I should probably change my avatar...
To the GOAT?
I should probably change my avatar...
I don't want Armie tho
Jon Hamm better change his fucking mind about working out.
I dont know how to put this politely...but I don't think Ben's issues will be a very big deal in a few days or a week. I'm not saying it's ok or anything like that, but there have been far worse things that have come out about other people and they're fine. I really think you guys are overreacting. I see no major consequences, and I also don't think anybody will boycott the movie over it.
I should probably change my avatar...
Here ya go,
Or cut out the middle man,
To the GOAT?
Post-credits stinger for Justice League,
Bruce Wayne slips into the lazarus pit. Superman pulls a noticeably younger Bruce Wayne out.
Credits end
Folks will forget about this by next week. Just look at Cam Newton, that lasted for like 3 days. Ben should just be quiet.
There was one of the comics Bruce Wayne got injured, and I think Deadshot came in for a couple of them, you know. He had to throw on the Batsuit. So Im just saying, if theyre gonna draw on that I wouldnt reject it. Im a team player. If they need me in the suit, Im in it.
Get outHear me out...Deadshot kills Batman and takes over. Will Smith last year,
Hear me out...Deadshot kills Batman and takes over. Will Smith last year,
Hear me out...Deadshot kills Batman and takes over. Will Smith last year,
So that's it huh?
We some kinda The Batman directed by Matt Reeves?
There's the small, totally insignificant difference between sexual assault and a sexist comment.Folks will forget about this by next week. Just look at Cam Newton, that lasted for like 3 days. Ben should just be quiet.
Folks will forget about this by next week. Just look at Cam Newton, that lasted for like 3 days. Ben should just be quiet.
Equating a sexist remark to sexual gross just wrong on every single level.
We're not going to act like what Cavill did wasn't a fireable offenses or the "grooming" and other creep shit imploed when you're choosing someone that much younger than you.
You dont think its creepy for a fucking 33 year old man to date a 19 year old?What the shit is this? You don't think a 19 year old can consent to sex?
You dont think its creepy for a fucking 33 year old man to date a 19 year old?
You dont think its creepy for a fucking 33 year old man to date a 19 year old?
Dont be this obtuse dude.Why in the fuck would I be concerned about the sex lives of two consenting adults?
What the shit is this? You don't think a 19 year old can consent to sex?
No I dont. If she likes him I dont care what theyre doing together.You dont think its creepy for a fucking 33 year old man to date a 19 year old?
Dash´s next avatar. It's the logical step
Get out
The DCEU is dead. Bury it.
Where is Poodle?
Tell you what, use it for a couple of months, then we find you another one deal?Hey, don't tell me what to do.
Also, and I cannot believe I'm about to say this, there's the very real chance we're going to be at war with Iran by Sunday so that might factor into the PR stuff.
Woah.. what?
His alcoholism might could save him.Affleck might be out, depending on how he handles it. Or if he wants to, frankly. Keeping his head down for the next few days probably means he wouldn't get pushed out, but if he tries to make a fight of it publicly the pressure will probably end up too much.
Also, and I cannot believe I'm about to say this, there's the very real chance we're going to be at war with Iran by Sunday so that might factor into the PR stuff.
What now
The current rumor is that Trump is going to decertify the Iran deal. Nobody (other than the Republican congress) is going to put sanctions on Iran just because Trump hates Obama a bunch. Throw in Trump's increasingly unhinged behavior in front of and behind the camera, and the generally hawkish attitude the "adults in the room" (Mattis, Kelly, McMaster) have on Iran, and it's not super hard to see events falling out really poorly.
Not when she was the cashier at the super market that Henry robbed
His alcoholism might could save him.
lately?The internet has gotten so weird lately.
Never in a million years did I think I would hear those words.