Once again, take this with a veritable Everest of salt, but Bleeding Cool has published some rumored details about this "Rebirth" event that probably isn't the Hanna-Barbera stuff.
To save you the clicks, supposedly...
- Prior to each new #1, there'll be a so-called "Rebirth" issue.
- Tom King is shaping up to be the favorite for the new Batman bi-weekly series while Snyder works on Detective Comics.
- Batman/Superman, Superman/Wonder Woman, Starfire, Black Canary, Midnighter and Doctor Fate are supposedly to be cancelled with the characters moving on to comics.
- New comics supposedly include The Super Man, Man of Steel, New Green Lantern starring Jessica Cruz, and Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corp.
- Pete Tomasi will write Superman bi-weekly.
- New JSA ongoing, that supposedly has the pitch "But now, not only will this active team of superheroes be revealed, along with an explanation as to why no one remembers them, but they will be brought forward, young, to the present days, fishes out of water, fighting alongside the Justice League of America."
- Damian Wayne will lead the new Teen Titans.
- A Trinity comic to launch later in the year, as a bi-weekly.
Once again, this is Bleeding Cool, so take it with a fucking Moon-sized amount of salt.