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Dead Rising 2 |OT|: He knows his way around a zombie or two.

Ok so this is my method of zombie slaying for the 72,000.
By the way I just realized there was a book for 4 wheeled vehicles lol :lol. So now this is going to be much easier. I pretty much just drive up and down the strips/park and mow down everyone. Once my SUV looks like its about to blow up I start driving around the Yucatan Casino so I can be close to the door so I can just reload the masses. Rinse and repeat. Oh and just so you guys know, this is much much much easier to do then in DR1.
Sadist said:
Woooh getting better at it.

Level 15, just kicked the CURE guy's ass but I just noticed I can access the Chef and Slappy.

How hard are these two dudes?

Edit: the slow survivors are the worst. Any tips on how I can get them to move faster?

You can pick up some of them (like the drunk girl). Otherwise grab a wheelchair, they automatically get in and you can push them around.
Himuro said:
Your own fault. You should have ran for the case, let him sit there. He won't die. He's just right outside the safehouse too. If you're about to miss a case and you have survivors right outside the fucking safehouse, fuck the survivors. They will be fine, there are no zombies outside the safehouse and so long as they have ample health you will have zero issues. Just go back out once the cutscene is over and bring him in.
I don't think they stay outside the safe house, I thought they go back to where you originally found them.

mrklaw said:
they do feel like they teleport. I had the old couple - Chad and his wife - with me, and I got the motorbike and rode around killing zombies, but every time I turned around they were right there!
I was watching my brother play through the game and he flipped out twice and wanted to break the disc in half twice yesterday and it's Chad's fault. One bar of health left and who decides to shoot him in the back? Fucking Chad. He's picked up the game again and played through a bit more since though, but seriously? Why are the survivors shooting me when I'm helping them?


On the first playthrough I had so much difficulty with the
On the second playthrough, I laid into him with a lightsaber and had Jasper the survivor fire away with an assault rifle.

So good. :lol


grap3fruitman said:
I don't think they stay outside the safe house, I thought they go back to where you originally found them.

I was watching my brother play through the game and he flipped out twice and wanted to break the disc in half twice yesterday and it's Chad's fault. One bar of health left and who decides to shoot him in the back? Fucking Chad. He's picked up the game again and played through a bit more since though, but seriously? Why are the survivors shooting me when I'm helping them?

same here. Was being attacked by the guy on the bike, and chad was helping me out. But I think he turned on me when I hit him with a spiked bat by mistake.


Himuro said:
Your own fault. You should have ran for the case, let him sit there. He won't die. He's just right outside the safehouse too. If you're about to miss a case and you have survivors right outside the fucking safehouse, fuck the survivors. They will be fine, there are no zombies outside the safehouse and so long as they have ample health you will have zero issues. Just go back out once the cutscene is over and bring him in.

Yeah, already got him, have a save point just after that so no biggie.


So i just came across a survivor in South Plaza (wasn't marked as a scoop) that wouldn't come with me unless i get rid of some "cowboy out there".
Where is this cowboy duder? Is he a psychopath later in the game? I'm currently at case 4-1.


If you die at a psychopath, just restart the story. It's much more fun to re-encounter them when you're at a higher level. I restarted twice now and most psychopath fights are over in a minute.

My biggest enemy in the game is leaving a survivor in a previous area by mistake. The punishment? Triple loading time.
It's easy to say that but I'm 6 hours in now and have no desire to do anything I've done again. If I'm forced to fight a shitty psychopath I have to do it at my current level (16, I think)

Not that I've died on many. I know just to run now. :)
NIN90 said:
So i just came across a survivor in South Plaza (wasn't marked as a scoop) that wouldn't come with me unless i get rid of some "cowboy out there".
Where is this cowboy duder? Is he a psychopath later in the game? I'm currently at case 4-1.

This is tied to the WWJWD? Case.


I think it's way more fun to do them on the first pass, I really like the psychopaths. None of them have given me too many problems, no more than a couple deaths, but it is fun to prepare up for one and work in little makeshift strategies for them. Some of the best parts of the game, IMO.


Crap. I missed the FIRST ZOMBREX mission (besides the one you have to do at the beginning) and now it's 9 at night and I'm worrying about where I'm going to get a Zombrex goddamnit son of a bitch I better get another mission to get one augh. I NEEDZ THEM


Foliorum Viridum said:

Psychopaths are shit. They were in the first game, they still are here. Cool cutscenes, infuriating fights. Shit shit shit.
agreed. Only redeeming quality to them are the story sequences.


Things can be a bit touchy when I have survivors with me. I had to take on two psychos at once with one survivor who had a death wish. I eventually had to stick all the survivors in a room and told them to stay put to let me kick some ass. Combo weapons usually destroy them.

