Link? Can't find it 😩
TLDR version: Attractive woman hits on, gets date with gaffer, gaffer is confused.
Link? Can't find it 😩
TLDR version: Attractive woman hits on, gets date with gaffer, gaffer is confused.
TLDR version: Attractive woman hits on, gets date with gaffer, gaffer is confused.
Not sure what you mean, but here in Scandinavia it is very common to have exams in January![]()
Here in Spain too if you are in college. Did my first exam today and I have another one tomorrow so will probably go out on Wednesday to start my challenge.
In case anyone here hasn't read pureplayin2's post:That thread is weird. Especially the guy talking about a fat contract with his would-be wife.
Yes attraction can grow. The only way for you to know for sure is to get to know the person more. Physical attraction is the very first thing that draws us to someone then from there we usually attempt to get to know the person to see if they are someone we can date.
For me, if I'm not at least partially attracted to the person physically then I will never ever date them. It doesn't matter how good of a person they are, if I don't think they are pretty then I will never want to date them. If they are really pretty and I find out they are very unintelligent then I drop them. I have no fat female friends and I have never and will never date a fat overweight girl either. If I ever get married and the wife starts to gain weight, I will give her a chance to lose it otherwise I am gone- this type of agreement will be in a contract the future wife will need to sign before marriage. I don't care how much I love the person she will get dropped for becoming fat. I've even made a fat girl cry because she wanted to get with me and I proceeded to tell her how fat she is and how repulsive it makes her look. YOU should really not waste this girls time if you feel the way you feel. You are already questioning her looks which is a warning sign now that it WILL become a problem in your relationship with this girl if it gets that far.
How soon do you ask someone out?Just had an emotional breakdown in my whip about how I'll never git gud at modern dating and am destined to be frustrated as fuck and cynical all the time. Swiping through Tinder as per DatingGaf recommendation and its just not working. I'm getting matches, compliments etc. but convos are going nowhere and no one seems interested in having an actual date. I wait and wait and they never ask OR i ask and they ghost or deflect. So we end up sending snarky jokes back and forth until i get bored of it. sometimes I'll send the digimons (phone digits) and the chemistry dies right after like i was talking to two different people or some shit
I desperately don't want to go to a bar or club because I'm just not into talking to people when alcohol is involved anymore ughh i know i sound like a fucking loser but it's just who I am. I would literally only be there to find a date... Hoping I meet someone at the Nintendo Switch press event at this point because I can't even.
Porn has lost its luster. I only watch one porno at this point and i just cum and roll over like i just finished eating a lackluster sub sandwich & im tired of watching other people get off so now im sexually frustrsated AND emotionally distraught. A bad combo as im sure we all know.
I just want to
1) meet someone, get their number with NO frills or mandatory fishing minigame
2) go on a legit date to a nice establishment, doesn't have to be Katsuya or Akira Sushi where you take your shoes off and sit on placemats.
3) feel like im not alone in this world and dealing with life's bullshit AND dating's bullshit for once.
Is there a such thing as someone who is unable to find love? Please just say there is so I feel better about myself!😣😣 im an emotional wreck 😢
Just had an emotional breakdown in my whip about how I'll never git gud at modern dating and am destined to be frustrated as fuck and cynical all the time. Swiping through Tinder as per DatingGaf recommendation and its just not working. I'm getting matches, compliments etc. but convos are going nowhere and no one seems interested in having an actual date. I wait and wait and they never ask OR i ask and they ghost or deflect. So we end up sending snarky jokes back and forth until i get bored of it. sometimes I'll send the digimons (phone digits) and the chemistry dies right after like i was talking to two different people or some shit
I desperately don't want to go to a bar or club because I'm just not into talking to people when alcohol is involved anymore ughh i know i sound like a fucking loser but it's just who I am. I would literally only be there to find a date... Hoping I meet someone at the Nintendo Switch press event at this point because I can't even.
