i think female warlock / titan armor looks better than the male. but male hunter is definitely the best
Look like a pudgy dwarf
Why is he so chubby and stout?
Oh wow I didn't know that twitter was you. I don't really need help getting it started. I can make the website and set everything up myself. I just need a core group of people for the actual discussions and I'll ask for guests here. It would probably be a monthly podcast because I don't think we would have enough stuff to talk about every 2 weeks or so. I just need a name I can get behind and then I can make the stuff we need this weekend.
Also I've done the unthinkable, there was no way in hell I could level that many exotic to net me double exotic shards, so I just started sharding doubles/taking up space
Dragon's Breath x2
Bad Juju (331)
Hawkmoon (300)
Invective (331) x2
Suros Regime (331)
Universal Remote (300)
Destiny Disaster Report
"Where a roll of the dice is your downfall!"
I've sharded an Invective and Remote. Which is nothing stellar but can raise a Gjallarhorn I sharded today. I wanted to keep it on my alt and level it, but I also got MIDA yesterday and Fatebringer today. I've got enough stuff to level.
So I've mentioned this before, but I really think we should make a destiny podcast. Just like how personagaf has an amazing podcast. I can take care of everything, but I need a good name before I try to make it happen. Would you guys like a podcast? Would you like to be on the podcast? If so, give me a name we can be proud of.
Oh wow I didn't know that twitter was you. I don't really need help getting it started. I can make the website and set everything up myself. I just need a core group of people for the actual discussions and I'll ask for guests here. It would probably be a monthly podcast because I don't think we would have enough stuff to talk about every 2 weeks or so. I just need a name I can get behind and then I can make the stuff we need this weekend.
Weird thing is
I have 2 Invectives, 2 Thorns, 2 Bad Juju's, and 2 Super Good Advice coming again! from the bounties I'm finishing up on my 3 chars...
So that's another 7 extra exotic shards, will be keeping 1 Thorn to max @331
Tower radio? I can't think of anything amazing
Weird thing is
I have 2 Invectives, 2 Thorns, 2 Bad Juju's, and 2 Super Good Advice coming again! from the bounties I'm finishing up on my 3 chars...
So that's another 7 extra exotic shards, will be keeping 1 Thorn to max @331
I decided to just hold onto my Exotic bounties untIL House of Wolves and get the upgraded versions. I don't care about it taking bounty space or the extra exotic shards. I am lucky to do 10 bounties a week now.
Anybody want to be 6th for a quick Crota kill? Got at least 2 Lv32s w/ GHorns right now, should be easy. PSN is DrDrizzay101.
Sure I'll join.Will of Crota , heroic weekly at end boss. Join if you need .
Psn Forrest_Crump
Will of Crota , heroic weekly at end boss. Join if you need .
Psn Forrest_Crump
"Loot Cave Lounge"Tower radio? I can't think of anything amazing
I might've registered who-sharded.com. I need to log in to Hover and check.
That was the best I came up with.
I do roughly 35 Bounties over 3 characters daily
It was insane when it was Iron Banner week... add +18 more @_@!
I rolled a No Land Beyond last night in nightfall, what is this gun some sort of joke? or some type of challenge to bring to the crucible lol
I like it.
Tower radio? I can't think of anything amazing
Now that you mention it, I do think it kind of favors you when you are still holding Rare gear. Legendary rolls and engrams seem to be strictly RNG, but I did notice on both my characters getting fewer engram drops for slots once they became Legendary and Exotic.
It is such a short phase in the overall end-game that you may not notice it.
I can't say welcome to who sharded podcast with out laughing everytime. No way
Will of Crota , heroic weekly at end boss. Join if you need .
Psn Forrest_Crump
"Loot Cave Lounge"
Rahool's Roadhouse!
I do roughly 35 Bounties over 3 characters daily
It was insane when it was Iron Banner week... add +18 more @_@!
Do you enjoy doing all those bounties? I'm just curious. Personally that seems like it'd be such a pain to do everyday, I don't know how you do it and aren't bored to death.
96 coins and 123 motes.
I'd spend all those coins on a single purchase if it was Hawkmoon.
Yes I would.
Could be.
I got back from vacation on Saturday, and my daughter gets back tonight. Since she got new gear right before she left, and wanted to run the raid this weekend, I've been doing some bounties each day on her character, leveling up her gear (but not selecting the perks, she'll get to do that). I've also been accumulating engrams, so she can cash them all in when she gets back.
She has an exotic primary and an exotic helm. Over the week, I got two primary weapon engrams, and two helm engrams.
Her specialty weapon, heavy weapon and chest armor are still rare level gear. I have 9 specialty weapon engrams, 7 heavy weapon and 6 for chest.
If it's pure RNG it's one heck of a coincidence that she's getting drops for the slots with the lowest ranked gear. Maybe there just aren't very many for helms and primaries, dunno.
destinyghosthunter.net is your friend. Someone posted it here yesterday or so.Went from 1780 grimoire points to 2110 in 1 day by getting some ghosts. Still have more than half of them missing.
Good job on Bungie placing the ghost in places most people would never explore. Seen some great areas that I just never went to because I needed these ghosts.
I like it.
destinyghosthunter.net is your friend. Someone posted it here yesterday or so.
Been grinding them for 3 days: only ever got blues.Doing Vanguard ROC. Got a plan C (shards) and a legendary engram (special weapon). Two strikes later some guy gets a Hawkmoon. ROC strikes are pretty fruitful
Well time for a nap, catch ya'll later tonight, need NF/Weekly on my Hunter if someone is on around 10-11pm EST hopefully