Byron Bluth
Awesome! You will own in PvP!
You got Hawkmoon!!!
Hrmmm so launch of House of Wolves launch of Tueaday March 10th, 2015.
Leak was right?
Hard Mode Crotas End: Tuesday January 20th, 2015
House of Wolves: Tuesday March 10, 2015
You got Hawkmoon!!!
I know the'll have the following elemental damages:
Hard mode Hand cannon (Will of Crota) - Void damage
Hard mode Scout Rifle - Arc damage
Hard mode Assault rifle - Solar damage
Is it one gift per account or character?
Lmao. That "christmas package gift" (or whatever you want to call it) was a joke. Bungie can't be serious. There were a lot more amazing gifts in other games and all that we've got here is 1 shitty legendary weapon. I mean come on. Not even some sort of discount from Vendors/Xur during holidays? Booooo.
/end rant
OMNIGUL! Siiiiiiiiiilence her SCREAMS!
..have done this mission wayy too much.
Congrats man! Don't forget about us little guys that still rock the Thorn in your new superstar life.FUCK YEA HAWKMOON!!!!
Thank you guys so much. Been hoping for this Hawkmoon drop since Destiny released. Now I just need Ballerhorn. I have 2 more nightfalls to do if you guys need to complete more. (Thanks Deku for joining us since you already did it)
Hrmmm so launch of House of Wolves launch of Tueaday March 10th, 2015.
Leak was right?
Hard Mode Crotas End: Tuesday January 20th, 2015
House of Wolves: Tuesday March 10, 2015
Thanks so much for joining. I have 3 characters holding 9+ 5k bounties and hand cannon telemetries. Easiest leveling up of exotic yet.
Congrats man! Don't forget about us little guys that still rock the Thorn in your new superstar life.
Thanks so much for joining. I have 3 characters holding 9+ 5k bounties and hand cannon telemetries. Easiest leveling up of exotic yet.
Another nightfall or weekly?
Thorn still reigns supreme in my life
Thank you guys so much. Been hoping for this Hawkmoon drop since Destiny released. Now I just need Ballerhorn. I have 2 more nightfalls to do if you guys need to complete more. (Thanks Deku for joining us since you already did it)
Another nightfall or weekly?
Yea I'm down for another nightfall and then weekly. Let me switch out my stuff
She IS wicked and desperate. That much I know.
Lmao. That "christmas package gift" (or whatever you want to call it) was a joke. Bungie can't be serious. There were a lot more amazing gifts in other games and all that we've got here is 1 shitty legendary weapon. I mean come on. Not even some sort of discount from Vendors/Xur during holidays? Booooo.
/end rant
Yea I'm down for another nightfall and then weekly. Let me switch out my stuff
I am in for one more NF. Can we start soon?
Hope I'm not too late and you didn't dismantle it: this Badger's a keeper!Ooooohhhhhh, I got the Badger CCL from Holiday Rahool. It's a step down in every way, except higher Impact and the precision kill makes things go "Boom!" perk. What says you, DestinyGAF? Is the Badger's explodey perk really that great to make up the difference?
I am in for one more NF. Can we start soon?
Rank 44, sweet jesus
hah it just... didn't seem like it to me :X sorry!Why'd you have to be such a Debbie Downer to the rest of us who thought it was Shell?
Meh. :-/Honestly, a new Legendary Ghost Shell would have been a hundred times better, despite everyone tired of Dinklebot, than a random, useless (in most people's cases) Legendary weapon. You know it's bad when Bungie fails to even deliver on your lowered expectations.
Do you mean for the week, or a newbie run? My weekly run with my group is tonight, haven't run it yet personally. I will be looking for other runs by reset though undoubtedly. First CE Newbie run will be next Thursday (the 15th).Did you run Crota yet, Hawk?
I'll tally up what we've got here now.I'd like to get in on this if there's enough room.
Vanquisher VIII destroys it IMO
don't even have crowd control unlocked but this thing is an absolute monsterpiece. first auto rifle I've truly loved since my trusty Galahad-E.