No psycho so far has been as annoying as that limping guy. Even tried to put him in a wheelchair, but he just fell over.


Sadist said:
Oh psycho overload

On lvl 16 and I need to beat the twins. What are my best options?
You can save in the nearby restroom, look at the movie poster on your way out... The components are close, one on top of a slot machine row and the other on top of the middle structure, where you'll find a nice bonus. Use the result to clear the hallway, grab the shotgun behind the counter, then initiate the fight, set your combo weapon down, run around, and most important: focus on one girl only, that's all you need to defeat those bitches :D
darkpaladinmfc said:
Good thing Capcom didn't listen to people complaining about psychopaths, there should have been more!
Agreed, need more fights and survivors integrated into them. The "save this guy who is in this store" is boring, as is "this crazy wants to kill you". We need more like the fat lesbian cop from DR1 where rescue and psycho are combined.


I think it was after I saved Sven. I had little time left to reach TK in the underground tunnel ,ission and had to take Sven the paramedic with me. The thing is that mission you have to get into a bike and jump into the train etc. I did this, Sven had full health so I went through all that mission and after I finished it I took one of the karts, down the tunnel to find him! :lol

That was priceless in my opinion. I though I would have to restart from my previous save and I almost did it, but I said hey what the hell maybe I'll play to see what I it has in store for me.Never actually thought the dude would survive.


Vyse The Legend said:
Absolutely love the psychopaths. Hope they release a psychopath dlc pack that makes every zombie in the game a psychopath.

Wouldn't that be swell?
AS long as he's not the chef, ok. I hated that dude even after I discovered using the bladed gloves and pain killers made him a piece of cake, the regenerating health sucked. Also how is a fat guy like that so fast and agile?!?!?! The same goes for the chapel psycho.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Strummerjones said:
This threw me for a while as well. There are actually some right at the start in the hip hop shop near the exit from the safe area. They used to be standard issue for me in DR1 but they don't seem much good in this one and you're better off grabbing a barrow or a wheelchair to get around faster.

Oh, and if you didn't know already with the annoying bastard pictured above
the leadership magazine makes him run normally like any other survivor!
. I also tried sticking him a wheelchair, but I couldn't get that to work?

You just need to grab a wheelchair and he walks over to sit in it. I think people are trying to push it into him, which won't work.


Silly question. I always close the outermost doors when I'm leaving the safehouse. Hah. Does it matter? Also, how much does installing decrease the load times and what is the install size?
Himuro said:
There are plenty of psychopath fights. Why more?

Kinda predictable when I can read a mission summary and say,"Okay that's a psychopath. Avoid for now. That? Psychopath. Avoid until I get more creamer."

When you space fights they become better because there's an element of surprise. When it's fight after fight, the game's flaws are more exposed.

So in that point of view, yeah I'd say there's too many psychopaths. I remember doing Slappy, the mailman, CURE guy, and virgin boy in sequential order with the
not far after too.

That's too much.

Dead Rising isn't a boss rush.
I always fought Psychopaths ASAP, and they were fairly spread out.


NIN90 said:
Some of you are real babbies about the psychos. Especially because the game gives you so many options to beat them.
At their best they aren't awful. At best. I've yet to find a psychopath fight that was fun.
Just fought the chef and got my ass kicked. He didn't seem that hard, I just wasn't properly equipped when I entered the fight and still managed to take off most of his life. I'm still really enjoying the setups to the fights and think they do a pretty amazing job when it comes to voice acting (so far at least), I get pretty amped up for the boss fights, even if they are pretty poorly done.
Papercuts said:
You just need to grab a wheelchair and he walks over to sit in it. I think people are trying to push it into him, which won't work.

I know that, but I think I know exactly why it didn't work. If you waypoint people they will NOT get in vehicles with you, they will only do so if they are in following mode. I'm pretty sure I had him standing to one side to keep him away from the zombies, hence why. Still, there are far far better ways to deal with him..


Agreed, but you could argue it's a matter of weaponchoice. Just fought the twins for a secondtime with a freshly assembled lasersword. And I kicked ass. Still these fights are pretty hardcore if you're not prepared for them.

Regardless, DR 2 is awesome. So many hidden stuff like Capcom easter eggs (Protoman sign lol) or my favourite quote of Chuck towards Rebecca: "did you cover wars?" But also in terms of things to do. Awesome game.


corporate swill
Anyone need a co-op partner later on today? All the people that I would play this game with refuse to get it solely because of the time limit ;/
Sadist said:
Agreed, but you could argue it's a matter of weaponchoice. Just fought the twins for a secondtime with a freshly assembled lasersword. And I kicked ass. Still these fights are pretty hardcore if you're not prepared for them.