Porn has lost its luster. I only watch one porno at this point and i just cum and roll over like i just finished eating a lackluster sub sandwich & im tired of watching other people get off so now im sexually frustrsated AND emotionally distraught. A bad combo as im sure we all know.
I just want to
1) meet someone, get their number with NO frills or mandatory fishing minigame
2) go on a legit date to a nice establishment, doesn't have to be Katsuya or Akira Sushi where you take your shoes off and sit on placemats.
3) feel like im not alone in this world and dealing with life's bullshit AND dating's bullshit for once.
Is there a such thing as someone who is unable to find love? Please just say there is so I feel better about myself!���� im an emotional wreck ��
The 'can you get more attracted to something' or whatever thread is.... something, too.
GAF OT on point for entertainment today
Clay posts in this thread...
What I took most from that thread is the perception of "I'm not that attractive, so why would a girl I consider attractive ask me out?" Maybe you're not as unattractive as you think, it seems like lack of confidence talking. You have to own it!
"The Fat Contract" the hilarious new comedy starting Paul Rudd released in 2017.
Just had an emotional breakdown in my whip about how I'll never git gud at modern dating and am destined to be frustrated as fuck and cynical all the time. Swiping through Tinder as per DatingGaf recommendation and its just not working. I'm getting matches, compliments etc. but convos are going nowhere and no one seems interested in having an actual date. I wait and wait and they never ask OR i ask and they ghost or deflect. So we end up sending snarky jokes back and forth until i get bored of it. sometimes I'll send the digimons (phone digits) and the chemistry dies right after like i was talking to two different people or some shit
I desperately don't want to go to a bar or club because I'm just not into talking to people when alcohol is involved anymore ughh i know i sound like a fucking loser but it's just who I am. I would literally only be there to find a date... Hoping I meet someone at the Nintendo Switch press event at this point because I can't even.
Porn has lost its luster. I only watch one porno at this point and i just cum and roll over like i just finished eating a lackluster sub sandwich & im tired of watching other people get off so now im sexually frustrsated AND emotionally distraught. A bad combo as im sure we all know.
I just want to
1) meet someone, get their number with NO frills or mandatory fishing minigame
2) go on a legit date to a nice establishment, doesn't have to be Katsuya or Akira Sushi where you take your shoes off and sit on placemats.
3) feel like im not alone in this world and dealing with life's bullshit AND dating's bullshit for once.
Is there a such thing as someone who is unable to find love? Please just say there is so I feel better about myself!😣😣 im an emotional wreck 😢
🤔😦Yeah, I get ghosted a lot on Tinder too. Honestly I've had far better luck with just random Facebook adds.
If you're getting matches you're on the right track, so I wouldn't give up.Just had an emotional breakdown in my whip about how I'll never git gud at modern dating and am destined to be frustrated as fuck and cynical all the time. Swiping through Tinder as per DatingGaf recommendation and its just not working. I'm getting matches, compliments etc. but convos are going nowhere and no one seems interested in having an actual date. I wait and wait and they never ask OR i ask and they ghost or deflect. So we end up sending snarky jokes back and forth until i get bored of it. sometimes I'll send the digimons (phone digits) and the chemistry dies right after like i was talking to two different people or some shit
3) feel like im not alone in this world and dealing with life's bullshit AND dating's bullshit for once.
Right there with ya dude, it's tough out there. I'm a 6'4, athletic, moderately good looking guy with a pretty good salary, and I can't even get a hint of interest. I'm certainly not boasting about my status or anything, just saying that I think I should seem viable. I admit I'm a little awkward, but it's not to an unusual degree or anything like that. After a while you just kind of chalk it up to some intangible thing about yourself and give up.
jeez.. this is not what a 5'8 not-so-athletic dude wants to hear after just breaking it off with someone.
what avenues are you using to date?
I wait and wait and they never ask OR i ask and they ghost or deflect. So we end up sending snarky jokes back and forth until i get bored of it.
