Is the Eris Urn quest worth finishing guys? I've done up to Urzok but I kind of just don't give a damn, and it's taking up a bounty slot.
Is the Eris Urn quest worth finishing guys? I've done up to Urzok but I kind of just don't give a damn, and it's taking up a bounty slot.
I broke my new DS4 the same way I broke my last.
R2 doesn't come back up after pulling it, I have to manually push it up to fire my gun again.
Does anyone else have this issue with their controllers? I blame The Last Word and pulling the trigger too damn fast.
It failed me during a PVP match and I had to switch to Hawkmoon.
Is the Eris Urn quest worth finishing guys? I've done up to Urzok but I kind of just don't give a damn, and it's taking up a bounty slot.
Is the Eris Urn quest worth finishing guys? I've done up to Urzok but I kind of just don't give a damn, and it's taking up a bounty slot.
Just to see that stupid green notification go away makes it well worth itIs the Eris Urn quest worth finishing guys? I've done up to Urzok but I kind of just don't give a damn, and it's taking up a bounty slot.
If you need the 33 light gloves then yes. If not then no.
Just to see that stupid green notification go away makes it well worth it
I'm level 32. Was just wondering if it gave a significant chunk of rep.
I'm level 32. Was just wondering if it gave a significant chunk of rep.
Yeah but it reappears at Eris like if something is pendingCan I not just abandon it?
Does anyone have a gatekeepers checkpoint I can grab?
I need glimmer ):
maybe not as much a my regret of not buying Ruin WingsI'm really going to regret not purchasing Don't Touch Me lol...
Doing the lamps/pits with all was fun and exciting
I think I'm going to want to really try for flawless CE this weekend. The cheese fix won't make too much of a difference, but might as well get it done before the patch. I'll definitely be looking for your guys tips once you complete it.
I broke the L2 trigger on my controller and made a quick fix by regluing the broken plastic inside that holds the spring. Use Loctite Super Glue for fast bonding.
There's a little piece of plastic in there that's probably broken. I sent my back to Sony (~$7 shipping) and they replaced it.
The Urn quest gives like 100 or 175 Eris rep (I forget).
You can also abandon it midway and your progress will be saved (like for each phase, I don't think a phase progress stays).
I'll be on by 3 if anyone wants to help me run the weekly twice, if not I'll do it with random, my hands need that last word
BTW, I have like 100 motes of light, what am I doing with it?
Yeah but it reappears at Eris like if something is pending
The Urn quest gives like 100 or 175 Eris rep (I forget).
You can also abandon it midway and your progress will be saved (like for each phase, I don't think a phase progress stays).
Does the green icon ever go away? One of my alts still has it no matter how many times I abandon
The Urn quest gives like 100 or 175 Eris rep (I forget).
You can also abandon it midway and your progress will be saved (like for each phase, I don't think a phase progress stays).
Yeah to me this is the point of flawless. Working together as a team not just gaming the system to make things as easy as possible. Of course CE is such a broken mess I understand why people would want to take advantage while it's possible.
I'm happy to run flawless with people whenever there's a group going. I know I have a skewed bias for flawless considering I've run VoG flawless more than practically anyone on the planet... but it's hard to overstate just how easy CE flawless is.
Sorry I let you guys down. All I needed was to touch the plate and super to invisible, but that's when all the thralls rushed me each time. I can do it when I'm off remote play no problem or just do the whole section legit.Seriously hearing Macello without actually seeing him is nerve-wrecking lol
I'm really going to regret not purchasing Don't Touch Me lol...
Thanks lol. It was scary as shit. Wouldn't be surprised if they are there for hard mode.
They are so much fun lol. The cooldown for invis is pretty much non-existent. I've soloed the lamp section quite a few times without cheese thanks to these gauntlets.
maybe not as much a my regret of not buying Ruin Wings
I have an exotic bounty in my slot (can't remember which weapon) which has tasked me with killing Guardians in the Crucible, it says I have to get 10,000 - wtf
I have an exotic bounty in my slot (can't remember which weapon) which has tasked me with killing Guardians in the Crucible, it says I have to get 10,000 - wtf
Just don't uh...go in a chest room with them...on a flawless run...yeah.
Damn. Thanks for the clarification.
Also I just saw the pure power of Hawkmoon in rumble. Destroyed a lot of people, those random bullets come in handy. And the range is amazing.
With the load out Hawkmoon/Secret Handshake/Hunger of Crota I was almost unstoppable.
It was amazing how being a Bladedancer hunter has been useful to me. I love it when Titans throw up their bubble. Also I'm getting use to blinking around. It is great for throwing people off, getting close and shotgunning or backstabbing strike if you get behind them.
10,000 points, not Guardians.I have an exotic bounty in my slot (can't remember which weapon) which has tasked me with killing Guardians in the Crucible, it says I have to get 10,000 - wtf
Once it's fixed then be regretful lol.
10,000 points have no worries![]()
Rapidly landing makes it sound as if it's consecutive. Besides hits with Hive Disruptor are white which aren't crits which is why White Nail doesn't proc on the BH. Hopefully it's fixed before hard mode is out.
Is the Eris Urn quest worth finishing guys? I've done up to Urzok but I kind of just don't give a damn, and it's taking up a bounty slot.
ya haha some of my friends abandoned that quest without knowing too,,, you do NOT have to get 10000 kills... for that they would have to give you a laser-gjallahorn.
it's ten thousand points, took me about 3-4 hours iirc
Even better. I need to get on it to get to rank 4.Urn quest gives 375 with the NF bonus. Last three parts give 125 each.
Wait a second. So i can abandon it and pick right back up where I left off whenever I feel like it? Gamechanger.
I guess if you grind IB next week you can use it to re-roll weapons you get in it. I might actually play IB this time, since I've never gotten any of the weapons and I have a bunch of motes because there haven't been exotic engrams worth taking a chance on.
Interesting that they didn't bother fixing it with the patch on Tuesday
Yeah to me this is the point of flawless. Working together as a team not just gaming the system to make things as easy as possible. Of course CE is such a broken mess I understand why people would want to take advantage while it's possible.
I'm happy to run flawless with people whenever there's a group going. I know I have a skewed bias for flawless considering I've run VoG flawless more than practically anyone on the planet... but it's hard to overstate just how easy CE flawless is.
Sorry I let you guys down. All I needed was to touch the plate and super to invisible, but that's when all the thralls rushed me each time. I can do it when I'm off remote play no problem or just do the whole section legit.
12 Crota's End clears and next week will be the first time I do the Deathsinger section.