is a nice gesture or is it too much? I mean it's in the spirit of the season but it's not as ostentatious as roses or anything like that.
I always do my best in approaching articles critically. The percentages I mentioned are real percentages from actual studies by the way, so I'm not talking about fake news stories. Connecting the data to real world implications is where I glitched.

You know, I think I agree here. In the end, it's just a disease, if they're not (life) threatening or über nasty, then what are you even worried about? My uptightness, conservative attitude, or whatever the appropriate term is, when it comes to sex, still lingers. I need to work on letting that go. No one deserves to be looked at with scrutiny just because they enjoyed safe, casual sex.

Good man!


Everyone's different, don't let our stories discourage you lol.

As always, just be honest and be you.

Sometimes you have to play the game of love to get the next date or get laid or whatever, but most of the time if I can't be honest with someone I don't want any of the above anyways.

Yo, you guys think bringing a Poinsettia as a gift for when I got invited as a +1 to a gal's office Christmas party is a nice gesture or is it too much? I mean it's in the spirit of the season but it's not as ostentatious as roses or anything like that.

Nah, don't bring anything. It's just an office Xmas party anyway... and if her office is anything like mine, a gesture like that (small as it is) will be in the rumor mill for weeks.
Nah, don't bring anything. It's just an office Xmas party anyway... and if her office is anything like mine, a gesture like that (small as it is) will be in the rumor mill for weeks.

Well I meant bringing it to her house when I pick her up, but it's bad to be the subject of gossip at the gal's place of work?

I could see that easily backfiring and she might get tired of people asking so eh.
Yeesh that woman is a huge red flag. :(

Wow. I wanted to post a few updates since it's been a while, so I figured a cross-country flight was an appropriate time. Anyway, I too had a red flag girl! It was around our 5th date. During the previous one, she lit into me for touching her knee in public; I didn't want to see her again, but she asked and I agreed.

This time, she railed against me for not knowing about some Casey Affleck sexual harassment thing, and I asked if there’d been any resolution/investigation. She claimed I wasn’t being a proper ally, and I pointed out that I agreed with her and I’d also passionately prosecuted sexual assault. (This was after rejecting another movie because it featured “straight white male pathos” or something.)

She said she felt like going home, and I said that I'd walk her to the metro. Clean break.

Date on Wednesday with the cuter and NICER girl from last week, and I also saw the defense attorney I met back in 2014 creeping my dating profile before texting me and asking me out for drinks.

... and yesterday I spent 10 hours drinking with some Ukrainians girls (a girl I was vibing with, her friend, and our bartender) at the hotel bar and they invited me out dancing with them afterwards. It was something like 10 tequila shots each, 4am borscht, and dropping a Russian off by the beach before I got back home. Loads of fun, no one died (maybe), and I caught my flight. Gonna shoot the one girl a message via FB. Nothing's gonna happen, but she was really sweet.

My coworker on the trip with me - a woman in her 50s who drank with us for the first 6 hours - was inexplicably proud of me. Gotta say, I felt like NeoGAF's own ZackieChan for once. #Carpe(r)Diem
My coworker on the trip with me - a woman in her 50s who drank with us for the first 6 hours - was inexplicably proud of me. Gotta say, I felt like NeoGAF's own ZackieChan for once. #Carpe(r)Diem

Moments like that are amazing, even if they don't turn into anything romantic. Like they say in Dead Poet's Society, you've gotta "live deep and suck out all the marrow of life" (is that Thoreau?).
Moments like that are amazing, even if they don't turn into anything romantic. Like they say in Dead Poet's Society, you've gotta "live deep and suck out all the marrow of life" (is that Thoreau?).

It was a real Lost in Translation moment - connecting with someone 10 years younger at a hotel bar and talking for hours nonstop. Kinda makes me re-realize how shitty online dating is. Putting down your phone and just talking to people is really undervalued.

Glad I'm traveling more and I'll make a habit of this.


Well I meant bringing it to her house when I pick her up, but it's bad to be the subject of gossip at the gal's place of work?

I could see that easily backfiring and she might get tired of people asking so eh.