Regardless, DR 2 is awesome. So many hidden stuff like Capcom easter eggs (Protoman sign lol) or my favourite quote of Chuck towards Rebecca: "did you cover wars?" But also in terms of things to do. Awesome game.

Yeah, you need to bring some good weapons to these fights to stand a chance. I still wonder why the designers seemed to intentionally remove any useful weapons from the boss arenas though. From the three I've played, the boss arenas are almost void of anything that will help you in the fight, so if the good weapons break you're screwed. The CURE guy for example, the only weapons in his general area are a couple of 2X4's and a road cone which are absolutely useless against him. The core mechanic of this game is improvising weapons from your surroundings, why throw that out for the boss fights? Especially when you're not sure if there's going to be a fight until it's too late.


If the bosses were easy or simple it's really undermine a lot of the game systems, IMO. Having them there to stress caution, preparation and the crafting is good since it's not like the common infected are going to do that.


If you wander into a psycho fight unequiped then just leave, load up on weapons and return. It's not like the game locks the doors when you encounter one of them.


Tkawsome said:
Yeah, you need to bring some good weapons to these fights to stand a chance. I still wonder why the designers seemed to intentionally remove any useful weapons from the boss arenas though. From the three I've played, the boss arenas are almost void of anything that will help you in the fight, so if the good weapons break you're screwed. The CURE guy for example, the only weapons in his general area are a couple of 2X4's and a road cone which are absolutely useless against him. The core mechanic of this game is improvising weapons from your surroundings, why throw that out for the boss fights? Especially when you're not sure if there's going to be a fight until it's too late.

At times I'm just thinking: you know, Dead Rising (2) is the Viewtiful Joe of Capcom this generation. You know and think the game is awesome, but because of design choices and difficulty levels at times you fucking hate the game. Still, the game over screen appears and you'll just restart while mumbling to yourself: "guess it was my fault then"
Alex said:
If the bosses were easy or simple it's really undermine a lot of the game systems, IMO. Having them there to stress caution, preparation and the crafting is good since it's not like the common infected are going to do that.

It's cool if they're difficult, just give me the tools to fight them where I'm currently fighting them. Of course it's a good idea to come equipped, but I'm constantly entering these fights not knowing what I'm getting into so it's not always possible to prepare. Plus, I'll be using my stocked up weapons to get to the boss, so they're likely to break during the fight.

Kuraudo said:
If you wander into a psycho fight unequiped then just leave, load up on weapons and return. It's not like the game locks the doors when you encounter one of them.

That's just it, from the three I've played there's nothing useful in the area even when you leave. The motocross guy hunts you down throughout the level and there's very few useful weapons in the courtyard unless you hit the pawn shop, the chef heals when you leave, and the CURE guy has nothing within a mile radius. You have to go all the way back to the casino before you can find a semi-useful weapon.

On a side note: you don't think leaving the arena is sort of breaking the game? Sure the game allows you to do it, but you don't think that's just a work around for poor design?

Sadist said:

At times I'm just thinking: you know, Dead Rising (2) is the Viewtiful Joe of Capcom this generation. You know and think the game is awesome, but because of design choices and difficulty levels at times you fucking hate the game. Still, the game over screen appears and you'll just restart while mumbling to yourself: "guess it was my fault then"

In this case it was my fault. I entered the fight expecting to die, and stayed until the bitter end. It just made me think about the way they designed these fights.


SalsaShark said:

Yeah already fucked :( ill probably do a third playthrough just until Katie's first zombrex so i can at least fight/tame him.

Where's the skateboard btw ?[/QUOTE]

Dude you can put him in a wheel chair...


Less than a minute from the courtyard are workshops where you can make lightsabers and pawn shops where you can buy great weapons. Nevertheless, I beat his ass down with the spiked bat from damn saferoom.


Himuro said:
Help with snipers on the strip? This is the first psychopath section I've felt is truly dreadful.
The first one by the Hotel is the easiest to reach, since you can climb up on the scaffolding to reach him. He's pretty useless without his rifle (all of them are), so run up to them and wail on them. For the other three, pay attention to the building that they are on. The reason you want to do this is because in the proximity of the maintenance room closest to their location, there is a ladder that leads straight up to the rooftop that they are on. Climb up and continue the slaughtering.


Himuro said:
Help with snipers on the strip? This is the first psychopath section I've felt is truly dreadful.

Just run unless you have some food and knife gloves. You know how to get up to actually fight them right? The only guy I had issues finding was Derrick, and to get there you gotta find some alley near the sex shop.
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