Cømet;146350523 said:Sorry man, kept telling my friend not to do it but he enjoys being a dick for no reason. He was fireteam leader unfortunately.
I can help you later if you want, but I understand if not.
Are the PS exclusive weapons going to be available for boners this fall? Are they just added to the loot table for possible drops or how is that going to work? I knew the strikes and pvp maps would become available (RIP everyone when that psion strike is the nightfall), but wasn't sure about the guns.
What's the deal with Hawkmoon btw...? I'm a lowly boner so I can't use it but see you guys freak out about it more than the gjallar...
log on to check this "small legendary package"
another dumb devil you don't with terrible rolls.
Are the PS exclusive weapons going to be available for boners this fall? Are they just added to the loot table for possible drops or how is that going to work? I knew the strikes and pvp maps would become available (RIP everyone when that psion strike is the nightfall), but wasn't sure about the guns.
What's the deal with Hawkmoon btw...? I'm a lowly boner so I can't use it but see you guys freak out about it more than the gjallar...
Are the PS exclusive weapons going to be available for boners this fall? Are they just added to the loot table for possible drops or how is that going to work? I knew the strikes and pvp maps would become available (RIP everyone when that psion strike is the nightfall), but wasn't sure about the guns.
What's the deal with Hawkmoon btw...? I'm a lowly boner so I can't use it but see you guys freak out about it more than the gjallar...
Yea just switching. I'll join on you Deku
Nice perks, where did you get it? I dismantled my 300 Vanquisher and am hoping to get something like this.don't even have crowd control unlocked but this thing is an absolute monsterpiece. first auto rifle I've truly loved since my trusty Galahad-E.
Lmao. That "christmas package gift" (or whatever you want to call it) was a joke. Bungie can't be serious. There were a lot more amazing gifts in other games and all that we've got here is 1 shitty legendary weapon. I mean come on. Not even some sort of discount from Vendors/Xur during holidays? Booooo.
/end rant
*sigh*A legendary weapon would be cool. But that's not what this is. This is a vanguard weapon, of which there are really only 3 or 4 good ones, and we don't even get to choose what it is.
The best and most appropriate gift would be an exotic weapon engram. Bungie still gets to RNG and the gift would be worthwhile no matter what.
Next time, Bungie, just don't bother.
Nightfall. I've never even put any rep into New Monarchy.Nice perks, where did you get it? I dismantled my 300 Vanquisher and am hoping to get something like this.
Are the PS exclusive weapons going to be available for boners this fall? Are they just added to the loot table for possible drops or how is that going to work? I knew the strikes and pvp maps would become available (RIP everyone when that psion strike is the nightfall), but wasn't sure about the guns.
What's the deal with Hawkmoon btw...? I'm a lowly boner so I can't use it but see you guys freak out about it more than the gjallar...
A legendary weapon would be cool. But that's not what this is. This is a vanguard weapon, of which there are really only 3 or 4 good ones, and we don't even get to choose what it is.
The best and most appropriate gift would be an exotic weapon engram. Bungie still gets to RNG and the gift would be worthwhile no matter what.
Next time, Bungie, just don't bother.
Fuck you and your christmas gift Bungie. A fucking LDR sniper rifle with crouching increases accuracy. Something non-fucking-RNG would have been fucking nice.
Shards indeed, what a dud.
OMNIGUL! Siiiiiiiiiilence her SCREAMS!
..have done this mission wayy too much.
Everyone loves their hawkmoon but me lol, wtf
Cool let me switch my character then I will join you guys.
How did we get reset Deku and JTran? I was still alive
Thanks to Cømet and others for offers to help with the Nightfall but I already got it done earlier today with Tyler and lunlunqq.
Shit happens. I wasn't invited and we don't play together regularly. I'm sorry you play with such poor company and I hope you'll understand if our paths don't cross again in Destiny anytime soon.
Nice perks, where did you get it? I dismantled my 300 Vanquisher and am hoping to get something like this.
Nightfall. I've never even put any rep into New Monarchy.