Ahhhh, I see. Also as a general rule, most gossip is bad gossip, and even good gossip can be used against you. dog eat dog world yo
my workplace has really jaded me about office politics, but otherwise it's great I swear

I'd still advise against it because it doesn't quite seem like you two are an item :)

Goodness, gracious. I mean I get there's inequality in society, blah blah blah, but sometimes it gets to the point where it feels like women hate the majority of men to the pint of taking the general failings of society on the poor men trying to date them. I guess men also do it too, just in a different way. People just suck lol.

I also have 50 year old women always being like "I'm so proud of you" and like trying to take me under their wing and stuff. I guess maybe they like trying to be my surrogate moms or something? Maybe they find something they need to fix about my mostly neutral attitude? I may never know. They're weird, yet endearing.

Hey Gaf, I can't get over who my Girlfriend's friends are and who she hangs out with. We both love each other very much and I do very much trust her it's just I get inside my own head all the time whenever she's with them because of who they are and she also kind of seems like a different person when she texts and she's with them and it just kills me. I know there's nothing really that I can do because its her friends and shes not going to drop her friend group for me and I wouldn't want her to. I guess I just needed somewhere to say this ...

Um, why don't you like them, exactly...?
Hey Gaf, I can't get over who my Girlfriend's friends are and who she hangs out with. We both love each other very much and I do very much trust her it's just I get inside my own head all the time whenever she's with them because of who they are and she also kind of seems like a different person when she texts and she's with them and it just kills me. I know there's nothing really that I can do because its her friends and shes not going to drop her friend group for me and I wouldn't want her to. I guess I just needed somewhere to say this ...

Have they done anything to invite dislike.

Not that it matters, not everyone you meet are you going to like. They are her friends, just leave her be with them. You don't need to like them, just be polite.
Met a girl randomly at a party and she wanted my info so I added her on the messaging app LINE since its what we all use here. Was more interested in her friend but added her anyway because she was cute...

Can't remember her name to message her haha. But I think she added me to facebook last night... so maybe its her... or her friend... fuck lol. Think this is a sign to not go for either, or message both and see who shows up.
Met a girl randomly at a party and she wanted my info so I added her on the messaging app LINE since its what we all use here. Was more interested in her friend but added her anyway because she was cute...

Can't remember her name to message her haha. But I think she added me to facebook last night... so maybe its her... or her friend... fuck lol. Think this is a sign to not go for either, or message both and see who shows up.

Why do you need to know her name? Just say hi and start talking. No name necessary.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
OK, so here we go again. A buddy of mine hooked me up with his cousin. We hit it off, she's really cool and kinda shy which I like. I've been out with her a few times. There's a problem though. She's looking for a relationship, she told me this, which I'm fine with I guess. Except for that she has two kids. I'm not ready for that, by itself, but the next part is even stupider lol. These kids' father plays for the Steelers, right now. He's also a starter. I don't think I can step of to the plate and perform without embarassing tf out of myself, and then he's gonna be around and if he wants her back she's just gonna leave my piece of shit self so fast. I'm not gonna continue, because I don't want to be a stepdad now regardless, but I figured I'd tell you the story because it's so ridiculous.
hey if I got a girls number ages ago but nothing ever came of it just a couple of texts (i was shy back then) i saw her on tinder the other day and would like to re-engage how should i go about it?


OK, so here we go again. A buddy of mine hooked me up with his cousin. We hit it off, she's really cool and kinda shy which I like. I've been out with her a few times. There's a problem though. She's looking for a relationship, she told me this, which I'm fine with I guess. Except for that she has two kids. I'm not ready for that, by itself, but the next part is even stupider lol. These kids' father plays for the Steelers, right now. He's also a starter. I don't think I can step of to the plate and perform without embarassing tf out of myself, and then he's gonna be around and if he wants her back she's just gonna leave my piece of shit self so fast. I'm not gonna continue, because I don't want to be a stepdad now regardless, but I figured I'd tell you the story because it's so ridiculous.

Join a better NFL team and trash the Steelers on the field?
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