In case anyone here hasn't read pureplayin2's post:
Just a PSA that you don't have to be the paragon of attractiveness to get a date, confidence goes farther than your looks for the most part, though of course the two aren't always mutually exclusive
If you're putting mirror selfies of your six pack you're not going far
Just a PSA that you don't have to be the paragon of attractiveness to get a date, confidence goes farther than your looks for the most part, though of course the two aren't always mutually exclusive
If you're putting mirror selfies of your six pack you're not going far
In case anyone here hasn't read pureplayin2's post:
Besides, package pictures are the way to go.
Don't do this.
Besides, package pictures are the way to go.
Don't do this.
No, you'll go far - just not in finding someone for a relationship. But you'll definitely get messaged.If you're putting mirror selfies of your six pack you're not going far
Just OKC, and I started trying Tinder two days ago. Maybe that's my problem and I need try meeting people in person more, I just always have the concern that girls will assume things and put their guard up if I walk up and talk to them in person, whereas online there's the understanding that most people are single and looking.
Just a PSA that you don't have to be the paragon of attractiveness to get a date, confidence goes farther than your looks for the most part, though of course the two aren't always mutually exclusive
If you're putting mirror selfies of your six pack you're not going far
You should try Bumble too
Just getting back in the game for the first time in years, so the whole tinder/bumble thing has been interesting
That can only take you so far. On paper you are picture perfect yet it still isn't enough. I have height going against me: I'm 5'5". Still, that doesn't stop me from going out of my way to speak to people and getting dates pretty frequently. I bolded your problem. The moment you begin fearing, and thinking more than doing, you simply won't see any changes in your dating life. I was "slightly shy" too until about 5-6 months ago, when I felt it was enough. I became more outgoing, took more risks, and since then not only did my dating life improve severely, but other aspects as well. Doesn't matter how good the cover of a book is if what's inside isn't worth reading. Be interesting, do stuff, be engaging.Right there with ya dude, it's tough out there. I'm a 6'4, athletic, moderately good looking guy with a pretty good salary, and I can't even get a hint of interest. I'm certainly not boasting about my status or anything, just saying that I think I should seem viable. I admit I'm slightly shy, but it's not to an unusual degree or anything like that. After a while you just kind of chalk it up to some intangible thing about yourself and give up.
I've lost all hope of ever getting a girlfriend. Still nobody that visits my profile page on different dating sites, answers my mails or anything. Only once in a blue moon someone visits my page and that is because I visited their profile page. Tinder doesn't work either.
So I'm desperate and I want to know if anyone has dated a Thai or Philippine women. I see tons of them here in Sweden with Swedish guys. Guess that is what losers and brain dead guys like me get when we can't date Swedish women
Either that or I just give up dating all along and just focus on a solitude and my computer/Nintendo games
I've lost all hope of ever getting a girlfriend. Still nobody that visits my profile page on different dating sites, answers my mails or anything. Only once in a blue moon someone visits my page and that is because I visited their profile page. Tinder doesn't work either.
So I'm desperate and I want to know if anyone has dated a Thai or Philippine women. I see tons of them here in Sweden with Swedish guys. Guess that is what losers and brain dead guys like me get when we can't date Swedish women
Either that or I just give up dating all along and just focus on a solitude and my computer/Nintendo games
So I'm desperate and I want to know if anyone has dated a Thai or Philippine women. I see tons of them here in Sweden with Swedish guys. Guess that is what losers and brain dead guys like me get when we can't date Swedish
I felt alright today so I did meet up with her in the end.Ughhhh.
I'm not 100% sure, but it looks like I could be coming down with glandular fever (mono) after all.
I'm meant to be meeting the girl who I would've caught it from on Tuesday, but I'll have to see how I feel I guess.
Fingers crossed things don't end with her, but in any case I'll probably be out of action with dating for quite a few months...
