Level 32s!
Hard Mode Crota's End here I come!
Dang nice work. Only about 20 Crucible matcjds left. I want the chance next too haha
Level 32s!
Hard Mode Crota's End here I come!
I read it earlier today. Seems like a guy who has played a lot and enjoys the game like us.
Maybe ok perks for PvP?
Gotcha had no idea if it was posted or not. Been gone all day from the thread..no I was not sleeping
Any advice on Legendary AR's?
Looking to purchase one from Crucible. Maybe vanguard if they have a better offering.
The one with higher impact at any vendor is the one you want.
Any advice on Legendary AR's?
Looking to purchase one from Crucible. Maybe vanguard if they have a better offering.
Dang nice work. Only about 20 Crucible matcjds left. I want the chance next too haha
What about RoF/Handling?
Just looking to see what people have actually been enjoying.
Man, I'm definitely staying up to do double Eris bounties the next couple days. Only thing standing in between me and 32.
I hope Xur is selling Obsidian Mind this week.
I refuse to buy a warlock helment, even though I have 3 pieces of raid gear.
The exotic helmets for warlock look lame, I don't like the raid chest piece from CE
and the raid helmet for warlock looks so cool....
its all I want from the raid
What about RoF/Handling?
Just looking to see what people have actually been enjoying.
Today was one of my "play alone and grind grind grind" days to get all the glimmer and mats I needed. Along with the XP.
I have all the mats and XP for my Warlock now too, just need the remaining shards.
9 shards/energy per character doing the raid seems realistic right? I need 27 total. Hrmmmmm
I think it's For the People and Up For Anything? The one at the crucible vendor has a glitch where the ammo perk gives you way more ammo than intended. They both have huge stability upgrades.
I want both but always spend my marks on something else as I bored myself of ARs early on. I'm a Scout Rifle guy now. Best thing to do is YouTube search the particular weapon.
Well crap. I got sucky perk rolls on my raid chest piece.
Extra Auto Rifle and Shotgun ammo. :/ Maybe I won't invest the shards...
The Vendor For The People is good in PVP and PVE. It has more ammo than the game states, and has a 56 mag with field scout. Field scout is great for PVE and I take the stability upgrade for PVP. 20 damage per headshot but it shoots fast, same as Monte Carlo but actually more stable.
What's the best way to farm Black Was Idols? I'm going to need a lot...
What's the best way to farm Black Was Idols? I'm going to need a lot...
What's the best way to farm Black Was Idols? I'm going to need a lot...
Wake the hive on a higher level so there are majors and ultras.
I have 68 left and have to exchange about 30ish next week depending on what I get to get my last character to 32. Was worried I would have to as well
I gotcha, just realize we have not ran VoG ever since you got your vex D: maybe later this week?I'm not sure if it was posted. Just saying I read it.
Just waiting around for armor with better stats to my play style before I get my warlock to lvl32.I need 5 radiant shards to get my third character to 32.
Gotcha. My "Another NITC" is badass, rolled firefly. Headshot splosions for days.
Before hopping over to the One, I was a Handcannon guy on the PS4. Miss my Devil you Know.
Never really toyed with AR's, looking to have a bit of fun with them.
Got Red Death and Bad Juju, so Pulse Rifles are covered.
Switching characters and I'll join. Thanks.Anyone need Weekly for PS4? I'm at the boss room and it's quick 9 coins for you if you want it. Fireteam is public.
PSN - djblackice
Does the double bounty thing work if I just grab the bounties before I log out of the character, or do I have to finish them, and grab the second batch before logging off?
didn't have a single newschool void heavy, this thing will be the spiritual successor to my beloved corrective measure. woooooo
Ugh, I need an Exotic helmet to hit 32, but I only have Light Beyond Nemesis.
For Voidwalkers there are definitely alternatives, but what else is there for Sunbros? I'd rather have almost useless neutral perks than perks that only affect the other subclass.
According to data mining there's an exotic helmet called The Ram (?) which disorients enemies around you when you use radiance. This sound really great since I'm a big fan of the Titan helmet Saint-14. I'll definitely hunt this gem down once it's available.
Mine too, plus explosive rounds, things awesome but I have the last round in the chamber and its bugged because it thinks there's 20 rounds but there's only 19
I'm doing bounties, but if anybody needs one for hard mode VoG from Templar, invite me. I need that Fatebringer! PSN Tokunbo. I also have the Templar checkpoint.
For Voidwalkers there are definitely alternatives, but what else is there for Sunbros? I'd rather have almost useless neutral perks than perks that only affect the other subclass.
According to data mining there's an exotic helmet called The Ram (?) which disorients enemies around you when you use radiance. This sound really great since I'm a big fan of the Titan helmet Saint-14. I'll definitely hunt this gem down once it's available.
Does the double bounty thing work if I just grab the bounties before I log out of the character, or do I have to finish them, and grab the second batch before logging off?
http://kotaku.com/destiny-review-update-four-months-later-1678011068?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=SocialflowHas this been posted? Not sure how people feel about Kotaku...
In September, I said that Destiny was so brazenly exploitative that it was only natural that players would take every opportunity to exploit it right back. That remains the case.
The more I play, the more it seems like the studio's determination to shut down players' unsanctioned fun is misguided. It also feels oddly insecure, like Bungie isn't confident that their game is fun enough on its own, that they worry that if players are able to play it "wrong," to exploit loopholes to get better gear, that they'll eventually max out their inventory and quit altogether.
Great read and on point. A couple of highlights I find noteworthy.
It's a tough problem to tackle where the slow drip of loot is a major end-game factor. People will naturally commit to activities that they feel maximize their efficiency and the whole host of simple to exotic cheese methods is a means to that end. Like the article states, you can't "Patch the player". Any cheese that is fixed will lead to another. Everyone played it "The way it's meant to be done", probably dozen's of times. Now they just want the loot so who cares how it's done.
Any advice on Legendary AR's?
Looking to purchase one from Crucible. Maybe vanguard if they have a better offering.
Ya they do loot badly in this game. No trading and indeed a veritable trickle of loot... Today they gave out gifts, but of course their supposed random Rng gave me yet another duplicate scout rifle, but of course with worse perks than my current one.
I know random is supposed to be random but I continually only get crucible gear and duplicates, seems highly suspect
I got Apotheosis Vail & Skull of Dire Ahamkara. Sadly they both suck as Sunbro and I used them only to get my chars (got 2 Sunbros) as high light level as possible. Stopped using when I got CE Raid helmet (another one uses VanGuard helmet). One has HotPF and other has SP exotic chests.
As usual Sunbros are suffering for the armors.