DevilWillcry said:If it makes ya feel any better it sounds like both console versions are a complete wreck when it comes to framerate so I'd say you're good with either console version.
Fortinbras said:Man...I'm so weak. Bought the game for 360 today. My PC could handle the game better than the 360 but I'm not interested in playing games on PC.
Bought the normal version. On a side note: The Outbreak Edition is huge. :lol
Didn't think it was a GFWL game?Fortinbras said:These are exactly my reasons.
Dead Risng 2 PC does have achievements though.
If only it was cross platform game, still gonna have to get the xbox version to play with my friendsKweh said:It is.
it sure is. Capcom are on board with GFWL.NIGHT- said:Didn't think it was a GFWL game?
Sevket-Erhat said:I got mine early as well. Great game
just ignore the case files. that'll give you plenty of stress free options probably.Whoompthereitis said:Hoping someone figures out how to remove all the time limit stuff on the PC version. I'll totally buy it if that happens. I get why it's in there, jsut dont' feel like going through all that stress again. I want to explore leasurely, damnit.
d1rtn4p said:I'm torn. I know there is a performance thread for this game, but it seems pretty inconclusive at this time. Are there any hard numbers on where the PC,360,PS3 stand as far as looks and performance at this point?
That was great! Lots of cheese and beautifully directed, very promising.Vaa said:Here are the first ten minutes of the game, where the infection begins ! Could be interesting to watch for those who are not sure to buy it.
Lyonaz said:So for the Dutchies here, the gameshop in Den Haag is selling it today.
Whoompthereitis said:Hoping someone figures out how to remove all the time limit stuff on the PC version. I'll totally buy it if that happens. I get why it's in there, jsut dont' feel like going through all that stress again. I want to explore leasurely, damnit.
Lyonaz said:Man whoever said the Outbreak Edition box was big wasn't kidding, that shit is HUGE!
Bigger than my Tekken 6 Limited Edition box. :lol
MMaRsu said:How much?
Whoompthereitis said:Hoping someone figures out how to remove all the time limit stuff on the PC version. I'll totally buy it if that happens. I get why it's in there, jsut dont' feel like going through all that stress again. I want to explore leasurely, damnit.
dark10x said:Just watched the first 10 minutes and it looks surprisingly appealing to me. While it's true that much of the goofiness of the original is present in this game, the presentation here is so much more interesting. The first 10 minutes of the original were pretty boring and worthless, really, and the game never attempted to do anything story wise.
This, on the other hand, has me genuinely interested. I just hope the PC version is solid as the console versions appear to be too pretty awful. It's a damn shame the tech powering this game is plagued by so many performance issues (horrible loading and a low framerate).
The PC port COULD turn out awful, unfortunately, so I'm eager to hear some impressions.
dark10x said:Just watched the first 10 minutes and it looks surprisingly appealing to me. While it's true that much of the goofiness of the original is present in this game, the presentation here is so much more interesting. The first 10 minutes of the original were pretty boring and worthless, really, and the game never attempted to do anything story wise.
This, on the other hand, has me genuinely interested. I just hope the PC version is solid as the console versions appear to be too pretty awful. It's a damn shame the tech powering this game is plagued by so many performance issues (horrible loading and a low framerate).
The PC port COULD turn out awful, unfortunately, so I'm eager to hear some impressions.
MMaRsu said:It's.... the first 10 minutes..
PS3 or 360 version?dark10x said:Just watched the first 10 minutes and it looks surprisingly appealing to me. While it's true that much of the goofiness of the original is present in this game, the presentation here is so much more interesting. The first 10 minutes of the original were pretty boring and worthless, really, and the game never attempted to do anything story wise.
This, on the other hand, has me genuinely interested. I just hope the PC version is solid as the console versions appear to be too pretty awful. It's a damn shame the tech powering this game is plagued by so many performance issues (horrible loading and a low framerate).
The PC port COULD turn out awful, unfortunately, so I'm eager to hear some impressions.
I think the consensus is that the 360 version is probably a touch better, but both have significant performance problems. Should have been an MT Framework game.Looks like the PS3 version is going to be available before the 360 version here. Any consensus yet on which version is better?
Diablos said:PS3 or 360 version?![]()
PowerSmell said:Looks like the PS3 version is going to be available before the 360 version here. Any consensus yet on which version is better?
Eh, compared to the PC yes, of course they are both inferior. That being said sharper textures and a less-shitty framerate are big pluses when the game is running terribly to begin with.brain_stew said:Both! :lol
It seems to be like Mafia 2, where despite the fact the 360 version held a pretty substantial advantage over the PS3 version it all kinda counted for naught in the end because both version were so horrible. The PC version came to the rescue in that case, hopefully it does here as well.
Again, both console versions seem to have significant issues that will have a tangible effect on gameplay (the degree of which depends on the individual), the PS3 version just seems to amplify them. Hold out for impressions on the PC version if you have access to any sort of gaming rig, as if you care about performance (load times/framerate/aa) its your only real hope but we've little clue how it performs yet.
Diablos said:Eh, compared to the PC yes, of course they are both inferior. That being said sharper textures and a less-shitty framerate are big pluses when the game is running terribly to begin with.
panda21 said:is it really that bad? i?
Jeff Stephen said:New screenshots on Steam?
How so? See below.brain_stew said:This sentence really doesn't make any sense at all.
360's framerate at least has some, uh, consistency. PS3 looks like it's even lower and tears like a mofo. If DR2 360 performs like Case Zero, it's tolerable. PS3 seems to be nearly unbearable.DevilWillcry said:If it makes ya feel any better it sounds like both console versions are a complete wreck when it comes to framerate so I'd say you're good with either console version.
brain_stew said:Quite a relief as the lack of any AA solution in Case Zero could look pretty poor at times coupled with the severely aliased shadows.
AlStrong said:It's 2x.