That's pretty cool. I haven't had that many bad dates and even still i dont mind having an awkward experience or two. Its just getting to that point that frustrates me. I feel like people are literally looking for reasons not to go on a date idk. I was just kidding about the Katsuya stuff. I like unique dates. Thanks for the advice.Near where I live, is an old campus of military bunkers. I like to go there. I love it there. The place itself, gives plenty of inspiration to talk and many threads are branched off, as things come to mind. Even though I have been there a lot, each trip is different. Even with the same person.
Its pretty, interesting, can be kind of creepy, can be ominous, is a fun place. Its great. There is even a beach! Wild deer. One time, a hummingbird was dive bombing us. I guess we were in his claimed area!
Yeah I'm sexy AF to be frank and im really friendly so i just need to get to the actual date and at that point whatever happens happens. It's just the initial barrier I'm finding really hard to jump over. It's like putting on contacts or riding a bike for the first time. But yeah i guess I'll start asking for dates alot sooner. Thanks for the advice.Maybe you need to change your expectations about what you want from a date and try to be more direct and confident in how you interact with matches.
You're getting compliments, so looks aren't an issue. Sounds like you're chatting too much instead of actually chasing details and arranging dates.
Have those conversations in person.
To be honest, going through my text logs, i probably wait abit too long and see now that i need to ask sooner. But when they send me a stupid ass gif or put snarky shit in their bio it just seems like i have to write an exciting screenplay or something before i ask. Thanks for the advice.If you're getting matches you're on the right track, so I wouldn't give up.
How much do you message before asking them out? You saying "you wait and wait" or "sending snarky jokes back and forth until I get bored" makes me think you wait too long. You shouldn't be texting for days before asking. The sooner the better, because you'll have your answer right then which saves you time, and girls will lose interest the longer you wait.
Don't worry about getting to know them over text, that's what the date is for.
I'm close to giving up but then i have interactions with people that I'm not attracted to in real life and I can just tell I'm an appealing person. Sorry if that sounds arrogant or whatever but it seems like im likable enough to be loved... idk. Thanks for being so understanding.Right there with ya dude, it's tough out there. I'm a 6'4, athletic, moderately good looking guy with a pretty good salary, and I can't even get a hint of interest. I'm certainly not boasting about my status or anything, just saying that I think I should seem viable. I admit I'm slightly shy, but it's not to an unusual degree or anything like that. After a while you just kind of chalk it up to some intangible thing about yourself and give up.
Thanks for the advice.In society women are expected to be asked for their number, don't wait for them to ask. If you ask and it's a no (anything not yes is a no), just delete them and move on and stop getting over invested. You'll save yourself time and heartache and be one step closer to the woman that will say yes.
I've lost all hope of ever getting a girlfriend. Still nobody that visits my profile page on different dating sites, answers my mails or anything. Only once in a blue moon someone visits my page and that is because I visited their profile page. Tinder doesn't work either.
So I'm desperate and I want to know if anyone has dated a Thai or Philippine women. I see tons of them here in Sweden with Swedish guys. Guess that is what losers and brain dead guys like me get when we can't date Swedish women
Either that or I just give up dating all along and just focus on a solitude and my computer/Nintendo games
I've lost all hope of ever getting a girlfriend...
I felt alright today so I did meet up with her in the end...
I felt alright today so I did meet up with her in the end.
I asked her out for a second date for this Friday, but she hasn't replied yet. Hope that's not too forward for her, cause we were talking last night about taking things slow and ensuring we've got a good solid base of friendship before ramping things up
I asked her out for a second date for this Friday, but she hasn't replied yet. Hope that's not too forward for her, cause we were talking last night about taking things slow and ensuring we've got a good solid base of friendship before ramping things up
I asked her out for a second date for this Friday, but she hasn't replied yet. Hope that's not too forward for her, cause we were talking last night about taking things slow and ensuring we've got a good solid base of friendship before ramping things up
Went to a date today it went really nice, but one problem tho, she is 28 years old and I didn't know until today hahaha I like her but I think the age gap is too big 😯😯😯😯
Went to a date today it went really nice, but one problem tho, she is 28 years old and I didn't know until today hahaha I like her but I think the age gap is too big ��������