I see you've found a group. John us if you need it again.
It's actually two maps as cauldron is in the rotation too but yeah it's dumb as hell. Why not mix the new maps with the old in that playlist? That would make too much sense I guess.
At the boss in Nightfall. Add Cyberpunk-Psycho PS4 and join if you like.
I'll try but not right now.
Just woke up and my head is exploding.
Anyone down for some crucible?
Dhruv, Boguester and Lollipop Reaper, do you guys wanna play control when youre done with skirmish?
Doing daily 30
Jump in if you want to do it too.
I'm 29, but I'll join in.
My first Dead Orbit package was a mote of light and some glimmer...
My first Dead Orbit package was a mote of light and some glimmer...
My first Dead Orbit package was a mote of light and some glimmer...
I am down, play a match and I will join in on the next one since I am about to make some coffee.Greenymac, want to come join us in crucible now?
Anytime feel free to join me whenever.Thanks for the dailu help RawR, deku, and reluctant. I know its easy to solo but I have fun with others.
Thanks for the dailu help RawR, deku, and reluctant. I know its easy to solo but I have fun with others.
Greenymac, want to come join us in crucible now?
I am down, play a match and I will join in on the next one since I am about to make some coffee.
Anytime feel free to join me whenever.
Sent you an inv.
Anyone else up for some crucible? Two spaces
i'm up for it.
Whats your psn?
Does the urn quest line give crota's end rep? I'm stuck 2000 rep away from being level 32 and it is super frustrating. They should have made all your rep go towards eris when you wear her class item. You know...like every other faction in the game.
Last one that gives you rep is the Omnigul Strike or the Hands/Eyes/Heart of Crota
Are you up for VoG hard? Waiting on you, if not it's cool.
Headache is gone.
Ready to. Do this if you ppl still need one.
Edit: i see u guys are full. Thanks for the invite, man. I had to take something for the headache first. Sorry.
You had to complete bounties to get yourself a token
That token can then be used to do a Queens Wrath mission, 1 chosen mission from each planet was thrown in and you had to complete it to get loot
There was I think 6 bounties per day, with 6 tokens achievable, 10 max tokens you can hold onto so netting you 6 rolls on loot daily.
Problem was the first day, you can double up the bounties by signing in/off and the loot that you earned went dismantled earned you ascendant materials
Players who caught onto this early racked up many Legendary pieces and broke them down for shards
Bungie quickly hotfixed it so you can get only class materials, cause giving players roughly 12-15 (daily) or 24-30 (double dip) ascendant shards so early would break the game
Most kept reusing their tokens until they got Earth mission (2nd mission) and just kept repeating it
So 3 players with tokens would go roll the missions till earth hit, 2 friends join, finish mission, repeat till token ran out, most would cap out on the 10+ token
So do bounties for rep, which led to token to do same missions with modifiers in place, that always netted you at least 1 Legendary item, which quickly became broken and got patched, then people just rolled for pieces their characters needed
Yeah. Someone on my friend list messaged me asking for help. Thanks anyway!
Well it's another disappointing run of nightfalls.
1x legendary handcannon (red hand IX or something, sharded)
1 x another nitc (sharded as I have one with better perks
1 x crest of alpha lupi for hunter (already had a pre-dlc one so kept this one and sharded the old one)
There is always next week for ice breaker or godhorn.
Does the urn quest line give crota's bane rep? I'm stuck 2000 rep away from being level 32 and it is super frustrating. They should have made all your rep go towards eris when you wear her class item. You know...like every other faction in the game.
Red Hand is a pretty decent hand cannon. I wish I could reroll mine with better perks, but at 331 it gets the job done.
Fatebringer > Any 331 hand cannon
Fuck the 200 extra damage if they are in the same impact class as Fatebringer. If I should one thrall with Fate the rest of them explode in an arc explosion. With any other hand cannon I would have to kill all of them individually so that extra attack gets me nothing.
It's why I laugh at anyone claiming Fatebringer is outdated because it's stuck at 300 attack.
This Exotic Chest in VoG is too fucking nice...
20/23 Exotics gotten
Now only Red Death, The Last Word, No Land Beyond left to have
I would have kept it. However I have hawkmoon, fatebringer, thorn and the last word. Despite it being 331 at max I have other hand canons in would always use before it.
Fatebringer > Any 331 hand cannon
Fuck the 200 extra damage if they are in the same impact class as Fatebringer. If I should one thrall with Fate the rest of them explode in an arc explosion. With any other hand cannon I would have to kill all of them individually so that extra attack gets me nothing.
It's why I laugh at anyone claiming Fatebringer is outdated because it's stuck at 300 attack.
Fatebringer > Any 331 hand cannon
Fuck the 200 extra damage if they are in the same impact class as Fatebringer. If I should one thrall with Fate the rest of them explode in an arc explosion. With any other hand cannon I would have to kill all of them individually so that extra attack gets me nothing.
It's why I laugh at anyone claiming Fatebringer is outdated because it's stuck at 300 attack.
I really need to hit that chest 3 times before reset! And maybe 3 atheon kills and 2 more crota kills. Surely out of those 8 chances of an exotic one is bound to give me what I need
6 and a half hours later I got my 3rd alt to 20... That was painful.
Now to try my chance at a Hawkmoon
Anyone kind enough to share a gorgon CP?
Anyone has the Gorgon Checkpoint so I can hit up the chest?
PSN jayforone
I can load it up now and just leave myself there. Doing some other stuff in the same room so no biggie. No mic but can hear voice, fyi. Feel free to switch to all your alts. PSN is DrDrizzay101.
That's cool. It kind of feels like a Hawkmoon lite. Good if you don't want to use a special or heavy exotic. I'm starting to feel the weakness of Fatebringer as I level up and get more 331 weapons up to full strength. I like my HC's to be one hit kills on all but the biggest baddies, and FB just can't pull that off like a 331 HC.
What's your PSN? Much appreciated
I can load it up now and just leave myself there. Doing some other stuff in the same room so no biggie. No mic but can hear voice, fyi. Feel free to switch to all your alts. PSN is DrDrizzay101.
Fatebringer > Any 331 hand cannon
Fuck the 200 extra damage if they are in the same impact class as Fatebringer. If I should one thrall with Fate the rest of them explode in an arc explosion. With any other hand cannon I would have to kill all of them individually so that extra attack gets me nothing.
It's why I laugh at anyone claiming Fatebringer is outdated because it's stuck at 300 attack.
I agree with this.
Things might be different for the hard Raid but as of now, FB is still king.
And this is why fatebringer is my favourite PvE primary bar none